A Perception of Dreams (The Tabitha Hale Saga Book 1)
I was right in I was right in the middle of updating my facebook page when I realized I had more to say than the status update would probably allow me to write. It's been a while since I've been on the computer long enough to write, much less update anything! Sometimes think I need a secretary to manage my facebook page because I'm hardly on there anymore. Published on May 03, Andrea Gerber Average rating: Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again.
Andrea is Currently Reading. Andrea Gerber is currently reading.
Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook: Jul 19, First Grave on the Right Charley Davidson, 1. May 16, Dhampir Noble Dead Saga, Series 1, 1.
Andrea Gerber - Author
Apr 11, Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Andrea Gerber wants to read. May 15, Andrea Gerber has read. Ellana Thornton-Wheybrew marked it as to-read Dec 13, Dragonr marked it as to-read Dec 22, Mary marked it as to-read Jan 01, Lisa marked it as to-read Apr 16, Angelia marked it as to-read Apr 22, Dark Luna Rose marked it as to-read May 04, Brenna marked it as to-read Jun 29, Lisa marked it as to-read Nov 24, Ian Donnelly marked it as to-read Feb 06, Beatriz Almeida marked it as to-read Feb 23, Arin marked it as to-read Nov 20, Mrunalini Nikte marked it as to-read Feb 22, Igrowastreesgrow marked it as to-read Apr 24, Andrea Gerber is a mommy and wife by day, and a novelist by night.
Andrea Gerber (Author of A Perception of Dreams)
She is the keeper of cheerios and a welder of words. She strongly believes in telling a story that will not only uplift and encourage her readers, but also help them to realize the difference between what is easy and what is right; what is good and what is evil. Andrea began working on The Tabitha Hale Saga in December of after Andrea Gerber is a mommy and wife by day, and a novelist by night.
As she grew more in love with the characters and their stories, her writing turned into much more than just a hobby. After Andrea finished the second book in the series she began searching for representation. In spring of , she acquired an agent, but what she hoped would be a long, fruitful relationship came to an abrupt end when her agent passed away unexpectedly in the spring of Andrea is grateful to have had such a wonderful opportunity and — after a break in writing to process everything and deliver her second child — is now publishing her own books to gain a greater fan base.
She looks forward to finding a new agent in the near future. Trivia About A Perception of D No trivia or quizzes yet. If you, even once, break this rule without having an exceptionally awesome reason for it and an even better idea to pull your readers back into being infatuated with your story then you've completely botched your writing career. From that point, the point that your reader hates you, they won't read anything else you've written because you've lost their trust.
Then it's pretty much game over. When I'm writing, I try really hard to remember what I want out of an author or out of a book that I read. Would I like a happy ending where everything is pink rainbows and butterflies? I'm a sappy, hopeless romantic when it comes to 'happily-ever-afters'. I want the main guy to be the protector of the main girl and I want both of them to overcome whatever it is that is keeping them apart, conquer the world, and be insanely happy at the end of the book.
Is that really too much to ask? Life will throw curve balls at you, people will die- people you have come to depend on and love deeply, things will never go quite the way you had planned that they would, and even though each and every one of us want that 'perfect ending' every day, we need to face that it won't always happen. This is my favorite part though. Life causes us to grow. Life is what shapes us into the people we are and the people we are going to be.
Those trials that we all hate are the ones we look back on later in life and say, "I really hate that it had to happen like that When I'm writing, I try to remember that. I know that life can suck, but I also know that it can be absolutely beautiful. I try to add a splash of realism with a heavy dose of "It'll all work out so let's all just be freakin' happy.
I don't want to force my readers to sit through it if I'm not willing to sit through it. If your reader is skimming and flipping the pages wondering when the author is going to get to the point and stop dumping on the characters, buckle up.
Andrea Gerber
The book should be so good that you can't miss even a word. The writer's first rules should be the following, 1 Don't make your reader mad. If you have a goal for the book, tattoo it on your arm or something possibly not so permanent so that you never forget, through all the side stories, where you are heading. Don't lose sight of your focus or ever make your readers wonder 'What was the point of this again?
Don't leave them to be the same whiny brat they were when the book started for three entire books before you decide to make them grow up. That leads back to rule 1.

Posted by Andrea at 2: I really enjoy Halloween. I have fond memories of watching scary movies with my brother and dressing up in cool costumes pretending to be someone else for a day. One year I was even a witch gasp because I thought it would be so cool to fly and wear a pretty, sparkly hat. I loved pretending to be someone else and knocking on a stranger's door knowing that one day a year everyone had their doors open to greet each other. Essentially, we were all playing one giant game together- until the porch lights went off. That was the universal sign that we were done playing.
A sign I'm certain people don't remember. This year I'm bummed though. I see sugary, crap food everywhere that society has been trained to think of as 'normal' for a child to consume.
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Each and every single one of the ingredients in any candy bar contains high fructose corn syrup. Go research what that is, what it does to your body, and then you'll understand why I am bothered by giving this to my children. I have the desire to take my children trick-or-treating because I want them to experience what I experienced at their age. I want them to look back and remember the times we spent together doing things as a family. I want them to be able to hold out their bag and get excited by what is inside at the end of the night, but it is not worth it to risk their health or their lives just to get candy which we all know they would be devastated to receive and not be able to consume.
Then there is the other reason I'm bummed. The 'fun-suckers' come out. I see social networking sites explode with negative and purposefully nasty, judgmental comments directed at those who 'partake' in Halloween. I still fail to understand how people who claim to have a desire to show Christ can sit around the same table and make such purposely hurtful statements based on no facts to back them up. When it comes right down to it, my reason for 'celebrating' Halloween may be completely different than the couple down the street. Is it true that there are those who 'worship' this 'holiday'?
Yes, it is, but to lump everyone into the same basket isn't fair or accurate. We are all different. We have different backgrounds, different beliefs, different reasons for why we do the things we do. The thing that constantly surprises me is adults' desire to turn a child's imagination into more than what it is. I've said this many times, but it's worth saying again. If something is a stumbling block for you-- Stay away from it!!!!
Good for you for recognizing a problem in your life and not having a desire to be around it. I sincerely applaud you and am genuinely happy that you are trying to do the right thing by you. But we have got to stop getting so angry and upset at others for doing things that we stumble over.
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- Andrea Gerber - Author.
- A Perception of Dreams.
Your situation is not the same as theirs, it's a matter of opinion rather than a matter of salvation, and you have no idea where someone else is at in their journey to criticize something they choose to do. Live your life, tend to your own garden, and let them live theirs.
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At the very least, be polite when having a disagreement. Not everyone has to think the same way or do the same things, contrary to popular belief. If you're reading this and are completely anti-Halloween I completely respect you and the decision you have made about what you feel is best for your family. It was about playing dress up and using my imagination to fly or put out a pretend fire like a fire fighter.