The Intuitive Way of Knowing: A Tribute to Brian Goodwin
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Can I get a copy? Can I view this online? Members of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Maori communities are advised that this catalogue contains names and images of deceased people. Before coming to Schumacher College, Brian had been working on the development of a new programme based on Goethian Science, chaos and complexity theory and Gaia theory with Goethian Scientist Margaret Colquhoun.
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Another great friend of Brian, the late Goethian scholar, physicist and philosopher Henri Bortoft also contributed to the development of the MSc, as well as Stephan Harding and the founder of the college Satish Kumar, with many others contributing ideas I am sure. Brian saw into the language of signs by which an organism developed itself. It was at Schumacher College that Brian could truly explore symbolic understanding as a basic principle of how the organism optimises its own potential.
Brian had opened to the secrets of a single celled organism or the working of the heart, to assert that the economy of mathematical description had something to say about the organisms themselves, in their act of assembling their parts to express the whole. For those who would like to explore the science of Brian more deeply, The Intuitive Way of Knowing contains a full bibliography of his work.
Philip ends his chapter by reflecting on the shape of science to come. Brian challenged the classical biological dogma reducing biological function to the genetically-driven chemistry of cells. Instead he explored the mathematics of possibility.
Goodwin, Brian C.
In inverting the conceptual model of biology that fixes existence in terms of what it has been in the past, the biology of signs points forward to actively realising a coherence that is targeted to the future. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account.

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