Revenge of the Flower Girls
I think this is a funny too because in one of the sentences it said that she thaught there was a ghost in the house because her sister was whereing a big white flowing wedding dress. I think I would recomend this book to a classmate. And the best part it gets better a the end. At first I thaught it was going to be an ok book but it was better than I thau In my opinion the book I read Revenge of The Flowergirls is a good book.
At first I thaught it was going to be an ok book but it was better than I thaught.
In my opinion I think this is a great book. View all 6 comments. Oct 01, Angela Scott rated it really liked it Shelves: I loved these triplets and the sweet little plot line. I could picture this book as a kid's movie and will certainly be recommending it often. Oct 09, Jo rated it it was amazing. My daughter and I read this book together, and she enjoyed it, hence the five stars.
A few problems I had with it: This is a first person narrative that alternates between the viewpoints of three triplets, Darby, Delaney, and Dawn. Unfortunately, there's not a lot to differentiate between the three characters.
Jennifer says . . .
The voice of the narration remains the sa My daughter and I read this book together, and she enjoyed it, hence the five stars. The voice of the narration remains the same in each viewpoint, though the author does try to distinguish between the characters by referencing certain traits that they each have. One is shy, for example, or at least one mentions being shy and is referred to as shy, but I don't know that the shyness really comes across on the page.
The reader is told about the shyness, but never really shown in my opinion. Another character is energetic, and to highlight that I recall a chapter of the character needing to do cartwheels or some such while out at dinner. A fellow named Burton, and the triplets don't much like Burton. He looks like an armadillo, and he sure is no Alex, Lily's former boyfriend. The triplets feel like Lily and Alex loved one another, and they can't understand why Lily and Alex aren't still together.
Problem is, neither can the reader. It doesn't seem to make a lot of sense why Lily is engaged to be married to this Burton character. Nothing's really wrong with Burton except that he has allergies, buys the triplets a gift they don't like, has an overbearing mom, and spends more time at the library studying than being in a relationship with Lily. Basically, Burton is treated like crap in the novel, and the entire marriage engagement between him and Lily feels contrived. I'm personally annoyed and sick of books where the young girls don't like traditional girl things.
This feels like a thing. Like authors are trying to be edgy by creating characters who break the mold. The front cover of the novel shows three girls in pink dresses, but these girls in the novel have no interest in dresses. In fact, they decide they want to wear tuxedos to the wedding. My daughter loves to wear dresses.
She's interested in a lot of traditional girl things, and every one of these books just end up making her feel bad about what she's interested in. The main characters are so often bitter and downright disrespectful toward people who appreciate fashion. This doesn't really go anywhere and in my opinion just feels forced.
Feb 04, Lexi rated it really liked it. This book had me on the edge of my seat because it was full of mischief, adventure, and excitement. The triplets think Burton is boring, unattractive, allergic to everything, and not right for Lily. Lily's old boyfriend, Alex, they think was meant for Lily. He always knew how to make her smile, and when she was with him, Lily was always in a happy mood.
Lily is preparing to marry B This book had me on the edge of my seat because it was full of mischief, adventure, and excitement. Lily is preparing to marry Burton, but the triplets think that if they stop the wedding, Lily will realize her true love was Alex. Through pranks and other mischief like eavesdropping on the wedding plans, pretending like this house is haunted to scare the maids of honor, and more, the triplets will do whatever it takes to make sure the wedding never happens.
I definitely recommend this book because there were twists throughout the book, and I was never bored at any point in the book. Read the book to find out whether or not Dawn, Darby, and Delaney succeed! Aug 13, Erica Elwell rated it really liked it. The girls do get in a bit of mischief but it is for the right reasons. And they are willing to admit they may have been wrong about some things which is nice. I like the relationship the girls have with both of their parents, even though they are divorced, and their older sister.
Also really like that the girls are obsessed with presidents, voting and politics! Very refreshing for 11 year old girls to love something with substance! Recommend for 8 and up. Mar 13, Mari rated it it was ok. My child read this for school, and she liked it so much, I decided to read it myself. I believe it's important to read what you children read every once in a while. It's a good enough read for a girl in 3rd-4th grade, but I found Revenge of the Flower Girls too predictable.
I expected more suspense throughout. I guess not much has changed. Sep 16, Leslie rated it it was amazing. Revenge of the flower girls was a very funny book. What I liked about the book was that the triplets where trying to figure out how to sabotage her older sisters wedding because they do not like the future husband. Proof of the claim I just made would be, "It was Delaney's idea that we ruin Lily's wedding. She'll probably argue and say it wasn't, but it was. This is a fun, fast read with three smart and clever girls who manage to be mischievous without ever being mean.
I enjoyed all the history and president trivia as well as the family dynamics. Sep 11, Stacy Lynn rated it it was ok. I recommend this book for young audiences, as it's not the best in vocabulary and not very descriptive. I admit this book was fun to read and I was amused by Dawn, Darby and Delaney's the main characters personalities.
May 25, Annika rated it really liked it. This was a great book and I think that if you have a child from third to seventh grade you should ask your child to read it. I read it and it was a amazing book. The main characters are tripalits named Dawn Darby and Delany. Oct 21, 23nboyd rated it it was amazing. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.
To view it, click here. I think that the book overall was good. I like how the author put Burton's mother in the book at the evil person. Caldwell Burton's mother I did not like very much it was like she would as well get married to her own son the way she was controlling the wedding. Feb 12, Sidney Burbridge rated it liked it.
Sep 26, Michele Knott rated it really liked it Shelves: Love the spunk of these triplets! I can see why this book is frequently checked out in my classroom library! May 28, Anna rated it it was amazing. Dec 09, Marjorie rated it it was amazing Shelves: Jun 03, May Buchanan rated it really liked it.
Book Review: Revenge of the Flower Girls by Jennifer Ziegler
Overall, I enjoyed this book. At first I thought the triplets were annoying, but the characters really grew on me. The only concern I have was that the plot seemed to happen a little two quickly. May 17, Izzy Obert rated it liked it. Alana recommended it and I enjoyed it! Jan 05, Liliana rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: It was such a funny book. I remember how the girls were trying to get their sister not to marry an armadillo! Apr 02, Katie Fitzgerald rated it really liked it Shelves: Triplets Dawn, Darby, and Delaney Brewster love their older sister, Lily, but they really don't like Burton, the man she is about to marry.
Revenge of the Flower Girls by Jennifer Ziegler
They much prefer Lily's old boyfriend, Alex, who made Lily laugh and was nice to them as well. As Lily gets closer to saying, "I do," the girls team up to sabotage her wedding and reunite her with her long-lost love. Though the pink dresses on this book's front cover might suggest froth and frivolity, there is much more to the story than first meets the eye.
This is now my second favorite book. These books were given to us from the kindness of others who reached out to my daughter and it truly touched us both. So we want to pay it forward as they say and send a set of the books on to some other pre-teen girl or boy. My daughter is a huge fan of these books, she talks about them to me all the time and she really recommends them.
We would appreciate your helping us send this set to another girl or boy: On this upcoming Saturday, The Tween will put all the names in a hat and draw one out. Sadly, postage is super expensive, so U. Maybe getting a package in the mail or hand delivered by you is just what they need. Seriously, this mom just really thanks you.
Thanks for the tween perspective on Revenge. As a parent, I thought the triplets were rather rude, and that they should let Lily make her own choice. I didn't see the tween perspective of children being able to save the day. I also felt kind of bad for Barton, although not for his mother! The Tween definitely saw them as being motivated from a place of caring about their older sister and as three young girls who were losing someone they loved, literally with the move and figuratively with the changes in her personality because of the relationship. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail.
You can also subscribe without commenting. In this middle-grade Bridesmaids, hilarity ensues as triplets have to stop a wedding! And Now a Word from the Librarian Mom: Comments Jennifer Rummel says: Or is this what we want for them? The Brewster triplets are back! Then, even after practicing looking wise and stroking long invisible beards, they end up not getting cast as the Three Wise Men in the annual pageant.
Instead they are handed halos and wings and told they will be angels.
They do not want to be angels! Can they protect their neighborhood, find the Santa-napper, finish their present shopping, and overcome their many disappointments? Or is their holiday spirit gone for good? The holidays are supposed to be magical — right?

Good food, presents, and … no school! As we get older, we start to feel the pressure of shopping, baking, arranging schedules, and other responsibilities. The gifts we want are bigger and more complicated, and less likely to fit in a box.