Markenlogos - speziell Automarken (German Edition)
As it is difficult to verify the identity of a person as User on internet, xxx-xxx. In order to ensure a high quality of services proposed, xxx-xxx. The Seller must verify that the sale is in compliance with the current applicable law, and also that the website regulation authorizes such a sale. Hence, it is recommended to check in advance the list of prohibited items to put on sale through the website. The Advertiser must thoroughly verify the information on the items on sale, and, in case he or she finds false information, he or she must add or modify details to the description. The descritption of the Items, delivered by the Seller, includes the main terms of sale listed above.
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The new edition or version of our Terms and conditions of Use shall be applicable at the moment of its publication on the website. The new Terms and Conditionsand any other Regulation must be retroactive and be applicable starting from the date of their publication on the website for all the Users, even if have not made any action on the website. In this case, the third party owns the right to provided identical or similar services on anothher website.
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Indem der Kunde xxx-xxx. Die Beteiligten dieser Verordnung sind die folgenden:. Die Anzeigen, die nicht den allgemeinen Regeln entsprechen, werden blockiert. Titel und Beschreibung der Anzeige. Eine Anzeige darf nach spanischem Recht und hinsichtlich unseres Standards keine unerlaubte Inhalte enthalten. Es ist auch untersagt, Bilder von anderen Herausgebern ohne deren Zustimmung zu verwenden. Alle Transaktionen erfolgen zwischen den Nutzern vertraulich. Alle Benutzer, registriert und nicht registriert, werden die Nutzungsbedingungen und Konditionen derselben akzeptieren und den Anweisungen zur Benutzung dieses Services folgen.
Der Inserent wird seine Authentifizierungs-Daten nicht an Dritte transferieren oder diese verkaufen. Xxx-xxx sl besitzt das Recht, jegliche Werbung zu jeder Zeit abzulehnen. Die Inserenten garantieren xxx-xxx. Der Verkauf von Tieren auf xxx-xxx. Alle Markennamen, Logos und eingetragenen Warenzeichen auf xxx-xxx. Die Verwendung von xxx-xxx. I never slept that hard, and coming out of it was something I was unaccustomed to.
I knew instantly that it was going to be a rough morning by the pounding in my temples. The clock showed five a. A twenty-four hour layover was never enough time to adjust to the time difference. Since there were no longer any lingering effects of alcohol buzzing through my system, I knew I had a problem. I was starting to like that kinky rich bastard. I went directly into the shower, pinning my hair up and keeping it carefully dry. I threw my shift back on my slightly damp skin, planning to wear it until it was time to change into work clothes.
I was so used to sharing adjoining rooms with Stephan that it was just second nature for me to stay at least partially decent while I got ready. My bathroom door was slightly ajar, so when my hotel room door clicked open and then closed, I froze in alarm. I peeked out of the door, both surprised and relieved to see that it was James. He joined me in the bathroom without asking. He handed me a cup of coffee and two white tablets.
He set two bottles of water on the counter. A long drink of the coffee and I felt nearly human again. I saw that he had changed his clothes. He was back in a suit, looking fresh and well rested. My eyes were on his impeccable suit. It was a soft gray, his shirt and tie blue today. As I looked at him, my eyes moved up to his in the mirror. We were both facing it, and his lovely turquoise eyes were glued to my body with an intensity that made my eyes follow his. My thin shift, combined with my slightly damp skin, had, not surprisingly, made my nightgown transparent.
I might as well be naked, I thought, a little stunned. It was an intoxicating feeling, to put that look in his eyes. He stepped in directly behind me, his eyes steadily on my chest. My breasts felt heavy and I wanted him to touch them so badly. I unconsciously arched my back a little, my shoulders going back, my chest forward, my nipples clearly visible as they rubbed against the thin fabric of my shift.
They were pebbled to hardness, and tightened even more as I watched them. His hands covered my breasts, finally, and I moaned, arching back. He kneaded them firmly and my eyes fell closed. One hand stayed kneading my breast, and plucking at my nipple just perfectly while the other ran along my ribs, down my abdomen, and straight between my legs. They started to shut instinctively against the invasion.
I just need to touch you. Lay your head back against my shoulder. He sucked in a breath as he felt me. You are too much, Bianca. The fit was excruciatingly tight. I masturbated sometimes with my own fingers, but his were just so much bigger and rougher, and more talented. He knew how to touch me with far more skill than I knew how to touch myself. The thought was a little daunting, but my mind quickly wandered back to the sensations at hand.
He worked his finger all the way in and began to stroke, his finger seeking out just the right spot inside of me. His thumb never stopped circling my clit, and his other hand still kneaded my tender breast with consummate skill. He was a hell of a multi-tasker. As he stroked, his arousal brushed against my back with increasing pressure. He slipped a second finger in and I felt impossibly full.
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I cried out, grinding against him. Cavendish, make me come. I came in seconds, before I even really knew it was happening. I felt like I may have lost myself for a moment. We were both panting heavily as I came back to myself. He caught my gaze in the mirror as he shifted his fingers out of me. I watched, absolutely mesmerized, as he raised them to his mouth and licked them clean.
When he finished, he grabbed my chin and turned my head to his for a deep kiss. I tried to reach for his still heavy arousal. He caught my hand, knowing where it was headed. He was apparently frustrated and moody about it. James watched me the entire time, not giving me a second of privacy. I was in too much of a hurry to worry about it. That thing should be illegal. Stephan will help me. There has to be something I can do for you. Impulsively, I knelt in front of him. My face hovered just inches from his groin, but I checked the urge to touch him, just looking up at him instead.
He gripped my hair a little roughly. I shook my head, licking my lips again. And right in my face. It was no hardship at all to take him into my mouth and start sucking on him hungrily. He used his hands to show me. He used the moisture that my mouth had spread on the tip and the shaft to lubricate my hands. He coached them into a twisting motion at the base. Both of his hands were gripped in my hair tightly. I could get addicted to this feeling. Instead of pulling back, I sucked harder, swallowing instinctively when the warm essence of him shot against the back of my throat. He pulled me up and kissed me.
His hands were rough in my hair, almost to the point of pain, but, caught up in the moment, I loved it. He finally set me down, glancing at the clock. I grabbed my bags and my half-empty cup of coffee on the way out, not saying goodbye. Beautiful my phone number. Ohne danach zu fragen kam er zu mir ins Bad. Dann stellte er zwei Flaschen Wasser auf den Tisch. Ich sah, dass er seine Kleider gewechselt hatte. Denn er hatte sich wieder einen Anzug angezogen und sah frisch und ausgeruht aus. Meine Augen ruhten auf seinem tadellosen Anzug.
Als ich ihn ansah, bewegten sich meine Augen zu seinem Spiegelbild. Seine Augen permanent auf meine Brust geheftet trat er direkt hinter mich. Sie waren hart wie Kieselsteine, und straffer als zu dem Zeitpunkt, da ich sie mir angesehen hatte. Er knetete sie fest und meine Augen schlossen sich. Du bist einfach zu viel, Bianca". Der Schlitz war unglaublich eng. Er konnte zum Teufel noch mal alles auf einmal machen. Ich schrie auf, rieb mich gegen ihn.
Mir war nicht bewusst, dass ein Orgasmus so sein konnte, so schnell hervorbrach. Als er seine Finger aus mir herauszog fing er meinen Blick im Spiegel auf. Ich schaute absolut schockiert, als er sie jetzt zu seinem Mund bewegte und sie sauber leckte. Ich versuchte, seine immer noch starke Erregung zu greifen. Er fing meine Hand auf, da er wusste, worauf sie abzielte. Das Ding sollte verboten werden. Ich werde mit dieser Pseudo-Krawatte noch einige illegale Dinge mit Dir anstellen", sagte er in seinem ernsten Ton.
Stephan wird mir dabei helfen. Aber das passiert heute Morgen nicht. Ich komme nicht wieder bis ich mich in Dich vergraben kann. Spontan, kniete ich mich vor ihn hin. Mein Gesicht bewegte sich nur ein paar Zentimeter von seinem Unterleib entfernt. Er packte meine Haare ein bisschen grob. Ich mache nichts dergleichen. Und mitten in meinem Gesicht. Es war kein Problem, sie in meinen Mund zu nehmen und damit zu beginnen, gierig an ihr zu saugen. Ich habe noch nie etwas so sehr in meinem Leben gewollt. Wir werden ein andermal reden. Ich habe gesehen, wie wichtig Dir Deine Arbeit ist. This topic describes how to use Active Technologies reports for Adobe Flash Player for enhanced report presentation, more in-depth data interaction, and faster analysis.
The reports and dashboards described in this topic are enabled to use the full capabilities of Active Technologies. They are called Active Technologies reports or active reports, and Active Technologies dashboards or active dashboards. An active report delivered as a self-contained Adobe Flash file an SWF file that is Adobe Flash Player compatible provides faster analysis of large data sets and interaction with the active report.
The output is compiled into an Adobe Flash file an SWF file that is Adobe Flash Player compatible with the data embedded at the time that the procedure is run. You can open the file with the Flash Player installed on your machine, and have all the active report functionality without the need of connecting to the server. The following image is an example of the active report for Adobe Flash Player output and the active report menu options available. For example, you can generate a chart to view the interactivity embedded in the report, show or hide the chart legend, and use the chart icons to change the chart type, as shown in the sample image.
From the Report menu, select Output. The Report Options dialog box opens. The Features and Format tabs of the Report Options dialog box are identical to the active report options. Click OK to close the Report Options dialog box. Click Run to view the report output. The default file name may appear similar to WFServlet? If you have trouble locating the Flash files, you may need to clear the browser cache if the file does not appear. Paste the Flash file into any other directory. Be sure to keep the page and Internet Explorer open to avoid clearing the cache file. If you double-click to open the SWF file and receive a message that the file type is not associated with any programs on your computer, choose the Select the program from a list option and select Internet Explorer as the program.
The Adobe Flash file opens in Internet Explorer, displaying the embedded data from the active report and all its functionality. The Save As dialog box opens. Select the Save in location, enter a File name, and click Save. If you double-click to open the SWF file and receive a message that the file type is not associated with any programs on your computer, choose the Select the program from a list option and select the appropriate internet browser as the program.
The Adobe Flash file opens in the selected browser, displaying the embedded data from the active report and all its functionality. The Filter and Highlight menus appear individually when you use the active report for Adobe Flash Player output format. Click Filter or Highlight, and then the operation. The Filter Selection or Highlight Selection dialog box opens. You can change the operation after you select it. Enter a value or values, depending on the operation that you select. Values are entered either by typing a value in a text box or selecting a value from a drop-down list.
Hold down the Ctrl or Shift key when selecting multiple values in the Filter or Highlight dialog box. Click the Add Condition drop-down list if you want to enter additional filters or highlights. The AND logic considers all filters, and all data must pass all filters, in order to be included in the report output. The OR logic considers filters independently and includes data that meets any of the applied filters in the report output. Click Filter or Highlight. Once you apply a filter or highlight, and minimize the selection dialog box, the selection dialog box appears as a button Filter Selection or Highlight Selection in the bottom of the window.
You can click the button to access the dialog box. If you close the dialog box, all filters and highlights are cleared from the report output. By default, a Pivot Table groups the selected column as the vertical sort field and the selected row as the horizontal sort field. The Pivot Tool enables you to select multiple group fields in the Pivot Table generated. Click and drag the columns into the desired sort field. In the following image, active report for Flash is selected from the output format drop-down list on the Report Painter toolbar.
In any column heading, click an arrow to display a drop-down menu. From the menu, click Pivot Tool, as shown in the following image. You must include a column in the Group By and Measure sort fields a Measure typically defines how much or how many. The Across sort field is optional.
You cannot use multiple Measures. The Pivot Table is generated in a new window based on the sort fields selected, as shown in the following image. The same column cannot appear in both the Group By and Across sort fields. You can drag columns between the Group By, Across, and Measure sort fields, but you cannot drag the columns back into the Columns section. If a column already exists in the Measure sort field, an additional column that is dropped into the Measure sort field replaces the existing column. The Measure sort field displays Sum for numeric fields and Count for non-numeric fields by default.
You can click and drag the desired columns into the sort fields. Once you define the report, you can display the data as a chart or Rollup Table. In order for you to generate all the charts described in this topic, your environment must have access to or a connection to a WebFOCUS Client hosted on a web server. The supported charts in disconnected mode are the default bar, pie, line, and scatter charts.
It also describes how to present the selected data in chart format, or in tabular format as a Rollup Table. Run the active report. In any column heading, click the arrow to display a drop-down menu. The Columns list includes all available columns in the active report. You can drag and drop columns from the Columns list into the Group By or Measure sort field. The Charts tab allows you to select the desired chart type. The Data tab displays the result of your report design as a Rollup Table. Left-click and drag the desired columns from the Columns list into the Group By and Measure sort fields.
The following image shows a report that has been designed on the Series tab. To change the chart type, click the Charts tab and then click the chart type of your choosing Bar, Pie, Line, Scatter, or Other , as shown in the following image. When you point to a chart label, the complete descriptive name of the chart is provided. The chart type in the output window dynamically changes to the chart type selected.
The chart image in the tool window is highlighted to indicate the chart type selected and displayed in the output window. The following image shows an output window with the selected data presented as a pie chart. From the output window, you can change the chart format to one of the available types. The selected data is displayed in tabular format. Click the arrow on a column heading to display a menu of your data sort options, as shown in the following image.
You can use multiple Group By and Measure sort fields. Group By is the column used for the X-axis, and Measure is the column used for the Y-axis. You can use only one Measure sort field as the Y-axis when using a pie chart. The same column can appear in both the Group By and Measure sort fields. You can drag columns between the Group By and Measure sort fields, but you cannot drag them back to the Columns section.
Headings for the chart are generated using the field name, or column title name. To display the hidden columns in the Rollup Table, select Show Columns from the active report menu, and select the column name that you want to display. Working With Charts A chart often conveys meaning more clearly and effectively than data displayed in tabular form. A chart enables you to visually communicate quantitative information.
On a chart, you can give data a shape and form, and reveal patterns and relationships among many data values. Erstellen eines Reports in ReportPainter. Daten filtern Interaktive Reports: Klicken Sie auf Filtern oder Hervorheben und dann auf den Vorgang.
Klicken Sie auf Filter oder Highlight.
Das Sortierfeld Across ist optional. Die folgende Abbildung zeigt einen Report, der auf dem Tab Serien entworfen worden ist. Awake the magician in you General field: Esoteric practices Source text - English The secret tricks to awaken the magician in you Last year we conducted a truly magical workshop called: Remote CHI The science of distance healing We had written a booklet on this subject and wanted to show people how easy, powerful and also how much fun it is to support the self-healing powers of others — at a distance.
We are still getting letters from people who have been able to profoundly help their loved ones with this method. We created Remote CHI to offer everyone interested the chance to hone their extrasensory skills and healing powers for the benefit of others — especially their loved ones. You will also receive our raved about sleep program in this package! For me, Remote CHI is magic at a distance. I find it is the most enjoyable, playful way of conducting Universal energy.
I guess I had numerous lifetimes as a magical being and this is why this subject is so dear to me in this life. It all starts with the intention! We all tend to overthink, overcomplicate most things that we do. And I feel this usually makes our lives harder and less enjoyable in all areas. Whenever we are connected to our hearts, being playful and enjoying ourselves we are creating magic. When things are good, they usually get better … and once we are stuck we usually get even more stuck! Time to wake up the magician inside of you! Here are the first 5 steps of power you need to take in order to tap into your magical potential Speak your truth.
Quit pretending or pleasing others. Take care of yourself, say what you need to say and learn to communicate authentically and clearly. Watch your speech — are you coming from love or are you coming from blame or judgment? Ask for what you want. It simply means that you need to ask someone else. Honor your word, keep your promises. Not only towards other — also to yourself. Set a goal, commit and go. Stop making excuses for yourself. Take responsibility for your experiences. You are the only one to blame or honor for what you are experiencing.
Instead of looking for someone or something outside: Associate with like-minded people. Stop hanging out with whiners and people who drag you down. Connect to people who inspire and motivate you — think of yourself as a role model for yourself and others. Where and how can you be the best version of yourself?
Magical Boomerang Whatever you send out comes back to you! Your intentions must come from love and having the best interest of all involved at heart. But I urge you to really take this fundamental law of attraction principle to heart and come up with creative ways to implement them in your daily life: Train your face and brain to be a reflection of joy!
So Keep your space clean and tidy — honor your home and workspace and also our cars are reflections of who we are! This is your only vehicle in this life — take care of it! From yourself and help others achieve theirs. If you ever feel tempted to work from other motives such as coming from a very egotistical interest or worse: Articulate your spells like your goals Be specific, clear, straightforward and concise! The clearer you state your goals, the better they will be understood and received.
Be genuine about what you are going for and communicate your spell in the simplest form possible. If your spells arte too general, your energy is too spread out and the results will be dimmed. Start with the who? The first 2 are easy to define: Who are you casting this spell for? What is it that you want? A new car, heal from a disease, meet your soul mate? This is where you want to be as specific as possible: Which type of car, what color, what model? Which disease, what are the symptoms you want relief from? With disease it is essential that you get the lesson or message your body is trying to convey to you.
Because if you just work on getting rid of the symptoms, you might be missing out on a great learning experience and will instead provoke the need for a new lesson that usually only gets more intense… The when and the how can often be tricky to formulate. A good way to prevent any unclarity here is to say: Now comes a part that most people forget to do. A spell is only really complete when you write it down. I like putting it in our meditation room, near a crystal or figurine of an angel etc. The Universe is there for you, conspiring to make the best happen for you!
Indulge in gratitude and a sense of being cared for. You are love and you are loved — there is nothing to be scared of. Here is my favorite prayer when I feel scared or feel that fear is creeping in is very simple and astoundingly effective: Ich finde, es ist die angenehmste, spielerischste Art Universelle Energien freizusetzen. Ich denke, ich habe viel Lebenszeit als magisches Wesen verbracht und das ist der Grund, weshalb mir dieses Thema in diesem Leben so ans Herz gewachsen ist.
Es beginnt alles mit der Absicht! Es ist an der Zeit, den Magier in Ihnen zu wecken! Sagen Sie die Wahrheit. Bitten Sie um das, was Sie wollen. Erwarten Sie nicht von anderen, dass die Ihre Gedanken lesen - oder Ihnen immer geben, was Sie wollen. Halten Sie Vereinbarungen ein. Setzen Sie sich ein Ziel, und gehen Sie darauf zu. Verbinden Sie sich mit Gleichgesinnten. Er ist das einzige Vehikel in diesem Leben - geben Sie darauf acht! Von sich selbst und helfen Sie anderen, das ihre zu erreichen.

Falls Sie schon einmal versucht haben, aus anderen Motiven heraus zu agieren aus solchen, die einem sehr egoistische Interesse entsprangen oder noch schlimmer: Fangen Sie mit Wer? An Die ersten 2 sind einfach zu definieren: Was ist es, was Sie wollen? Welche Art von Auto, welche Farbe, welches Modell? Welche Krankheit, was sind die Symptome, die Sie gelindert haben wollen? Jetzt kommt ein Teil, den die meisten Menschen zu tun vergessen.
Daher kommt der englische Begriff "Rechtschreibung". Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie entspannt und passiv sind - es geht nicht darum, es erzwingen zu wollen! Es geht um Vertrauen und Wissen, dass alles perfekt ist, so wie es ist. Digital Homeopathy General field: Instruments Source text - English Digital Homeopathy T he late Jacques Benveniste MD, provided irrefutable scientific proof that Vibrational exchange is the language of biochemistry, the concept that underlies the pagradigm of homeopathy. Why should nature or evolution provide us with receptors for molecules that have yet to be invented?
They were pebbled to hardness, and tightened even more as I watched them. His hands covered my breasts, finally, and I moaned, arching back. He kneaded them firmly and my eyes fell closed. One hand stayed kneading my breast, and plucking at my nipple just perfectly while the other ran along my ribs, down my abdomen, and straight between my legs. They started to shut instinctively against the invasion.
I just need to touch you. Lay your head back against my shoulder. He sucked in a breath as he felt me. You are too much, Bianca. The fit was excruciatingly tight. I masturbated sometimes with my own fingers, but his were just so much bigger and rougher, and more talented. He knew how to touch me with far more skill than I knew how to touch myself. The thought was a little daunting, but my mind quickly wandered back to the sensations at hand.
He worked his finger all the way in and began to stroke, his finger seeking out just the right spot inside of me. His thumb never stopped circling my clit, and his other hand still kneaded my tender breast with consummate skill. He was a hell of a multi-tasker. As he stroked, his arousal brushed against my back with increasing pressure. He slipped a second finger in and I felt impossibly full. I cried out, grinding against him. Cavendish, make me come. I came in seconds, before I even really knew it was happening. I felt like I may have lost myself for a moment. We were both panting heavily as I came back to myself.
He caught my gaze in the mirror as he shifted his fingers out of me. I watched, absolutely mesmerized, as he raised them to his mouth and licked them clean. When he finished, he grabbed my chin and turned my head to his for a deep kiss. I tried to reach for his still heavy arousal. He caught my hand, knowing where it was headed. He was apparently frustrated and moody about it. James watched me the entire time, not giving me a second of privacy. I was in too much of a hurry to worry about it.
That thing should be illegal. Stephan will help me. There has to be something I can do for you. Impulsively, I knelt in front of him. My face hovered just inches from his groin, but I checked the urge to touch him, just looking up at him instead. He gripped my hair a little roughly. I shook my head, licking my lips again.
And right in my face. It was no hardship at all to take him into my mouth and start sucking on him hungrily. He used his hands to show me. He used the moisture that my mouth had spread on the tip and the shaft to lubricate my hands. He coached them into a twisting motion at the base. Both of his hands were gripped in my hair tightly. I could get addicted to this feeling. Instead of pulling back, I sucked harder, swallowing instinctively when the warm essence of him shot against the back of my throat.
He pulled me up and kissed me. His hands were rough in my hair, almost to the point of pain, but, caught up in the moment, I loved it. He finally set me down, glancing at the clock. I grabbed my bags and my half-empty cup of coffee on the way out, not saying goodbye.
Beautiful my phone number. Ohne danach zu fragen kam er zu mir ins Bad. Dann stellte er zwei Flaschen Wasser auf den Tisch. Ich sah, dass er seine Kleider gewechselt hatte. Denn er hatte sich wieder einen Anzug angezogen und sah frisch und ausgeruht aus. Meine Augen ruhten auf seinem tadellosen Anzug. Als ich ihn ansah, bewegten sich meine Augen zu seinem Spiegelbild. Seine Augen permanent auf meine Brust geheftet trat er direkt hinter mich. Sie waren hart wie Kieselsteine, und straffer als zu dem Zeitpunkt, da ich sie mir angesehen hatte.
Er knetete sie fest und meine Augen schlossen sich. Du bist einfach zu viel, Bianca". Der Schlitz war unglaublich eng. Er konnte zum Teufel noch mal alles auf einmal machen. Ich schrie auf, rieb mich gegen ihn. Mir war nicht bewusst, dass ein Orgasmus so sein konnte, so schnell hervorbrach. Als er seine Finger aus mir herauszog fing er meinen Blick im Spiegel auf. Ich schaute absolut schockiert, als er sie jetzt zu seinem Mund bewegte und sie sauber leckte.
Ich versuchte, seine immer noch starke Erregung zu greifen. Er fing meine Hand auf, da er wusste, worauf sie abzielte. Das Ding sollte verboten werden. Ich werde mit dieser Pseudo-Krawatte noch einige illegale Dinge mit Dir anstellen", sagte er in seinem ernsten Ton. Stephan wird mir dabei helfen. Aber das passiert heute Morgen nicht. Ich komme nicht wieder bis ich mich in Dich vergraben kann. Spontan, kniete ich mich vor ihn hin. Mein Gesicht bewegte sich nur ein paar Zentimeter von seinem Unterleib entfernt. Er packte meine Haare ein bisschen grob. Ich mache nichts dergleichen. Und mitten in meinem Gesicht.
Es war kein Problem, sie in meinen Mund zu nehmen und damit zu beginnen, gierig an ihr zu saugen. Ich habe noch nie etwas so sehr in meinem Leben gewollt. Wir werden ein andermal reden. Ich habe gesehen, wie wichtig Dir Deine Arbeit ist. This topic describes how to use Active Technologies reports for Adobe Flash Player for enhanced report presentation, more in-depth data interaction, and faster analysis. The reports and dashboards described in this topic are enabled to use the full capabilities of Active Technologies. They are called Active Technologies reports or active reports, and Active Technologies dashboards or active dashboards.
An active report delivered as a self-contained Adobe Flash file an SWF file that is Adobe Flash Player compatible provides faster analysis of large data sets and interaction with the active report. The output is compiled into an Adobe Flash file an SWF file that is Adobe Flash Player compatible with the data embedded at the time that the procedure is run. You can open the file with the Flash Player installed on your machine, and have all the active report functionality without the need of connecting to the server.
The following image is an example of the active report for Adobe Flash Player output and the active report menu options available. For example, you can generate a chart to view the interactivity embedded in the report, show or hide the chart legend, and use the chart icons to change the chart type, as shown in the sample image. From the Report menu, select Output. The Report Options dialog box opens. The Features and Format tabs of the Report Options dialog box are identical to the active report options.
Click OK to close the Report Options dialog box. Click Run to view the report output. The default file name may appear similar to WFServlet? If you have trouble locating the Flash files, you may need to clear the browser cache if the file does not appear. Paste the Flash file into any other directory. Be sure to keep the page and Internet Explorer open to avoid clearing the cache file.
If you double-click to open the SWF file and receive a message that the file type is not associated with any programs on your computer, choose the Select the program from a list option and select Internet Explorer as the program. The Adobe Flash file opens in Internet Explorer, displaying the embedded data from the active report and all its functionality.
The Save As dialog box opens. Select the Save in location, enter a File name, and click Save. If you double-click to open the SWF file and receive a message that the file type is not associated with any programs on your computer, choose the Select the program from a list option and select the appropriate internet browser as the program.
The Adobe Flash file opens in the selected browser, displaying the embedded data from the active report and all its functionality. The Filter and Highlight menus appear individually when you use the active report for Adobe Flash Player output format. Click Filter or Highlight, and then the operation. The Filter Selection or Highlight Selection dialog box opens. You can change the operation after you select it. Enter a value or values, depending on the operation that you select. Values are entered either by typing a value in a text box or selecting a value from a drop-down list.
Hold down the Ctrl or Shift key when selecting multiple values in the Filter or Highlight dialog box. Click the Add Condition drop-down list if you want to enter additional filters or highlights. The AND logic considers all filters, and all data must pass all filters, in order to be included in the report output. The OR logic considers filters independently and includes data that meets any of the applied filters in the report output. Click Filter or Highlight.
Once you apply a filter or highlight, and minimize the selection dialog box, the selection dialog box appears as a button Filter Selection or Highlight Selection in the bottom of the window. You can click the button to access the dialog box. If you close the dialog box, all filters and highlights are cleared from the report output. By default, a Pivot Table groups the selected column as the vertical sort field and the selected row as the horizontal sort field. The Pivot Tool enables you to select multiple group fields in the Pivot Table generated.
Click and drag the columns into the desired sort field. In the following image, active report for Flash is selected from the output format drop-down list on the Report Painter toolbar. In any column heading, click an arrow to display a drop-down menu. From the menu, click Pivot Tool, as shown in the following image. You must include a column in the Group By and Measure sort fields a Measure typically defines how much or how many. The Across sort field is optional. You cannot use multiple Measures.
The Pivot Table is generated in a new window based on the sort fields selected, as shown in the following image. The same column cannot appear in both the Group By and Across sort fields. You can drag columns between the Group By, Across, and Measure sort fields, but you cannot drag the columns back into the Columns section. If a column already exists in the Measure sort field, an additional column that is dropped into the Measure sort field replaces the existing column. The Measure sort field displays Sum for numeric fields and Count for non-numeric fields by default.
You can click and drag the desired columns into the sort fields. Once you define the report, you can display the data as a chart or Rollup Table. In order for you to generate all the charts described in this topic, your environment must have access to or a connection to a WebFOCUS Client hosted on a web server. The supported charts in disconnected mode are the default bar, pie, line, and scatter charts. It also describes how to present the selected data in chart format, or in tabular format as a Rollup Table. Run the active report.
In any column heading, click the arrow to display a drop-down menu. The Columns list includes all available columns in the active report. You can drag and drop columns from the Columns list into the Group By or Measure sort field. The Charts tab allows you to select the desired chart type.
The Data tab displays the result of your report design as a Rollup Table. Left-click and drag the desired columns from the Columns list into the Group By and Measure sort fields. The following image shows a report that has been designed on the Series tab. To change the chart type, click the Charts tab and then click the chart type of your choosing Bar, Pie, Line, Scatter, or Other , as shown in the following image. When you point to a chart label, the complete descriptive name of the chart is provided. The chart type in the output window dynamically changes to the chart type selected.
The chart image in the tool window is highlighted to indicate the chart type selected and displayed in the output window. The following image shows an output window with the selected data presented as a pie chart. From the output window, you can change the chart format to one of the available types. The selected data is displayed in tabular format.
Click the arrow on a column heading to display a menu of your data sort options, as shown in the following image. You can use multiple Group By and Measure sort fields. Group By is the column used for the X-axis, and Measure is the column used for the Y-axis. You can use only one Measure sort field as the Y-axis when using a pie chart. The same column can appear in both the Group By and Measure sort fields. You can drag columns between the Group By and Measure sort fields, but you cannot drag them back to the Columns section.
Headings for the chart are generated using the field name, or column title name. To display the hidden columns in the Rollup Table, select Show Columns from the active report menu, and select the column name that you want to display. Working With Charts A chart often conveys meaning more clearly and effectively than data displayed in tabular form. A chart enables you to visually communicate quantitative information. On a chart, you can give data a shape and form, and reveal patterns and relationships among many data values.
Erstellen eines Reports in ReportPainter. Daten filtern Interaktive Reports: Klicken Sie auf Filtern oder Hervorheben und dann auf den Vorgang. Klicken Sie auf Filter oder Highlight. Das Sortierfeld Across ist optional. Die folgende Abbildung zeigt einen Report, der auf dem Tab Serien entworfen worden ist.
Awake the magician in you General field: Esoteric practices Source text - English The secret tricks to awaken the magician in you Last year we conducted a truly magical workshop called: Remote CHI The science of distance healing We had written a booklet on this subject and wanted to show people how easy, powerful and also how much fun it is to support the self-healing powers of others — at a distance. We are still getting letters from people who have been able to profoundly help their loved ones with this method.
We created Remote CHI to offer everyone interested the chance to hone their extrasensory skills and healing powers for the benefit of others — especially their loved ones. You will also receive our raved about sleep program in this package! For me, Remote CHI is magic at a distance. I find it is the most enjoyable, playful way of conducting Universal energy. I guess I had numerous lifetimes as a magical being and this is why this subject is so dear to me in this life. It all starts with the intention! We all tend to overthink, overcomplicate most things that we do. And I feel this usually makes our lives harder and less enjoyable in all areas.
Whenever we are connected to our hearts, being playful and enjoying ourselves we are creating magic. When things are good, they usually get better … and once we are stuck we usually get even more stuck! Time to wake up the magician inside of you! Here are the first 5 steps of power you need to take in order to tap into your magical potential Speak your truth.
Quit pretending or pleasing others. Take care of yourself, say what you need to say and learn to communicate authentically and clearly. Watch your speech — are you coming from love or are you coming from blame or judgment? Ask for what you want. It simply means that you need to ask someone else. Honor your word, keep your promises. Not only towards other — also to yourself. Set a goal, commit and go.
- Der Kampf des Bundesrates gegen Naturgesetze und Intelligenz.
- CUHK Series:Liberty,Democracy and Cultural Creation (Lao Sze-Kwang);
- .
Stop making excuses for yourself. Take responsibility for your experiences. You are the only one to blame or honor for what you are experiencing. Instead of looking for someone or something outside: Associate with like-minded people. Stop hanging out with whiners and people who drag you down. Connect to people who inspire and motivate you — think of yourself as a role model for yourself and others. Where and how can you be the best version of yourself? Magical Boomerang Whatever you send out comes back to you!
Your intentions must come from love and having the best interest of all involved at heart. But I urge you to really take this fundamental law of attraction principle to heart and come up with creative ways to implement them in your daily life: Train your face and brain to be a reflection of joy! So Keep your space clean and tidy — honor your home and workspace and also our cars are reflections of who we are! This is your only vehicle in this life — take care of it! From yourself and help others achieve theirs. If you ever feel tempted to work from other motives such as coming from a very egotistical interest or worse: Articulate your spells like your goals Be specific, clear, straightforward and concise!
The clearer you state your goals, the better they will be understood and received. Be genuine about what you are going for and communicate your spell in the simplest form possible. If your spells arte too general, your energy is too spread out and the results will be dimmed. Start with the who?
The first 2 are easy to define: Who are you casting this spell for? What is it that you want? A new car, heal from a disease, meet your soul mate? This is where you want to be as specific as possible: Which type of car, what color, what model? Which disease, what are the symptoms you want relief from? With disease it is essential that you get the lesson or message your body is trying to convey to you. Because if you just work on getting rid of the symptoms, you might be missing out on a great learning experience and will instead provoke the need for a new lesson that usually only gets more intense… The when and the how can often be tricky to formulate.
A good way to prevent any unclarity here is to say: Now comes a part that most people forget to do. A spell is only really complete when you write it down. I like putting it in our meditation room, near a crystal or figurine of an angel etc. The Universe is there for you, conspiring to make the best happen for you! Indulge in gratitude and a sense of being cared for.
You are love and you are loved — there is nothing to be scared of. Here is my favorite prayer when I feel scared or feel that fear is creeping in is very simple and astoundingly effective: Ich finde, es ist die angenehmste, spielerischste Art Universelle Energien freizusetzen. Ich denke, ich habe viel Lebenszeit als magisches Wesen verbracht und das ist der Grund, weshalb mir dieses Thema in diesem Leben so ans Herz gewachsen ist. Es beginnt alles mit der Absicht! Es ist an der Zeit, den Magier in Ihnen zu wecken! Sagen Sie die Wahrheit.
Bitten Sie um das, was Sie wollen. Erwarten Sie nicht von anderen, dass die Ihre Gedanken lesen - oder Ihnen immer geben, was Sie wollen. Halten Sie Vereinbarungen ein. Setzen Sie sich ein Ziel, und gehen Sie darauf zu. Verbinden Sie sich mit Gleichgesinnten. Er ist das einzige Vehikel in diesem Leben - geben Sie darauf acht! Von sich selbst und helfen Sie anderen, das ihre zu erreichen.
Falls Sie schon einmal versucht haben, aus anderen Motiven heraus zu agieren aus solchen, die einem sehr egoistische Interesse entsprangen oder noch schlimmer: Fangen Sie mit Wer? An Die ersten 2 sind einfach zu definieren: Was ist es, was Sie wollen? Welche Art von Auto, welche Farbe, welches Modell? Welche Krankheit, was sind die Symptome, die Sie gelindert haben wollen? Jetzt kommt ein Teil, den die meisten Menschen zu tun vergessen. Daher kommt der englische Begriff "Rechtschreibung". Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie entspannt und passiv sind - es geht nicht darum, es erzwingen zu wollen!
Es geht um Vertrauen und Wissen, dass alles perfekt ist, so wie es ist. Digital Homeopathy General field: Instruments Source text - English Digital Homeopathy T he late Jacques Benveniste MD, provided irrefutable scientific proof that Vibrational exchange is the language of biochemistry, the concept that underlies the pagradigm of homeopathy. Why should nature or evolution provide us with receptors for molecules that have yet to be invented? In the vibrational paradigm, the molecules we give you as well as the molecules produced in your body that govern your physiology, work not by binding to a receptor on the wall of a cell, but by emitting an electromagnetic signal.
This signal vibrates at a frequency that can be sensed by the cells in your body. Drugs work not by binding to the cell, but by getting sufficiently close to the cell so that their frequencies can be sensed and responded to. Therefore, it follows that administering a therapeutic molecule would be unnecessary, if we could give you the frequency of that molecule instead. In homeopathy, it is the frequency emitted by the treatment molecule that blocks the receptor.
A solution of a therapeutic molecule is diluted over and over again to the point where no molecules of the original substance remain. All that is left is its frequency in concentrated form. The more dilute, the greater the concentration of frequencies and the more powerful its therapeutic effect. The physics by which serial dilution concentrates frequencies is difficult to understand. Suffice it to say that removing a molecule from a solution that once emitted a frequency, creates a hyperproton — basically concentrated energy.
This is digital homepopathy. To treat you, specific frequencies can be imprinted into a vial of a homeopathic carrier solution and the drops placed under your tongue. They can also be imprinted into a special laser and administered directly through your skin. In both cases the frequencies distribute through your energetic nervous system and stimulate your cells to respond. F unctional medicine is an approach to healthcare based on the principles that health is more than just the absence of disease and that every patient is unique, requiring an individual approach to treatment.
Assessment and treatment must take account of mental and emotional factors and beliefs, as well as physical and biochemical factors, or else it cannot give lasting benefit. More than 70 percent of patients in general practice suffer from functional disturbances. Simply speaking, a functional disturbance occurs when no specific tissue or organ damage can be identified by conventional laboratory tests orother pathological diagnostic techniques, yet the patient continues to experience symptoms of ill health.
The functional medicine approach aims to detect and identify these energetic and regulatory disturbances. Functional disturbances can be detected early — even from the very beginning of a pre-clinical phase, when you display symptoms, but conventional methods cannot identify their cause. Disease does not begin with pathology, but advances through a number of stages that start when a living organism can no longer compensate adequately for changes in the environment.
Environmental changes include both internal conditions of the body, mind and external circumstances. It is clearly good sense to assess a patient using functional evaluation methods and treatment protocols. These methods have been shown to be effective in helping to identify and correct pre-clinical disorders and symptomology and in reducing or even reversing physical and pathological deterioration. Functional medicine is intended to bridge the existing diagnostic and therapeutic gaps.
Research over more than 40 years has demonstrated that electro-dermal screening EDS has a key role in enhancing effective functional medicine practice. In its latest development, Asyra Pro technology continues to deliver life-changing results. Economically, billions of pounds could be saved by adopting this logical approach to healthcare and taking advantage of the speed and effectiveness of this technology. Drogen funktionieren nicht, indem sie eine Zelle binden, sondern indem sie eine ausreichend hohe Dosis bekommen, so dass ihre Resonanzfrequenz aufgenommen und beantwortet werden kann.
Debit Valuation Adjustment General field: The full implementation of this requirement is scheduled for January under IFRS 13 - There is currently a dispersion of approaches to inclusion in fair value of own credit risks for derivative liabilities with arguments for and against such adjustments - At many institutions, the methodologies for calculating CVA for accounting purposes are either static adjustment calculations owned by Finance calculated at an accounting period end, or, more often, extensions of the front office or regulatory exposure calculations - Hedging DVA requires a firm to sell protection on itself, which is not practically feasible - Other approaches can be used, albeit introducing basis risk o Sell protection on individual similar entities o Sell protection on a basket of similar entities e.
European banks o Sell protection on aggregate index e. Premium growth returned, but this growth was below inflation and not enough to break the cycle of destructive competition on price and commission. In fact, liquidity pressure remained a key driver of competitive behaviour and while investment results improved, access to fresh capital remained difficult. Strategic investors remained cautious about new investment, despite a rebounding economy, following a general trend of discounting Russia versus the other BRICs, and investment into the development of their existing insurance assets was scaled back.
Done in haste and often unbalanced, without subsequent fundamental improvements to their operations, these measures did not lead to strategic differentiation. By Q2 insurers started to feel raising salary cost in line with returning opportunity for talented staff. As a result, continued competition on price and commission remained for many the most obvious strategic choice. Barcelona, 28 de noviembre de Se estima qua al menos Im Jahr hat Panama 66 Kongresse ausgerichtet und die Voraussage getroffen, dieses Jahr mit Veranstaltungen und Die Gesamtzahl der Treffen brachte Die Erweiterung des Panamakanals und des internationalen Flughafens von Tocumen.
Die Verbesserungsarbeiten wurden begonnen, und dauern an. Andererseits registrierte der Flughafen Tocumen im Jahre ein Passagieraufkommen von mehr als 6 Millionen Menschen. Das Biomuseum wird mit acht Ausstellungshallen mehr als Quadratmeter sowie einen botanischen Garten umfassen. Wann und warum hast du zumalen angefangen?
Welche Tageszeit ziehst du vor, um zu malen? Wie viel Zeit widmest du der Malerei? Dann schlafe ich einige wenige Stunden, um bald weiterzumachen. Und welches ist dein bevorzugtes? Eines mag ich genauso wie das andere. Aber alle sind meine Favoriten, ich mag sie alle gleich gern! All diese Meister der Kunst inspirieren mich! Welches sind die Quellen deiner Inspiration? All das spricht von meinen Wurzeln. Ich mag es, dies zu tun, ganz besonders in Gesichtern und Blicken. Ich denke, dass das Leben wie eine Leinwand ist. Ich dachte sogar, dass es ein schlechter Witz sei, als sie mir das sagten, weil ich niemanden aus der Welt des Kunstwettbewerbs der Vereinigten Staaten, geschweige denn in New York kannte.
Ich konnte es nicht glauben.
KFZ-Wirtschaft 05/12
Es war meine erste Ausstellung und noch dazu international! Sie befindet sich zwischen 5 und Meter unter dem Meeresspiegel. In addition to my job as translator I worked as copywriter for two German advertising agencies, as lector for German eBooks and as book author novels and movie scripts. During my work as copywriter I learnt to write text that sells.
I own and use Trados, Wordfast, MemoQ and other software. Nowadays I translate for translation offices and improve German text written by Germans. As translator I work for several professional translation offices. Furthermore I am the German translator for the website visitpanama. I have written and published 5 books in German. I speak English, Spanish and of course German very well. I also can write and read Portuguese.
I translate English into German, Spanish into German Portuguese into German -- but not vice versa, because I believe that translation should be done by native speakers, although I studied English, worked with English since almost 40 years, lived 8 years in English-speaking countries, thought in English, dreamt in English and live now for almost 10 years in South America - nothing beats a native speaker.
Because I am a German writer, book author and advertising copywriter I can guarantee perfect translations in an excellent German writing style. I worked and still work as copywriter for German advertising agencies and know perfectly what words sell. I am chosen by native speakers to improve their German language - even in cases, when no translation is needed!
I translate everything from English to German and you will find legal text in my samples and testimonials, terms and conditions, contracts and other text. I know HTML from basic to extended and ensure that the formatting of your website remains the same - what is important for you or your client! I am skilled in SEO and can translate websites with keywords, headers and html-tags in mind, what is necessary for optimal search-engine ranking.
I work with and have Indesign, Acrobat, Corel, Pagemaker, Trados and a lot of other software to put your text in the right form and without breaking the original format. References for translation of internet sites: The site and the daily news on visitpanama. I lived 4 years in Brazil and studied the language - although the accent does not fit my tongue and ears I can write, read and translate it.