Foresta di fiori: 8 (Paesi, parole) (Italian Edition)
I nostri nomi diminutivi o disprezzativi ec. Lo stesso dico de' nomi e verbi francesi diminutivi o frequentativi o disprezzativi ec. E credo che anche lo spagn. E Saffo con tanta tenerezza canta la sua innamorata. Aggiungansi similmente gli spettacoli de' gladiatori, e l'altre barbarie romane ec. Prolato as in senso di differire ec. Luciano nel Dialogo di Menippo Amfiloco e Trofonio. Rechisi al detto altrove sopra l'opinione degli antichi circa i semidei, segno dell'alto concetto che avevano della natura umana.
Alterazioni de' temi greci, senza mutazione di significato. Troia per scrofa , del che altrove. Mi ricordo ancora aver trovato nella seconda parte del D.
Novelle e paesi valdostani by Giuseppe Giacosa
Fante per uomo adulto con tutti i suoi derivati e diminutivi ec. Infanterie non sembra che una corruzione di fanteria. Dell'antiche opinioni circa i semidei e gli eroi, delle quali altrove, vedi ancora il Dialogo di Diogene ed Ercole ne' Dial. Di questo italianismo del greco dico altrove. Vedilo ancora in Reviviscent. Come anticamente i francesi pronunziassero conforme scrivevano e in parte scrivono, vedi il cit. Anche de' frequentativi determinati ec. Mancano ancora de' verbi disprezzativi, vezzeggiativi ec.
Molti di quelli che io chiamo diminutivi positivati, si potranno chiamare in vece disprezzativi o vezzeggiativi o frequentativi ec. Imperfezione dell'ortografia italiana ne' passati secoli. Domenica terza di Quaresima. Servano di esempio le tante desinenze frequentative o diminutive o disprezzative ec. Le tante diminutive de' nomi ec. Nella quale abbondanza di coni la lingua nostra vince d'assai, non che le lingue sorelle, ma la latina e la greca, e forse qualunque lingua del mondo antica o moderna. Lixi-v-ia, lixi-v-ium - lexia o legia spagn. I francesi hanno anche tombe ant. Venire per essere a modo di verbo ausiliare, congiunto co' participii passivi degli altri verbi, s'usa non solo in italiano, anche antico, del che mi pare aver detto altrove, ma anche in ispagn.
Al detto altrove di sencillo diminutivo positivato, aggiungi sencillamente , e considerinsi siffatti avverbi anche negli altri nomi ec. Origliare, origliere da auricula. Diciamo anche, ed oggi meglio, orecchiare. Speculum-speglio antico e poetico. Nome aggettivo in luogo d'avverbio, del che altrove. Participii in us di verbi neutri. Licitus, licitum est o fuit dall'impersonale licet , come gavisus e gavisus sum dal personale gaudeo.
E queste frasi e la greca rispondono alla latina nisi o nisi si. Ri-v-us, ri-u-o - ri-g-agnolo ec. Diminutivi positivati Rivus - ruisseau e ruscello che sono in parte e sovente positivati. Dormido per dormiente fors'anche durmido. E in altre maniere. Domenica quarta di Quaresima. Notisi in proposito di questo e altri diminutivi positivati di Luciano, da me altrove segnati, che Luciano usa il linguaggio in gran parte familiare.
Nel detto luogo si parla del muro dell'acropoli o cittadella di Atene. In due di Omero Odiss. Non per tanto il luogo di Luciano e altri di Tucidide appo lo Scap. Aggiungi lo stesso Luciano in Reviviscentibus opp. Lens-lenticula lente, lenticchia ec. Come in italiano l' uomo per on franc. Moveo - moto, motito.
Al detto di acquistare in proposito di quisto, quaesitus ec. Altro per alcuno o ridondante, del che altrove. Gli altri l'usarono e l'usano senza certo aver mai neppure immaginato o sospettato quel che ei significhi in tali casi. Parlo egualmente de' grandi e de' piccoli, [] delle cose pubbliche e delle private, piccole relativamente e grandi. Questo pensiero si sviluppi. Ghiotto-glouton co' derivati, e anche noi ghiottoneria ec. In tanto , gr.
Al detto di moisson , diminutivo positivato di messis , aggiungi i derivati ec. La testuggine, l'elefante e altri animali tardissimi hanno lunghissima vita. Secondariamente, posto ancora che ella fosse uguale, a me par molto preferibile il consumare p. Ella riempie i 40, e lascia negli ottanta mille intervalli, gran vuoto, gran freddezza, gran languore.
Del che, senza il surriferito esempio, ho discorso particolarmente in altro pensiero. La coltura dell'intelletto fra l'altre cose cagiona in una persona stessa a proporzione de' suoi progressi, e coll'andar del tempo, una [] variazione singolarmente rapida e singolarmente grande. Chi non sa quanto i principii, le opinioni e le persuasioni influiscano e determinino i caratteri degli uomini? Bien o mal mirado per que bien o mal mira.
Anche noi diciamo in simil senso riguardato, mal riguardato, poco riguardato , ec. Festa di Maria SS. Del resto non solo etimologicamente ma anche presentemente donna significa pur signora in italiano, e donno, signore, padrone. Al detto di quisto, chiesto ec.
Conforme per conformemente , avv. Al detto degli aggettivi usati avverbialmente. Honrado per onorevole , come in ital. Al detto altrove d' ignotus per innotus aggiungi ignotitia p. Vedilo anche in innotus. Le persone avvezze a versarsi sempre al di fuori, esclamano naturalmente anche quando sono solissime, se una mosca le punge, o si versa loro un vaso o si spezza; quelle assuefatte a convivere con se medesime, e ritenersi tutte al di dentro, anche in grande [] compagnia, se si sentono cogliere da un accidente non aprono bocca per lamentarsi o chiedere aiuto.
Comidos y hebidos, como suele decirse. Non molto addietro ho notato in questi pensieri p. Questa naturale tendenza opera poi che il misero si persuade anche effettivamente di quello che egli immagina, e quasi desidera che sia vero. Notisi che de' diminutivi positivati delle lingue moderne altri hanno la diminuzione latina e questa o sonante diminuzione anche nelle lingue moderne o no, altre la diminuzione moderna affatto e non latina Senza per oltre vedi i franc. In tal caso la positivazione de' diminutivi sarebbe anche propria dell'attico in particolare. I latini dicono rhaphanus.
I piaceri vivi sono anche manco piaceri. Nel Secolo di Luigi Nocte pluit tota ec.? Vedi in Luciano tra i Diall. Non solo in franc. Si dice anche in ispagn. L'ubbriachezza accresce le forze non solo radicalmente, ma eziandio negativamente per l'uso, che ella impedisce o turba, della ragione. Il detto de' pazzi dicasi proporzionatamente de' disperati. A proposito dei verbi in are fatti da quelli della 3.
Nota che questi sono diminutivi aggettivi. Anche i latini nominavano be ce ec. Toscana, il qual vedi, e v.
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Interim Interea non hanno mai questo senso nel Forcell. Puoi vedere il Gloss. Onde corrottamente gl'italiani moderni dicono e scrivono intanto, frattanto per nondimeno. Al detto altrove circa il nostro uso italiano di adoperare pleonasticamente e per idiotismo e grazia di lingua il pronome si, mi, ti , dativo, uso che abbiamo pur trovato nell'antico e familiare latino, aggiungi che noi italiani adoperiamo detto pronome in molti verbi neutri, o attivi, che quando sono congiunti con esso, mal si chiamano da' grammatici e vocabolaristi, neutri passivi, come dimenticare che anche si dice dimenticarsi col genitivo o accusativo o col che ec.
Del resto la detta ridondanza del si, mi, ti , dativo, credo sia anche comune in genere ai francesi e agli spagnoli. Come la fisonomia degli uomini, e animali sia determinata dagli occhi, secondo il detto altrove, osserva che se tu disegni un volto umano o animalesco e non vi poni gli occhi, tu non vedi punto che fisonomia abbia quel volto, e appena senti se ben conosci che sia un volto. Come ignotus per innotus ec. Nascere per accadere del che altrove. Oltre che anche nella prima v'ha molti supini e participii passati in itus , de' quali altrove, come domitus ec.
Anche l' ae in i. Il verbo stare , che ha tanta relazione al verbo esse per l'uso, pel significato, alcune volte sinonimo ec. Anche i composti e derivati di sto come exsto, exstantia, substantia, substantivus, substo ec. Fello-fellico as, fellito as. Riferiscasi al detto altrove in proposito di quaeritare, quaesitus, quisto ec. Chi mi sa spiegare questa contraddizione in natura? Aggiungasi al detto altrove in questo proposito. Ai frequentatativi in esso altrove notati, aggiungi petesso o petisso da peto , del quale v.
Nei frammenti delle poesie di Cicerone massime in quelli delle sue traduzioni di Arato, che si trovano principalmente citati da lui, come nei libri de Divinat. Vedine la definizione nel Forcell. Il diminuimento spagnuolo in ico ica dee venire dal lat. Uso proprio di tutte tre le lingue figlie. Anche causa si dice in italiano e in francese ec. Premo-pressum-presser, pressare co' derivati. Aggiungilo al detto altrove de' composti oppressare, soppressare ec.
Si riprende l'uomo che non sia mai contento del suo stato. Rodo-rosum-rosicchiare, rosecchiare, rosicare volg. Questo si osserva per lo meno in quasi tutti i generi anche vegetali. Buffon, nel capitolo, se non erro, della Vecchiezza. Gli spagnuoli harda, hardilla.
En tanto in ispagnuolo del che altrove o spesso o sempre vuol dire infino a tanto , come nelle Novelas exemplares di Cervantes p. Retinere per ricordarsi , come in ital. Inconsideratus per non considerans, qui considerare non solet. Cieo cies civi citum diverso da cio iis ivi itum [] co' suoi composti, aggiungasi ai verbi della seconda che hanno il perfetto in vi , e il supino in itum breve, de' quali altrove. Exanimus e inanimus debbono esser contrazioni di exanimatus e inanimatus , che pur si trovano. Similmente semianimus di un semianimatus dal semplice animatus. Innumerus debb'esser contrazione di un innumeratus dal semplice numeratus , con significato d' innumerabilis , come invictus per invincibilis e tanti altri simili, di cui altrove, e v.
Queste contrazioni aggiungansi al detto d' inopinus necopinus ec. Il tale rassomigliava i piaceri umani a un carcioffo, dicendo che conveniva roderne prima e inghiottirne tutte le foglie per arrivare a dar di morso alla castagna. E soggiungeva che esso non volendosi accomodare a roder le foglie si era contentato e contentavasi di non gustarne alcuna castagna.
E soggiungeva che esso non si potendo accomodare a ingoiarsi le foglie ec. Idiotismo comune al greco e italiano. Vedi Creuzer Meletemata e Disciplina antiquitatis Lips. E la mutazione della coniugazione dalla prima nella terza, sarebbe appunto come nei composti di do del che pure altrove anch'esso monosillabo come sto. E quanto al significato e all'uso ec. Il tale diceva non esser ben detto quel che si afferma comunemente che basta l'apparenza p.
Affermare , dove allegando il Bocc. Chi che si fosse, qual o qualche se ne fosse la cagione, qual si sia o qualsisia, non so chi si fosse che ec. Pesado per pesante, que pesa , tanto nel proprio come nel figurato.

Onde ci bisogna rinunziare alla credenza o di questa o di quelle. E in ambo i modi rinunzieremo alla nostra ragione. Cervantes Novelas exemplares, Milan A proposito di quel che ho scritto altrove sopra un luogo di Donato ad Terent. En el entretanto que. Altro per nulla ec.
Caro Lettera a nome del Guidiccioni, lett. Hasta tanto come in ital. Illustratus per illustris , il participio per l'aggettivo. Il tale negava che si potesse amare senza rivale. Vigilia della Festa del Corpus-Domini. Qua spetta il nostro idiotismo sempre comune tra noi, massime nello scritto, dal a oggi, di aggiungere il si dativo al verbo essere. Experimentado per esperto , come noi sperimentato ed esperimentato , del che altrove. Altro per nulla, cosa alcuna. Thomas Essai sur les Femmes. Anche nomen viene da nosco.
Callado per tacente , come tacitus da taceo-itum , del [] che altrove. Dilettare-dileticare coi derivati ec. Ogni potenza dell'anima si estingue colla speranza. Sacrificandosi ancora agli altri, non d'altronde egli ne aveva la forza se non da questo ritorno e rivolgimento sopra di se. Notinsi in questo verbo due cose. La derivazione manifesta dal greco, e la forma diminutiva o frequentativa. Festa della Visitazione di Maria Santissima. Festa della Visitazione della Beatissima Vergine Maria. Anche tra i greci fu in uso in certi luoghi lo spettacolo di combattenti mercenarii.
Luciano sulla fine del Toxaris sive de Amicitia, opp. Domenica infraottava della Visitazione. Il titolo di divino divinamente ec. Al detto altrove circa l'uso latino conforme all'italiano di usare pleonasticamente il pronome dativo sibi , v. E quel che dico dell'anima dico degli altri enti immateriali, compreso il Supremo. Scapula e Luciano opp.
Vi saranno ancora altri simili esempi da simili nomi. Anche in greco i derivativi sono sempre, se non erro, dal genitivo o noto o ignoto, o di un dialetto o comune ec. Descansado , che ha riposato, detto di persona. Cervantes, Novelas exemplares, Milan. Del bello esterno come sia relativo vedi un luogo insigne di Cicerone De Natura Deorum 1. Capella, capretta coi derivati, metafore ec. Al detto altrove delle porpore ec. Coltare, coltato da colo-cultum. Amaricare frequentativo alla latina, come fodicare ec.
Giacomo Apostolo, mio omonimo. Vigilia di San Giacomo Apostolo. Chorea, carola, caroletta , quasi choreola. Inauditus per qui non audit. Odorus, inodorus per qui odoratur ec. Un altro italianismo vedilo ib. Clepo-cleptum onde clepso is , ben potrebbe esser esso l'origine del gr. Dell'amor dei vecchi alla vita v. Laus vitae , e massime il luogo di Licofrone. Festa di San Lorenzo Martire.
Dissimulatus in senso attivo. Omisso per que omite, trascurato. Vigilia dell'Assunzione di Maria Santiss. Al detto di quaerito. Al detto di vermiglio. Verbo diminutivo o frequentativo.
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Uomo ben considerato , per savio, prudente ec. Delle idee concomitanti annesse a certe parole, del che dico altrove, v. Dell'influenza della letteratura e filosofia sulla lingua, e della formazione della lingua latina ib. Delle vicende della lingua francese, v. Pendo-penso as, pesare, pesar, peser.
Dispettare, rispettare, respecter ec. E mille altri esempi se ne trovano negli antichi, chi ha pratica di loro ed osserva bene. Porzio Congiura de' Baroni ec. Festa di Maria Vergine Santissima Addolorata. Sedeo es, sido is - sedo as. Necessitado per bisognoso, que necessita. Diciamo volgarmente quanto per solo , come un po' d'acqua quanto per estinguere la sete ec.
Di tal frase greco-italiana, altrove. Turbo-tourbillon , diminutivo positivato. Simulato, dissimulato, disimulado ec. Voci latino-barbare usitate negli annali antichi e carte antiche pubbliche di Recanati, per facchino ec. Non solo, come ho detto altrove, nessun secolo barbaro si credette esser tale, ma ogni secolo si credette e si crede essere il non plus ultra dei progressi dello spirito umano, e che le sue cognizioni, scoperte ec.
Provveduto per provvido, provvidente.
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Della invenzione dell'uso del fuoco, della quale ho parlato altrove, quanto fosse difficile e tarda ec. Risentito, sentito in senso neutro. Issuto, essuto , antichi participii italiani per stato del verbo essere. Aggiungansi al detto altrove di suto, sido ec. Festa del Patrocinio di Maria Santissima. Poliziano Orfeo atto I, ed. Esoso in senso attivo. Casa Galateo capo 1. Abundado , voce antica spagnuola per abbondante.
Saavedra Faxardo, Idea de un principe politico Christiano, Amsterdam Privus per privatus , participio. Contemtus nello stesso senso. Beritola e dei cavriuoli. Andava disposto di fargli vituperosamente morire. Trasandato per negligente, che trasanda. Vigilia della Venuta della S. Pseudo-Luciano nella fine del Philopatris. Altro per alcuna cosa o per nulla in senso di aliquid. Sfondare-sfondolare coi derivati ec. Soverchiare, soperchiare , quasi superculare , da supero as che vale lo stesso.
Honoratus, honorate per onorevole, onorevolmente , come in italiano. Honorus per honoratus in senso di honorabilis honorificus. Corpusculum per corpus , sebbene con qualche significanza diminutiva o dispregiativa. A proposito di quello che altrove ho detto p. Dissero i nostri antichi anche di ricapo. Ricordano Malespini Cronica o Storia Fiorentina ed.
Vedi pure il Gloss. Le prime sillabe di chri-stianisme e di cry-pte si pronunziano al modo stessissimo. Il che per ambe le parti accade spessissimo in francese in inglese ec. Trovasi nella storia commentizia d'Apollonio Discolo cap. Voltaire opere scelte, Londra Venezia Vi si cita Eudosso rodio. Verbi attivi richiedenti l'accusativo, usati col genitivo al modo italiano, francese ec. Nel detto Antigono c. Gerere - belli-gerare, fami-gerare ec. Il Villani nel luogo parallelo lib.
Ferramenta, vasellamenta , e simili, da' nomi in ento. Discordato per discordante, discorde. Cinta plurale di cinto. Porfiado per que porfia. Profuso per che profonde. Obliviscor da un perduto verbo oblivio-obbliare per obbliviare , mangiato il v al solito, e congiunti i due i in uno, come obblio da oblivium. Che porto as venga da [] porrigo , contratto il suo porrectus in portus v.
Reprimo is - repressar spagn. Senza altro pane o biada per senza punto di pane o biada. Arrojado hombre, Uomo avventato. Comment prouvez-vous cette assertion? Par deux faits palpables: Bisogna distinguere tra il fine della natura generale e quello della umana, il fine dell'esistenza universale, e quello della esistenza umana, o per meglio dire, il fine naturale dell'uomo, e quello della sua esistenza.
L'uomo ama naturalmente e immediatamente solo il suo bene, e il suo maggior bene, e fugge naturalmente e immediatamente solo il suo male e il suo maggior male: E quel che dico dell'uomo intendasi di tutti i viventi. Molti antichi, come G. Gli enti sensibili sono per natura enti souffrants , una parte essenzialmente souffrante dello universo. Sentido de la perdita per que siente senziente, che si duole la perdida. Con che ella ha purificato gli animi, e ridottigli quanto alle cognizioni in uno stato simile al naturale, nel quale niuno o ben pochi esistevano dei pregiudizi che ella ha distrutto.
Una corona d'oro, che, secondo una tradizione degli Ungheri era discesa dal cielo, e che conferiva a chi la portava un diritto incontrastabile al trono. Esso consiste nella corona che portano. Tanta occasione ha l'uomo di farsi familiare il dolore. L'uomo speculativo e riflessivo, vivendo attualmente, o anche solendo vivere nel mondo, si gitta naturalmente a considerare e speculare sopra gli uomini nei loro rapporti scambievoli, e sopra se stesso nei suoi rapporti cogli uomini. Disonorato, Inonorato, Inhonoratus ec. Honorus, inhonorus per honoratus, inhonoratus. Innamorato per che innamora.
Ma poi che 'l dolce riso. Poi che per mio destino, stanza 5. Quando fra l'altre dame. Scalino - scala, scaglione ec. Tra via, per in via. Se Dio facesse altro di me , vale, facesse alcuna cosa, nulla. E del vecchio eramo come certissimi che prestatomi indubitata fede, ne dovesse andar la senza pensare altro. La padrona subito si spoglia, e senza pensare ad altro a nulla nel letto si corica.
Jean Molinet, Dicts et faits notables , p. Chi di noi sarebbe atto a immaginare, non che ad eseguire, il piano dell'universo, l'ordine, la concatenazione, l'artifizio, l'esattezza mirabile delle sue parti ec. Non vi pare che possa? Dite dunque un intelletto maggiore dell'umano un millone di volte, un bilione, un trilione, un trilione di trilioni. Lo stesso dico della potenza. Lascio anche stare le innumerabili imperfezioni che si ravvisano, non pur fisicamente, ma metafisicamente e logicamente parlando, nell'universo. Del resto quello che nella struttura ec. Anzi allora questo che noi chiamiamo ordine e che ci pare artifizio mirabile, sarebbe e se noi lo potessimo concepire, ci parrebbe disordine e inartifizio totale ed estremo.
Italianismo di Epitteto, Enchiridio, cap. Del resto amant stoici extenuandarum rerum causa, deminutiva Simpson not. Lascio le odi di Orazio e i libri di Ovidio, Tibullo, Properzio ec. Dove trovo nelle note: I ricchi Ateniesi per lusso usavano di tener servi negri. Visconti Museo Pio Clem. In questo senso bisogna intendere quel luogo di Epitteto Enchirid. E comandolle che senza altro nulla dire, per sua propria l'allevasse. Noi speriamo sempre e in ciascun momento della nostra vita.
Durant antico poeta francese, ap. Il genitivo per l'accusativo. Antico verbo francese, col suo derivato pilloterie , ap. Profusus per che profonde. Tutti nello stesso senso attivo. Da aggiungersi al detto altrove di retinere ec. Trafelato per che trafela, trafelante. Autore del poema La Passione di Cristo N.
Ronzino, ronzone , probabilmente diminutivi positivati. Antico verbo francese, portato anche nel Diz. Pouvoir - francese antico pooir , sostantivo, come si vede ib. Rado, rasum-raser francese, raschiare frequentativo-diminutivo quasi rasculare, raschiatura ec. Adulater , antico verbo franc. Additions et corrections du tome premier, page 8. Nonpareil , o non pareil v. Se gercer, s'entr'ouvrir par de petites fentes ou crevasses. Strascinare - strascicare, strascico ec. Similmente appunto noi diciamo grosso mercante, possidente grosso, famiglia grossa e simili, per ricca.
Timon, cest insigne et beau haysseur d'homme, qui, tant envieusement, mangea son pain seulet. Curata o corata coratella o curatella o coradella ec. Variato o vaiato, svariato, disvariato, divariato per vario o vaio Bologna. Notisi, oltre alla positivazione del diminutivo il cambiamento del v in g. I nostri antichi dissero anche uvola.
Scalprum, scalpro-scarpello coi derivati. Anche i verbi desiderativi o comunque li chiamino si formano dai supini. Agiato, agiatamente, disagiato ec. Marco, marca-marchio; marcare marchiare. Sarda-sardella , e noi volgarmente sardone. Adombrato neutro, per che adombra. Trasognato per che trasogna. Ghignare, sghignare - ghignazzare, sghignazzare. Strida, grida, pera, mela plur. Nubes, nube-nuvola, nuvolo, nugolo ec. Visco, viscoso, vesco, viscus o viscum-vischio, vischioso, veschio. Lens-lenticula; lente-lenticchia, lentille franc. Inviscare - invischiare ec.
Trombettare e strombettare , coi derivati. Tero is tritum-tritare ital. Al detto altrove di dicere-dicare aggiungansi i composti praedicare, dedicare ec. Gli uni sedare-fugare sono attivi, gli altri sedere-fugere neutri. Archytas Pythagoreus, de viro bono et beato ap. Quali regole sicure abbiamo, non per la lezione letterale ma per la grammaticale? Nulla ne sappiamo; e molto meno sappiamo in qual modo si abbiano da supplire. In questo in questa in quello in quella ec. Agatarsidae sic Samii in 4. Significano ambedue le voci lo stesso. Ignatius Liebel ad Archilochi fragm. Taso era nome di un'isola aggiacente alla Tracia.
A questo frammento di Archiloco il Jacobs fa questa osservazione. Propter montium iuga poeta sic appellasse videtur insulam. Plurimas partium corporis appellationes ad terrarum situm et conditionem significandam translatas diligenter collegit Eustath. Or notisi il nostro schiena d'asino o a schiena d'asino , detto di strade ec. Nec stat glacies iners Menses per omnes. Era frase usitata per esprimere le sventure ec. Causado per que causa.
Divertido per que divierte. O ter quaterque beati. Cavalca Specchio di croce, capit. Divenire-diventare da ventum sup. Cupio cupitum-cupitare, covidare, convitare Crus. Sic et insula Cos Il. Aristides de Neptuno t. Praxitelem Paria vindicat urbe lapis. Simili cause, simili effetti: Questi erano i tempi in cui Atene non era altro che quattro Plutar. E per legno , ib. Aerugo o rubigo o robigo-rouille. Severus Sophista Alexandrinus in Ethopoeiis editis a Galeo in libello cui tit. Summittere per mandare in alto; o vero submittere. Marceo o marcesco, marcitum; marcire, marcito marchitar spagn.
Sommo filosofo fu il Tasso pei suoi tempi quanto alla contemplazione. Ma chi meno di lui disposto per natura alla pratica della filosofia? E infatti chi meno filosofo di lui nella pratica, e nell'effetto che gli accidenti della vita producevano nel suo spirito? Viceversa chi meno filosofo in teoria che certi spensierati e imperturbabili e sempre lieti e tranquilli uomini, che pur nella pratica sono il modello e il tipo del carattere e della vita filosofica? E si potrebbe anzi dire che la mira, l'intenzione e la somma della filosofia teorica e de' suoi precetti ec.
Effetto che ella difficilmente ottiene. What steps is the Commission prepared to take in order to work with cyber security firms, such as Symantec, to assess the threat posed by groups such as Hidden Lynx? In developing policy, it takes into account all available information, including threat assessments and other information provided by the private sector and including by private security firms such as Symantec. It is designed to take a collaborative approach, cooperating with stakeholders across communities.
Private companies are invited to participate in the advisory groups to the EC3 and to provide information on threats and trends which can then be used to inform Member States of specific threats and modi operandi. To this end, they have launched an EU-China cyber taskforce, which has met twice to date and whose objectives include working on developing norms for state behaviour and promoting the applicability of existing international law in cyber space.
Mais nous ne pouvons pas risquer de payer le prix de l'inaction. Indeed, xenophobia and intolerance are still all too common in Europe. Populist parties are on the rise in many European countries, and their messages are imbued with xenophobic, nationalist and protectionist ideas. The warning signs were, unfortunately, visible in the past. However, we cannot risk paying the price of inaction. The voices of those who stand up for open-mindedness and tolerance are too quiet. As Europeans, as democrats, as people deeply committed to protecting human rights, we have a duty to meet this challenge and to stand up for the rights of individuals and democracy.
Every day we must promote an open and tolerant society, a European society of successful diversity. Does the Commission support our idea of creating a pact for a Europe of diversity and a Europe committed to combating racism? The greatest threat to any society is not the harm caused by people with bad intentions.
The greatest threat is when honest citizens stay silent. That is why we support Minister Kyenge in our common fight against xenophobia and intolerance. In addition to legislation, the Commission makes use of other instruments to combat racism. The Commission lends its support to activities to prevent acts of intolerance. The Commission supports work aimed at raising awareness on the rights and obligations of citizens, and provides assistance for capacity building through national equality bodies. Furthermore, the Commission facilitates the exchange of good practices and the Fundamental Rights Agency collects and disseminates data on racism and xenophobia.
Under what conditions exactly does President Barroso believe he can eradicate poverty? In the context of the discussions about the future development agenda after the Millennium Development Goals, one of the major questions is how ambitious a post framework should be. Recent evidence suggests that a number of transformational shifts for example technological progress, economic transformation, increased trade volumes have made it possible for global extreme poverty to be eradicated by — if all countries remain committed to achieving this goal.
The checks allow companies to make sure they are not using or trading natural resources that are funding violence. Should it not require EU-based companies to carry out supply chain checks that meet international due diligence standards developed by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development? Does it agree with us that the legislation should apply to all natural resources originating in any conflict-affected or high-risk area? Should the legislation not take a risk-based approach that considers impacts on individuals and communities?
Should the Commission not update its legislation in order to strengthen governance and encourage security sector and mining reform in natural resource-rich developing countries? Lastly, should the Commission not urgently pass a strong law to prevent European businesses fuelling conflict and human rights abuses through their purchases of natural resources, such as tin, gold and diamonds? The Commission is currently preparing a comprehensive EU supply chain initiative for responsible sourcing of minerals originating from conflict-affected areas. The proposal would aim at further spreading the use of risk-based due diligence in accordance with the OECD Guidance.
Moreover, the Commission is carefully assessing the impact of the comprehensive EU initiative on relevant conflict areas, including on local communities and the miners' livelihood, how the initiative will enable and promote responsible sourcing from conflict-affected areas and how the disincentive to engage in such sourcing that has been associated with existing legislative initiatives can be avoided. This major revenue shortfall is apparently due not only to fraud, but also to statistical errors and business insolvencies. Despite this, they recognise that the loss in VAT revenues is a reality and should not be played down.
In its opinion, what aspects are preventing its anti-fraud plan from rectifying the situation? The methodology for the study follows the methodology used by Reckon in the report of , but introduces some noticeable improvements. This methodology is supported by relevant literature and it has been used by the United Kingdom, which is the Member State with most experience in the calculation of tax gaps. Moreover, in order to make sure the results were as accurate as possible, the Commission consulted Member States and gave them the possibility to correct any imprecisions in the data used for the assessments.
The report confirms the disparities in the share of the VAT gap in the GDP of the different Member States, revealing that some Member States still have a lot to do to address this important problem. It also confirms that an increase in VAT rates leads to an increase in the VAT gap, thus hampering the aim of obtaining additional revenue intended by such tax rises.
When analysing the most recent years of the period covered by this study, it cannot be ignored that these coincided with a severe economic and financial crisis. It is natural to assume that the increase in the VAT gaps would have been even higher if it were not for the different anti-fraud measures introduced on the basis of proposals from the Commission. The Commission believes that the changes in the VAT legislation together with continued efforts by national Tax Administrations will result in the sustained reduction of VAT gaps over the coming period.
In four out of five cases, the companies concerned benefited from concluding price-fixing agreements or sharing the market between them, even if they were forced to pay a fine of several million euros as a result. How does it explain the gap between small fines and huge profits gained by fraudulent means? Will it rethink its approach to this issue in the light of these figures? The fight against cartels is a clear Commission priority which requires strong enforcement by the Commission and national competition authorities, as well as proportionate and sufficiently deterrent sanctions.
Although it is inherently difficult to measure actual profits against fines the Commission has a number of indications that its fines and enforcement actions have a significant deterrent effect. This includes the successful leniency programme and the steady increase of sophisticated compliance efforts by companies. Also, Commission cartel decisions are often the basis for private damage actions before national courts which increases the costs of the cartel offenders and, hence, deterrence. As noted in the study referred to by the Honourable Members, faster procedures could further strengthen deterrence.
With the introduction of the so-called settlement procedure in , the duration of the administrative proceedings has been reduced. At the same time, the Commission's resource situation has a direct impact on the cartel detection rate and the duration of procedures. Only a handful of options, which would be easier for Israel to accept, were identified. Israel says it cannot sign EU grant papers saying that East Jerusalem, for example, is part of Palestine at the same time as negotiating final borders with Palestine in the talks that are currently taking place.
There will be further meeting s. Not all of the media reporting has been accurate. The guidelines serve to clarify the existing EU position and in no way prejudge the outcome of peace negotiations. The EU fully supports the resumption of the direct negotiations between the parties and will recognise changes made to the borders once agreed by both parties.
The application of the guidelines will be translated into the agreements on Israel's participation in EU programmes to be put in place from As negotiations are ongoing, the Commission is not able to comment on specific details. POZE , and specifically to the possibility of further changes being made thereto. The other older EU Member States have not reduced charges for industry; however, in such countries the level of support for renewable energy sources is much lower.
However, this has not occurred and is not expected to happen earlier than autumn Some other Member States — not coincidentally, these were smaller Member States — encountered similar delaying tactics from the Commission in the first six months of as they attempted to defend their existing RES support schemes Slovenia or to notify an entirely new RES support scheme Austria. The Commission also launched an investigation into Germany two years after that Member State introduced differentiated electricity prices for large consumers.
So far no investigation has even been launched into France, which also protects its industry from having to pay RES charges. Within the framework of EU State aid control, Member States have wide discretion as to how to achieve the renewables targets and how to design support systems, for example with respect to eligible costs and beneficiaries.
The Commission is, however, currently reflecting on guidance to be addressed to the Member States on how to reform and improve their renewables support schemes and is in the process of revising the Environmental state aid Guidelines. The objective is to make state aid more efficient and less distortive, in particular avoiding the fragmentation of the internal energy market.
Therefore, the Commission is still at the stage of assessing the scheme and expects to take a decision before the end of According to witnesses, the soldiers hurled sonic grenades before converging on the European diplomats and hauling them away. The European Union has always firmly stressed the importance of ensuring the unimpeded passage of humanitarian aid and compliance with the Geneva Convention regarding protection of the inhabitants of occupied territories, a principle clearly being flouted by the Israeli Government in its dealings with Palestine. While the European Union welcomes the reopening of peace negotiations, incidents such as the above merely serve to undermine the process and raise serious doubts as to the depth of Israeli commitment to finding a solution.
Regardless of the outcome of the talks, however, Israeli authorities have an obligation to comply with the provisions of international law, including those relating to diplomatic immunity and human rights. What action does the High Representative intend to take to ensure the safe passage of humanitarian aid for Palestine and compliance by Israel with international humanitarian law? EU officials were in contact with the Israeli authorities throughout the incident.
The EU attaches great importance and will continue to insist on the principle of unimpeded humanitarian access as demonstrated by the presence of EU diplomats at the scene. The safety of humanitarian workers in delivering aid must be safeguarded. The Association Agreement AA is the legal basis of our ongoing dialogue with the Israeli authorities.
The EU will continue to use all opportunities afforded by the dialogue that takes place at different levels within the framework of the AA to raise issues of concern. The EU will also continue to monitor developments closely, including through continued observation of humanitarian assistance delivery and monitoring of communities threatened by eviction through its delegation in East Jerusalem.
The Member States are said to be concerned about the direction the debate is taking. An impact assessment on targets will be published later this year. What is the current situation with regard to this point? Can the Commission confirm that the European econometric energy model PRIMES omitted to show the cost-saving effects of energy savings and renewables policies, such as increased property values from building renovations , and lower healthcare bills and climate-related costs? As announced in the Commission's recent work programme for , the Commission will publish concrete proposals for a Climate and Energy Framework in the beginning of As a general rule, the Commission does not comment on details of initiatives, including on aspects relating to the analysis underpinning the accompanying Impact Assessment, until the initiative has been published.
Several airlines, including the major carriers, have informed their customers that fuel and security surcharges will no longer be based on the gross weight of shipments, but on the chargeable weight instead. Does the Commission believe that there is such a close link between security and volume and that this increase is justified? As for the fuel surcharge, did it not make more sense for it to be correlated with weight?
Does the Commission have any figures concerning the impacts of this new calculation method? Does it not surprise the Commission that the airlines took their decisions one after another in a very short space of time? Could this be an example of concerted action, in violation of EU competition rules? The final price shall at all times be indicated and shall include the applicable air rate, taxes, charges, surcharges and fees which are unavoidable and foreseeable at the time of publication.
Optional price supplements shall be communicated in a clear, transparent and unambiguous way at the start of any booking process. Thus, cargo carriers have the liberty to set the price structure. The contract is by nature subject to national civil law. Consequently, if the price transparency, safety and security rules are applied, the Commission does not see any intervention needed, nor does the Commission monitor price developments. Parties, that find that the regulation is not correctly applied, are advised to contact the relevant national enforcement authorities.
As for competition rules, according to the case law of the European courts, competitors are not allowed to coordinate between themselves the conduct on the market in a way that might interfere with the normal conditions of competition. They have however the right to adapt themselves intelligently to the existing or anticipated conduct of their competitors e.
En somme, c'est une sorte d'annuaire. Quelles sont les perspectives d'avenir? In short, it is a kind of directory. The first courses will be offered soon. What are their future prospects? The two projects mentioned by the Honourable Member serve different goals: The Commission welcomes this diversity of approaches as there is no single approach which could cater for all the different needs of the European institutions already delivering MOOCs. The incident provoked mass demonstrations across Pakistan, demanding mainly that the justice system be improved for rape victims.
According to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, almost rapes of minors were formally reported in the Punjab province in alone. According to the authorities, however, the real number is much higher, as the majority of victims do not report the rapes. In spite of legal reforms in addressing the judicial handling of rape cases and the transfer of trials of such cases to criminal courts, the burden of proof still falls on the victim.
In spite of the mobilisation of the population and the efforts of the authorities, the problem is increasing. Within this framework, will the Commission say whether it aims to press the case for legislative reform on this matter more urgently in negotiations with the newly-elected Pakistani Government and whether it intends, within the framework of strategic cooperation, to strengthen civil society and to promote information and awareness-raising campaigns focusing on the rights of women and minors? Can the Commission detail the criterion that will be used to distribute rural development funding to each Member State and outline the mechanisms that will be employed to make this process objective?
In addition, can the Commission outline in detail the specific objective criterion and indicators of past performance that will be used to allocate rural development funding for the period to the following Member States: As part of this overall agreement, it was decided to set out the allocation among Member States of the Union support for rural development in an annex to the new Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
The Commission does not have any plans under the new Common Agriculture Policy CAP to recognise the need for three dimensional mapping systems. GIS-techniques used in the context of the CAP implementation sufficiently tackle the projection of a three-dimensional reality into a two-dimensional mapping through the process of ortho-rectification. Almost one quarter of men surveyed in a UN report looking at violence against women in parts of Asia have admitted to committing at least one rape.
In Papua New Guinea, more than 6 out of 10 men surveyed admitted to forcing a woman to have sex. Is the Commission aware of this report? The EU is aware of the UN survey's appalling conclusions. It is clear that violence against women cannot be justified whatsoever. The EU is aware that Papua New Guinea faces serious problems with regard to violence against women, including rape, domestic violence, and violence based on sorcery. Recently, the parliament of Papua New Guinea passed legislation making any form of domestic violence an offence.
This can be considered as a serious progress. The aim of this conference is the adoption and implementation of a comprehensive response to family and sexual violence, which also addresses the victim's immediate and long term needs. Experts from governments, law enforcement, national rapporteurs, civil society organisations and academics, as well as the private sector met to explore and raise awareness on the links between the Internet and trafficking in human beings and to improving cooperation between Member States, working together with different stakeholders in this context.
In addition, can the Commission confirm whether it has carried out an impact assessment of the effectiveness of this method? If so, can it provide the results of this analysis? The Commission does not have information on which, and to what extent, Member States use the services of private companies to manage speed-detection devices. The Commission has not performed an impact assessment for the use of speed-detection devices.
In doing so, can the Commission detail the level of flexibility that each Member State affords between the notified date of shipment and the actual date of shipment? In this regard, the regulation does not provide room for flexibility.
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In the light of reports that militants are forcing some Christian residents to convert to Islam, what action is the Commission taking in relation to this situation? The EU remains deeply concerned about the increasingly deteriorating situation and militarisation of the conflict in Syria as well as its spill over effects within the region. Only a political solution that results in a united, inclusive and democratic Syria can end the terrible bloodshed and grave violations of human rights.
The issue of the respect and protection of minorities in Syria is another subject of major concern. The EU has stated on many occasions the need for all parties in the conflict to respect the rights of religious and ethnic minorities. The recent events in the town of Maaloula are of particular concern for the symbolic dimension of this town for the Christian community in Syria.
The EU has also condemned the continuing widespread and systematic violations of international humanitarian law and human rights in Syria, including increasing attacks on religious and ethnic communities. These crimes must be investigated, and perpetrators and those ordering these crimes must be held accountable. For the first time, a new UN study on men and violence includes data, across a number of countries, from men themselves telling us why some men use violence against women and how this can be prevented.
What similar research, if any, has been carried out by the Commission in this area? It provides available data, explores men's attitudes towards women and explains why men may commit violence against women. It offers recommendations that include promoting non-violent masculinities, encouraging the development and improvement of programmes to rehabilitate perpetrators of violence against women, raising public awareness and improving research.
The Commission has also funded several projects through the Daphne programme that engage men in violence prevention. Statistics continue to show that domestic abuse of men is increasing in the UK. In this context, what mechanisms have been put in place at EU level to raise awareness of domestic violence against men, and to tackle the stigma surrounding this crime? The Commission is committed to a strong policy response to combat all forms of gender-based violence, including domestic violence, that disproportionately affect women.
However, gender-based violence can also affect men.
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Countries with diverse portfolios of gas suppliers and supply routes, sufficient infrastructure connections and developed gas markets, tend to have lower wholesale gas prices. At retail level taxation is an important component. Northern Ireland gas suppliers sell to consumers by purchasing gas from producers or wholesalers at prices set with reference to the UK trading hub, the National Balancing Point NBP.
The brutal attack by members of the Somali al-Shabab movement at the Westgate Shopping Centre in Nairobi, Kenya, has also highlighted the prevalence of Islamic extremism in parts of Africa. In this context, what action has the Commission taken to assist the authorities in Kenya and Pakistan in the light of the latest round of attacks?
Moreover, what strategy, if any, is in place at EU level to combat the threat posed by Islamic extremism both to EU citizens and to Christians throughout the world? The EU is continuing to support Pakistan in its efforts to tackle the threat from terrorism. A central element of that strategy is to prevent people turning to terrorism by tackling the factors or root causes which can lead to radicalisation and recruitment, in Europe and internationally.
In this context, can the Commission detail what efforts are being made at EU level to ensure that older people across Europe have the confidence to use our roads so that they can continue to participate in society? The Commission considers that the safe mobility of elderly people, including elderly drivers deserves particular attention and specific measures due to the ageing of the European population.
Technology is another area where progress is expected to help elderly drivers. Driver assistance systems are now being developed and some of them are already commercially available in certain vehicles. These systems can help elderly drivers to compensate for the functional limitations due to age.
The Commission intends to promote the deployment of those technologies that improve safety. They are aimed at improving knowledge, disseminate best practices and make recommendations concerning the mobility of elderly people. Moreover, the Commission intends to provide funding for research on this topic under the Horizon framework programme. The Commission will also encourage Member States to take the mobility of elderly people into account in the framework of its upcoming package on urban mobility. In this context, can the Commission detail whether an impact assessment has been, or will be, carried out in relation to these proposals, and outline the timeline it envisages for progressing this piece of legislation?
The two legislative proposals will need to be adopted by the European Parliament and by the Council of the European Union, in co-decision, in order to become law. There is no precise timeline for the adoption of the proposals by the European Parliament and by Council. Wijzigingen aan de methodologie om de structurele tekorten van de lidstaten te berekenen.
Kan de Commissie details openbaar maken van de geschatte impact van de herziene methodologie voor de huidige output gaps en tekorten van alle lidstaten? Kan de Commissie de verwachte impact verduidelijken van de herziene methodologie voor de beleidsaanbevelingen die verschillende lidstaten in het kader van de procedure bij buitensporige tekorten hebben ontvangen? Wijzigingen van de bestaande methoden worden overwogen om ervoor te zorgen dat de uitvoering van het SGP de structurele en conjuncturele economische situatie in de lidstaten accuraat weerspiegelt, en om een doeltreffend toezicht op de uitvoering te bevorderen.
Deze technische werkzaamheden doen absoluut geen afbreuk aan de rol van het Europees Parlement en de Raad als medewetgevers inzake het economische governance. Is the Commission aware of the Wall Street Journal article? If not, why not? Does the Commission agree that technical changes on this scale are a risk to the credibility of the revised SGP? Can the Commission clarify the reasons for the revision of the current methodology?
Can the Commission publish details of the estimated impact of the revised methodology on the current output gaps and deficits of all Member States? Can the Commission clarify the expected impact of the revised methodology on the policy recommendations that various Member States have received under the Excessive Deficit Procedure?
Commission services and Council committees regularly carry out technical work that underpins the SGP assessment methodology. Changes to existing methods are considered to ensure that implementation of the SGP accurately reflects the structural and cyclical economic situation in the Member States, and to facilitate effective monitoring of the implementation. Usually, this involves reviews of the recent economic literature on relevant issues, dry-runs and sensitivity analyses and other technical work to ensure that the changes adopted would indeed result in a more accurate reflection of the cyclical positions of Member States.
One example where the current methodology could be improved is the method's pro-cyclicality, most notably with respect to how the method measures structural unemployment rates in the Member States. While the Council committees are associated with the technical work, the European Commission is solely responsible to ensure that the SGP assessment methodology is up-to-date and robust.
This technical work absolutely does not undermine the role of the European Parliament and the Council as co-legislators on economic governance. As a result of the oil exploration that the Spanish company REPSOL is conducting in territorial waters of the Canary Islands, oil exploration has also begun in the adjacent territorial waters of the Kingdom of Morocco.
This exploration, authorised by the Moroccan Government, is occurring in the vicinity of the territorial waters of the Western Sahara. This exploration, if it is deemed feasible and exploitation of the oilfields begins, would pose a series of environmental risks to the maritime ecosystems of the Canary Islands. These very important ecosystems would be seriously threatened, since Moroccan environmental legislation and its enforcement do not ensure the same safety standards that EU legislation offers. If exploration is occurring in the maritime space of the Western Sahara, what measures will she put forward to force Morocco to halt such illegal exploration?
If exploitation is occurring in this maritime space, what measures will she put forward to force Morocco to halt the exploitation of natural resources that do not belong to it? This exploration, if it is deemed feasible and exploitation of the oilfields begins, would present a series of environmental risks to the maritime ecosystems of the Canary Islands. These very important ecosystems would be seriously threatened, since Moroccan environmental legislation and its implementation do not ensure the same levels of safety provided for in EU legislation.
In view of this information, is the Commission keeping abreast of the abovementioned exploration being conducted in this area? Does the Commission have information about the location of this exploration by Morocco, and can it confirm that it will not extend illegally into the territorial waters of the Western Sahara? In its opinion, what impact might it have on commerce, jobs and the security of supply, and also politically, if, for example, the State Grid actually became an electricity network operator in Germany and this trend continued?
Kann die Kommission konkrete Strategien benennen? Die EU hat sich zu offenen Handelsbeziehungen mit China verpflichtet. In puncto Transparenz hat sich die Bilanz Chinas verbessert. Diese Themen wurden zuletzt am Mehr Wettbewerb mit China kann viele Herausforderungen mit sich bringen. China is buying and leasing more and more production facilities in a number of different countries, most recently in Eastern Europe, in order to meet its own demand. In the meanwhile, MEPs remain committed to establishing fair trade relations with China. Can the Commission point to any specific strategies in this area?
The EU is committed to open trade relations with China. This strategy of supporting fair competition while being firm that China trades in accordance with internationally agreed rules, respects Intellectual Property Rights IPR and meets its World Trade Organisation WTO obligations has been the guiding principle of the EU's trade policy with China. China's track record on transparency is improving. China's tariff structure is in accordance with the commitments it undertook upon accession to the WTO.
In the absence of a multilateral trade agreement, any tariffs changes would be the result of unilateral decisions by China. Increased competition with China may pose many challenges. But China's market and rapid development continues to offer opportunities, with significant potential for further expanding trade and investment. It will also send a message that closer engagement and reciprocal opening is in the best interest for both sides. I understand that correspondence has been exchanged between the European Commission Directorate General for Competition and the Greek authorities concerning the tax status of shipping companies registered in Greece.
Is the European Commission conducting enquiries and, if so, what is their subject matter? What progress has been made in any enquiries being conducted by the Commission into the tax status of shipping companies in Greece? The Commission has exchanged correspondence with the Greek authorities regarding the taxation rules applicable to the Greek shipping companies.
Nevertheless, at this stage, no position has been taken regarding the compliance of these taxation rules with EU rules. What made the Commission decide to modify the scope of the ECB's remit under the single supervisory mechanism? Did any Member States express objections to this in Council and, if so, which? Will the forthcoming ECB asset quality review cover all banks in the euro area irrespective of size?
What action will be taken should it emerge from ECB investigations that a bank is undercapitalised? National supervisors will have responsibilities for less significant banks. The ECB may at any moment decide to directly supervise one or more credit institutions to ensure consistent application of supervisory standards.
The work of national supervisors is integrated into the SSM: The ECB is currently developing this framework. The comprehensive assessment will consist of a supervisory risk assessment, an Asset Quality Review AQR and a stress test. It will cover banks that will most likely be subject to direct ECB supervision. A finalised list of banks will be published in I understand that the Troika European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund has demanded that the Greek Government make specific amendments to labour and trade union legislation.
Have the European Commission and Troika demanded that the Greek Government amend the institutional and legal framework governing trades union in Greece? Has the question of institutional intervention in elections in the workplace and in trades union been raised? The Commission together with the ECB and the IMF is engaged in a regular policy dialogue with the Greek authorities on a broad range of labour market issues. However, the subjects mentioned by the Honourable Member are not part of the policy conditionality agreed between the Greek Government, the IMF, the ECB and the Commission on behalf of the euro area Member States in the context of the economic adjustment programme for Greece.
Iran is undoubtedly one of the key players, both in political and economic terms, in its region. It has also been a source of major problems, as illustrated by its aggressive foreign policy, nuclear programme, ongoing human rights violations and drug trafficking. Given that most EU Member States have diplomatic missions in Tehran and there is no longer any EU delegation in the Islamic Republic of Iran, it would seem advisable and recommendable to establish diplomatic relations of some sort with the country. It should in no way be seen as a reward, linked to the action currently being taken by the Iranian regime, but as a diplomatic tool that can be used whenever important issues arise in order to help shape developments.
In the light of the above, does the EEAS plan to take any action in the very near future to establish a permanent representation in Tehran with a clearly defined mandate which would enable it to address the current problems? As noted by the Honourable Members, the Islamic Republic of Iran is an important regional actor, and the European Union is very much aware of both the regional significance of the country and of the potential of further developing relations between the European Union and Iran.
Due to the nuclear issue, however, the efforts to deepen relations that began in , and which included the negotiation of a comprehensive Trade and Cooperation Agreement, a framework for political dialogue and possibly the opening of an EU Delegation, have been on halt since Given that is the European Year of Citizens, which focuses on the rights conferred by EU citizenship, a large proportion of the activities organised are aimed at educating citizens about their rights and responsibilities, including the idea that democratic participation and active citizenship are lifelong and multifaceted learning processes.
Young people in particular need access to, and encouragement to exercise, the civil and political rights and duties recognised by democratic society. With that in mind, what is the Commission doing to comprehensively reach out to all young Europeans in order to ensure that every single citizen is educated about the rights that come with EU citizenship?
The Commission cooperates with the Council of Europe on a citizenship and human rights education project, which promotes cooperation among regional and international initiatives. Finally, the Youth in Action programme annually supports thousands of projects that target youths through non-formal citizenship activities.
I recently received a troubling letter from two Canadian women who were living in Glyfada Athens, Greece last year. They contacted me to express their concern at the way they were treated after informing the local police that they had been drugged and then gang-raped. The women, who are in their early 20s, claim that the police dismissed their allegations, implied that they were to blame and had perhaps had too much to drink, and then suggested that they return the next day to complete the paperwork. No medical examination was carried out, and nor were the women advised as to how to go about finding healthcare.
The Commission has no legal competence to intervene in individual criminal proceedings in cases of individual victims in Member States. The directive also requires that, at a later stage of proceedings, specific protection measures based on individual assessments are in place for such vulnerable victims. En outre, tous les projets font l'objet d'exercices de suivi annuels. Programmes foresee diverse objectives and results, and different conditionalities are attached to programmes depending on sectors and strategies.
As a matter of principle, funds are contracted through competitive procedures. In the implementation phase the Commission constantly examines the actions and evaluates if the standards and criteria have been met. Funds are released only if conditionalities are met. Furthermore, all projects are subject to annual monitoring exercices. The correct use of funds for each contract is ensured through regular audits by certified auditing companies. In addition, the Commission contracts independent evaluations of the performance of each programme.
The Honourable Member will find more detailed information on the cooperation programmes at the page indicated below. Acesta a declarat recent: The French report highlights the transnational nature of Roma integration projects, which leads directly to the need to consult the Commission. This approach lies on two pillars: The Commission is in permanent dialogue with the French national Roma contact point officially nominated by the government as being in charge of coordinating the implementation of the national Roma integration strategy in France. Transnational cooperation is a promising way forward to meet the challenges of Roma integration at the local level.
The crisis facing Europe is having a major impact upon local and regional media in Member States. A significant number of local newspapers and local and regional radio and television stations are facing serious financial difficulties. This is affecting their activity and hindering them in their mandate to inform the general public about the various aspects of local and regional government measures, problems affecting citizens and the solutions that local and national government proposes, as well as European issues and EU policies across various domains. Furthermore, with the prospect of European Parliament elections next year, citizens require ongoing and accurate information, especially those in rural areas, regarding European policies and the way in which the citizens' representatives, the Members of the European Parliament, are acting in their interests.
How can the Commission support the activity of local and regional media in Member States so as to respect the principle of free access by all citizens to accurate information, particularly in the context of the European Parliament elections in ? Diversity, freedom and pluralism of regional and local media are crucial to citizens' rights, especially in the context of exercising their right to vote for the European elections. The Commission does therefore not have overall competence regarding local and regional media. This pan-European network brings together 13 international, national and regional radio stations from 12 EU Member States.
Broadcasting in 12 official EU languages, Euranet Plus takes on EU affairs from a European perspective with full editorial independence. At present, it is committed, among other things, to providing an in-depth coverage of the next Parliamentary elections. At the same time the Commission seeks to ensure respect for media freedom and pluralism within its competences. It is currently reflecting possible follow up to the public consultation on the report of the independent High Level Group on Media Freedom and Pluralism.
Instead, it provides for a replacement of water resources, with the replacement cost borne by the citizens whose water has been contaminated. Water resources for other urban areas that are farther from the basin, and that have not been contaminated, are increased, without those areas being required to pay for the additional water resources. The municipalities are currently being pressured to sign a water exchange agreement — an agreement that is burdensome to taxpayers — with the irrigators.
Does the Commission take the view that the solution of paying replacement costs to the irrigators, instead of granting a direct allocation of water, respects the use priorities established in the Water Framework Directive? These costs are instead often shifted by water providers to households which are charged for drinking water purification.
The Commission agrees that, when this happens, the PPP is not adequately taken into account. To this end, the Commission, as announced in the Water Blueprint, is working with Member States and stakeholders to develop a guidance document on cost recovery under the Common Implementation Strategy of the WFD. Finally, under the European Regional Development and Cohesion Funds for the financial framework , the fulfilment of Art. The water pricing policy needs to be reported in the context of the RBMP. A number of EU Member States have not yet complied with animal welfare and similar requirements relating to battery hens and pigs.
In other words, there are a number of products on the internal market that are in fact illegal because they do not comply with EU rules. It is not fair to those producers who do comply with the rules, and it is unfair to consumers that they cannot be sure that the food they buy is produced in a lawful manner.
Obbligo di segnalazione oltre boa per i bagnanti. Il mese scorso, infatti, vi sono stati casi di annegamento, nei litorali italiani, dovuti ad incidenti in mare per mancata segnalazione a imbarcazioni private. La competenza di regolamentare il nuoto in mare aperto appartiene agli Stati membri. La Commissione non dispone di un quadro di insieme delle regolamentazioni degli Stati membri in merito al nuoto in mare aperto.
Per quanto concerne le immersioni, esistono norme volontarie europee che stabiliscono i requisiti per la formazione sia del subacqueo che dell'istruttore. La direttiva stabilisce i requisiti per la progettazione e la fabbricazione di tali dispositivi e le regole per la loro libera circolazione nell'Unione.
Norme armonizzate volontarie che corroborano i requisiti della direttiva sugli aspetti della salute e della sicurezza sono state prodotte dalle organizzazioni europee di normazione. Si noti che la direttiva disciplina soltanto i prodotti, ma non il loro uso. Conformemente all'articolo 6 il datore di lavoro prende le misure necessarie per evitare i rischi, valutarli e combatterli. Inoltre, la direttiva fa obbligo ai datori di lavoro di effettuare e documentare una valutazione dei rischi.
Italy currently has no framework law regulating the activities of swimmers in the open sea, while it does for diving. Can the Commission say what the existing legislation is in the various Member States? Does it think it should also regulate swimming in the open sea to prevent accidents at sea? The competence to regulate swimming in the open sea as such rests with the Member States.
There is no legislation at EU level that would regulate non-occupational sea swimming or diving activities. The Commission has no comprehensive overview of Member States' rules regarding swimming in the open sea. Regarding diving, there are voluntary European standards in place which lay down requirements for the training of both the diver and the instructor. The directive lays down requirements for the design and manufacture of such equipment and rules on its free movement in the Union.
It should be noted that the directive only regulates the products, but not their usage. Furthermore, the directive obliges employers to carry out and document a risk assessment. The directive applies to all sectors of activity, including occupational swimming and diving. De Franse consumentenbond Que Choisir heeft na onderzoek bekend gemaakt in alle 92 door hen onderzochte flessen wijn sporen van bestrijdingsmiddelen gevonden te hebben. Het ging om 33 verschillende middelen, waarvan er 7 bekend staan als kankerverwekkend.
Welke maatregelen denkt de Commissie te nemen om het gebruik van bestrijdingsmiddelen ook in de wijnbouw te verminderen, zoals in vrijwel alle andere sectoren in de Europese landbouw wel gebeurt? Indien de Commissie geen maatregelen neemt, waarom niet? Wat zijn de regels voor residulimieten van pesticiden in wijn? Vindt de Commissie ook dat het belang van de consument en de volksgezondheid voorrang heeft op het belang van de wijnsector?
Franse wijnen zijn op grote schaal verontreinigd met landbouwgif. Gemiddeld zijn per fles vier soorten gif te traceren. Het gaat onder meer om stoffen die als kankerverwekkend bekend staan. In alle 92 flessen bleken pesticiden te zitten. Zelfs twee verboden substanties, het giftige bromopropylate en het bestrijdingsmiddel carbendazim, werden aangetroffen. In deze context rijst de vraag naar de afdoendheid van de Europese wetgeving op vlak van voedselveiligheid en de mate van consumentenbescherming.
De Franse consumentenbond zegt zelf zich grote zorgen te maken, omdat regelgeving vrijwel geheel ontbreekt. Voor wijnen bestaan er, in tegenstelling tot voor veel voedsel en dranken, geen wettelijke maxima voor de hoeveelheid bestrijdingsmiddelen die er in mogen zitten. Zal de Commissie de Franse autoriteiten en de wijnsector contacteren om de resultaten te evalueren en hen aan te sporen verbeteringen aan te brengen?
Is de Commissie van mening dat er maatregelen moeten worden genomen of voorstellen moeten komen om dergelijke resultaten te voorkomen? Of vindt de Commissie de huidige Europese wetgeving afdoende? De Commissie is op de hoogte van de publicatie van de Franse consumentenbond. Dat betekent dat zowel voor druiven bestemd voor de productie van wijn als voor tafeldruiven een MRL wordt vastgesteld. Deze controles worden verricht op het onbewerkte product, zodat in geval van een overtreding dienaangaande dadelijk handhavingsmaatregelen kunnen worden genomen.
De lidstaten kunnen echter nog steeds de eindproducten controleren, in voorkomend geval rekening houdend met de specifieke verwerkingsfactoren voor wijn, of in het slechtste geval ervan uitgaande dat de niveaus in wijn dezelfde zijn als die in druiven. Zoals bekend leiden de oenologische praktijken echter tot een aanzienlijk lager gehalte aan de meeste bestrijdingsmiddelen.
An investigation performed by Que Choisir , the French consumer organisation, found pesticide traces in all 92 of the wines analysed. Australia and the United States have introduced legislation in this area, but the European Union has not. What measures does the Commission intend to introduce to reduce the use of pesticides in viticulture, as is happening in almost all other sectors of European agriculture?
If the Commission is not planning to introduce such measures, why not? Why has the European Union not introduced any legislation on residue limits in wine, whereas countries such as Australia and the United States have done so? What are the rules on pesticide residue levels in wine? Does the Commission intend to present proposals to amend this legislation? Does the Commission agree that the interests of consumers and public health take precedence over the interests of the wine industry?
There is large-scale contamination of French wines with agricultural toxins. On average, four different kinds of toxin could be detected per bottle, and these included known carcinogens. Pesticides were found in all 92 bottles. Two prohibited substances — the toxic bromopropylate and the pesticide carbendazim — were even found. One Bordeaux wine Mouton Cadet was found to contain at least 14 different varieties of agricultural toxin.
In this context, the question arises as to the adequacy of European legislation in relation to food safety and the level of consumer protection. The French consumer organisation in question says that it has major concerns because there is an almost total lack of regulation. In contrast to food and drinks, there are no statutory maximum levels for pesticide content in wines.
Will the Commission contact the French authorities and the wine industry in order to assess the results and urge them to bring about improvements? Does the Commission believe that measures need to be put in place or proposals brought forward in order to prevent the recurrence of results of this kind? If so, what measures or proposals is it planning? Or does the Commission believe that the current European legislation is sufficient? The Commission is well aware of the publication by the French consumer organisation. This includes the setting of MRLs for grapes intended for wine production as well as for table grapes.
Member States are responsible for controls on wine grapes to check compliance with MRLs which makes sure that they are safe for consumers. These controls take place on the raw product for which enforcement measures can then directly be taken in case of non-compliances. Still, the Member States can control final products taking into account specific processing factors for wine where available, or assuming as a worst case that the levels in wine are the same as those in grapes.
It is however well known that oenological practices lead to considerable decreases of most pesticides. Wegens de technische problemen rond de Fyra wil de NS afzien van de aankoop van nieuwe hogesnelheidstreinen en slechts intercity's gaat inzetten op dit traject. Als deze plannen door de Nederlandse regering zouden worden goedgekeurd, blijft een groot deel van de capaciteit van het hogesnelheidsspoor onderbenut.
In de Nederlandse media hebben echter berichten gecirculeerd dat andere partijen hebben aangegeven de exploitatie van hogesnelheidstreinen op dit traject te willen overnemen, zodat er in de toekomst wel hogesnelheidstreinen kunnen rijden. Kan de Nederlandse regering, in strijd met de Europese aanbestedingsnormen, eenzijdig besluiten de NS toestemming te geven om intercity's in plaats van hogesnelheidstreinen te laten rijden over het hogesnelheidslijntraject?
Dit teneinde de reiziger een hogesnelheidsverbinding met steden als Brussel, Londen of Parijs te verzekeren. In het algemeen, hoe beoordeelt de Commissie de wijze waarop de Nederlandse staat met de aanbesteding van de HSL is omgegaan? De aanbesteding is in de afgelopen jaren meerdere keren aangepast; is dit wel eerlijk naar andere partijen die destijds buiten de boot vielen? De hsl-concessie voor de exploitatie van internationale hogesnelheidstreinen tussen Amsterdam en Brussel is gegund op basis van een concurrentiegerichte aanbestedingsprocedure op grond van Verordening EG nr.
De Commissie is van mening dat een vervanging van rollend materieel voor hogesnelheidstreinen door conventioneel rollend materieel een aanzienlijke wijziging van het concessiecontract zal vormen. Uit berichten in de pers blijkt dat tenminste twee spoorwegondernemingen concrete plannen zouden hebben voor de exploitatie van hogesnelheidsdiensten op de lijn Brussel-Amsterdam als voortzetting van diensten uit Londen.
Overeenkomstig Verordening EG nr. De Commissie beschikt niet over gedetailleerde informatie over wijzigingen van de voorwaarden inzake de hsl-concessie. Because of the technical problems surrounding the Fyra high-speed train, Nederlandse Spoorwegen wants to abandon the purchase of new high-speed trains and just use intercity trains on this route.
If these plans are approved by the Dutch Government, a large proportion of the high-speed rail network's capacity will be underused. Reports have been circulating in the Dutch media about other parties who have indicated that they would be willing to take over running high-speed trains on this route, so that high-speed trains could indeed operate on the route in the future.
Can the Dutch Government unilaterally decide to grant Nederlandse Spoorwegen authorisation to operate intercity trains on the high-speed rail network, instead of high-speed trains, contrary to EU public procurement regulations? Is the Commission aware that there are parties who may wish to operate high-speed trains on this route? In general, what is the Commission's assessment of the manner in which the Dutch State has tackled tendering for the high-speed rail line?
The terms of the tender have been modified several times in recent years — is this fair towards other parties who were sidelined at the time? The Commission considers that a replacement of high-speed rolling stock by conventional rolling stock would constitute a substantial amendment to the concession contract. Information from the press indicates that at least two railway undertakings would have concrete plans to operate high-speed services on the Brussels-Amsterdam route as a continuation of services originating in London.
The Commission has no substantiated information about modifications of the terms of the HSL-concession. However, if modifications to essential provisions had been of a substantial nature, the award of a new contract might have been necessary. El Gobierno de Irak ha sido responsable de la seguridad del campo de Ashraf desde , cuando las fuerzas de los Estados Unidos en Irak le transfirieron su control.
Fifty-two people were killed and seven others abducted. The attack was directed against a hundred members of the Mojahedin-e-Khalq MEK group, an organisation which opposes the regime in Tehran and is protected under the Fourth Geneva Convention. Although the attack was immediately condemned by the international community, neither the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy nor other Western officials have called for a thorough and independent UN investigation and for more protection for the survivors of the attack and other members of the group.
The European Union has merely asked the Iraqi authorities to clarify the circumstances surrounding the killings; and the UN has only asked the Government in Baghdad to carry out an impartial investigation without delay. Does the Commission not think it should urge the UN to conduct a thorough and independent investigation into the massacre at Camp Ashraf?
Under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding between the UN and the GoI, the latter was also responsible for ensuring the safe transportation of residents to Camp Hurriya and the security of Camp Hurriya itself. At the time she also welcomed the Government of Iraq's decision to open an enquiry into the events. Since then, she has repeatedly called on the Iraqi authorities to fulfil their responsibility and to conduct a thorough and impartial investigation into the violence. Following the attack, UNAMI conducted an on-site visit to assess the situation in Camp Ashraf, which confirmed the violence and the need for the GoI to conduct a public and impartial enquiry.
She will also continue to call on the Government of Iraq to fulfil its obligations by ensuring the safety of the residents of Camp Hurriya. To what extent do these documents take into account inclusive education and training? This report will be a product of the Thematic Working Group on Entrepreneurship Education — composed of the Commission, national governmental experts and other relevant stakeholders — and will be published in early It will report on policy-level success factors including educator development, learning outcomes, stakeholder commitment as well as curricula and pedagogies related to entrepreneurship education.
The Group has taken an inclusive approach to ensure that its work is relevant to all learners and across all sectors of education and training. While the report will not address special needs education specifically, it will nevertheless be of relevance to it. The Rethinking Education communication also mentions collaborating with the OECD on a guidance framework for entrepreneurial education institutions.
El objetivo es presentar una propuesta de medidas vinculantes que combine tanto la mejora de la accesibilidad como el potencial de crecimiento para las empresas de la UE. In view of the above, could the Commission indicate what stage the publication of the European Accessibility Act has reached, and what is its expected publication date? The Commission has carried out preparatory work to assess the impact of possible measures to improve the accessibility of goods and services in the internal market.
A study has been contracted to support the gathering of socio economic data of possible measures to improve accessibility. The outcome of the study has been used for the preparation of the related Impact Assessment.