Führung und Management (German Edition)
For the Alexander von Humboldt Lectures every year a number of scientists are invited to Nijmegen for a period of about one week, to give lectures on selected themes relevant for the current debates within Human Geography and to discuss theoretical and practical issues with the members of the department and with a broader audience. In his talk with the title "Applied sciences as productive misunderstandings" David Seidl addressed the criticism on the lack of relevant knowledge within social sciences in general and management studies in specific.
We would like to invite you to watch his talk online here. We are looking for a master student to support our bachelor lecture change management.
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You will support Prof. Seidl in preparing and delivering the lecture, including revising the lecture material, posting relevant material on OLAT and answering students' emails and questions on OLAT. This year's topic is "Next Society's Systems Theory" and is aimed at young scholars interested in Niklas Luhmann 's social systems theory as well as its further development. The course is split into five days each featured by a different scholar or scholars: As the number of seminar participants is limited we encourage you to register no later than 31st March.
For more detailed information please have a look at the flyer. We say "thank you" to everybody, who has been involved and helped us making it happen! We are proud and honored at once to announce that David Seidl and his team won the third price for best teaching within the Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology. The award, which is annually granted, is the result of a lot of work we invested into permanently improving our course BWL II in specific and the rest of our courses and seminars in general.
This year's Christmas Dinner took place at three different places. We started at Katharina Dittrich's place for the aperitif, for the main dish we went to Felix Langenmayr's place and last but not least we went to Violetta Splitter's place for dessert and drinks. As you might can see we had a lot of fun! How do people with divergent views manage to live together? Central to this stream of research are the concepts of conventions, orders of worth, tests and justification that have a great potential to advance several lines of inquiry in organizational theory.
The Economies of Worth model has recently been extended and developed to analyze the emergence of environmentalism, the dynamics of capitalism and the possibility to build a pragmatic sociology of critique. These extensions will be briefly presented, as well as several applications of the odel to organization and management theory. Yesterday, Marcel Megerle a consultant of the WeissmanGruppe and an expert on strategy, leadership and succession planning of family businesses visited our seminar on family business.
During his talk in the bachelor seminar, organized by Violetta Splitter and Katharina Dittrich , he provided impressive examples of how leadership and succession at family business work - and sometimes don't work. His experiences illustrated nicely the clash of the emotional system of the family and the rational system of the firm, with which family businesses have to deal professionally. We would like to introduce to you our new student assistants Alice Hengevoss right and Johanna Stephan left.
Both are working for our chair since the beginning of this semester. Alice studies economics in her seventh semester and is especially interested in behavioral economics and business ethics. Next to her studies she is volunteering for the aid project "Children's Garden Home and School" in Kenya. Johanna studies cultural analysis major as well as administrative science and gender studies minor.
HR Pioneers GmbH - Off to the world of agility!
She is now in her third semester of her master studies and is especially interested in management cultures as well as organizational culture. Next to her studies she is part of the editorial board of Bozzetto , a magazine for arts and culture. We wish both an interesting and exciting time at our chair! The Strotz AG is a years old family business and the leading producer of umbrellas in Switzerland. Together with Violetta Splitter and Katharina Dittrich , 16 bachelor students of our family business seminar visited the Strotz AG in Uznach and were able to gain interesting and deep insights into the Strotz family, the business of producing umbrellas and how Edgar Strotz 4th generation and Roman Strotz 5th generation are able to combine family and business.
From October 13th to 15th twenty-one PhD students from a range of different disciplines and Universities came together to discuss their work. The top scholars also shared their experiences in publishing and their personal views on what's hot in management research, how to manage an academic career and how to balance it with family and friends. In addition, there was ample time for networking during coffee breaks, lunches and a Swiss fondue.
We thank the University of Zuich, the top scholars and all participants for making this a successful and inspiring event. Our Researcher in Residence Katarina Sikavica published a newspaper article on ownership structure and say-on-pay in Swiss firms. Instead, if anything at all, we may expect a higher pay-performance-sensitivity along with occasional mobilization of minority shareholders and other stakeholders.
The article has been published in " Finanz und Wirtschaft " and refers to the current debate in Switzerland on the height of top management payments. The full article is available here. During the past 12 years Marianna has worked in leading roles in listed Finnish companies, until she decided to relocate with her family to Switzerland in February and to take a break from the corporate life to complete her PhD studies.
During the time at our Chair, Marianna will work on the data collection for her dissertation on creating value through procurement: We wish all students a good start to the upcoming autumn term ! We hope you all have a fruitful and successful semester and are looking forward to meet some of you in one of our seminars or lectures! We are happy to announce our new fellowship program for master or advanced bachelor students interested in research and an academic career. Fellows will gain first-hand insights into the life and work of a researcher and receive individual one-on-one mentoring by a research associate of the Chair.
If you are interested, you can find more information here. Since the beginning of August Moritz Schellenberger from the University of Hamburg is our new researcher in residence. Moreover he has been a visiting scholar at the University of California , Berkeley. His research interests are social networks in general and innovation and knowledge management in specific.
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During his time at our chair he works on a paper with the working title: Absorptive and desorptive capacity in inter-organizational collaboration". We wish him an inspiring and successful time at our chair! The workshop is aimed at young scholars pursuing academic careers in the field of management. It brings together these scholars with top researchers through formal discussions and informal social interaction and networking.
Floyd and the top scholars he has selected will share their knowledge on management studies and their vast publication experience. Participating doctoral students are invited to present papers for development and publication preparation, orproject ideas for feedback from the experienced scholars. We invite you to submit full papers or an extended abstract and your CV to Katherine Caves katherine. The submission deadline is September 1, For more detailed information please click here. We are proud to announce that our chair has a new team member! Mya just joined our team this summer.
She is doing a traineeship and is already perfectly trained in "classical conditioning", "non-associative learning" and "operant conditioning". During her traineeship she reports to Andrea Huber and is responsible for sleeping and security issues. We wish her a great and inspiring time at our chair and are looking forward to take her for a walk! We offer two exam checks on Sept 25th and Sept 26th both between If you want to have a look at your exam please send an email to Karen Ariane Schweg before Sept 13th for registration and state which date and time you would prefer. This years "Summer Magic Mountain" - our so called strategy workshop - brought us to Bern.
Our colleague Maike Dreuth , who still lives in Bern , organized a boat trip on the river Aare. We started at Thun and then went down the river to Bern where our strategy workshop took place. It is always a fruitful time together with the whole team in order to discuss recent and upcoming topics for which we do not find the time during the daily work.
For more pictures of our boat trip please click here. In Sikavica's article with the title "Paradise Sold: Resource Partitioning and the Organic Movement in the US Farming Industry" the authors offer an answer to the question of how and when markets may partition in a stable way: Moreover we are glad to announce the following recently published or forthcoming papers:.
Our team presented their present research at the different sub-themes and got fruitful feedbacks for further improvements. To see your grade please click here. We offer exam check on Friday, July 12th and Monday, July 15th: We offer two exam checks on Sept 23rd and Sept 26th both between During her research stay, she is affiliated with Ann Langley and Linda Rouleau , who support her project on strategy education. It is a great opportunity for her to have an extensive exchange with other researchers and to discuss her project within this inspiring environment. The focus of the conference was on complex, multi-stakeholder settings which feature high levels of ambiguity, non-linearity, uncertainty and interdependence and asked whether new approaches to strategy and strategic management are required to deal with such settings.
On the photo you could see our conference delegation together with the two conference program co-chairs Robert MacIntosh and Donald MacLean. Do you find the Scots? To foster collaboration with our team, Paul on the photo next to David presented his current working paper "What are you talking about? In addition, Paul investigates the role of artefacts in strategizing activities, such as strategy tools or spreadsheets. We wish him a great time at our chair! We offer an interesting and challenging master thesis in cooperation with Ringier AG.
Since the digitalization of media content the media industry in general and the print media sector in specific struggle with the monetization of new media content. The master thesis aims to explore the challenges of new media in order to adjust the losses in the print sector. More detailed information could be found here.
Last Thursday Deloitte hosted our annual semester party. Once again the students took the opportunity to chat with consultants to learn more about this exciting profession. Many thanks to Deloitte for this great evening! If you want to learn more about our management talents program, which offers a range of extracurricular workshops and seminars for motivated and performance-oriented students, please check www. Nvivo is a software supporting qualitative and mixed methods research. For registration and further information on the workshop, please contact Sarah Murphy.
From today on Katarina Sikavica is our new researcher in residence. Kate is passionate about the notion of ownership in organizations. Beyond shareholdings and property rights, she wants to understand the cognitions and emotions underlying ownership of organizations and investigates the implications thereof for organizational members' behavior. Her research cuts across organizational layers to include investors, managers, and employees. This weekend our chair participated at the famous "SOLA Stafette" , which takes place every year in and around Zurich. It is an annual sports event and consists of 14 sections over a total distance of kilometers.
More than teams with around 12' runners participated this year. Our team with the name "Duracell Bunnies" achieved rang with an average speed of 5: We had a great time and are looking forward to the next SOLA in ! For more pics click here. The project focuses on three basic questions: Do we have gender differences in the research conditions at the UZH? Do we have gender differences in the social network behavior; and 3.
If differences in research conditions and social network behavior appear, are we able to explain the differences in conditions with the help of gender-specific network behavior? The results have the aim to evaluate former gender equality measures and if necessary help to improve them.
The project is part of the — action plans. Since August he is at Stanford and works on research projects related to organizational deviance and institutions, spaces of institutional work as well organizational routines. We are already looking forward to welcome him in Zurich this summer and wish him and his family a sunny and fruitful remaining stay in California! Today Martin Kornberger Copenhagen Business School , Denmark visited our chair to give a talk on strategy as performative practice. Within in his talk he focused on the relation between strategy-as-practice and its power effects in the context of the strategy project "Sustainable Sydney " executed by the City of Sydney.
Moreover he introduced us into topics like city-planning, new public management and the notion of performativity. We wish him a pleasant stay in Switzerland and thank him for his exciting talk!
Professor David Seidl and Team
We welcome our new team member Maike Dreuth! Maike just started in the beginning of March as research associate and PhD candidate at our chair. Maike holds a Bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Fribourg and received a Master's degree in industrial and organizational psychology from the University of Bern. In her master thesis Maike analyzed patient handovers at an hospital's emergency care unit with the help of qualitative as well as quantitative methods.

Within her PhD project she explores the role of meetings in the strategy process of organizations. We wish her all the best for her project and a fruitful and exciting time at our chair! This seminar was part of our distinguished scholars seminar series and designed to introduce us to the theory of power and resistance in general as well as in the context of organizations.
As power and resistance is a fruitful and broad concept all of us greatly benefited from this seminar. This project begins with the observation that there has been recent interest in conceptualizing institutional work as a collective phenomenon involving distributed agency. If institutional work — defined as the practices and activities related to creating, maintaining and disrupting institutions — involves spatially dispersed agents having access to different resources, the issue of where, how and with whom such work is performed is crucial since actors who may not have the legitimacy or the resources to operate in all settings at all times may be motivated to collaborate with others who can intervene in settings which would otherwise be difficult to access.
These collaborations and activities occur in spaces of institutional work. In this research project we intend to examine where, how and with whom actors work in order to shape regulative and normative institutions. We will develop an in-depth longitudinal case-study with embedded unit of analysis. We are glad that this research project got subsidized by the SNF. This years "Winter Magic Mountain" - our so called strategy workshop - took place in the Berner Oberland. Within these three days we discussed research and administrative related topics concerning our team.
In between we enjoyed the great skiing possibilities. This week Karen Golden-Biddle Boston University School of Management visited our chair and introduced us to the theory and craft of writing work that is based on qualitative data. The seminar was conducted as a "studio" in which we used our time together to collectively examine and experiment with what is involved in academic writing and to give feedback on our own texts and questions. Therefore the course has been divided in class sessions and writing consults.
Bo has been part of our team since the founding of the chair in Since then he has done an excellent job and we are really sorry to let him go. We wish all students a good start to the upcoming spring term ! Enjoy the semester and the hopefully upcoming spring!!! We offer two exam checks on Feb. If you want to have a look at your exam please send an email to Felix Langenmayr before Feb. Last Monday we had our first paper party in Together with Andreas Scherer and his team as well as Dominik van Aaken from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich we celebrated a number of recently published or forthcoming papers:.
We are looking forward to an exciting and successful and hope there will be some more paper parties! Looking for 4 tutors for our assessment lecture. We are currently looking for 4 highly motivated engaged tutors for our BWL II assessment lecture taking place in spring The tutors will support us with the OLAT forum, work with multiple choice questions and help with lecture materials. We had a great with many highlights like conferences in Helsinki or Boston, great seminars and lectures, awesome guests and student events.
We say "thank you" to everybody, who was involved and helped us making it happen! His seminar was part of our internal PhD colloquium and provided a general review of social movement research in the context of organizations and markets. Moreover Weber presented parts of his own research on social movements. In the afternoon some of us had the great opportunity to discuss with him their own research projects in order to get some inspiring comments. Thanks for coming and we wish him a great time here in Switzerland! This week our PhD Colloquium took place, within which all participating PhD students present their current research projects, as well as discuss additional papers.
We mainly focused our readings and discussion on papers referring to sociomateriality and practice theory. The colloquium took three whole days and in order to revitalise in between one paper session was organized as a so called "talk walk". The idea is that talking-while-walking enhances thinking in ways not attainable behind a desk or in a seminar sitting down. Typically you decide on a topic and potentially some reading before the seminar and then go for a walk in pairs or threes and talk about it. The groups switches every 15 or 20 minutes so you get to talk to different people e.
The feedback was throughout positive and insofar we could highly recommend this way of refreshing discussions! Practice theories constitute, in fact, a rather broad family of theoretical approaches connected by a web of historical and conceptual similarities. Accordingly while practice theories can offer a radically new way of understanding and explaining social and organizational phenomena, they can only be approached as a plurality.
Accordingly during the sessions we discussed three different ways to approach phenomena from a practice-based perspective: We very much appreciate his visit and his comments on our individual research projects! In his hands-on workshop we discovered the concept of competitive advantages and the role of designed social negotiation in strategy making. The workshop illustrated the power of a group support system in making strategy. Colin Eden is the author of 11 books and over peer reviewed articles in the field of strategic management, management science, problem structuring, group decision and negotiation, managerial and organisational cognition, collaboration, and project management.
During her research stay, she is affiliated with Richard Whittington and works primarily on her data analysis. It is a great opportunity for her to have an extensive exchange with other researchers and to discuss her findings within this inspiring environment. We wish her a great time at the oldest university in the English-speaking world. This years Magic Mountain - our so called strategy meeting, which takes place once a semester - took place at the Spitzingsee Bavaria.
We spend two days at the "Blecksteinhaus" , which is a nice little cabin in the middle of the beautiful bavarian alps. Within these two days we discussed our current projects and future aims as well upcoming tasks. In return for these two intensive working days we visited the "Wiesn" "Oktoberfest" in Munich, which is taking place at the moment.
Once again it was a fruitful strategy meeting and a great time with the whole team! This week Martha S. Feldman University of California, Irvine visited our chair to hold a seminar on qualitative data analysis. The workshop was designed to introduce Ph. The students learned using the analysis as a way not only to validate findings, but also to support creativity and imaginative theorizing.
The course was split into a seminar session in which the students discussed the different ways of analysing qualitative data and a "hands on" session in which the students used different techniques to discover features of their individual projects. We really appreciated this great opportunity to dig deeper into our data and say: We are proud of their achievement and wish them all the best for their future challenges! For more information please read the article. Pondy best paper award. Based on a longitudinal case study approach, this paper shows that the legitimation processes of technology diffusion in regulated environments is subjected to distinct power struggles manifested in different framing contests.
We wish him all the best for his nomination and are looking forward to the final results! Moreover our team had a great time in Boston and had been responsible for about ten presentations and talks at the conference. The symposium presents recent research discussing the prospects and challenges of attempts at making strategy research more relevant to management practice.
We are looking forward to this great possibility of exchange!
For more information please check here. This case challenge is a competition advertised by the the consulting and technology services company Accenture. The finals and awards ceremony took place on 5th and 6th July in Frankfurt. It is the first time in the history of this highly desired challenge that a team from the University of Zurich won the finals!
We encourage highly motivated students to take part in the next challenge, which is integrated in one of our seminars. Our team followed the invitation to the northern part of Europe to present our actual research projects. Next to this there have been a lot of other informal possibilities to connect with other researchers for discussing our present challenges and projects.
We had a great time in Helsinki and say "Thank you" to all the colloquium organizers! We offer exam check on July 27th and July 30th. If you want to check your exam please send an email to shenghui. Fourteen competitors started to play against each other, but only Patrick Haack 3rd place , Shenghui Ma , Peter Rosenkranz and David Seidl made it through the group stage.
In the final David Seidl struggled with Peter Rosenkranz, who won after 3 thrilling sets the tournament. We are looking for a semester assistent in the IT area from october 1st on. For more information please look here. This highly desired funding goes toward supporting superior PhD projects. Ma's project examines what new CEOs really do in the post-succession period. His research conceptualizes this period as two co-evolving processes of leader integration and strategic change. By longitudinal comparative case studies, his project aims to explore how the two processes co-evolve over time and how they shape organizational outcomes.
We wish him all the best for his project! His research interests are in between strategic management, organisational discourse and organisational change and development. We are looking forward to some exciting talks and wish him a pleasant time here in Zurich. Last Thursday Deloitte hosted our semester party. Once again the students took the opportunity to chat with consultants and to learn more about this exciting profession.
For more information please check: During the last two weeks members of the "Management Talents" joined two exciting workshops. The first workshop was hosted by PwC. Within this workshop the students got to know how to present in front of a client and were able to improve their own presentation skills.
One week later the students joined a workshop with ATKearney , where they got to know how job interviews work and how they could improve their chances within these interviews. For more information please check http: Last wednesday Michael Lounsbury from the University of Alberta visited our chair and gave a seminar on the "Origins and evolution of new institutionalist thought".
In the first part of the seminar he gave us a delightful insight into the origins and development of institutionalism. In the second part of the seminar we discussed current developments in institutional theory based on his book "The institutional logics perspective: A new approach to culture, structure and process".
This time we will have a special guest from St. If you are interested in this topic we would invite you to join us this Thursday, at Just write an email to katharina. We welcome our new researcher in residence Claus D. His research focuses on strategic management and organizational change in general and on discursive practices of strategizing and organizing in particular.
From June on he will explore how organizations in different pluralistic settings strive for the hard to attain balance between internal and external legitimacy as source of competitive advantage. We are looking forward to an exciting research stay and wish him a pleasant time here in Zurich! We welcome Julian Renninger as new student assistant. Julian is studying economics at the UZH for six semesters.
Next to his studies he is an active member of the student union and is highly interested in the japanese culture. We wish him an interesting and exciting time at our chair. We are very happy about our new look and name. Please visit us at our new homepage. We are also happy to receive promising applications from interested students. For further information please check www. Transformational and transactional leadership and perceived chronic stress: An empirical investigation across hierarchical levels.
Gender and Leadership Style: A field-study in different organizational contexts in Germany. The assessment of charismatic leadership: Validity of a German version of the Conger-Kanungo Scales. Relationship between transformational, transactional, and moral-based leadership: Results from two empirical studies. Effects of career-related continuous learning: The impact of personality on training-related aspects of motivation: Transformational and charismatic leadership: Individual influences on knowledge acquisition in a call center training context.
Effects of Instrumental Leadership on follower's levels and profiles of cortisol. What matters more for the job-satisfaction job-performance link: Instrumental, transformational, transactional, or laissez-faire leadership? Criterion-oriented validity of rivalling leadership styles in profit and non-profit organizations. The influence of leaders' commitment to change on the effectiveness of transformational leadership in change situations — A multilevel investigation. Transformational leadership and overall perceptions of safety.
Effects of Leadership on work-related Competencies. Leadership profiles explain incremental variance in outcome criteria. Transformational leadership in German professional soccer teams. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 16 3 , Zum Zusammenhang von berufs-, organisations- und laufbahnbezogenen Einstellungen sowie Transfermotivation und -leistung. Der Weg zur Leadership Excellence. Human Resources Manager, 5 2 , Personalmagazin, 15 4 , Financial Times Deutschland, Retrieved January 28th, , from http: Mitarbeiterbeurteilung — Gleiches mit Gleichem bewerten.
Bildungscontrolling mit System - eine Studie zur Personalentwicklung. Sprungmarken zum Hauptinhalt zum Nebeninhalt zur Hauptnavigation zur Bereichsnavigation zur Servicenavigation. Organisation Bormann, K. Personnel Review, 45 6 , Bormann, K. The Leadership Quarterly, 27 4 , Bormann, K. Leadership Quarterly, 24 2 , Leadership and Organizational Development Journal 32 6 , German Journal of Research in Human Resources, 25 3 , Journal of Religion and Health, 50, Journal of Personnel Psychology, 10 2 , Who Cares About Sustainability?
Climate change-exacerbated floods, droughts, and changes in precipitation patterns impact urban and rural communities around the world. This volume uses a systems approach to identify common barriers and bridges for climate change adaptation through water resources management. Essential approaches across the 20 diverse case studies include dialogue and multi-stakeholder collaboration. The easiest way to learn and apply CLI's methodologies in stakeholder collaboration and collective leadership is to participate in one of our open courses. Innovation is an individual or collective manifestation of future-oriented consciousness and not simply the product of an individual brain.
The Collective Leadership Institute contributes with inspirational speeches on the progress in global transformations. The Collective Leadership Institute's publications enable people to lead collectively, inspire them to participate in shaping the future, motivate them to make a difference and explain them how to co-create change in a collaborative way. Book Petra as a speaker. Stakeholder Dialoge erfolgreich gestalten.
The Art of Leading Collectively.
Empowering Young Professionals - How we can tap into the potential of a passionate generation. Shifting the Way We Co-create: Co-creation for Sustainability as a Societal Learning Journey. The Case of the African Cashew Initiative. A way to engage Stakeholders for Sustainability. Building competences for partnering: Making America Great Again! From Events to Collaborative Process; Huffington post. For Better or Worse: The World Is In Trouble: The 6 commandments of successful collaboration; Green Biz. Towards a governance of trust: Why is Stakeholder Collaboration So Important?