The Richmond Campaign of 1862: The Peninsula and the Seven Days (Military Campaigns of the Civil War)
Doug McGuire rated it it was amazing May 17, Jkluever rated it really liked it Sep 30, Bill Mullen rated it liked it Jan 01, Avis Black rated it really liked it Feb 29, Carrie rated it liked it Sep 07, Will Hickox rated it it was amazing Aug 08, Deane rated it really liked it Feb 16, Jeffrey rated it really liked it Dec 09, Eric Long rated it really liked it Jun 28, Tanner rated it liked it Feb 07, Terrance Yount rated it really liked it Aug 20, Alex rated it liked it Jun 22, Lew Taylor rated it it was amazing May 18, Matthew rated it really liked it Apr 29, DiLuzio rated it it was amazing Feb 19, Wallace Hettle rated it it was ok May 14, Joe Jacobs rated it liked it Jul 08, Gill Eastland rated it it was amazing Jan 11, Lauren rated it really liked it Aug 15, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.
Gallagher, the John L.
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Other books in the series. Military Campaigns of the Civil War 10 books. Books by Gary W. Trivia About The Richmond Camp No trivia or quizzes yet.
Peninsula Campaign
Miller, whose focus on Federal engineers demonstrates how they overcame problems of terrain along the swampy Chickahominy River valley. Their successes undercut McClellan's claims that difficult ground constrained him. Rather, Miller cogently contends, McClellan's problems arose from his own failure to recognize and exploit opportunities.
Confederate commanders, too, come in for criticism. Carmichael assesses John B. Magruder and perceptively points out how that general's bad example in front of soldiers made his failures in the Seven Days Battles far worse, in R. Lee's eyes, than the more short-lived shortcomings of James Longstreet and Thomas J.
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Lee knew, writes Carmichael, that "officers could not gain the confidence of their troops without a calm demeanor and the look of self-assurance. Jackson and Longstreet possessed that essential element of leadership, but Magruder did not" Jackson's generalship—or lack thereof—during the Seven Days is explored by Robert K. His renowned—and rightful—regard for Jackson in general makes his critique of "Stonewall" in this particular campaign all the more compelling.
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The impact of the campaign on the home front is analyzed in the essays by James Marten and William A. Marten explores the impact of the operations on the attitudes, morale, and even loyalty of civilians and slaves in southeastern Virginia. Blair argues that the very failure of the Union conservative strategy on the Peninsula made more credible the Radicals' efforts to promote a more ruthless prosecution of the war, including emancipation.
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