Us Plus Them: Tapping the Positive Power of Difference (Leadership for the Common Good)
For anyone who is concerned with our does work around equity, is in a leadership position, or is concerned with the fate of society as we know it only slightly hyperbolic , I recommend this. The premise of us vs. While there are minimal suggestions for specific strategies, it really is a call to action to change the way we go about building inter-group affinity. Apr 09, Jack Oughton rated it it was ok.
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- Us Plus Them: Tapping the Positive Power of Difference by Todd L. Pittinsky.
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- Jaspers Mountain!
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Wonderful message, which I feel is let down a little in execution. Seema rated it liked it Mar 25, John rated it really liked it Oct 30, Nina Morel rated it liked it Jan 19, Sarah Hinshelwood rated it liked it Feb 10, Shane rated it liked it Nov 05, Jeremy rated it liked it Sep 02, James rated it really liked it Apr 04, Aj rated it liked it Oct 22, Paul rated it really liked it Feb 24, Rob Wessman rated it liked it May 22, Sherri Dishon rated it it was ok Oct 08, Amber rated it it was amazing Jun 07, Charlice rated it liked it Sep 04, Oliver rated it it was amazing Sep 13, Chiara marked it as to-read Aug 14, Karina marked it as to-read Aug 15, Eman added it Aug 24, Tom marked it as to-read Oct 08, Tia marked it as to-read Nov 13, Noha marked it as to-read Jan 15, Big differences in language culture and experience.
Conventional thinking is that these differences combined with the pressure of working long hours with tight deadlines makes for a defensive and territorial work environment. A friend recommended I read Us Plus Them to get some insight inspiration and possibly some practical advice.
- Editorial Reviews.
- Azabache (Cienfuegos 3) (Spanish Edition).
- Setting the Course for Future Generations.
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I got all of these As a teacher, I've struggled to create welcoming and accepting classrooms. As a school administrator, I've struggled to help teachers create this kind of culture throughout a building or even a district.
Us Plus Them: Tapping the Positive Power of Difference
But despite all the research connecting classroom culture to student outcomes, I haven't found much that was helpful on the subject of difference. Too much opinion, too little fact. Better yet, the hope springs right out of the research he describes, some of it being his own. I started this book hoping it would help me as a teacher and educational administrator, but I kept reading because it was changing how I think about difference all through our culture.
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Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. Managing Workplace Diversity and Inclusion: An Entry to Social Science Research. No more zero-sum games; no more clever nuancing around human differences. A key challenge of leadership is harvesting the gains that arise from the basic incongruities of our collective humanity.
Todd Pittinsky provides a powerful framework for promoting and securing cooperation among the most unlikely of allies. Reading this book has encouraged me to try an entirely new way to generate understanding and mutuality across differences within my organization. He is the coauthor of Working Fathers: Enduring Challenges and Emerging Answers. Product details File Size: July 31, Sold by: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review.
Showing of 8 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. I run a pastry production for a high-end catering company. The kitchen is staffed with a very diverse group to put it mildly. Big differences in language culture and experience. Conventional thinking is that these differences combined with the pressure of working long hours with tight deadlines makes for a defensive and territorial work environment.
A friend recommended I read Us Plus Them to get some insight inspiration and possibly some practical advice.

I got all of these As a teacher, I've struggled to create welcoming and accepting classrooms. As a school administrator, I've struggled to help teachers create this kind of culture throughout a building or even a district. But despite all the research connecting classroom culture to student outcomes, I haven't found much that was helpful on the subject of difference.
Us Plus Them: Tapping the Positive Power of Difference - Todd L. Pittinsky - Google Книги
Too much opinion, too little fact. Better yet, the hope springs right out of the research he describes, some of it being his own. I started this book hoping it would help me as a teacher and educational administrator, but I kept reading because it was changing how I think about difference all through our culture.