When Lightning Strikes: The Return of Panggau Warriors
Fortunately, we were led by someone who would no give up - on the book and on us; who would tolerate all our over-the-top creativity and highly passionate ideas most writers are passionate people: I learned a lot of things through this collaboration. I heard many ideas that I myself never thought of before and came to see an issue from a completely different perspectives.
When Lightning Strikes by Oktavia Nurtjahja - FictionDB
The new knowledge is valuable to broaden my horizon and improve myself as a writer. That being said, personally speaking, I would take extra caution from committing myself to a collaborative writing from now on. For a 3 year project in which I only spent 1 day to write, it is not an appealing writing activity for me. Before you remind me, I'd better admit that Book 5, which I write myself and nobody else, is approaching 3 years in the making now yeah, sorry it takes so long.
The difference is I spent most of the time writing my stories -- which is the whole point of me doing this: I like working on my stories. I think I'd rather spend my time in doing what I like. But for now, with pride and joy, I present you: You can click the link below and download the e-book for free.
It's in Indonesian language. Here is a sneak peek at the book cover for The Return of Panggau Warriors: The Curse of the Weaver Goddess. The difference is in the color. Yellow is the color for Book 4: The Quest for the Petara.
Will you help me? Send me a message or type your preference in the comment section belo I appreciate your feedback. This is quite an unsettling news for me. However, I have to accept that the publishing industry is changing in order to survive, just like any other industries does in this globalized world, Overall, I hope this new development will be beneficial in helping to distribute Iban stories worldwide.
The exciting news is out! CreateSpace is combining with KDP. No need to read between the lines. Click the link to learn more. You see the book in the photo? We found a person who knew instantly that the books records a 'Sabak' ritual -- lament for the soul of the dead and its journey to the land of the dead. He gave us a short overview of what is usually involved in the chanting of Sabak that lasts the whole night.
Translation of «panggau» into 25 languages
It was a very interesting story -- I got excited with the mere summary of it. I really want to write a novel out of this.
The book is pages, so to ask him to translate it for me page by page will take a considerable length of time. I personally love the story about Sempurai's visit to the Iban people in Betong. I hope you'll like it as much as I do. Read indigenous stories from the Iban people of Borneo from https: Sections of this page.
Synonyms and antonyms of panggau in the Malay dictionary of synonyms
Email or Phone Password Forgotten account? My long overdue review of this book!! D gonna keep it short and sim I am truly impressed by the amount of research done by the writer. The writer of the Series, Oktavia Nurtjahja, is determined to widen the scope of the readers. Therefore, she goes to various library archives, get hold of the old Iban language records and research journals to collect the information. Then, she rewrites her findings in a completely new format - one that she feels is more accessible to the general readers. The products come out in the form of fantasy novels in English language that tell new stories about the Panggau Warriors, who still hold on to their traditional beliefs and values, and how they live at the present time to deal with the environmental issues in Borneo island.
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It is her goal that this new way of distributing knowledge gains wider acceptance among the general readers so that the invaluable Iban cultural heritage will be kept alive in the memories of the present generation and the generations to come. Oktavia Nurtjahja first went to Borneo island in to work in Sarawak, where she got to know the people of the land and the rainforest. She met and married Keling, who introduced her to the world of Iban tradition, mythology, and legends. Growing up in a multicultural country like Indonesia, she has always been fascinated by the various local myths, folklores and legends.
And as her work as an English lecturer at one of the universities in Sarawak required her to access library archives, the Borneo Studies section soon became her new favorite site to visit. A real page turner. I didn't want to stop reading until the end of the story.

Thanks for making it available in Mindappz. When will the next book be available? Description Rampant lightning strikes targeting loggers on Borneo island mark the beginning of the battles of creatures in Borneo rainforest, a home shared by millions of physical and spiritual creatures.