Economics for Lawyers
Whether dealing with contracts, tort actions, or government regulations, lawyers are more likely to be successful if they are conversant in economics. Economics for Lawyers provides the essential tools to understand the economic basis of law. Through rigorous analysis illustrated with simple graphs and a wide range of legal examples, Richard Ippolito focuses on a few key concepts and shows how they play out in numerous applications.
Antitrust Economics for Lawyers
There are everyday problems: What is the social cost of legislation enforcing below-market prices, minimum wages, milk regulation, and noncompetitive pricing? Why are matinee movies cheaper than nighttime showings?

And then there are broader questions: What is the patent system's role in the market for intellectual property rights? How does one think about externalities like airport noise?
- A Guide Book of Double Eagle Gold Coins (Official Red Book)?
- Parked Up;
- See: Whispers of the Damned: Ghostly Games!
- Laurence Albani (French Edition).
Is the free market, a regulated solution, or tort law the best way to deliver the "efficient amount of harm" in the workplace? What is the best approach to the question of economic compensation due to a person falsely imprisoned? They will learn a new vocabulary and a whole new way of thinking about the world they live in, and will be more productive in their professions.
Majors for Lawyers | Economics | SIU
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What is Law & Economics?
He also explains how economists apply organizing principles to analyze proposed mergers, using examples drawn from mergers that were ultimately challenged by the DOJ or the FTC. In this chapter, the authors survey the economic principles underlying distribution arrangements between upstream firms manufacturers and downstream firms such as wholesalers, dealers, or retailers. The focus is on the potential procompetitive and anticompetitive effects from vertical restraints, such as exclusive dealing, loyalty discounts, and most-favored nation clauses.
The discussion applies generally to franchisor-franchisee relationships as well. All of the effects identified by economic theory have implications for how the antitrust laws treat the distribution or franchise arrangements, particularly given most of these arrangements are analyzed under a rule of reason. In this chapter, the author explains the economic notion of monopoly power and compares that to the legal concept of monopoly power with the goal of helping lawyers better understand how to address the issue of monopoly power in an exclusion case.
Chapter 6—Bundling David Reitman.
- Economics for Lawyers.
- Der Zweite Weltkrieg: Eine kurze Geschichte (Reclam Sachbuch) (German Edition);
- Antitrust Economics for Lawyers | Charles River Associates.