
Dance with Me, Henry: An alternate history of the Cold War

In the Beginning Germany had the upper hand but after constant fighting American were managing to break through. In June Reagan in a meeting with his advisors believed that the time for the German invasion was soon. Three different locations were invaded, causing this to be the largest military invasion and campaign of all time. Canada, and Mexico at Eministmon, Ireland, the U. Nazi forces stationed there fought good battles but ATO manage to make beach landings in all three areas.

An Invasion of Turkey was under way by Iraq and India. Japan and Saudi Arabia gained permission to cross Sinai and began a destructive march to Cairo, Saudi claimed it as revenge for the Egyptian invasion. Kazakhstan would be annexed into the U. In Europe progress was slow with heavy casualties for the Americans. In Ireland the Americans took Ennis after a terrible siege. American forces in France reached Poitiers, France. Leon in Spain fell to the American as well.

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By the beginning of with the American invasion under way, revolutions throughout British, and Western Germany ignited. The army managed to put them down, but it halted supplies and troops to the front, allowing all of Ireland to be liberated and for progress to have been made in Spain, and France. Cairo along with Egypt fell to Saudi Arabians. Saudi Government declared for the other African nations to surrender or face invasion. The sued for peace and by mid Libya, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, surrendered. On Aug 2nd Gorbachev, Premier of the U. The Red Army crossed the Ural mountains and began a long trudge to retake Moscow.

German forces were stationed there but they weren't able to stop the invasion. German re-enforcements were sent for to stop the Soviets. They met the Red Army at Kudymker but the Soviets won. The Invasion of England began and was being successful. Madrid was to be taken and in France all Western France had been liberated to the Loure river.

By late 85 England was liberated. With the liberation of Britain, in the beginning of revolutions started through Western Europe. These revolutions were much more successful, even causing the Nazi Army to retreat out of Spain completely, and barely West of the Rhine river. By The Red Army began the siege of Vladimir. By Feb they took the city. Gorbachev made a statement that Moscow, the crown of the U. On Feb 15th The Soviets began the invasion of Moscow. Gregory ordered that the Nazi Army to not allow the soviets the victory.

What began was the bloodiest battle of the war. Germans halted the Red Army's assault four times, causing heavy casualties for the Soviets, but they were determined to regain the ancient capital. The Final invasion began and lasted two days the casualties were enormous for both sides. Coupled with weather and casualties, just this single battle is estimated to have taken at least one million lives.

Soviets across the nation rejoiced, Gorbachev visited the nation and is reported to have kissed the ground were the Kremlin had once stood, but now was half burned down. Gorbachev gave medals to all soldiers of the Red Army who had been part of the battle. But even with this victory, Gorbachev galvanized the nation to take revenge on the Nazi nation. After this battle reports by Nazi soldiers said that the Soviet soldiers fought like wild animals. With this fear the German Army began Operation Bismark, a large scale military invasion only second to the D-day landings.

The attack was successful pushing ATO all the way to Paris. Both sides knew that victory was important, The Germans knew that if they won they could expel ATO out of Europe, America knew that the attack was a last desperate move, so if they won the rest of German Proper would fall easily. One of the bloodiest battle began at Tours, France in Nov ATO reinforcements had finally arrived and caught up with the army. For 4 days both combatants fought fiercely, casualties were heavy for both sides.

But on the fifth they finally managed to break through, and slowly started to regain lost lands. By June they took Warsaw. Gregory, ordered the retreat of German citizens, and soldiers to defend Berlin. By Australia joined forces in Turkey Australia, because of American aid had grown to a super power. By July Turkey signed an Armistice with the armies. With the Fall of Turkey, Germany was left alone with no allies. Germany was now fighting a three-front war. Belgrade in the Balkans fell to ATO. But the final blow came in August 3rd when the Soviets reached Berlin.

The siege continued for three days, casualties were of huge proportions. But then finally the Soviets broke through and raided the capital. Soviet soldiers burn down the city, killed many Germans, and massacred anyone who was suspected to be related with the Nazi's. They claimed it was revenge for the destruction of Moscow. KGB agent Vladimir Putin, lead his group secretly into the Nazi headquarters what they found was astonishing. Each one had the same saying "Here they lie, fallen worshiping the one true leader of the world for all eternity.

Putin moved the slabs and found corpses, believed to be those of the two Soviet Leaders. Then KGB searched for Gregory but he could not be found. They came upon the solution he had flee the city, or maybe the country as well. KGB went under high alert and moved on out of Berlin to find Gregory. Three days later he would be found in Potsdam just outside of Berlin. They caught him before he was able to board a airplane to Southern Africa. After the War, the leaders of the World met at Rome.

America had a huge task to rebuild not only Europe but much of the world. All the members of ATO showed up, the U. Also coming were leaders of the fallen nations including; China China's new Communist government decided to come Korea, Egypt after the surrender of many African states, revolutions occurred, Egypt was the only nation which managed to keep its government stable , and Turkey. As for Germany Gregory had been held in Prison at a Siberian work camp. America pleaded for the Soviets to allow him to represent Germany, but Russia proclaimed that he would be tried in a Soviet court, and that was final.

In his place instead was the General of the Army. The Army of Germany would be kept in check, but unlike the Treaty of Versailles, This Treaty wasn't as harsh, so to avoid another war. The official abolition of the League of Nations it had unofficially ended in the 40's with Germany's takeover of most participating countries. The creation of the United Nations, a organization to keep the Peace between nations and to stop any war from being as destructive as this.

Security Council was founded including the 5 major powers of the world: By Jan 1st The treaty was ratified and all the nations in this meeting would join The U. After this Gorbachev would return to Moscow, which had returned as the capital of the U. On Jan 11th The Soviet trials began, the trials brought world attention, but the Soviets kept a lot of it behind close doors. By Jan 15th expectantly all the Nazi officials including Gregory were sentenced to death.

On Jan 18th The Reagan visited Gorbachev, to talk about the executions. By the end Gorbachev decided to keep good ties with the Americans and sent only Gregory to stand official U. All other Nazi officials were executed. Two weeks later Gregory was ordered to life in prison.

He would be sent to a prison at the U. The move of Gorbachev releasing Gregory to the Americans was strongly disliked through the country. This would severely weaken his administration. But on Jan 29th both the remains of Stalin and Lenin were given proper funerals at Moscow. After the war an unofficial class on the nations seem to arise. It would originally have contain four classes but by the 90's it would grow one more: Before the war both America and Nazi Germany were the two superpowers of the world. But after the war Nazi Germany was abolished and the succeeding state The Federal Republic of Germany was not nearly as strong.

This left America in a class of its own. America was the strongest nation with the strongest economy before and after war, and before the war it had the second largest army first was Germany but after it had the largest army. Before the war The Soviet Union had been on the rise for many decades. It had the fourth largest army before the war 1st Germany, 2nd America, 3rd China and The 5th best economy 1st America, 2nd Japan, 3rd Germany, 4th Australia. After the war it rose to the Second largest army, and 4th best economy. But Russia would also gain huge land territories during the war, this would eventually lead to Russia having a bigger army then the U.

This would lead to Japan becoming one of America's greatest Allies so close some believe that Japan was a puppet state of America, this was eventually proven false. From the 40's to 60's Japan was kept under tight restrictions. But by late 60's Japan was allowed to rebuild it armies. Throughout those decades though Japan had built its economy, It was the Second biggest economy both before and after the war. Before the war it had the Seventh largest army, after the war it would have the fifth largest.

It was a region super power of southern Asia, and Oceania, especially with the fall of China. Before the world it had the 4th largest economy and 5th largest Army, soon rising to the third best economy and third largest army. It become so powerful it was able to annex Western Guinea, New Zealand, and many other small islands in the Oceania, and South Pacific.

Just like Australia, who capitalized on American aid, Brazil did the Same and became the 2nd most powerful nation in the Western Hemisphere, only second to the U. It had many trade agreements with other Latin American nations, and later in the 90's would form the Congress of South America, which would be a economic alliance with other South American, and Central American nations. Before the war it had the Seventh best economy, and Sixth best economy. After the war it would rise as the fifth best economy and fourth largest army. Third class nations were nations part of ATO who were economically stable, and military able.

Fourth class is a class of nations that would develop in the 90's and 00's. These nations were ex-Holy Roman Empire nations, or nations that were just created, that were rising in their economies, and militaries. These nations are nations that have either not recovered from the war, or are in poverty.

The rest of Europe wasn't as fortunate. Many other nations would try to pick up their old language, but their new language would heavily be influenced by outside influences. The Netherlands, Belgium, and Switzerland would be influenced by English they knew since America was the strongest nation, having English could help their relation and both French, and German because of proximity with the 2.

Alternate History of Europe [cold war] THE MOVIE [s1,s2]

With the fall of Germany Asia would also undergo many border changes. The most notable was the expansion of the U. Before the war it was limited to the Siberia. But now it would expand to it original borders in the west. China would also under changes, it would lose all of the land north of the Hueng, its government instead of Fascist was now Communist, eventually it would sign a treaty with the U. Korea had been influenced by Japan and The U. Vietnam would be reunited with the victory of the south.

The Middle east had been a crucial theater in the war, and ally of the U. The borders of the region didn't change too much.

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Only that since Saudi Arabia was a regional power it annex the rest of the Arabian peninsula, and. Africa during the cold war was split between Northern and Southern spheres. While the Southern didn't get involved with global affairs , the Northern countries were controlled by upper class white Germans, and where involved in German plans. Before the war had even ended months before revolutions would spur. Only Egypt was able to keep its government stable the rest however went into the confusion of civil wars.

Old countries would break off into two or a faction would break off from the original. Australia joined the war to fight China, so that it could be the only regional power in the Oceania and Southern Asia. After the war it annexed many islands to the east and much of Indonesia. Many believed after the fall of Nazi Germany peace would return to the world but unfortunately they were wrong. More tensions rose across the globe. Gorbachev tried to keep good ties with America and the rest of the world, but the Russian people were bitter and mistrusting of outside forces, this would cause Gorbachev's administration to lose support.

After the victory over Germany, many Russians supported him, but after a few of his decisions he sank from the public approval. His first wrong decision was when he allowed Gregory to leave, many wanted revenge from him directly for their suffering. His second was when he agreed with the U. The final strike would come with the reunification of Germany.

Berlin had been under Soviet control. By America and the U. Many were outraged, Russians believed if anything that The Soviet Union should occupy all of Germany and get revenge for the Nazi's occupation of the Soviet Union. He would lead rallies and demonstrations against Gorbachev. By Gorbachev left his position and fled to Switzerland.

Putin would continue as the Premier of The U. Putin would become heavily aggressive in his foreign policy. His first move was a treaty with Communist China, which helped Sino-Soviet relations. Next he established Communist and pro-Soviet governments through eastern Europe including: Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. This would cause tension between the U.

A struggle between the West and East began. By late 80's Sinai had became a Jewish state. The Egyptians had fled west to Egypt, and Arabians moved to the much better and regional power, Saudi Arabia. By rallies across the nation would push for Sinai to annex ancient Israel, currently in the hands of the the weakened Jordan nation. The new leader would began the Sinai-Jordan War. Jordan had been reduced to a third war country after its defeat, and collapse of Nazi Germany.

Stars and Sickles - An Alternative Cold War

Sinai's Army had numerous victories, even with Syria, and Turkey aiding Jordan. By Jordan who give to Sinai's demands and Sinai annex the ancient Israeli land. Doing so he would also move the capital to Jerusalem, and he would change the name of Sinai to The Democratic Republic of Israel. Turkey which had aided Jordan , began to despise Israel and the Jews. This group believed Muslim to be the one true religion, and despised other religions especially the Jews.

Turkey would sign a treaty with Syria and Jordan called the Ottoman Alliance. Soon Egypt would join it. Israel was surround by Turkish allies and began to search for its own allies. Saddam Hussein leader of Iraq, the nation with the largest military in the Middle East, began to look into Kuwait because of its oil reserves. Israel promised support to Iraq in an invasion if Iraq aided Israel, and Saddam agreed.

Soon an invasion of Kuwait began and was successful. Israel also looked into Iran as being an ally. The main ally that both Turkey and Israel coveted was Saudi Arabia. Saudi's economy was one of the best in the world and the best throughout the region. Both nations would try to sway Saudi to join but the nation would remain neutral. With China's huge lost of land the government was trying to expand into Southern Asia, but the only problem was that India, which had risen to a regional power, had been expanding in that region for the past decade.

This would cause tension between both nations. In the beginning India had an upper hand on its economy and army size. But with Soviet aid by the late 90's China had managed to salvage its economy and army and was on the rise. This competition soon draw the Americans as well with America aiding India and the Soviets aiding China.

The same is true for Australia, which had grown to contain much of the Oceania and Pacific. Consider by most Belgium's as a traitor, because he surrender to Nazi and Talk directly with Hitler about Belgium's future in Third Reich. His lack of sense of tact, his open admiration for fascism and that he secretly married the governess of his children, after he impregnated her, was to much Even his presence in Belgium, was most insupportable for Belgium's and as he return from Exile in june , the kingdom had 3 day of civil war.

Jan 31, Location: Henry Wallace probably loses in , IMO, given his Minchandre Well-Known Member Joined: Apr 24, Location: I wonder what TTL is going to use instead of "Finlandization". It referred to the decision of a country to not challenge a more powerful neighbor in foreign politics, while maintaining national sovereignty. It had it's origins in the wartime division of Iran between Allied primarily British forces in the South and Soviet forces in the North.

The occupation was for the purpose of securing the route of 'lend-lease' aid to the Soviet Union, to prevent any defection by the Iranian government to the Nazi cause and to secure control over the Iranian oil-fields.

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At the Potsdam Conference, the Allied powers had agreed to withdraw from Iran, but after the withdrawal of Western troops, the Soviets refused to withdraw their forces from the North, and even made some efforts to expand their control South. In the North-West, the Soviets established two puppet governments: Alarmed at the threat of Soviet expansion southward, the United States and United Kingdom applied significant diplomatic pressure on the Soviets, and several UNSC resolutions were passed which attempted to push the Soviets into withdrawing.

Bohlen[3], in a telegram sent on the 30th of January , informed the Soviets that "whilst the American government firmly believes that co-operation between the United States and the Soviet Union is key to the prosperity and stability of the postwar world, the United States cannot be comfortable with the occupation of Iran and the Iranian oilfields by any Great Power, and the US government requests strongly that the Soviet Union withdraw military forces from Iran in the interests of co-operation, understanding, friendship and peace between our two nations. The APG and ROKu's forces were both comprised of militias, armed with both Soviet weapons and equipment confiscated from Iranian troops, who were disarmed and arrested.

Despite the good performance of the separatist forces initially, they were unable to perpetually repel the forces of the Iranian central government, who continued to send more heavily-armed troops to combat the separatists. In response to Kurdish and Azerbaijani pleas for help, the Soviets sent troops into the area at the onset of June [4]. Panic ensued amongst the American and British foreign policy establishment.

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Some hardliners believed in a show of force to eject the Soviets, some suggested strengthening the Iranian government forces with aid, military equipment, and advisors. But in the end, President Wallace adopted the most conciliatory stance. The British and the more hard-line in American political circles were enraged.

The British felt that the presence of the Soviets in Northern Iran still threatened the Persian Gulf in the event of hostilities with the Soviet Union, and were concerned that the ROKu's pan-Kurdish rhetoric and policy threatened to undermine the stability of their mandate in Iraq, which in the North was largely Kurdish. Hardline Americans shared these concerns, but were especially upset that Stalin had been given a lot, whilst having given very little at all.

Later Wallace would write in his memoirs that "it was either give the Soviets a little piece of the pie, or the whole thing. I chose to share. In hindsight, I shouldn't have. But back then, I really thought that Stalin was willing to compromise. I thought he could be appeased. I made a mistake. In the Azerbaijani SSR, a huge parade was held in Baku, with the themes of "brotherhood" and "solidarity".

An unforeseen and from a Western perspective undesirable consequence of the secession of the APG from Iran was on the status of the Turkish Straits. With both the secession of the APG and the Communist victory in Greece[6], the Turkish government acquiesced to Soviet pressure for military bases on and free access through the Straits. This allowed Soviet naval presence in the Eastern Mediterranean, and would prove to be an area of extreme significance in the Cold War.

The seeming pandering to the Soviet Union, which was later explained by Turkish historians and foreign policy experts as "the art of bordering a superpower without being dominated by it" has become know as "Turkicisation". Whilst that term is still in pejorative use as submission to a larger power, as a foreign policy direction it is now more commonly referred to as the "Saka Doctrine", after Turkish Foreign Minister Hasan Saka. Modern historians consider a stronger Soviet presence on Turkey's East, as well as the potential danger of Soviet support of Kurdish separatists, as one of the reasons for the Turkish willingness to accept such demands.

There is a ongoing debate about whether that reasoning dominated contemporary Turkish politics, or whether the Communisation of Greece was the key factor. This means no Kennan Telegram, and whilst there are still a lot of voices pushing for containment, Bohlen believed that some concessions should be made to the Soviets such as a sphere in Eastern Europe.

This gives the West a stronger "back off" message, which prompts the Americans to come to the table. After the Americans pledged support for Iran, the Iranians refused it and the Soviets got pretty much nothing out of Iran. And the butterflies are equally massive, but don't worry, it'll be explained in the next update! I like the situation Turkey is in. Sep 27, Location: DrakonFin Operator Donor Joined: Oct 25, Location: The Finnish Military-Historical Complex.

A very nice TL so far, Hrvatskiwi. Popularity Popularity Featured Price: Low to High Price: High to Low Avg. A Djinn for General Houston Sep 12, Available for download now. Fantastic Texas Jul 10, Usually ships within 1 to 2 months. The Clock Struck None Dec 24, Available to ship in days. The Witch of Waxahachie: A tall tale of an alternate magical universe Sep 04, Another Girl, Another Planet Jan 29, Bend it Like Bradbury Dec 19, Dance with Me, Henry: An alternate history of the Cold War Sep 05, A Writer's Odyssey Sep 22, An airborne alternate history story Sep 04,