The help (Versione italiana) (Omnibus) (Italian Edition)
The element of sadness is very much present in all the stories on the theme of Italian comedy, not just the mockery of the poor people who seek to improve their situation, but also to the bitter end show a bitter smile and a dim hope of the protagonists into the future. Just think of the situation or the tragic end of the film Il sorpasso Dino Risi or the melancholy end of the film I soliti ignoti in which thieves have fail in their coup, losing everything they had. Another important feature of this type of comedy is the feeling, although the social condition of the people who populate the stories is extremely low, the protagonists have shown great will to live, to love, to dream, to become almost a taste of the film sentimental.
What breaks this feeling is a typical Italian clumsiness or a fall, which immediately pulls the viewer a big laugh. The protagonist is at once sentimentally duped. In the sixties and seventies such plots merged with the satire. Even in these stories, such as in Signore e signori buonanotte , as it denotes skill in manifesting Italian taste satirical scenes is exaggerated and extremely scratchy.
The characters are targeted by powerful people or satire inept people, extremely rude, bad, almost animalistic, almost personalities related to the masks of the Commedia dell'arte. The Italian comedy ceased to exist in the eighties, by which time the principal actors had become old, replaced by a comic genre focused more on the vulgar and abusive side of the characters, which followed very American models. With the Americanized transformation of this comic genre in Italy, the kind of Commedia all'italiana finally died. The last film that famous still strongly reflects the characters of the Italian comedy is Il marchese del Grillo , directed by Mario Monicelli Alberto Sordi plays the role of a spoiled rich Marquis of Rome who is bored by the day.
For this he designs jokes on the poor and the helpless for no particular end, as if they were toys from the living room. This film still strongly reflects the character of the average prankster kid of the sixties, who only caring about himself and what he has, not caring of others and to those most in need. Cynicism is the main theme of this film, based on a true story.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For the Italian improvisational theatre, see Commedia dell'arte. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

July Learn how and when to remove this template message. American British French Italian. Italian film genres and movements.
Commedia all'italiana - Wikipedia
Retrieved from " https: Italian films by genre Comedy films Commedia all'italiana Italian films. Articles needing additional references from July All articles needing additional references Articles with French-language external links Articles with Italian-language external links. If blood must be given go give your own you are a good apostle Mr. If you go after me warn your police that I'll be unarmed and that they can shoot. English translation by James Prescott [], from This page.
A very British singable adaptation in which the French president is replaced by His Majesty the King. There just came through my door, my army papers warning, We leave on Monday morning, we march away to war. Well, I don't fit your plan, I must refuse the shilling, For I'm no longer willing to kill my fellow man.
Your Majesty, I say, with due consideration, It's my determination, I will desert today. I've seen my father die, I've seen my sisters grieving, My older brothers leaving, my younger brothers cry. My mother knew such wrongs, she lies beneath her tombstone, She cares no more for tombstones, she cares no more for songs.
While I was in the hole, they stole away my good wife, They stole away my good life, they stole away my soul. So now I'll slam my door, on all those years of sorrow, And starting from tomorrow, I'll sleep at home no more. I'm off to beg my way, to tramp the roads and islands, From Cornwall to the Highlands, and this is what I'll say: You'd be a fine example, Your Majesty the King.
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If you would hunt me down, tell Tom and Dick and Harry, No weapon will I carry, and they may gun me down. Da Questa pagina Une autre version anglaise, par Davide Turcato. C'est donc la version anglaise de la version italienne. Further English version by Davide Turcato. As the author himself clearly states, it is based upon Ivano Fossati's Italian version , rather than on the French original.
It's so an English version of the Italian version. The draft card here plainly tells me that I have to go make war this coming Monday. However, I am not here, Dear President, to kill people more or less like me. I am not annoyed with you, by the way, but I feel I have decided and I will desert. I only had trouble since I was born and the children I brought up have cried with me.
My mom and my dad are buried now and about the war they won't give a damn. When I was a prisoner someone stole my wife and my past, my best age. Tomorrow I am going to get up I am going to close the door on the dead season and set off. I'll live on charity on the streets of Spain, of France and Britain and I'll call on everyone not to leave anymore and not to obey just to end up dead for no matter who. Therefore if you need blood at all costs, go give yours, if this amuses you. And, please, tell your men, if they come for me, that they can shoot at me, weapons Andreas Hilmo Teig's Website.
For I've received with fright a letter from the army Informing that they need me in the trenches Wednesday night. But Mister President, my heart was never willing I wasn't made for killing, you'll never have me bent. I hope you don't feel hurt by reading my confession I've made a firm decision: I'm going to desert. I've felt the pains of war: My kids I hardly saw. My mother's suffering ended and where she is resting No bombs and no molesting upon her may descend. When I a captive was they took away my wife That woman was my life, and all that's left is loss.
Tomorrow I will rise and close my front door silently At dawn, and leave behind me the dead years of my life. I now will spend my time a pilgrim on a voyage So all can hear this message, be told about this crime: Do not accept that hate, refuse to obey their orders, Do not commit their murders, be not a soldier made. If blood must now be shed you should give some of yours For, President, your laws like apostles' words us led.
If my arrest you plot, please tell the guards that catch me That I no arms will carry, and safely can be shot. English version by John Hayday, a folk songwriter from New Zealand.
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John was busking in France with Ralph McTell in the 60s and he apparently asked someone to translate it for him to sing. Men whose names are great, I'm writing you this letter That you will read, perhaps, If you have the time. This morning through my door there fell the orders telling me Where I must go, where I must be to serve you in your war.
Dear sirs who rule the earth this war of yours is not for me For the deaths of other men can't be the purpose of my birth. I bear you no ill will but you should know that men like me Think war is just stupidity and man has had his fill. The days of all our lives have just seen husbands dying And little children crying, and the misery of wives. And mothers in their tears, while others just grow fat on war And do not grieve a moment for those wasted wasting years. And prisoners of war who prison robs of heart and mind Of youth, of joy and all that's kind and all that's gone before.
Tomorrow I will go, I'll turn my back upon the past And try to find some peace at last but where I do not know. I'll beg my way around and tell all people that I find Until I've told all human kind that life is ours to live. And if you have lust for blood then let the blood be yours For yours are all the bloody wars, dear sirs who rule the earth. If you send your police to hunt and catch me as I go Tell them I am unarmed and so they can shoot me in peace. Unarmed I'm safe to kill.
President I'm writing you a letter I hope that you can read it if you spared the time 'Cause I have just received a call to active duty to leave my home and fight your war this Wednesday night at 9 Mr. President I don't think I should go I don't think I was put on Earth to kill no poor people Don't mean to get you mad at all I'm informing all of you that my decision's final I plan to go AWOL Since I've been alive I've seen my father die brothers and sisters going too many children cry My mama has suffered so that from beyond the grave I know she's President Go get me if you will and tell the Texas ranges I'll be unarmed and dangerous and they shoud shoot to kill.
NOTICE From the following version onwards, all versions and translations of the song will be ordered alphabetically by the language. Maynery Versione in lingua aleutina di Elmett R. Maynery, trascritta dagli "Exercises to R. Aleut version by Elmett R. Maynery, transcribed from the "Exercises to R. Arabic version by Yassir, Fribourg, July 8 Version arabe de Yassir, Fribourg, 8 Juillet Kindly contributed by site owner and administator Gorka Arrese. Kantu antimilitarista oso ezaguna egin zen, lehendabizikoz Marcel Mouloudjik abestua ko maiatzean Harold Berge-ren musikarekin. Boris Vianek berak kantatua entzun dezakezu.
Duela 50 urte, gaurkoa bezalako egun batez hil zen Parisen Boris Vian idazle frantsesa. Ramon Etxezarretak ekarri zuen euskarara Egunen aparra , Elkar eta Juantxo Zigandak Ttu eginen dut zuen hilobietan , Igela nobela. Aldizkarietan irakurriko dituzu poema bat eta bi narrazio ere: Boris Vianen Desertorea kantuaren itzulpena kendu diogu Koldo Izagirreri orain. Boris Vianek berak kantatua entzun dezakezu hemen. Gerran behar dut lehia 'ta nadila gertu Jaun txit bihotzeko Ez dut gerrarik gura Ez naiz jaio mundura Inoren hiltzeko Ez zaitez haserra Baina jakin ezazu Desertore noazu Ez dut maite gerra Sortu naiz aidanez Aita lurperatzeko Senideak uzteko Haur denak negarrez Amak zenbat malko Bonben beldurrik gabe Harren beldurrik gabe Hilobian dago Preso nintzelarik Neska zidaten kendu Nire arima irendu Ez dut iraganik Bihar goizaldean Hementxe ate joka Urte ustelen tropa Baina ni bidean Banoa eskeko Limosna baten galde Frantzian aldez alde Ozen esateko: Egiozu uko Gerrara ez joan inora Ez hadila enrola Ez zaik damutuko Odolik behar bada O jaun gerrazalea Emantzazu zeurea Lehendakari jauna Hona azken nota: Ez daramat armarik Jendarmek beldur barik Nazaten tiroka.
Le rovine di Brest. Pa oan prizoniad diganin o deus laerezhet ma gwrag ha ma ene ha ma holl vuhez ger. Traduce, come variante, anche la chiusa originale non pacifista. Also the "non-pacifist" original final stanza has been translated. Casatenovo Brianza, Lecco, Italy: Jo tinc entre els meus. Senyor governador li dic que em nego a fer-la no tinc raons ni em tenta matar cap enemic.
Negueu-vos a obeir digueu no, a les ordres no aneu pas a la guerra. La version manque d'un couplet. This version lacks one stanza. Si tratta in alcuni punti di una versione molto libera. It is a definitely free version, particularly in some points. M'acaben d'arribar Uns documents militars, Que se'm porten a la guerra Dimarts en clarejar. Ma mare va patir tant Que ara en el lloc de les tombes Es burla de vostres bombes, I del mot altisonant. I si cal la sang donar, Aneu-hi i vesseu la vostra. Us dic, oh Gran Senyor!
Signori Superiori, dicono che siete grandi e questo non cambia assolutamente nulla. E' opera di una persona che ha voluto restare anonima, abitante a Valenciennes. La ringrazio per la sua gentilezza e rispetto il suo desiderio. Censurata e dimenticata malgradu a versione addulcita di Mouloudji, a canzona fubbe riscoperta durante l'ondata di e canzone di prutesta di i anni ' Su questa versione, e sulla susseguente serba sono state apportate alcune modifiche di carattere "locale" che ben si adattano alla situazione: La version n'est pas chantable.
This version and the following Serbian version show a number of modifications of "local" nature to better fit the peculiar situation of relevant countries: This is no singable version. Jeg har lyst til at synge det, som rager folk i dag. Nu synger jeg kun mine egne viser. Igen fik jeg et brev med ordre til at stille men da jeg ikke ville jeg disse linier skrev. Un'altra versione in lingua danese, di Kjeld Ingrisch, da questa pagina.
Alternative Danish version by Kjeld Ingrisch, from This page. Jeg flygter nu i nat. Avraham 'Oz, the author of this version first published by the magazine Ha'olam Haze -"This World" is a teacher of English language and literature at the Haifa University, Israel and one of their recognized leaders. Romanized Hebrew version by Riccardo Venturi. A word-for-word translation of the French original lyrics into Hebrew, from yossik. Alvenis jen paper' kun la ordon-invito foriri al milito mekrede je l'vesper' Mi diras sen rezon' ke tion mi ne faros mi sur la ter' ne staros por murdo de la hom'.
En almozpeta viv' mi iros tra la mondo mi estos vagabondo kaj diros re al vi: Se fluu nun la sang' la propran do vi donos, jen kion mi proponos, Sinjor' de alta rang'. Ci tiu rekrutkarto al mi rekte ordonas foriri al milito venontan lundon. Miaj patro kaj patrino nun jam estas subgrunde kaj pri la milito ili nepre ne zorgos. La unua estis de Georges Lagrange, rekte bazita sur la originala teksto de Boris Vian kaj eble entute la unua traduko de la kantoteksto al alia lingvo La tria, alternativa versio estas traduko de Franko Luin. Ricevis mi ordonon eniri la armeon, akcepti la ideon, ke pafi estas bon'.
Mi tion ne obeos! Ne estas mi sur tero por ies ajn konkero nek pafo de kunhom'! Dum miaj dudek jaroj mi vidis patrojn morti, patrinojn nigron porti, infanojn en la plor'. Suferas la patrinoj, dum kelkaj sin amuzas kaj la militon uzas por gajno kaj profit'. Ne estas vi pajaco! Vi estas frato, hom'! Ne estu vi pajaco! Vi estu frato, hom'! Ma eile kutse sain armeesse aastaks minna Passi che ci piacerebbe poter riportare. Riccardo Venturi, Friburgo, 10 gennaio Word-for-word Italian translation of the Classical Greek version. Mi avete infatti ordinato espressamente, in quanto cittadino ateniese, di partire da casa per andare a fare la guerra.
Ma io, signori Arconti, sulla guerra ci sputo sopra: E bisogna una buona volta dire queste cose agli Arconti, seppure irati verso di me: Se infatti occorre versare il sangue, allora versate il vostro, signori: The version is fully singable. La version est chantable. Si tratta della sua "lingua privata e personale", con tutta una sua storia ed una sua evoluzione, che egli usa rigorosamente con se stesso.
In kelartico non esistono dittonghi. Mu me kuzua mikanda ya munu ya ki soda Samu mu kuenda na mvita bilumbu ke kuiza. Ya kele ve samu nge fuema, Mu zona zabisa nge ti mu me zua lukanu: Banda mu butukaka Mu monaka lufua ya tata ya munu Mu monaka ku kuenda ya bampangi ya munu Na lelaki mpe bana na nga.
Mama na munu mona mpasi mingi Yandi ke na dibulu na yandi Kuna, ba bombe na nge na mitshiopi ke sala yandi kima mosi ve. Thangu mu vuandaka na buloko, ba yibaka nkento ya munu; ba yibaka muela na munu na ba souvenir na munu. Mbazi na nsuka, mu ke kanga porte ya ba mvula yonso ya mpasi me luta. Mu ke kuenda na munu. Mu ke banda sosa dimpa ya munu Na ba nzila ya Africa, ya Soudan, ya Congo.
Mu ke zabisa batu: Benu ndima ve, benu kuenda na mvita ve. Si kana nge zona dukula menga, buna pesa yina ya nge. Si kana nge zona landakana munu, zabisa ba gendarme ya nge ti mu ke vuanda na munduki ve; ba lenda bula munu masasi. Per il resto, i concetti base della canzone sono mantenuti appieno. In Latini sermonis natura non est admittendus usus atque nominatio pyrobolorum vel aliorum pyricorum armorum. Quo dicto, omnes carminis significationes profundissimae retentae sunt immutatae. Domine, Rei Publicae dux! Tibi epistulam scribo quam leges, vel non leges si tibi tempus est.
Le Déserteur
Vix mihi mandatum est, mihique est persequendum ut mererem stipendium: Domine, Rei Publicae dux, sed militare nolo! Ad homines caedendos certe natus non sum. Ne suscensueris, sed tibi hoc dicere volo, iam cepi meum consilium: Et post natales meos patrem mortuum vidi, et fratres, qui abiere, flentes domi pueros. Tam multa passa est mater; nunc in sepulcro irridet tela et arma, vermes nihil ei sunt. Captivus cum essem mulier mihi est abrepta, anima mihi est abacta totaque vita mea.
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Panem mendico nunc pererrans totam Galliam, Armoricam, Arverniam hoc clamans omnibus: Oboedienda non sunt mandata, nec servanda! Militia est deneganda, bellum opprobrium est. Cruor si effunditur, Domine, effunde tuum! O dux Rei Publicae, animo simulator! Cum persecutus sim mandate praetorianis ut telis me perfoderent, telum mihi non erit.
Version lingala de Jean-Basile Mavungu Khoto, que nous remercions de tout notre coeur. Na wuti ko zua mikanda na nga ya ki soda po na ko kende na bitumba liboso ya mercredi soir. Po na ko boma ba bola e za te po osilika na lingi ko yebisa yo mokano na zui na lingi na kima. Banda na botama na mona ko kufa ya tata na nga na mona ko kende ya ba ndeko na nga na ko lela ya bana na nga. Mama na nga a yokaki pasi mingi a za na lilita na ye mpe ba bombe e za sala ye eloko te mitshiopi pe e zo sala ye eloko te Tango na zalaki na boloko ba yibaki muasi na nga ma yibaki molimo na nga na ba likaniseli na nga.
Lobi tongo tongo na ko kanga porte na nga na ba mbula ya pasi na ko kende na nga. Na ko senga lipa na nga na ba nzela ya Africa ya Soudan, ya Congo na ko yebisa batu: Bo boya ko tosa bo sala bitumba te bo kende bitumba te Bo boya ko kende. Soki o lingi ko landa nga o yebisa ba gendarme na yo ke na ko zala na munduki te ba koki ko beta masasi.
It is still the best known version of the song in the Dutch language. Vanmorgen kwam de post mij met de oproep wekken om naar het front te trekken als vechter uitgedost. Ik word een deserteur. Mijn moeder huilde lang Nu ligt ze onder de zoden Daar kan geen bom haar doden Daar is ze niet meer bang. Toen ik gevangen zat Heeft men mijn vrouw gestolen Mijn hart, mijn trouw gestolen En al wat ik bezat. Ik trek van noord naar zuid Ik loop door zon en regen en kom de mensen tegen draag zo mijn boodschap uit: Negeer het kil bevel En weiger om te strijden En weiger om te lijden Blijf uit die oorlogshel.
Meneer de president Waarom ons bloed te vragen? Ga zelf uw leven wagen Als u zo moedig bent. Nee, ik draag geen geweer Geef opdracht aan uw knechten Mij niet te vast te hechten Knal mij gewoon maar neer. Si tratta di una versione letterale non cantabile. Alternative Dutch version from the website of Strijdkoor Kontrarie.
It is a word-for-word translation not made for singing. Mijnheer de president, Ik schrijf je een brief, die u misschien zal lezen, als u tijd heeft. Ik heb mijn militaire papieren ontvangen: Mijnheer de president, Ik wil dit niet doen: Ik ben niet op aarde om mensen te doden. Het is niet om u kwaad te maken, Maar ik heb mijn beslissing genomen: Sinds ik geboren ben, heb ik mijn vader zien sterven, Mijn broers zien vertrekken en mijn kinderen zien wenen.
Mijn moeder heeft zo erg geleden Dat ze nu al in haar graf ligt. Daar spot ze met de bommen en de wormen. guest review guidelines
Toen ik gevangen was heeft men me mijn vrouw afgepakt Men heeft me mijn lieve verleden ontstolen. Morgen heel vroeg zal ik de deur achter mij dichtdoen ….. Ik zal mijn kostje bijeen bedelen Op de Franse wegen van Bretagne tot de Provence En ik zal aan de mensen zeggen: Weiger te gehoorzamen, Weiger naar de oorlog te gaan, weiger te vertrekken. Al het nodig is zijn leven te geven, Geef dan het uwe, u bent een goede apostel, mijnheer de president.
Als u me achtervolgt, verwittig uw gendarmes Dat ik niet gewapend zal zijn En dat ze mogen schieten. Interpretata da Birgitte Grimstad nel nell'album Syger Vise. Nata nel e danese di nascita di Copenaghen , Birgitte Grimstad vive a Oslo, in Norvegia, dal Canta sia in danese che in norvegese. Performed and recorded by Birgitte Grimstad in the album Syger Vise. L'ultimo giro della notte Italian Edition.
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