Mission Earth Volume 4: An Alien Affair
A book for flagellants everywhere 31 March This is where this series starts to become really painful and irritating and I really do not know why I continued through this series to the seventh book. Maybe because I am a sucker for punishment, though it is not as if any punishment was being doled out to me but rather because I was exposing myself to it. These books aren't good science-fiction and don't have any literary merit. One wonders how it is that they became international best sellers d A book for flagellants everywhere 31 March This is where this series starts to become really painful and irritating and I really do not know why I continued through this series to the seventh book.
One wonders how it is that they became international best sellers despite people not actually liking them. Some have suggested that a bunch of Hubbard's followers simply went out and bought multiple copies of the books, but even then, if the first few make it by that method and the people who actually read the book hated it, then as each progressive book comes out, less and less people will be buying them.
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The reason that I wanted to read this book was because the cover looked so cool. However, remember the age old adage, never judge a book by its cover. While in many cases it does work, in some cases unlike this particular book it does not. As mentioned, the book itself was actually very painful to read, and the really painful part of it was where Soltan Gris is imprisoned in a New York apartment by a couple of lesbians who were using him as their play thing. He then decides to attempt to better his position by demonstrating to them what real sex is about, and then proceeds to rape them.
An Alien Affair: Mission Earth, Volume 4 by L. Ron Hubbard on iTunes
However this does not work because they become so enraptured with heterosexual sex that he is turned into their playboy. Both then, and now, I find this particular scene to be incredibly disgusting and repulsive and it has nothing to do with homosexuality. While there are some serious conflicts with regards to the biblical stance of homosexuality and my compassionate stance towards it, I find this part of the story to be simply repulsive. I remember reading a book once called ' What Cops Know ' and there was a chapter on rape.
The conclusion from that chapter was that most victims of rape know their attacker, and in many cases it is an attempt by the perpetrator, as misguided as it may be, to make the victim love them. While this is not the case with regards to Gris, it just baffles me how any female outside of consensual sex could tolerate, or even enjoy, rape.
To me it is a violation of her integrity and a method to exert control over the victim. In a way it does not matter whether the victim is male or female, it has nothing to do with pleasure, and everything to do with dominance. I was going to continue my diatribe on psychology and sin in this particular review, but I felt that maybe I would digress for a bit and explore the concept of rape in literature.
To me, this scene shows that the author simply has no idea how people think and act.
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This is a clear thing in novels because by seeing how the characters react demonstrates how the author believes humans should act. It is something that I try to keep in my mind when writing fiction. One of the classic traps is to make the character a 'Mary Sue', that is a character that is perfect in every way, with only a few minor flaws. Some have suggested that these Mary Sues are the author's imagination of what they would really like to be and creates the novel to act this out. As I read what I have written of my story 'The Law of Averages' I try to ask myself whether I am creating a Mary Sue with the protagonist, particularly in his relationship with women.
It is tempting, as Piers Anthony has done, to have all of the female characters fall over the protagonist in a desire to have sex with them, and this is something I am resisting doing, however I have noticed that as the story progresses, numerous things begin to change, however I don't think I will go into any more detail at this stage, and simply leave the story to develop by itself. Mar 29, Denis rated it did not like it Shelves: Take all ten of these books and boil 'em down all night Reduce it too a thick dense sticky sauce.
And still, this will have very little flavour. There was the seed of a decent parody in there within the first two books then the joke was over. The joke became, " May 24, Bill Davis rated it did not like it. Jun 02, Nonethousand Oberrhein rated it liked it Shelves: Our savior comes from Voltar Split in ten volumes for editorial and practical reasons, the Mission Earth series can be seen as a continuous narrative whose chapters are identified by the different books.
The extremely grotesque way used to paint earthlings' corruption and other The suggestion here is to forget the author and have a long light-hearted read, laughing at alien stupidity and their lack in understanding human complexity! Dec 02, Tracy rated it it was amazing. I read this series several years ago with a friend. It was a daunting task at 10 books but we were determined. It's not the usual sort of series I read but I had heard a lot about it and had some highschool friends who loved it.
It's tough to review just one book in the series because the full story is told in all 10 books. You have to read all 10 to find out what happens. Certainly some of the books were better than others, more exciting and adventurous, but its rare that a 10 book series doesn I read this series several years ago with a friend. Certainly some of the books were better than others, more exciting and adventurous, but its rare that a 10 book series doesn't have some boringness at some point in all those thousands of pages!
I liked the story and I liked how the books put in perspective some of the craziness you find on Planet Earth with the CIA, drugs, the media, etc. Overall, I found it a fun romp through our planet from the eyes of an outsider I think it's a great read! Jan 26, Reading added it Shelves: I am wondering if I can be bothered to go write this on all the books of the series that I actually managed to slog through, and I might.
Been reading sci-fi since I remember myself and almost never have I dropped a book halfway through. I really tried with this "epic" series, really did. On book 4 now and have decided that there is no way I am devoting another precious minute of my life to this. The story has something in it, but there are so many unnecessary twists and turns, t Absolute drivel. The story has something in it, but there are so many unnecessary twists and turns, totally pointless and adding nothing to the narrative.
An Alien Affair
The weird is too crazy, the strange is stupid, in short - avoid this book. Cannot believe it is written by the author of Battlefield Earth! Dec 21, J. The book suggests an interesting point of view on the power structure on Earth. Moreover, it gives a look into the future, as I do not like to see it, but have seen it go into that direction in my 66 years, with human values being devaluated by ruthless media people, paid by those in power.
As science fiction, it draws a fantastic, but not at all unrealistic picture of what may come. Kept simple, the plot is easy to follow, after a few chapters maybe a little predictable, but Very relaxing reading. Kept simple, the plot is easy to follow, after a few chapters maybe a little predictable, but saved by an irresistable sense of humor. In the beginning of the book, I felt offended by some of the situations described, but accepted is, an author also has to sell his books to get through with his message.
I want to read more books in this series. Feb 10, Timothy Boyd rated it it was ok.
An Alien Affair: Mission Earth, Volume 4
While not as totally horrible as the Battlefield Earth book these aren't that great. There are some good plots themes and a sorta pulpish feel to the characters, but overall it seems to fall short of what it could be. The random sex and sadistic events just seem to be placed in there not for storyline but for shock value. I bought this series of books because I wanted to read something longer, not just a single book.
The sci-fi genre, and the book description got my attention, so there I was, taking all the books in the series home, and It was okay, but this was one of the rare purchases that I regretted. Dec 01, Jason Sta. This book was a little bit better compared to the previous books. It has a lot of hilarious scenarios. The ending was always still the best just like the previous books because The Countess Krak was finally arrived on our planet and she'll surely help her boyfriend Jettero Heller to complete his mission.
Nov 30, Zoe's Human rated it did not like it. Even then I knew it was sexist and uncomfortably white though I could not articulate the source of my unease. I was going to give it the benefit of a doubt and reread it as a 44 year old adult; however, I just finished trying to read Battlefield Earth , and I think I'm just going to trust my original judgement. Feb 09, Tala Kabakubji added it.
Jan 03, Thomas rated it it was ok Shelves: I read these in high school and found them compelling, but as I reflect on them, I recall them being rather stupid, oversexed, and pointless. Apr 11, Lew rated it liked it Shelves: This was a wasted book in the decology. Practically the whole story is a satire on PR. Trouble on His Wings.
Gun Boss of Tumbleweed. Death Waits at Sundown. Man-Killers of the Air. All Frontiers Are Jealous. Brass Keys to Murder. King of the Gunmen.
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Trail of the Red Diamonds. The Lieutenant Takes the Sky. Shadows from Boot Hill. Sabotage in the Sky. The Carnival of Death. The Professor Was a Thief. If I Were You. Red Death Over China. A Very Strange Trip. Loot of the Shanung. Item s unavailable for purchase. Please review your cart. You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Ron Hubbard Narrated by series Mission Earth 4.
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