Die Wirksamkeit von NGOs bei der Durchsetzung der Menschenrechte (German Edition)
The Protocol foresees the creation of an integrated African Court of Justice and Human Rights featuring a human rights chamber, a general affairs chamber and a criminal law chamber that has jurisdiction over natural …. These involve stories about stateless persons, for whom their state of residence decided to buy citizenship of another state, stories about the merchandising of passports for a global elite, and stories of a man who decided ….
A response to Birgit Peters. Peters emphasizes what she understands as a shift from traditional regulatory approaches that frame the Arctic as a common heritage and common concern, focused on prohibition, to an integrated approach focusing on sustainability.
Ethics, Law, and the Responsibility to Protect
Peters in this respect discusses the role of …. Climate change in the Arctic Climate change, in particular global warming, is an inevitable fact. Nonetheless, it will hit different regions of the world differently. Of all regions, the area most affected by future temperature change is the Arctic. This is the part of the global north, which is situated above 66,3 degrees latitude. Here, differences in temperatures are predicted to rise at least 3 degrees Celsius compared to the …. The international legal order finds itself in turmoil. The crises in Ukraine and Syria, the questioning of the authority of the ECtHR, the opposition against the ICC by African states and the rise of global terrorism can all be interpreted as crisis symptoms justifying the need for a re- assessment of the current state and future of International Law.
The illness caused by this virus is very rarely fatal, and it causes mild symptoms: The last quarter of century registered the resurgence of infectious diseases, that the medical community deemed to have defeated with the global vaccination campaign. The global health governance …. In theater, the peak of a play in which all strings of the story converge and the intrigue is resolved, is called the climax.
Regional integration in Africa has been regarded as a necessary step towards accelerated development on the continent. The belief is that greater gains would be made if states pooled their resources together rather than act individually.
Despite elaborate regional goals and objectives, regional institutions in Africa have not been effective in facilitating development, for two major reasons. First, they have significant capacity deficits, especially considering the weakness of their members …. During the Ebola-crisis , states have widely ignored the measures recommended by the World Health Organization WHO and have interfered in the fight against the disease.
After the first appearances of the Ebola epidemic in December , the disease spread wide and fast, exceeding any previous Ebola epidemic with regard to incidence and prevalence and was declared a pandemic by WHO. Before , the outbreaks of this highly infectious disease were locally restricted and primarily situated in rural areas. The latest outbreak of this epidemic, however, expanded to the urban population as well as across borders. The recent Ebola crisis that shook West Arica, exceeded any previous Ebola epidemic and later was declared a pandemic by the WHO not only stretched local health care systems, but also revealed deep structural deficiencies in the international response to health issues of such a scale.
The outbreak of this virus that crossed boarders easily and cost the lives of so many people raises fundamental questions regarding the actors and …. I am grateful to all participants of this symposium for their thoughtful and generous commentaries. The strange truth about book-writing, which I suppose all experienced hands know and I discovered as a first-time author , is the void that follows once the manuscript is finished. The book then disappears into the publishing process, and gradually snakes on to the desks and reading lists of other scholars.
The author might wait months …. The choice of the subject-matter alone shows that Ranganathan puts legal concepts into political context. She outlines the inherent limits of international law which cannot prevent states from creating new treaties to undermine existing commitments. However, international law may constrain policy-makers by steering them towards legal ….
Some years ago, I published a slender book on the topic of treaty conflict. Zooming in on the treaty relations of member states of the EU, I found that international law had little to say about treaty conflicts involving different parties. If party A has incompatible treaty obligations with states B and C, then it just has to make a choice or, as a German scholar and later EU judge ….
Let me start with a confession: This assessment, however, reveals more about myself and how I would approach the topic than it does …. International legal scholarship tends to address the political substrate of international law in one of two extreme modes: Maximilian Oehl started his text spelling out the abbreviation …. Law Clinics kannte man einst nur aus dem US-amerikanischen Rechtskreis. A response to Maximilian Oehl In his thoughtful post, Maximilian Oehl placed TTIP into the wider context of the world trade system and discussed some of the critical questions surrounding the negotiations.
While there is certainly no fault in the portrayal of events and facts presented, it may only be one view of the cathedral. Let me add a slightly different one. The present Turkish military interventions in Syria and northern Iraq continue to raise the question of when States may use defensive force against armed non- State actors in other States. It is one of the ongoing and legally disputed actions of multiple, state and non-state, actors involved in the Syrian conflict.
This post analyses the international legal implications of the ensuing military action by Turkey, especially the meaning of ius …. Nevertheless, political leaders are determined to follow through with the undertaking …. Representative democracy is the most widespread political system in the world today. At the same time, in a number of countries, democratic institutions and guarantees are subject to erosion with severe consequences for the respective population.
This means, for example, that state …. In this contribution, I look at the first state-led prior consultations which were implemented in the Peruvian Amazon. In contrast to other studies this will not …. Portmann is right in pointing out that direct effect is crucial. This phenomenon is linked to a continuous process of internationalisation of legal relationships with host states. But indeed neither the very nature of that process nor that of their rights are well …. We invite authors to discuss important new publications from the German-speaking community in English language to make them accessible to a wider ….
The start page has a new look, posts can now be illustrated with images, and boxes link directly to symposia …. One highly problematic aspect of the new statute is that it aims to disable the Court from using …. I will take up his analysis and develop it further in order to provide a complementary perspective. Es ist bei Weitem kein Novum zu behaupten, dass die Konfliktstrukturen des So wurde am Die Kommentare waren wohlwollend, aber sie haben die Finger in einige Wunden gelegt.
Ich werde in meiner Erwiderung die Nachfragen zuspitzen und versuchen, jede auf einen systematischen Punkt zu bringen. Their accounts illustrate the diversity of work within the field of international law and offer personal insights into the practice of international law. My name is Francesca Caonero. The JPO is a programme …. Communicating between the spheres of research and practice So, how do you actually select what you are researching? Obviously, personal motivation is a key factor in this process not least because you will need considerable motivation to sustain yourself while writing an entire book or series of papers.
Neglecting this aspect for the moment, we turn our attention to another key trigger for research question selection and the focus of …. Schnell verbreitete sich auf der Konferenz die Nachricht von den verheerenden Folgen der Naturkatastrophe. Mehrere Tausend Menschen waren gestorben, Millionen waren obdachlos geworden. Yeb Sano, Delegierter der Philippinen, forderte die Weltgemeinschaft in einer bewegenden Rede dazu auf, den Stillstand in den Klimaverhandlungen zu ….
The Convention today is ratified by 22 countries worldwide, 15 of them in …. Staatstheorie in der Bundesrepublik, Frankfurt am Main zumindest …. On 22 October , the Court of Justice of the European Union issued its first ever ruling on the digital currency known as Bitcoin. The terrorist attacks of 13 November have violently confronted France as much as its European neighbours with exceptional security challenges.
By killing more than people in less than 30 minutes in the heart of Paris, the jihadist group ISIS or Daesh, the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant has demonstrated its operational capacity to hit European States in an extraordinary ferocious way. It has been almost six weeks since the ECJ handed down its groundbreaking Schrems judgment. This post reflects upon the institutional practices and scholarly discussion following the judgment.
It refrained from setting a grace period. As the judgment concerns many large companies, one …. A realistic view on the capacity of social labelling Among the most important forms of private initiatives for the protection and promotion of labour standards are social labelling schemes implemented by NGOs. Social labelling schemes have been spreading rapidly since the s and the academic debate has grown along with it. The controversial question …. In their posts, Tonia Novitz and Patrick Abel mention the idea of enhancing the procedural role for individuals in labour disputes as a means to foster the enforcement of labour provisions in international trade agreements.
In this post, I will enquire whether individuals should be given an opportunity to pursue their claims in an individual complaints procedure for labour matters in the context of free trade agreements FTAs , rather than …. Deciding international disputes solely on the basis of law while excluding economic and political aspects of power, at least to a large extent, is a concept which can suit arguments between powerful and less powerful states. From this perspective, US free trade agreements are an interesting research topic. The EU and US trade-labour linkage Although the debate on linking labour rights and trade has a long history, the topic has become more prominent than ever in the last couple of years.
Concerns expressed about the trade-labour linkage in the case of Colombia and debates about the protection of labour rights in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership TTIP are topical examples. While both the EU and the US …. However, labour standards rarely receive protection in trade instruments per se.
Deficient working conditions are still creating immense human suffering, generating injustice and threatening stability. Amongst the initiatives taken to assist it in its mandate, the ILO has produced an impressive number of conventions, protocols and recommendations …. What is often referred to as the largest free trade agreement in history is actually far more than that: This is one way of redressing past wrongs.
Just one way, which is why I have to oppose the notion that it is an alternative to claims for reparation. The one might not even be …. Es liegt an den afrikanischen Staaten, die ….
4 May Between...
Irrespective of the dispute about the proper theory of customary international law a settled methodology for ascertaining the existence of a rule of customary international law is …. The native peoples inhabiting the area, the Herero and the Nama, resisted to the German presence on and expropriation of their lands. As a reaction, the Germans launched a war of extermination during the ….
Es setzt jedoch zumindest eine grundlegende staatlich garantierte Kommunikationsinfrastruktur voraus. Legal Anthropological Experience in the Field of Indigenous Peoples Contemporary manifestations of neo-colonialism in the form of liberal market fundamentalism have facilitated the expansion of multinational corporations and foreign investment. As a consequence of influential farming and forestry industries as well as extractive operations, indigenous peoples around the world have been dispossessed of their land, territories and natural resources.
Resulting from long-lasting negotiations the UN Declaration on the Rights of …. This post appeared first on Critical Legal Thinking. Communism was not only in the rising. How can we make sense of popular struggles in this period of late capitalist modernity? International Investment Law IIL has always been a battleground of competing paradigms and imaginations of economic world order. While it carries the promise of welfare through global competition for some, others associate it with Northern or capitalist hegemony.
Today, however, the old battles between North and South over the rules of global investment are considered history. With the spread of Western style bilateral investment treaties BIT around the globe, the …. In my paper for the legal sociology conference in Berlin, I argue that the right to development, though a non-legally binding declaration, is indirectly implemented in the Indian legal system through case law — a process which I interpret as a juridification of the right to development for the term juridification see Blichner and Molander In this post, I argue that traditional legal conceptualisations of norm conflicts do not capture the phenomenon that International Relations IR scholars are interested in.
I propose an alternative definition, which links norm conflicts to political contestation. The number of international treaties registered with the UN approximates What are the odds of all these treaties being consistent? Infinitesimally small, one might think. As a result, even IR scholars — traditionally …. Conference Report When do domestic legislators legislate because of international law? When do national parliaments act as opposition in international law?
More generally, how can the complex interplay between domestic legislatures and international law be analysed from different perspectives normative and empirical?
The conference was held at the Law Faculty of the University …. A reply to Pedro Villarreal Pedro Villareal wonders whether and how global health security can be enhanced through international law. He raises two interrelated questions: Should there be sanctions against states that exceed the security measures recommended by the WHO?
Should they be …. The 68th World Health Assembly took place from 18 to 26 May, In this forum, there were calls for institutional reform in light of the belated response to the Ebola crisis in West Africa. It also perfectly captures the basics of working in …. This rejoinder aims at resolving some apparent misunderstandings about both the object and the thrust of my critique. My aim is to once again highlight the dangers inherent in the overuse of the prevalent concept of proportionality balancing in ….
In my view, however, her perception overburdens proportionality balancing with assumptions and expectations that do not reflect its character. I will first lay out the understanding of proportionality which this comment relies on, before then discussing the arguments brought forth by …. Since the publication of the Fragmentation Report by the International Law Commission, international legal scholars and practitioners alike seem to be less concerned about the theoretical questions raised by the fragmentation debate. Proportionality balancing is one of these tools of ….
This is the second part of a fictional conversation with Immanuel Kant and Georg Friedrich von Martens. Von Martens, much as he respected Kant, was critical …. This fictional conversation will bring together two persons of outstanding importance for science in the late 18th and early 19th century who never met face-to-face. The former revolutionised philosophy through his critical method, the latter paved the way for the modern discipline of international law.
Doch was kann in der Praxis getan werden? However, there is little systematic research on the interrelation between global environmental change and migration as well as between environmental migration and violent conflict. Natural disasters have always in human history triggered population movements. Mobility is indeed a traditional coping mechanism for populations confronted with changes in their living environment.
Scientific evidence and projections of the impacts of climate change on the environment however suggest that the phenomenon will increase in the coming years and decades, affecting primarily developing countries and vulnerable populations. Over the years, displacement linked to natural hazards has emerged as one of his central academic interests.
April diesen Jahres feierte er seinen She pertinently notes that these efforts suffer from an incumbency bias, favoring already established regimes over potential political change, especially in states where no open democratic culture exists. I find her argument by and large convincing and would like to focus on one specific aspect: Democracy and Africa are two words that rarely appear in the same sentence.
If they do, the sentences are usually framed in exhortatory or aspirational terms rather than as statements of facts. Yet even though free and fair elections are still far from being the habitual way of obtaining and transferring political power in Africa, the African Union AU has developed an impressive array of instruments that seek to nurture …. Indeed, law as development has become a mantra of development discourse deeply entrechened in the programming of the multilateral financial institutions, international development agencies, and civil society organizations, so much so that rule of law promotion has, to an extent, become synonymous with development policy itself.
Yet, behind the celebratory chorus of legal scholars-turned-development experts …. The paper revisits the relevant case law of the ECtHR on extraterritoriality and invites us to consider that similar concerns may arise in the context of environmental protection as well. As its analysis demonstrates, …. However, this does not relieve Contracting Parties from their responsibility for consequences taking place outside their territorial jurisdiction. The contemporary human rights discourse has approached the jurisdiction doctrine with consistent but cautious evolution. Russland II und Ukraine gg.
Testing proportionality appears to be a thoroughly theorized method for legal problems of all kinds. Accordingly, Advocates General and courts have begun to rely more often on proportionality in powers cases, recently for instance in the OMT-case …. A power struggle is ongoing in the East African Community — a struggle for legislative power. Pedro Villarreal — 22 October, Topics in this article: Ralph Janik — 15 October, Cameron Miles — 12 October, Philipp Eschenhagen — 10 October, Vishaka Ramesh — 8 October, Mark Somos — Tom Sparks — 5 October, Pallavi Arora — 1 October, Free Trade , International Economic Law.
Edward Maroncha — 26 September, Alast Najafi — 26 September, Comparative constitutional law , Human Rights. Call for Contributions Event. Evelien Campfens — 24 September, Lena Riemer — 19 September, Felicitas Qualmann — 14 September, Matthias Goldmann — 12 September, Democracy , global justice , Globalization , International Legal Scholarship.
Ruwen Fritsche — 10 September, Sophie Starrenburg — 5 September, Sebastian Spitra — 3 September, Raffaela Kunz — 27 August, Carsten Schenke — 18 August, Biodiversity , Human Rights. Dana Schmalz — 15 August, Edward Maroncha — 13 August, Vishesh Bhatia — 9 August, Business and Human Rights Symposium. Daniel Augenstein — 3 August, Anna Petrig — Maria Stemmler — 1 August, Janne Mende — 30 July, Human Rights , International Economic Law. Nina Reiners — 27 July, For this aim, human rights lawmaking needs to listen to more voices than just the ones of the powerful states and the human rights movement needs to include more actors than it did in the past to tackle questions of fair distribution: Clarissa Valli Buttow — 25 July, Karsten Nowrot — 23 July, Isabel Daum — 20 July, David Bilchitz — 18 July, Mala Loth — 17 July, Law and Development Symposium.
Florian Hoffmann — 17 July, Celine Tan — 16 July, Elizabeth Bakibinga-Gaswaga — 13 July, Development Cooperation , global justice , Global South , Rule of law. Wouter Vandenhole — 12 July, Development , global justice. Thomas Dollmaier — 12 July, Christos Kypraios — 29 June, European Union , International Organisations , Law of treaties. Wojciech Lewandowski — 27 June, Leonhard Kreuzer — 20 June, Sabine Witting — 14 June, Africa , Cyber , Human Rights.
Boris Burghardt — 11 June, Romy Klimke — 8 June, Romy Klimke — 4 June, Felicia Stephan — 28 May, Silvia Steininger — Tom Sparks — 2 May, Global South , International Legal Theory. Michael Riegner — 27 April, Lukas Kleinert — 20 April, Reparations , State immunity. Harsh Mahaseth — 13 April, Pedro Villarreal — 6 April, Alexander Gorski — 26 March, Silvia Steininger — 14 March, Suhr — 12 March, Felix Behnke — 7 March, Emilia Roig — 6 March, Adam Weiss — 2 March, Dana Schmalz — 28 February, Cengiz Barskanmaz — 26 February, Intersectionality , Law and Society , Race. Souheir Edelbi — 21 February, Mouhamadou Ndiaye — 16 February, Doris Liebscher — 14 February, Carola Lingaas — 12 February, Suhr — 12 February, Hartig — 7 February, Alexander Kloth — 5 February, Russian Perspectives on International Law Symposium.
Christian Marxsen — 31 January, Law and Society , Russia. Stefanie Lemke — 29 January, Selen Kazan — 26 January, Polina Baigarova — 24 January, Elena Cirkovic — 22 January, Michael Riegner — 19 January, Tero Lundstedt — 19 January, Julien Berger — 17 January, Dmytro Koval — Valentin J. Schatz — 15 January, Schatz — 12 January, Schatz — 10 January, Robin Caballero — 8 January, Maria Issaeva — 5 January, Manuela Niehaus — 27 December, Saeed Bagheri — 22 December, Kanad Bagchi — Lovish Garg — 13 December, Khashayar Biria — 11 December, Hartig — 8 December, Gender , Methodology , Norm Conflicts.
Frauke Renz — 4 December, Frowein — 1 December, Geoffrey Juchs — 27 November, Lena Laube — 16 November, Sabrina Tremblay-Huet — 6 November, Martina Tazzioli — 23 October, Antoni Abat i Ninet — 18 October, Dana Schmalz — 16 October, Mirko Sossai — 9 October, Accountability , Private Military and Security Companies. Lena Riemer — 4 October, EU , Non-refoulement , Refugee law , Turkey. Current Developments Discussion Response. Miriam Bak McKenna — 27 September, Catalonia , Self-determination , Spain.
Current Developments Discussion Kick-off. Zoran Oklopcic — 25 September, Secession , Self-determination , Sovereignty , Spain. Zoran Oklopcic — 22 September, Self-determination , Sovereignty , Spain. Surya Deva — 15 September, Iris Canor — 13 September, Thomas Dollmaier — 8 September, Theresa Reinold — 6 September, Africa , International Courts.
Konrad Lachmayer — 31 August, Mareike Riedel — Survival International — 23 August, Human Rights , Indigenous People. Honniball — Valentin J. Schatz — 21 August, Michaela Hailbronner — 9 August, Florian Hoffmann — 31 July, Vidya Kumar — 27 July, Nula Frei — 26 July, David Bilchitz — 24 July, Africa , Comparative constitutional law , Human Rights. Anuscheh Farahat — 20 July, Comparative constitutional law , Global South , Legal Theory. Roberto Niembro — 17 July, Comparative constitutional law , Global South. Philipp Dann — 14 July, Michael Riegner — 13 July, Federica Violi — Martina Buscemi — 3 July, Sabine Witting — 28 June, Cyber , Human Trafficking.
Christian Richter — 12 June, North-Korea , Self-defense , United States. Dana Schmalz — 31 May, Human Rights , Refugee law. Dana Schmalz — 29 May, Sebastian Spitra — 24 May, Faith Tigere — 17 May, Feminist Critiques of International Courts Symposium. Dawuni — 15 May, Alessandro Chechi — Vanessa Vuille — 10 May, Michel — 8 May, Dana Schmalz — 3 May, Constitutional Law , Democracy , Turkey. Alexandra Kemmerer — 28 April, Selen Kazan — 27 April, Feminist perspectives , Human Rights , International Courts. Loveday Hodson — Troy Lavers — 24 April, Suhr — 19 April, Dana Schmalz — Nienke Grossman — 17 April, Dana Schmalz — 17 April, Saeed Bagheri — 14 April, Christian Richter — 13 April, Chemical Weapons , Syria , United States.
Gunneflo Book Symposium Symposium. Markus Gunneflo — 12 April, Israel , Targeted Killing , United States. Chemical Weapons , Self-defence , Syria. Jothie Rajah — 7 April, Eye in the Skye , Terrorism , United States. Eve de Coning — 3 April, Elisabeth Hoffberger — 31 March, Karin Loevy — 29 March, Israel , Targeted Killing , Terror.
Adina Portaru — 24 March, Nahed Samour — 22 March, Kim Christian Priemel — 13 March, Itamar Mann — 8 March, Valentin Jeutner — 8 March, Schatz — 3 March, Odile Ammann — 17 February, Teresa Fajardo — 15 February, Matthias Goldmann — 13 February, International Economic Law , International Organisations. Christian Pippan — 10 February, Tobias Jaag — 8 February, Lorraine Elliott — 6 February, Mauro Megliani — 3 February, Vassilis Paliouras — 1 February, Ntina Tzouvala — 30 January, Balingene Kahombo — 27 January, Africa , Democracy , International Criminal Law.
Matthias Goldmann — 23 January, Michelle Burgis-Kasthala — 20 January, Alexandra Kemmerer — 18 January, Jorrik Fulda — 16 January, Andreas Buser — 11 January, Cristina Verones — 9 January, Layla Kristina Jaber — 2 January, Collective security , EU. Donovan Wood — 21 December, Lentner — 19 December, Michael Riegner — Raffaela Kunz — 16 December, Intellectual Property , Open Access.
Digital surveillance and cyber espionage Symposium. Milan Tahraoui — 12 December, Cyber , Digitalization , Human Rights. Layla Kristina Jaber — 7 December, Christian Djeffal — 5 December, Cristina Verones — 30 November, Discussion Law and Literature Response. Jacqueline Mowbray — 28 November, Discussion Kick-off Law and Literature. Ekaterina Yahyaoui — 23 November, Movement of People Symposium. Liliana Lyra Jubilut — 21 November, Markus Kotzur — 16 November, Laura El Chemali — 14 November, Dana Schmalz — 11 November, Globalization , International Legal Scholarship.
Deborah Anker — Maggie Morgan — 10 November, Migration , Refugee law. Ibrahim Sirkeci — 7 November, Robin Ramsahye — 2 November, Michael Riegner — 31 October, Dana Schmalz — 11 October, Suhr — 3 October, Cilem Simsek — 21 September, Duraiswami — 15 September, Dana Schmalz — 9 September, Dana Schmalz — 7 September, Asylum , EU , Refugee law.
Gleb Bogush — 15 August, Collective security , International Organisations. Isabelle Ley — 8 August, Cedric Ryngaert — 3 August, Christian Tomuschat — 1 August, Raffaela Kunz — 1 August, Larissa Furtwengler — 27 July, Armed Conflict , Extraterritoriality , Human Rights. Elif Askin — 25 July, Michelle Cottier — 22 July, Human Rights , International Health Regulation. Sharon Bassan — 20 July, Amanda Kron — David Jensen — 13 July, Alternative Dispute Resolution Symposium. Julia Palmiano Federer — 11 July, Christian Tietje — 4 July, Carrie Menkel-Meadow — 1 July, Cristina Verones — 30 June, Alternative Dispute Resolution , Dispute Settlement.
Megaregionals and the Others Symposium. Ximena Soley — 22 June, Azwimpheleli Langalanga — 20 June, Abhimanyu George Jain — 17 June, Sinthiou Buszewski — 10 June, Legitimacy , State recognition , Terrorism. Ralph Janik — 10 June, Gloria Gaggioli — 8 June, Cilem Simsek — 6 June, Franziska Oehm — 31 May, Cilem Simsek — 23 May, Dana Schmalz — 18 May, Isabel Feichtner — 16 May, Markus Krajewski — 11 May, Vito De Lucia — 9 May, Birgit Peters — 4 May, Climate change , International Environmental Law.
Katerina Katsimardou-Miariti — 2 May, International Health Governance Symposium. Pedro Villarreal — 25 April, Ilja Richard Pavone — 22 April, Giuseppe Pascale — 20 April, Edefe Ojomo — 15 April, International Health Regulation , Regional integration. Robert Frau — 13 April, Michael Marx — 11 April, Raffaela Kunz — 11 April, Ranganathan Book Symposium Symposium.
Surabhi Ranganathan — 8 April, Lea Wisken — 6 April, Jan Klabbers — 4 April, Jasper Finke — 1 April, James Crawford — 30 March, Valentin Jeutner — 30 March, Sebastian Spitra — 23 March, Julian Nowag — 22 March, EU , European Law , Fragmentation. Lehre des internationalen Rechts Symposium. Learning , Teaching International law.
Christian Walter — Yusra Suedi — 16 March, Franziska Berg — 14 March, Laura Hilb — 11 March, Isabella Risini — Sebastian Wuschka — 7 March, Learning , Moot Court , Teaching International law. Birgit Peters — 4 March, Matthias Lippold — 2 March, Elena Cirkovic — 26 February, Maximilian Oehl — 24 February, Frithjof Ehm — 22 February, Mareike Riedel — 17 February, Mareike Riedel — 15 February, Prior consultation in Latin America Symposium.
Riccarda Flemmer — 4 February, Anthropology of International Law. Debating "Beyond Human Rights" Symposium. Anne Peters — 3 February, Human Rights , International Legal Theory. The two lectures of Panel IV will focus on the examples of the European Union and the spread of universal intellectual property protection. Both can be understood as reflections as to whether co-ordination deserves more attention as a technique than concept of normative hierarchies to resolve such tensions.
His working fields have been public international law, EU law, and federalism. In the present critical state of the European Union the law appears overburdened by the functions it has been expected to fulfil. This is true with regard to the legalisation of monetary policy, the responses to the quest for social justice and now also in debates on nuclear energy. His research deals with the Europeanization of private and economic law, transnational risk regulation governance structures.
In he obtained an honorary doctorate from the University Freiburg i. Intellectual property IP laws are a modern phenomenon. Patent and copyright acts only date back to the 17th and 18th century. Nowadays, IP rights are recognized in at least countries. This surprisingly quick, global spread of IP legislation was facilitated by a number of legal transfers. First, doctrines and narratives of justification developed for real property were applied to inventions and works of art.
Second, the patent and copyright systems of Western Europe, already backed up by property theory, were transplanted to the rest of the world during colonialism. Third, counter-reactions of newly independent developing countries were settled by promising yet another type of IP protection, this time for traditional knowledge.
He studied and received his doctorate in Freiburg After the second state exam and working as a lawyer in Berlin he was a Research Fellow and Head of U. His research deals with the basic structures of justification and dysfunctions of the international system of intellectual property. The subject of the conference concerns recent developments of normative orders in general and legal orders in particular: The fact that in the area of globalisation our traditional image of an integrated normative order within a nationstate on one territory which can be identified by its borders becomes more and more obsolete.

International and transnational norms emerge and influence or determine national law, different kinds of norms govern people on the local as well as on the global level and different actors of normativity are active beyond territorial borders. The fact of legal pluralism reveals the other fact that law is and always was an integral part of cultures — and the plurality of cultures determines in a certain way the pluralisation of law as well as conflicts about the law and the different processes of exchange and transfer between different normative orders. It is also obvious that the fact of legal pluralism has a long historical continuity — and it might be that a unified and centralized national law and legal code was an exception and not the normal condition of modern societies.
Fact, Fiction, Forecast, Norm? Efforts on the Ground-Level Chair: Einige seiner wichtigsten Publikationen sind: Bringing Sociology to International Relations. Global Environmental Politics, Journal of Common Market Studies, , S1: International Theory, , 4: Perspektiven des demokratischen Regierens und die Rolle der Politikwissenschaft im Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in den Bereichen Theorie der internationalen Beziehungen, insbes.
Her areas of expertise cover international crimes, armed conflicts, and global justice. Her doctoral research, at the European University Institute, underlined transformations and circulations of expertise and practices over the management of violent conflict in African countries across sectors of intervention in the North development; humanitarian action; rule of law reforms. Her current research focuses on the expansion of the field of global justice and the transformation of political legitimacy at the international and domestic level, by studying both the professional trajectories of lawyers and other professionals operating within the International Criminal Court, and processes of diffusion of international criminal norms and transformation of fields of power within post-conflict settings on the African continent Burundi, DRC, Uganda.
She has published in leading journals in Europe on the role of the law, the expansion of global justice, and the global management of violent conflict, including as co-coordinator of special issues on war crimes of the French journal Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, with Ron Levi and John Hagan forthcoming. Er hatte Gastprofessuren an der St. Louis University und an der University of Washington, Seattle inne. Welche Faktoren dabei im Spiel waren, ist immer wieder kontrovers diskutiert worden.
Diese Fragen und der Forschungsansatz, auf dem sie beruhen, sollen in diesem Vortrag kritisch beleuchtet werden. Zwei Positionen lassen sich ausmachen. Kulturelle und politische Transformationen in der islamischen Welt, islamischer Feminismus, Herausforderungen der multiplen Moderne.
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Brill, ; Geschlechtergerechtigkeit durch Demokratisierung? At present we can only conjecture what conflicts with respect to the justice of a global normative order will be triggered by the predicted changes in the global climate, if we think of distribution conflicts over increasingly scarce resources in the seriously affected regions and social and cultural struggles that could be triggered once the predicted mass migrations to the more favorable climatic zones begin.
Katharina Michaelowa Katharina Michaelowa Ph. Her research focuses on the areas policies and politics in developing countries, international development cooperation, and international climate policy, and led to over 70 publications including several books, and articles in journals such as Public Choice, the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, World Development, the Review of International Organizations and Climatic Change. What Lies behind the Pro-Poor Rhetoric?
Values, Poverty, and Policy He co-edited with Christopher J. After completing her Ph. Her first book, A Theory of Unborn Life: Currently, she is working on her second book on intergenerational justice and climate change. Milan Kuhli, geboren , ist seit Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Exzellenzcluster. Nach dem Studium der Rechtswissenschaft 1. Springer , S. Trotz dieser Aufmerksamkeit ist die Frage, welche Auswirkungen diese Dauerkrise auf den Wertehaushalt der politischen Akteure und auf die sich daraus ergebenden Handlungsimperative hatte, bislang nicht untersucht worden.
Diese Frage ist der Ausgangspunkt eines Forschungsprojekts, dessen Konzeptionierung im Zentrum des Vortrags stehen wird. Das Internet ist kein rechtsfreier Raum: Die wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und politischen Auswirkungen des Internets fokussieren das Interesse der Staaten der Welt auf dessen Regulierung und wecken normative Begehrlichkeiten. Dezember , Abstract Wie organisiert ein Staat handwerkliche Produktion? Eine klassische Antwort darauf gibt Qiu Jun im China des Technology in China Brill, Inzwischen mehren sich jedoch auch die kritischen Stimmen.
Michelle Everson Birkbeck University of London:. Abstract It is a commonplace that the discipline of economics contributed to crisis, above all, as economic methodologies contributed to the fatal inflation of debt risk. But what might be said of the role of law within this constellation? Much ink has been consumed detailing legal shortcomings within historical regulatory regimes for the financial services. However, a full accounting has yet to be made of the broader fault which may also be attributed to the premises of modern and increasingly post-national law, especially as they coalesce with a broader abdication of political responsibility for crisis.
This lecture undertakes this accounting, investigating in legal theory particular, the processes whereby law has transformed itself into an economic technology within postnational regimes. Pre-empting the politics within which social and economic stability might be defi ned and achieved, an economic technology of law has also survived crisis. Still seeking its own material legitimacy in the flattened pursuit of universal welfare gain within the optimized allocative effi ciency of new economic liberalisms, law has also emerged as one of the progenitors of crisis yet to come.
Cavendish deploying a wide range of critical legal methodologies. Abstract Seit dem Ende des Jahrhunderts haben sich Tendenzen zur Verrechtlichung und zur Informalisierung der internationalen Beziehungen meistens die Waage gehalten. Nur selten kommt es zur Verrechtlichung informeller Interaktionsformen.
Seit ist er Mitarbeiter von Prof. Staatsexamen und einem LL. Aber auch andere Themen leisten zur neuen Konjunktur dieses rechtswissenschaftlichen Klassikers ihren Beitrag. Rechtsgeschichte — Legal History 20 Abstract The vast majority of societies around the world have, over the past 30 years, become increasingly multiethnic and multicultural; this development raises serious questions regarding the legal techniques available for managing social cohesion. The contribution will be organised around three practical questions.
The first question relates to the setting of cultural diversity: The second question examines the origin of cultural diversity, that is to say the factors that have given rise to cultural diversity in the setting under scrutiny. The third question focuses on the interaction itself between law and cultural differences, and seeks to unravel the methods, solutions and processes utilized in each context in order to resolve disputes over culture and cultural differences.
Ultimately, the purpose is to describe and examine how, in various settings, State legal institutions and practices, case law and legal experience treat cultural diversity: And to draw empirically based conclusions from the comparison of different experiences with accommodation of diversity within the State legal framework.
She has held various visiting professorships both within and outside Europe. In the field of anthropology of law, her research focuses on cultural diversity and legal practice, with special interest in the application of Islamic family law in Europe, and more recently in the accommodation of cultural and religious diversity under State law. She is also an honorary member of the Brussels bar. In she received the Francqui Prize, the most distinguished scientific award in the humanities in Belgium.
Vormoderne und Moderne scheinen hier noch musterhaft geschieden. Mode bedeutet daher stets die potenzielle Selbstaufhebung ihrer Maximen. In der Situation treffen die Struktur und der Akteur aufeinander. Je nach Situation wird etwa in den internationalen Beziehungen Recht mobilisiert oder gemieden, es werden allgemeine oder exklusive Ordnungen ausgerufen. Diese sollen mit besonderem Blick auf die normativen Akteure in diesem Panel einer kritischen Sichtung unterzogen werden.
Und wer definiert in diesen Prozessen das Gemeinschaftsinteresse? Am Beispiel der Rollen von Staaten, dem Privatsektor und der Zivilgesellschaft stellt dieses Panel eine wichtige Bestandsaufnahme des Internets als Medium und Gegenstand des Prozesses um die Herausbildung seiner normativen Ordnung dar. Seine derzeitigen Forschungsschwerpunkte sind republikanische Demokratietheorie, Legitimations- und Akzeptanzforschung sowie Internet und Politik. Der Beitrag wird diese Entwicklung mit Beispielen belegen und ihre Auswirkungen auf das Internet und die Idee staatlichen Privatrechts problematisieren.
Seither hat das Multi-Stakeholder-Verfahren eine enorme Aufwertung erfahren. Die These ist, dass diese Bedeutungen einem anhaltenden Aushandlungsprozess unterliegen. Verhandelt werden die relevanten Akteurskonstellationen und Verfahrensprinzipien von Multi-Stakeholder-Prozessen, aber auch deren Handlungskompetenzen und ihre Grenzen.
Ihre Forschungsinteressen richten sich auf die Regulierung des Internets und den Wandel des Urheberrechts. Auf internationaler Ebene hat sie zwischen und , zeitweilig als Mitglied der deutschen Delegation, am UN-Weltgipfel zur Informationsgesellschaft mitgewirkt und beteiligt sich seit am Internet Governance Forum. Secularism and religion stand in a tense and ambivalent relationship to each other.
This pertains both to the empirically observable reality of the political and cultural discourses in which norms and the scope of action are negotiated by social actors, as well as to scholarly debates. In non-western societies, too, questions regarding the significance of religion have been linked to conceptions of state and society as well as to debates on the rights of marginalized groups.
Since the Weberian paradigm of a necessarily secular modernity has been called into question, we have been discussing the validity claims of religion within the framework of the postsecularist thesis. However, doubts have been raised as to whether the paradigm offers a satisfactory framework for understanding current dynamics, particularly in non-European societies.
Between and she was visiting professor at Yale University, the Universities of Mainz, Frankfurt and Trier, and was visiting fellow at the University of Chicago. Her research foci are the transformation of normative orders, especially in predominantly Muslim societies as well as in post-conflict areas; the debate over secularism vs. Jocelyne Cesari Harvard University. Nevertheless, the question remains: How can these practices be included within the IR research agenda? This remains a challenge that has been taken up by only a few scholars Sandal and Fox.
A case in point is the gap between current scholarly work on secularism that still insists on some kind of differentiation, separation or neutrality between religion and politics and the socio-political reality of the relations between state and religion that is far from exemplifying this theoretical ideal. Her research focuses on religion and international politics, Islam and globalization, Islam and secularism, immigration, and religious pluralism. Her new book, The Islamic Awakening: She has also recently published: She coordinates two major web resources on Islam and politics: Islamopedia Online and Euro-Islam.
Secularization theory asserted this demise of religion constituted a general cultural trend. Instead, religions have once again drawn public attention worldwide. This is evident in the debates on genetic engineering and on the capabilities of the neurosciences to create individuals lacking the subjectivity that is constitutive of human life and freedom. His most recent publications are: In contrast to the early post-colonial period, no Muslim politician openly defends the idea of a secular state anymore.
Governmental Islamic bureaucracies have systematically rationalized the adminis-tration of an anti-pluralistic, yet widely popular brand of Sharia Law. I will argue that we are presently witnessing a decidedly anti-secular pop-Islamist — rather than a post-Islamist — turn in Southeast Asia, while the region may have never been substantially secularized in the first place. He obtained his PhD summa cum laude in Frankfurt in He is now working on a book project on socio-legal change in the Islamic monarchy of Brunei Darussalam, and presently holds a visiting fellowship at the University of Brunei Darussalam UBD.
Siebte internationale Jahreskonferenz des Exzellenzclusters "Die Herausbildung normativer Ordnungen". Rainer Forst und Prof. Die Verrechtlichung der Welt und ihre Kritiker. Michelle Everson Birkbeck University of London: Crisis past and crisis yet to come: Soziale Regeln und Recht der Mode. Die Entstabilisierung von Erwartungen durch die Verweigerung von Recht. Der Schutz des Internets im Gemeinschaftsinteresse: Privatisierung und Automatisierung der Rechtsdurchsetzung im Internet. Jocelyne Cesari Harvard University: Revisiting the Dominant Concepts of Secularism. Secularization — the Return of Religions — Postsecularism.
Remarks on the Conceptual Landscape. But when it comes to the EU, there is massive disagreement as to what its standards of fairness, justice, and solidarity entail when it comes to solving financial or other crises. This panel thus asks: What are the justificatory standards by which we should measure EU policies, and how do we ground them?
How should the EU be understood as a polity, and what principles of social justice—or solidarity—does it encompass? His work in moral and political philosophy focuses on questions of practical reason, justice and toleration; his major publications are Contexts of Justice Suhrkamp , Univ. He is a member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, Associate Editor of Ethics, a member of the Executive Editorial Committee of Political Theory and serves on the boards of numerous other international journals.
His habilitation in was followed by appointments to professorships at the EUI Florence and at the universities of Rostock and Zurich, which he declined. His most important publications include: The sense of ppropriateness, ; Portuguese translation and Schuld und kommunikative Freiheit Abstract In order to suggest a grounded normative assessment of Europe as a context of justice, I characterize the European context as a demoicracy in the making, that is a Union of peoples who govern together but not as one.
In such a polity, we must avoid two pitfalls. The second is to fall in the mimetic fallacy which considers the EU as a polity akin to a state-writ-large with similar habits and rationale available to underpin the kind of socio-economic justice advocated by John Rawls. Instead, they can serve as contested referents in a variety of localized democratic debates over the ends we deem desirable in the wielding of political power.
Finally, we need to consider the extent to which the choice that is made to belong to the EU or the Eurozone is effectively constrained to different degrees for different actors, and therefore deserves to be treated at least partially in the same way as the kind of nonvoluntary membership we fi nd in classic states which leads to redistributive obligations. In , she was a member of the Gonzales refl ection group on the future of Europe set up by the European Council. She has published widely on international relations, global governance, trade ethics, law and democracy promotion, as well as the internal and external aspects of European integration in numerous journals including Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of European Public Policy and International Organization.
Her last books are Echoes of Empire: More information — including publications — can be found on her website: Abstract From its beginnings, the European Union has been both an aspirational political project and an economic project. But the relation between political values and economic processes has not always been clear. In the architecture of the Eurozone, prices and dignity are intertwined in complex ways: Human dignity became the plaything of the forces of markets that put the material precondition for a life in dignity at risk. Therefore, we need to reconsider the place and role of prices, and of the institutions that can secure human dignity, in our societies.
To put it provocatively: Prices have a distinctive function in markets where they are supposed to signal scarcities and to bring about an effi cient allocation, including an effi cient allocation of risks. They cannot do so unless the risks of bankruptcy or defaults are carried by investors rather than the general public. This perspective also sheds light on how to defi ne the proper place of markets in the Eurozone — not from the perspective of property rights or economic liberties alone, but from a functional perspective, as conducive to a dignifi ed life of all citizens.
She studied philosophy, economics, politics and modern history at Munich and Oxford. Her research interests lie at the intersection of philosophy and economics, including the history of economic and political thought and normative questions about economic institutions and economic phenomena.
Currently, she focuses on ethics in organizations and normative questions about the fi nancial system. For Europe unites divergent vertical, horizontal or diagonal; national, supranational or transnational modes of governance, which need to be focused in detail for their qualifi cation as just or unjust e. In my eyes, different justificatory challenges and potentials be they in degree or in kind come into play when we look e.
With regard to the latter, the European legal order becomes more and more important, especially when the Member States wield extraterritorial powers via the mutual recognition principle think of the European Arrest Warrant. For these extraterritorial powers, which are facilitated by, but not per se rooted in the EU, need checks and balances. And these checks and balances are in turn provided for by European constitutional law like the Charter of Fundamental Rights , which thus becomes a justificatory standard for the national administration of criminal justice.
Previously, he was visiting professor at the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich. He received his Dr. He also holds an LL. More information — including publications — can be found on his website: Shortly after the collapsing financial markets had been rescued but the global economy had plunged into recession, the Eurozone became the center of economic turmoil. The sovereign debt crisis of several member states Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain was answered with the provision of European and international public loans on a hitherto unseen scale, which at the same time attached strict conditions to the receiving states.
These conditions primarily concerned the implementation of economic reforms aimed at regaining the trust of the financial markets and boosting the competitiveness of the respective economies. Yet, as the recession worsened, the overall indebtedness of the states increased, and as the social fabric of the societies was on the point of rupturing specifi cally due to extreme levels of unemployment, especially among young people ever more actors began to oppose these prescribed reforms.
After five months of fi erce negotiations with the so-called Troika, however, this government accepted a reform package that consists toa large extent of austerity measures. This panel brings together contributions from economics, political economy and political theory that seek to explore the ongoing crisis tendencies of and within the Eurozone. From their respective viewpoints they ask how the framework of the EU and the specifi c nature of the Eurozone have contributed to these tendencies, as well as to the answers offered to the crisis; how the framework of economic governance within the Eurozone and the EU may have changed in the course of the crisis; and what prospects there are for dealing with the various dimensions of the crisis in the future.
Between and , she worked as a research associate with Professor Dr.
- The Good Father.
- God is Green?: Jewish and Christian Theological Study of Creation Ethics?
- Miracle Tree.
- .
Andreas von Hirsch focusing on the theory and ethics of criminal law. She gained legal experience as an intern with Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer and management experience as coordinator of several research projects at Goethe University. CV Rainer Klump was born in in Darmstadt. In he was awarded the Heinz-Maier-Leibnitz-Prize in economic politics.
From until he held the Ludwig-Erhard endowed professorship and a position as chair of the department of economic politics at the University Ulm. Since January he is the president of Luxembourg University. Abstract We briefl y review various causes of the euro area crisis, examining in particular the flaws in the institutional framework of the European Monetary Union. Based on this analysis we will then provide an account of how the economic and financial adjustments need to be accompanied by institutional reforms and new forms of governance.
Moreover, the Single Market withstood the crisis as did monetary and financial infrastructures. Looking at Europe, reforms take time to display their positive effects. And they are only as good as they are implemented. There are many synergies between these unions. But, there is also a political economy problem behind these unions: Sequencing is easier politically allows to deal with legacy for instance but it takes more time which is not necessarily there, particularly in crisis times and in some cases it may even not be optimal according to us when there are two-ways interdependencies.
Packaging is a priori optimal but not always possible consumes political capital and reforms do not all take the same amount of time to be implemented. Prior to that he spent several years as an economist at the International Monetary Fund in Washington. His main area of research pertains to the transmission of monetary policy impulses, the effects of the euro on the functioning of EMU, the links between monetary policy and heterogeneity in the euro area, and the links between economic integration and institutional integration.
Abstract After the outbreak of the global economic crisis, extreme austerity policies prevailed in many parts of the developed capitalist world, especially in the European Union EU and the euro area EA. Austerity has been criticized as an irrational policy, which further deteriorates the economic crisis by creating a vicious cycle of falling effective demand, recession and overindebtedness. The first aim of the present paper is to give an answer to this discrepancy. In other words, austerity is offered as alternative to economic instability. What is urgently needed is a progressive policy setting that overrides this unfortunate trade-off.
The paper will address this issue mainly from the viewpoint of political economy. He has also authored or co-authored some twelve scholarly books. His most recent books in English are Rethinking Imperialism. Demystifying Finance Routledge , co-authored with D. Abstract There is a widespread concern that European integration is more than ever a technocratic process which has lost its connection to the foundational dimension of democracy. In my talk, I will scrutinize these tendencies and ask to what extent they can be contextualized as postdemocratic.
In the light of the emerging austerity constitution, constituent power must be reframed as destituent power on the European level — a counter-power which aims at a re-negotiation of hegemonic structures. His research focuses on transnational constitutionalism and international political theory. His recent book Formwandel der Verfassung. Die postdemokratische Verfasstheit des Transnationalen transcript outlines a critical approach to the changing role of constitutionalism in world society. A Critical Theory of Transnational Regimes.
Creeping Managerialism and the Quest for a Destituent Power, in: Europe at a Crossroad. Nomos ; Formwandel des Konstitutionalismus. The EU has adopted its common currency without providing an institutional framework that would have been needed to absorb and buffer the damages the Euro has predictably caused.
The lecture will be in English, but the title remains in German because the shared root of the German words for guilt Schuld and debt Schulden mean that it cannot be translated satisfactorily into English. He earned his PhD Dr. Since he has been teaching at the Hertie School of Governance, a private professional school of public policy, where he held a chair of Political Sociology. Previous positions include professorships at the Universities of Bielefeld and Bremen, where he has served as director of the Center of Social Policy Research.
He was awarded an honorary degree by the Australian National University in His fi elds of research include democratic theory, transition studies, EU integration, and welfare state and labor market studies. He has published numerous articles and book chapters in these fi elds, a selection of which is reprinted as Herausforderungen der Demokratie. Preuss , Reflections on America. Zum Artikel von Johann Szews: Er studierte Ethnologie, Philosophie und Rechtswissenschaft in Frankfurt und Leiden und promovierte als Stipendiat des Exzellenzclusters in Frankfurt Islam, Politics and Youth in Malaysia: CV Hartmut Kaelble geb.
Vergleichende Sozialgeschichte Europas im Der historische Vergleich auch chines. Europa auch japan. In der Kontroverse kamen zwei unterschiedliche Gerechtigkeitsvorstellungen zum Tragen. Transcript sowie Gender and Islam in Southeast Asia. Zum Panelbericht von Dr. The topic of this panel is one of political justice between states. This behaviour at times creates gaps between normative aspirations and political results which contribute to the volatility of acceptance of the EU both by its citizens and state actors.
The participants on the panel will focus on questions of international political justice in the field of security politics, i. Since at Goethe University Frankfurt. Constitutional law, public international law and EU law, with an emphasis on foreign relations powers, federalism, multi-level governance, human rights and theory of international law. Abstract Enlargement is considered one of the major successes of the European Union. As the cost of expansion has generally been expected to outweigh the benefits, why does the EU not just remain a club for the well off? But the wave of enlargement to Central and East European states in the fi rst part of suggests that it is bolstered by a specifi c commitment to Europe.
But the EU has turned membership into a question of a right for those belonging to a specifi c community. While making enlargement possible, this self-imposed duty also creates a particular challenge to the EU compared to other Western organisations such as for example to NATO. Enlargement may be an efficient means to resolve the fundamental problem of dominance and arbitrariness that is inherent in international politics, but it is only so within a certain scale. At some point a continuous expansion risks creating its own problems of dominance at a global level as well as malfunctioning at the regional level.
Ultimately, it presents the Union with the unresolved dilemma of fi nding legitimate ways to justify the drawing of its borders. Her research interests include the EU as an international actor, transatlantic relations, democracy and foreign policy and EU enlargement. She holds a Ph. She is author of more than 60 academic publications, among them one singleauthored monograph, five edited and co-edited books, and four edited special issues.
In she received the Anna Lindh Award for her contributions to research in the fi eld of European foreign and security policy. Her most relevant works regarding the topic of her lecture are: Europe in search of identity London: Abstract This contribution deviates from mainstream accounts of political justice in three ways. His research focuses on disarmament issues, theories of democratic peace, great power relations, disarmament, arms control, and non-proliferation. Abstract The contributions offers an approach to the Greek crisis that does not focus on its economic dimensions, but rather on a constitutional concept that is in the core of contemporary European debates: Corruption, incoherent law formulation, and disproportionate delays in delivering justice suggest that Greece can be treated as a type of weak state within the EU.
Without an effective administrative and judicial system, however, able to guarantee that norms do not stay in the books but govern effectively social conduct, the normative quality of law is undermined. Two types of questions may rise from this observation. A closer look to the conditionality attached to the financial assistance offered to Greece indicates that the EU recognizes the problem and approaches Greece also as a state-building challenge.
This dimension needs, however, to be strengthened and be explicitly treated as a rule-of-law problem. He graduated with distinction from the University of Athens in and continued his studies, first in Heidelberg LL. After the completion of his doctoral studies, he has continued working and publishing on international economic law and EU law. Ioannidis is currently working on two major projects. The first is connected with the Eurozone crisis, the role of the IMF and the emergence of the new European economic governance, looking especially at how financial assistance conditionality is used at the international and the European level.
The second project entails applying a public law approach to the law of international treaties. Eine Anmeldung bis zum November ist erforderlich. How can a Demoicratic Polity be Just? Christoph Burchard Goethe University: How to Exit the Crisis: Reflections on the 4 Unions. Why Do We Need Them?
Is there a Chance for the Welfare State? From the Constitutionalisation of Austerity to Destituent Power: Democratic Challenges in the Context of the Euro-Crisis. Hartmut Kaelble Humboldt University Berlin: Gerechtigkeit in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft. Kerstin Weiand Goethe University: Ungleichheit als politisch-sozialer Sprengstoff? Stefan Kadelbach Goethe University. A Duty to Expand? International Political Justice in Europe: The Case of Greece. The current migration and refugee crisis is a case in point.
In order to determine the responsibilities of states and other agents to offer solutions, guided by principles of justice or humanitarian moral considerations, we need a realistic picture of the sources and the many dimensions of the current crisis. Abstract Political theorists and practitioners alike are discussing freedom of movement extensively and controversially.
At the same time, we are still lacking profound empirical knowledge on that issue. Visa policies are the major instrument for regulating and controlling the global flow of people. They represent a form of exterritorialization of political control, which allows states to exercise it far beyond their own borders. With increasing migration flows, it makes sense to assume that their function of filtering wanted and unwanted types of travellers has gained importance over time.
On the basis of a large comparative data set we explore changing visa relations at the global level. We demonstrate the emergence of a global mobility divide, marked by increasing mobility for some people while others are immobilized. Moreover, we will look at the issue of reciprocity as a key principle of international relations. We seek to answer the question under which conditions reciprocity in visa relations prevails and which countries are able to establish asymmetrical visa relationships to their own advantage.
Recent publications are Inequality, Marketization and the Majority Class. Why did the European Middle Classes accept Neoliberalism? Selective Borders, Unequal Mobility. Jens Steffek has published six books and some 50 journal articles and book chapters. Abstract A liberal political theory of labour migration faces a serious dilemma. It takes the inequality generating effects of international brain drain to be morally objectionable, but cannot directly restrict the movement or occupational choice of labour migrants as a solution. I argue that a plausible solution can be found by rethinking a basic tenet of liberal political theory.
Namely, its ownership of talents thesis, according to which talents fall under self-ownership, but the benefits derived from the use of talents are legitimately owned against the background of fair cooperation. Rethinking fairness in labour migration on the basis of this radical view takes the following form. Labour migration is currently driven by the immigration policies of affl uent states, aiming to fix their demographic and professional shortages and to gain competitive advantage in the global knowledge economy.
It is yet unclear which normative ideas should guide a fair multilateral global governance of labor migration. I conclude that a well-designed international brain drain tax and other types of in-kind knowledge and skills transfer and service schemes constitute fair terms of labour migration. The function of these normative constraints is to render the gains morally justified, and thereby normatively reorder rightful ownership in the global economy. Her research in social and political philosophy focuses on the problem of fairness in labour migration, on reconciling global equality of opportunity and collective self-determination, and on rethinking relational egalitarianism in practice.
She is an organizing member of the Global Justice Network committed to bridging the gap between the theory and practice of global justice http: Abstract This paper addresses some of the core claims that advocates of realism about migration tend to make when reflecting on the confl icts that the movement of people across borders poses for contemporary liberal democracies.
I argue that migration poses serious questions of justice but that such questions ought to be examined in the context of a larger analysis of capitalist injustice, the historical context of its production and the agents responsible for and affected by it. If we isolate the discussion of migration related problems and ground it on an abstract analysis of human rights to freedom of movement, morality of border controls or humanitarian compassion towards vulnerable people, we end up depriving ourselves of the most effective tools for identifying a remedy to them. She is interested in issues of global justice including migration and colonialism , democratic theory with particular focus on parties and the philosophy of the Enlightenment especially Kant.
Is it legitimate for states to exclude non-members? If so, on what basis? Visiting Professor at Harvard Law School. Shachar is the author of Multicultural Jurisdictions: In , she joined the Max Planck Society.
Menschenrechte in China - Die Arbeit Der Ngos (German Edition)
Border-crossings of large groups of people have been a constitutive phenomenon of the international system ever since the formation of political communities separating richer and poorer societies as well as peoples fi ghting wars or living at peace. This is especially true for Europe with its rich history of warfare. This panel examines the reach, limits and deficiencies of the legal underpinnings of international and European refugee law as well as the lacking institutional and procedural context of joint European decision-making. His research interests are in the fields of social and international relations theory, foreign policy analysis, esp.
German and EUropean foreign policy, and international security, esp. The — at least in a European context — unprecedented number of persons seeking refuge, the heterogeneity of root-causes for their trans-boundary movements and of their countries of origin, and the human hardship experienced by many during their flight to Europe and upon arrival in reception facilities constitute heavy material burdens on the receiving countries.
Abstract The current refugee flow into the European Union is not, or rather does not need to be a crisis. It is a challenge for the management capacity of EU member states on the one hand and a challenge for the policy capability of the European Union on the other. In principle, Member States could handle the number of refugees if they would agree to cooperate.
The challenge has turned into a crisis because they refuse to do so and instead opt for national solutions. The conflictual dynamics lay bare the glaring weaknesses of the institutional design of the European Union as did the fi nancial crisis before. Our contribution analyzes the cooperation problems underlying the current crisis and delineates possible solutions. His research centres on theories of international relations, security issues and international institutions.
Given the high number of people crossing borders daily, the little degree of institutionalised cooperation between nation-states on the task of migration governance comes as a surprise. States largely resist giving up longstanding notions of border and population control and avoid delegating competences to global actors. Where national agencies are unwilling or unable to deal with the arrival of large numbers of migrants and refugees, international public and private actors step in. How do these international actors perform the task of global migration governance at the European external border?
I will discuss examples from the Greek island of Chios where over , migrants entered Europe since the beginning of , overwhelming the capacities of the Greek local authorities. She studied political science and international relations theory at the universities of Bremen, Geneva and the London School of Economics and Political Science with a grant from the German National Academic Foundation. She teaches on international political theory, global authority and legitimacy and global migration. In her current research project, she focuses on how global migration governance is made in and trough practice at the European external border.
She spent two months as a volunteer on the Greek island of Chios to provide a political sociology of the public and private organisations which respond to the ongoing refugee emergency. Her forthcoming publications include works on borders and democracy as well as participatory governance. Focusing on migration and citizenship from a historical and cultural anthropological perspective, the panel presents the empirical foundations of various discourses. Some of these are completely marginal, revealing refusal to even take notice of the issues under discussion. Others are omnipresent and rife with images of threat.
While the case studies analyzed refer to local or national particularities, they are, at the same time, well suited for sharpening the eye for problems that are to some extent universal. When does the plight of refugees arouse compassion, empathy, and solidarity, and when does it fail to engender such emotions? Her research focuses on political Islam, Islamic extremism, multiple modernities, feminist Islam, transformation of gender orders, multiculturalism, secularism and post-secularism.
Fromme Muslime in Deutschland Frankfurt: Campus ; Debating salafism, traditionalism and liberalism. Muslims and the state in Germany. Heroic gender constructs in jihadism in: Abstract In this talk I will analyze and compare two different, but intertwined, turns in the political discourse on migration in Western Europe since the s. First I will focus on the settlement process of guest workers and colonial migrants from the s onwards and secondly I will deal with the refugees who came to Western Europe in large numbers in the s and s. Furthermore since he is honorary adjunct professor at the University of Aalborg in Denmark.
He specializes in migration history, urban history, state formation, eugenics and other socio-political developments in modern states. His publication list counts over scholarly publications, among which 11 monographs and 16 edited volumes. Recent publications include Globalising Migration History. The Eurasian experience 16thst centuries. Brill, Leiden and Boston Edited with Jan Lucassen; Gewinner und Verlierer.
Abstract Migration is intimately inscribed in the past of the people of the Western Sahel. This phenomenon has yielded a large body of scholarship, with particularly brilliant analysis in the context of intensified mobility. The concept of migration is dear to scholars, yet it is not without its critics: Whose mobility are we considering, against the backdrop of whose immobility? The topic of mobility has been discussed in the context of so-called globalization. But again we may ask ourselves who is becoming globalized?
In the same way, we should question the concept of citizenship. These discourses and their corollaries are products of the state. He was fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, John G. While the amount of relevant information and its availability is constantly expanding, the capacities of attention remain limited.
One illustrative example for this problem is the current refugee crisis in Southeast Asia, and its discursive irrelevance in Europe. My contribution does not intend to dramatize this supposed or factual injustice. International Quarterly for Asian Studies, Paideuma: Please register until 20th of November Thursday, November 24th, 2: Panel I - The Politics of Migration: Problems, Principles and Policies.
Jens Steffek TU Darmstadt: Exploring the Global Mobility Divide: Fairness in Labour Migration. A Radical Liberal Egalitarian Proposal. Keynote Address Bordering Migration: Legal Cartographies of Membership and Mobility Prof. Friday, November 25th, Rainer Hofmann Goethe University: Current Challenges to International Refugee Law.
Nicole Deitelhoff Goethe University: The European Union and Refugees: Nele Kortendiek TU Darmstadt: Leo Lucassen Leiden University: Mamadou Diawara Goethe University: The Case of Rohingya in Southeast Asia. But what exactly does it mean to use this term? When does talk of a crisis arise, when can a normative order be said to be in crisis, and what forms of crisis are there?
Can a focus on the normative dimension shed new light on social crises? These are the questions this panel seeks to address. Eine Publikation zum Ausstellungsprojekt Sense of Doubt. Abstract The Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump came as a shock, not only to the world at large but to the citizenries of the UK and US. I argue we can speak of a justification crisis as a pathological iteration of a legitimation crisis: If the political public sphere is found corrupted or otherwise unable to facilitate deliberative processes of opinion and will-formation, and yet the mechanisms of aggregative democracy remain in place, discontented citizens are left to vote on the basis of snap judgments and prejudices untested by criteria of reciprocal and general justification.
This scenario can render the political system prone to erratic decision-making, which appear democratic in form, yet which remain unrecognizable as theproduct of a general democratic will. He studied politics at the New School for Social Research, where he received the Hannah Arendt Memorial Award in Politics for his dissertation work on Kant, Habermas, and the pathologies of the modern international state system.
He is author of Commercium: Abstract In the aftermath of the economic meltdown, a discourse about a profound social crisis, including a terminal crisis of capitalism, emerged from both ends of the left-right political divide. A decade later, the fears from, and hopes for, a transformative crisis have given way to calls for building resilience. Her writing is dedicated to bringing the critique of political economy back into critical social theory. Her research ranges from theories of judgment and justice to the dynamics of contemporary capitalism and its effect on ideological orientation and electoral mobilisation.
Among her recent publications are The Scandal of Reason: Judgment, Responsibility and the Right to Politics , ed. Rainer Forst and Prof. Abstract In these remarks, we show how the methodology developed in the Cluster allows us to analyse crises of normative orders in a productive and innovative way. In our view, this is more than a legitimation crisis; rather, it is a justification crisis.
Here we distinguish two forms of it: In such crises, the normative order itself is questioned—its boundaries and its very nature. We will demonstrate these notions of crisis by putting them to use in the legal field. A legal order is often the most contested normative order in a situation of crisis. It begins with small violations or bypassing of valid norms without any legal consequences and ends with a blatant or clandestine suspension of a whole legal regime—as can be seen, for example, in the handling of the recent Euro and refugee crises.
That there is a state of exception requiring new measures is one of the common justifications. We shall read these phenomena as indications of a justification crisis. The Sense of Appropriateness , ; Portuguese translation and Schuld und kommunikative Freiheit It is a truism that modern capitalism at once is the most productive and the most destructive economic system ever.
To stay alive, capitalism needs as much state-intervention as socialism. The capitalist state can fulfil this function only as a self-interested agency that has constitutive and corrective functions also for non-capitalist spheres of life. Moreover, in a long course of social struggles, revolutions and civil wars, the capitalist state was forced to become democratic and to integrate two incompatible principles: The incompatibility was moderated after World War II by democracy with socialist characteristics.
However, the democratic and social state has suffered from two problems: Democracy with socialist characteristics was white, male, and heterosexual. Fighting horizontal inequality, the New Left triggered one of the most consequential cultural revolutions of world history. However, at the same time aggressive neoliberalism, politically and theoretically well prepared, took its chance and changed the direction of the evolution against democracy and socialism. The last 40 years witnessed a dramatic increase of social class differences and a transnationally enhanced threefold U-turn of constitutionalism from public power to private property, from public law to private law, and from legal formalism to legal dynamism.
The outcome was a vicious circle of injustice: The world economic crisis of reinforced the circular downfall, consumed the scare resources of solidarity, and caused a legitimation crisis of normative orders. Technocratic incrementalism apparently comes to an end, but what comes then? Studies in German literature, philosophy, biology, education and sociology in Kiel, Freiburg and Frankfurt.
Clough Lecture on European Constitutionalism Europa Preis of European University Verfassungsprobleme der Weltgesellschaft , Baden-Baden: