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The American honchos neither confuse nor fool themselves. They've known the dollar was going down since before the "sub-prime" crisis, surpassed by the euro on the exchange market and seriously threatened by the currencies of China, India and Brazil, countries whose emerging economies display notable growth. For several months Washington economists took great pains to promote the agreement using the example of Spain and the European Union, assuring that before the euro came into effect, Spain had a decadent economy. Before the European currency was put into practice, Spain had already asserted itself as the nineth economy on the planet.
Another argument used by yankee leaders points out that the Amero would stop illegal immigration from Mexico and Central America, a dubius assumption indeed, for by strengthening the critically complicated US economy through the contributions of the Canadians and the Mexicans, the major volume of new investments would preferably be made in the land of Lincoln. Notwithstanding, it goes without saying that after one or more quinquennials from the application of the agreement, Mexico would obtain a significant growth, far superior to its present development, but still inferior to that procured by its northern neighbors.
In the conversations held at Baylord University, Texas in , the three signing heads of state suggested extending the agreement to all of Latin America once the Amero was consolidated in the northern part of the continent. The underlying intention aims to prevent that, specifically and principally, South America should decide to structure supernational organizations similar to the European Union, which would definitely imply a grave danger for the signers of Waco, since the Spanish-speaking countries of the sub-continent could become the third or fourth economy on the planet, if they manage to reach a consensus, at last, of the political will to grow united.
Compared to the -successful- commercial unions of Europe and Asia, except for the one under construction in North America, the Latin American nations remain disintegrated to the benefit of others, by means of putting into play economic and political interests managed by industrialized countries that maximize their efforts to prevent the birth of a powerful economy, such as the one that could very well result from our unity. Estos episodios han sido seleccionados personalmente por Chris Carter, creador del programa, y Frank Spotnitz, el productor ejecutivo.
Por cierto, el primer episodio es un Piloto. Ya que te introduce a los personajes y conceptos del programa. Eso es exactamente nuestro objetivo. Y, como yo dije, creo que ha sido mejor y mejor de lo que hicimos al principio. Frecuentamente trataban con lo desconocido y la tecnologia. Lo mejor de esto es que las historias eran siempre factibles o que estaban al borde de lo que llamaria extremamente posible.
Esos eran los mas escalofriantes para mi. Me dijo que era una de las mejores cosas que el habia visto en la television. Pienso que es una escena hermosa ya que conseguimos hacer algo que realmente todos habiamos querido tanto escritores como espectadores del programa. Era oportunidad de hacerlo con una prosa florida purpura atravez de este escritor. Tambien una oportunidad de contar una historia aterradora de una manera diferente. Hay muchos episodios que pudimos incluir. Pero pensamos en eso para que un no-espectador aprecie que estamos haciendo una nueva pelicula, que estos episodios realmente demuestren la gama de las historias que los X-files pueden contar.
Sin embargo, tienes que tener idea de los personajes, como Mulder y Scully, y como han sido atravez de la misma y esperamos hacer eso atravez de la pelicula. Pero, esto es realmente el inicio para la gente, ya que le da una introduccion rapida a la pelicula, asi que esto brindara ocho horas de entretenamiento. Creo que esto es lo que estamos tratando de hacer. These episodes have been personally selected by Chris Carter, the program's creator, and Frank Spotnitz, the executive producer. Indeed, the first episode is a pilot. That's precisely our objective.
Even though over the years the program began requiring more sophistication , its important to see what its roots are. And, as I said before, I think it's just gotten better and better from what we did at the beginnning. The relationship between Mulder and Scully started developing there and continued over the following nine years. This is what I used to dream about when I was a kid and it's precisely what I love, but the difference with the X-Files is that they weren't 'series'.
Frecuently, they dealt with the unknown and with technology. The best part is that the stories were feasible, or they were on what I'd call the extreme limit of the possible. Those were the most chilling for me. He told me that it was one of the best things he'd ever seen on television. I think it's a beautiful scene because we were able to do something that all of us really wanted, the writers as well as the viewers. We had to make a loving tribute to the beauty and the kindness of Gillian Anderson and her character, Scully.
It was the opportunity to do it with a florid purple prose through this writer. And it was also an opportunity to tell a terrifying story in a different way. There are shining omissions. There are alot of episodes we could have included. But we thought of that so that a non-viewer could appreciate that were were making a new film, that these episodes really demonstrate the range of stories that the X-Files can tell.
However,you do need to have an idea about the characters, like Mulder and Scully, and what they've been like throughout the story, and we hope to show that during the movie. But this is really a beginning for people, since it gives them a quick introduction to the movie, so this is going to offer them eight hours of entertainment. I think that's what we're trying to do. Izote Masaryk , Polanco. Naos Palmas B, Lomas de Chapultepec. Pujol Francisco Petrarca , Polanco, Tel. Palmas , Lomas de Chapultepec.
V y S hasta 3 hrs. This concept, complex to the sight but obvious to the palate, is the way that the culinary world expresses the fusion of our country's traditional recipes with the influence of international styles and ingredients, which time and globalization have managed to bring to our tables. Thus, with the passing of time and thanks to distances being shorter today, meats such as duck have substituted turkey to accompany our classic "mole negro", resulting in a dish with a softer and more refined taste, yet remaining true to its roots.
Their menu includes innovations even in its desserts; the blue corn bread with mystic manzanilla sauce being pleasant proof thereof. And finally, the minimalism of the place, adorned with certain mayan patterns, which are, perhaps, the best way to visually explain what this "culinary genre" is all about. Food reflects a great part of a society's lifestyle and, thanks to the arrival of products and ideas that don't correspond to our geographical location, we are able to diversify and discover flavors that enrich our cultural heritage, make it broader and, indeed, far richer.
Discover the best in contemporary mexican cuisine at: Sin duda, una herramienta que es de alta utilidad y beneficio para las empresas y el sector academico es el e-Learning. Se tienen principalmente dos tipos de plataformas: Una solucion e-Learning esta conformada por tres elementos fundamentales: Asimismo, deben responder a: Cada vez mas se habla de las posiblidades que ofrece el apendizaje informal al interior de las organizaciones, sin embargo, no es tan cierto que se conosca el modo de fomentar conscientemente el aprendizaje informal en las organizaciones desde los departamentos de RH.
Asi, se libera a los usuarios del compromiso de aprender y, paradojicamente, se promueven los aprendizajes. Extracto de la revista SPUTNIK, septiembre Translation - English As mentioned on several forums, there's a need for implementing and encouraging the use of technology within the sphere of business and education in order to be a more competitive country. Undoubtedly, a highly useful and beneficial tool for businesses and the academic sector is e-Learning.
By definition, e-Learning is understood as non-attendance education that, by means of technological platforms, make the access and the time in the teaching-learning process both possible, and more flexible. From the perspective of its conception and development as a training tool, e-learning systems have a pedagogic and technologic duality. Pedagogic, in that it must be transmitted according to defined models and patterns, and technologic in that the whole teaching-learning process sustains itself on software applications, mainly developed in Web environments, which is why these systems are called training platforms.
There are mainly two types of platforms: An LMS is a software based on a Web server that provides modules for the administrative and back-up processes required for a learning system, simplifying the control of these tasks. It also facilitates distributed and collaborative learning by means of activities and contents, using Internet communication services like electronic mail, forums, video-conferences and chatrooms. The systems that promote teaching-learning processes through e-Learning are of great importance in consolodating the so-called "Knowledge Society".
These resources open the door for the basic or advanced training of an important number of people, who can see their personal qualifications or professional situations enhanced. Nevertheless, e-Learning in Mexico is in it's initial phases and still has a long way to go before attaining its maturity and consolidation. Interesting challenges and lines of investigation present themselves along this path in both the pedagogic and technological fields.
Neither can the human factor be ignored, which becomes the most important factor when you want to undertake a strategy based on e-training; without its acceptance, committment and dedication it's impossible for e-Learning to succeed in an organization. An e-Learning solution is made up of three fundamental elements: On the other hand, the quality of the contents depends on one necessary, though insufficient, condition for the success of the training program. The design of the contents must be undertaken, according to norms, by didactic methodology experts with the objective of responding to: Likewise, they have to respond to: More and more there's talk of the possibilities that informal training offers within organizations, however, it's not very certain that we know of a way to conscientiously foment informal training within organizations through their HR departments.
Virtual social networks offer a space for interaction to the people who particpate on them and, at the same time, allow the information, the comments, the submissions and the contributions from each individual to remain registered and be later consulted by other participants. These networks, known as Facebook, MySpace, and Hi5, among others, could be circumscribed to an organization-its employees, suppliers, clients, etc. Thus, the users will be freed from the obligation of learning, and, paradoxically, learning will be promoted. It would be worthwhile to analyze the organizational culture and its people, the way that people relate to each other, the way they share across informal spaces and resources, and the way that information is percieved by the employees and by the organization.
There are alot of benefits from promoting a social network within the organization: It allows an agile and innovative communicatins space to be established inside the organization that favors intraction in its different directions vertical and horizontal. It permits users to share and access information and knowledge in an intelligent way.
It favors finding opportunities for improvement and training because it allows for the acknowledgement of the user's educational needs. Es interesante notar que Eisenman, antes de esto, fue miembro del "TAC" The Architect's Collaborative , fundado en por nadie mas que Walter Gropius, el padre del Bauhaus, y uno de los pilares del movimiento moderno.
Como se desasocio de los modernistas, con su doctrina marcadamente funccionalista y evoluciono hasta quiza el maximo exponente de la teoria del caos aplicada a la arquitectura en el alba del siglo 21 es el tema de este ensayo. En vez de fiarse solamente en las obras y teorias de los grandes interpretes del pasado, o aun de sus distinguidos colegas, decide explorar otras disciplinas -no asociadas tradicionalmente con la investigacion en la arquitectura-territorios donde el cuestionamiento del orden, coherencia y estructura no solamente ha sido propuesto, sino cientificamente acertado: Dejando las teorias de la fisica cuantica y la matematica , Eisenman se enfoco en la dinamica de la linguistica.
Buckminster Fuller que me alento a investigar el origami como una fuente de influencia creativa. Sus obras teoricas-practicas cuestionan el uso del edificio como una "maquina para vivir"; busca desestabilizar y torcer simbolos socialmente aceptados del confort y cobijo: Las primeras nueve casas estan contextualmente separadas de cualquier referencia al sitio, paisaje y exterior.
El contexto no se considera como parte del problema ni de la solucion. Sin embargo, luego, en sus sesiones de auto-psicoanalisis, propone la ausencia de la casa; esta sola es el centro, y lo que existe es el exterior. Comenzando ortagonalmente, luego evolucionando a capas, las cuales, repitiendose una sobre otra, se desplazan.
O, gira y encima la reticula creando nuevos modulos y siempre mas complejos submodulos. Acepta lo coincidental, el resultado al azar, en donde cada pliege esquina o nicho no necesariamente esta alli para funcionar o servir, sino para significar. Mas que una solucion, sus edificios son un manifesto de la sociedad contemporanea. Un ejemplo sobresaliente de la experimentacion de Eisenman es el Centro Wexner con sus reticulas ortagonales giradas en planta, y una reticula habitable en la tercera dimension, como un recordatorio y extension de la esquema urbana en el campus universitario.
Sin duda, seria casi imposible comprender la arquitectura de Eisenman sin la implementacion del dibujo asistido por computadora CAD. Podemos ver como usa metodos de composicion con tecnologia digital en el proceso creativo; el resultado de variaciones numericas representando ideas, conceptos abstractos y absurdidades. Una presentacion de planos preliminares de Eisenman inevitablemente introduce un toque de inhabitablidad e incomprensibilidad nunca antes visto. Para el Atocha Street Hotel usa la huella del predio; subdividiendolo, rotandolo, trazlapandolo sobre si mismo para producir la composicion final.
Sus edificios pueden haber sido inaugurados, pero en un sentido nunca estaran terminados: Son testigos del flujo eterno de las oposiciones e interacciones que conforman a la sociedad, recordando a los Fluxus Monitors de Nam June Paik. Doblando uno de los icones del siglo XX, el rascacielos, sobre si mismo; alegando una feminidad contraria al simbolo falico de verticalidad, en el disconcertante proyecto del Max Rhinehardt Haus.
En la misma manera que Beatriz Zamora evoca lo espiritual de su obra, "El Negro", Eisenman sufre una "conversion" despues de tanta negacion. Art, Architecture and Vice-Versa and: It's interesting to note that Eisenman, before this, was a member of The Architect's Collaborative TAC , founded in by none other than Walter Gropius; father of the Bauhaus and one of the pillars of the so-called Modern Movement.
How he disassociated from the modernists, with their markedly functionalist doctrine and evolved into perhaps the maximum exponent of the theory of chaos applied to architecture at the dawn of the 21st century is the subject of this essay. Let's consider a few examples: An excellent polemist, an eloquent writer, a suggestive theorist-and a mediocre designer; almost an insult to his writing. The polemic theories proposed by Rem Koolhaas in his books "S,M,L,XL" and "Delerious New York" have excited debate in architectural circles worldwide, but when will his architecture catch up with his literature?
A WAY OUT OF THE TRAP Eisenman, foreseeing the limits imposed upon design by the rigid parameters of Euclidean geometry, the classical search for an expression of form derived from a supposedly necessary function, and orthogonic projections of volumes in three-dimentional space, searches elsewhere for a way out of the "trap" of conventional design process. Instead of relying solely on the works and theories of the great interpreters before him, or even of his distinguished colleagues, he decides to explore other disciplines, not traditionally associated with architectural investigation , territories where the questioning of order, coherence and structure have not only been proposed, but scientifically asserted: From the theories of quantum physics and mathematics, Eisenman turned to the the dynamics of linguistics.
A student of design at the time, I felt inspired to search beyond traditional compositional approaches for one of my first architectural models, basing the design for an elevated beach house on an origami the Japanese art of folding paper exercise which served as the "module" I employed to create the submodules that made up the different components of the of the building by playing with scale, distortion, exaggeration, amputation, and omission of the initial form. I remember now the wonderful experience of enrichment derived from discovering the range of diversity which the various stages of the folds, creases, and "bending" of the origami module contributed to the design process of my project.
The result was a somewhat starteling interpretetion of a 60m2 beach house on stilts; a design inspired by a chat with Bob Mashburn My then design professor and a disciple of R. Buckminster Fuller who encouraged me to look into origami as a source of creative influence. His theoretical-practical works question the use of buildings as "machines for living", he aims to destabilize and twist socially accepted symbols associated with comfort and shelter: These first designs, with no other title than the temporal sequence in which they were presented, were architectural experiments.
The first nine are contextually independent of any reference to site, landscape and the exterior. Later, in his auto-psychoanalytic sessions, he proposes the absence of the house; it is only the center, and what exists is the exterior. Beginning orthogonally, he later evolves to layers which, repeating themselves one upon another, displace themselves.
Or he rotates and superimposes the grid creating new modules and ever more complex submodules. He accepts the existance of a universal and discrete processor; the logical and natural generator of each design, and proposes that the key for deciphering the code is to evidence and accept the existence of multiple dimensions within the same time-space.
He accepts the coincidental, the random result, where every fold, corner or nook is not necessarily there to function or serve, but rather to signify. More than a solution, his buildings are a manifesto of contemporary society. An exceptional example of Eisenman's experimentation is the Wexner Center with its orthogonal grids rotated in plan, and a grid habitable in the third dimension, like a reminder and extension of the urban scheme in the university campus. Undoubtably, it would be almost impossible to understand Eisanman's architecture without the implementation of computer-aided drawing CAD.
We can see how he uses compositional methods with digital technology in the creative process; the result of numeric variations representing ideas, abstract concepts and absurdities. A presentation of Eisenman's preliminary plans inevitably introduces a touch of inhabitability and never-before-seen incomprehensibility. GEOMETRIC MANTRAS The goal of finding a compositional and organizational solution for the building in the site itself leads Eisenman, through a kind of geometric mantra, to generate a system of curves and angles for the grid of the Aranoff Center; a result of the coincidental arrangement of existing buildings and the curves of the terrain.
For the Atocha Street Hotel he uses the footprint of the site; subdividing it, rotating it, overlapping it upon itself to produce the final composition. His buildings may have been inaugurated, but in a sense they will never be finished: They stand as a witness of the eternal flow of oppositions and interactions that make up society, recalling the Fluxus Monitors of Nam June Paik.
CHAOS In his quest for a singular approach, Eisenman develops evermore complex design procedures, questioning the role of structure in contemporary society, destabilizing it, twisting it, fracturing it, promoting the deterioration and fragmentation of the structure and of cultural symbols by means of searching and provocation. Bending one of the icons of the 20th-century, the skyscraper, upon itself; alleging a femininity contrary to the phallic symbol of verticality, in the disconcerting Max Rhinehardt Haus project.
In the same way that Beatriz Zamora evokes the spiritual from her work, "The Black", Eisenman undergoes a "conversion" after so much negation. In the Holocaust Memorial he abandons the use of complex grids and proposes a group of tombstones that seem rather like an artificially created meadow where one can "see" the caress of the wind upon its surface, but, unresigned in his conversion, he prefers to play God.
Mexico en Madrid Source text - Spanish Se dice que el arte consiste en detenerse. En saberse detener a tiempo. Una linea de mas puede arruinar una pintura, como una forma excedente castiga a la arquitectura y una palabra de sobra estropea a un poema. Pero si el arte funciona con la mesura, las ferias de arte, en cambio, consisten en no frenarse nunca. Como mercados comerciales, requieren del exceso y la prisa, y como ferias, necesitan ese espiritu donde lo festivo convive con lo inmediato y lo agotador. La Feria Internacional de Arte Contemporaneo de Madrid, que ha tenido lugar del 10 al 14 de Febrero de , representa el placer de llenarse de arte.
La Feria, que dedica esta edicion a Mexico, completa su agenda con conferencias y exposiciones colaterales que desbordan del recinto ferial Juan Carlos I, ocupando espacios como el Museo Reina Sofia, el Palacio de Cristal en el Parque del Retiro, la Casa de America, las pantallas de cine, la ciudad y los bares. Su origen comercial la convierte en una fiel muestra del mercado contemporaneo donde convive de todo, y su espiritu como olimpiada de arte permite poner a prueba el talento joven, donde cada vez mas se consolida el arte digital y el net.
Mexico representa en primer pais latinoamericano invitado solo a ARCO, despues de que en ediciones anteriores naciones como Suiza, Italia y Grecia, entre otros, exportaran su material mas creativo y, con suerte, el mas vendible. Sin embargo, el acotar geograficamente a su huesped no ha significado una disminucion de inputs, sino al contrario.
La tematica de la invasion mexicana se ha centrado principalmente en dos argumentos: La megalopolis, ese desafuero urbano de la ciudad de Mexico "que todo lo permite y todo lo impide", y la "tercer nacion", aquel confuso espacio que constituye su frontera norte. Si bien el primero se conmemora en imagines saturadas y el segundo evoca paisajes desolados, ambos parten de territorios extremos donde convive un caos casi ficticio caracterizado por la rebeldia y la desidia. Exposiciones como "Tijuana Sessions", el trabajo de colectivos como El Futuro mas Aca y Nortec, asi como el ciclo de videoarte en el Reina Sofia, muestran obras marcadas por las insalvables desigualdades del contexto actual, tratadas casi siempre con ironia y creatividad.
Of knowing when to stop at the right moment. One needless line can ruin a painting, just as excessive form chastises architecture or a redundant word can spoil a poem. But if art functions with moderation, art fairs, on the other hand, consist in never refraining. As commercial markets, they require excess and haste, and as fairs, they need that spirit where the festive coexists with the immediate and the exhausting. Madrid's International Contemporary Art Fair, which has taken place from the 10th to the 14th of February,, represents the pleasure of filling oneself with art.
With a temporary overdose that invades the Spanish capital, the 24th edition of ARCO gathers some galleries from all over the world, more than 2, artists, as well as innumerable works, collectors and fans. The Fair, which dedicates this edition to Mexico, fulfills its agenda with conferences and collateral expositions that overflow beyond the Juan Carlos I fairgrounds, ocupying such spaces as the Museo Reina Sofia, the Palacio de Cristal in the Parque del Retiro, the Casa de America, movie theater screens, the city and the bars.
Its commercial origin makes it a faithful example of the contemporary market where it coexists with everything, and its "Art Olympics" spirit allows young talent to be tested, where more and more digital art and net. Mexico represents the first Latinamerican country invited alone to ARCO, following previous editions in which nations such as Switzerland, Italy and Greece, among others,exported their most creative and, with luck, most marketable materials.
With this year's invitation, the proposition has been corrected, where all of Latin America was taken as the invited country, presenting almost an entire continent within 34 exhibition rooms. However, geographically mapping its guest has not meant a decrease of inputs, but rather the contrary. The theme of the Mexican invasion has mainly centered on two arguments: While the first is commemorated in saturated images, and the second evokes desolate landscapes, both derive from extreme territories where they share an almost ficticious chaos characterized by rebelliousness and neglect.
Shows like "Tijuana Sessions", the work of collectives like El Futuro mas Alla and Nortec, as well as the Mexican videoart series in the Reina Sofia exemplify works marked by the unresolvable inequalities of the present-day context, almost always handled with a mixture of irony and creativity.
El futuro de pueblos desiertos con acceso a celulares. Lo anterior no es mi viaje. Joe, es decir, G. Su labor —pura— va directo al norte pero sus cuerpos se mantienen fuera del territorio". Alex nos comenta al respecto: Claro que hay cambios. Yo lo llamo "desarrollo capilar": Es un buen de trabajo de efectos especiales para darle el feeling de la aventura real del sci-fi". Es hora de detenernos un momento. Yes, the technological future in the third world. Yes, the third world: Perhaps you'll reply that in the future cars will fly and that pavement isn't necessary.
But this review isn't about a Hollywood-like future. In this review the theme is the sub-future. About a country with forty million and still counting of the poor and a communications tycoon-who is also one of the richest men in the world-on the same soil. A future where technology divides us instead of bringing us together. The future of deserted pueblos with celular access. Of communities with no possibility of development who find themselves with the painful necessity of sacrificing their dignity to become invisible workers in the world's most powerful country, willing to exchange their labor for a few dollars.
The future of globalization. The above isn't my trip.
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This important indie-style production differentiates itself from all the rest " Alex studied cinema and political science at Hampshire College in Massachussetts, and, in perfect Spanglish-although his Spanish is faultless- confessed to us how his relationship with technology began. I've been sitting in front of computers ever since I was really small.
I always loved Sci-Fi, but later I started to look at everything from the other side of my family's perspective. My dad is an immigrant from Peru who came to the United States to work in the factories. He joined the army; dove into the whole immigration trip. When I think of the Sci-Fi genre and relate it to that side of my family, I realize that Sci-Fi doesn't consider the third world; the majority of the planet".
I met Alex in the States over 5 years ago, when his website, "Invisible America", started raising alot of commentary in the electronic arts community and in net-art. Go on, visit invisibleamerica. Get to know the Spanish version of "G. Joe", that is; "G. Jose'", and find out more about Big Corporations' plans to conquer the hispanic market and the "Cybraceros". Finally, don't miss the "Papas del Papa" The Pope's Potatoes , for all of you who've forgotten the religious stamps that used to come in potato chip bags! The "cybraceros" cyber-laborers are workers for the Cybracero Coporation, a "maquiladora" for virtual labor, in which the workers are connected from their country to control robots in different parts of the world.
This is "Sleep Dealer"'s future , the dream of the United States: As in all great works that really manage to convey a strong political message, fortunately, "Sleep Dealer" is a film that doesn't speak about politics. In my film, the border has been closed, but the economy-capital, or whatever you want to call it- has responded by creating a system in which the labor of the immigrant continues being used, but without having to cross the border. They connect their bodies to a global network and control machines in the United States.
Their labor-pure-goes directly up north, but their bodies remain outside the territory". And what does Rivera think about the topic of labor in the Empire and Sci-Fi's relationship to reality? Where are we heading? Whether it's Minority Report, Blade Runner, or Total Recall, they're all trying to tell us something about the world, but also offer a critical and dark view of the real possibilities.
Alot of times it's like: There's always something related to labor; robots that work and rebel. My film is very explicit in the sense that it criticizes how this country is very starved for labor , but at the same time, has a huge incapacty for integrating those workers into society. It speaks of this dynamic and its technological and automated version". One day his frequency is captured by a Drone operator, and he's declared an alledged terrorist. And this is where his exodus to the Mexican city of the future begins. Memo meets Luz Leonor Varela when he arrives in Tijuana, who helps him install the "nodes" that allow him to work as a Cybracero.
I can't tell you any more. You'll have to wait for the premiere I think it's fair to tell you in advance that the aesthetics are probably not what you'd expect in your average science fiction film, and therefore, are extremely interesting. In this respect, Alex comments: Science fiction in the first world implies: A science fiction film in a lttle Oaxacan pueblito; you have to think about what has changed over the last years.
And you know what? Of course there's been changes. There are parabolic antennas on top of half-finished houses, there are somewhat futuristic pay-phones But if you think about how they'll look 50 years from now I call it "capillary development": The idea of an non-developed future had its political and aesthetic reasons, but,well-yes Even so, we have scenes with special effects, 3D and 2D graphics, screen composites.
There's a good deal of special effects work to give it the feeling of real Sci-Fi adventure". And so it is. Outside of our little bubble disguised with iPods and gadgets, the majority of the country is buried in the third world. It's time to stop ourselves for a moment.
Where are we headed? What can we do to avoid widening the gap? How can we use technology more fairly? What good is so much technology to the poor? Are we playing on the right team? Better late than never, as the saying goes. In the midst of an outstanding period of economic growth, the nation recieved the World's Fair in Osaka and eagerly prepared for Sapporo's Winter Olympic Games in These international events incited acceleration in the construction of a massive transport system infrastructure in Japan, and it supplied itself with the necessary fuel for its rapid transition into a built-up society, symbolized by the automobile.
It was then that Japan assumed the priviledged position as the Second Nation in the worldwide automobile manufacturing market. Such a rapid economic and urban expansion provoked important incidents, such as giant traffic- jams and high levels of environmental pollution. At the time, Honda specialized in sporty hi-performance vehicles.
Given the problems the nation was undergoing, the company took on the task of developing a low-cost passenger car which would become an essential part in the lives of the people at that time. This led to the creation of the first generation of the Civic, a strategic model at that moment for Honda. The Civic's development totally contrasted with Honda tradition. Instead of pursuing a development based above all on the vision of the company's founder, Soichiro Honda, The Civic's development team traveled to various world markets, acquiring local knowledge and experience first-hand, and from it they set on the idea of creating the car that was precisely "what is needed now".
Honda's prior models were characterized by having high-performance engines, but they lacked space, adecuate soundproofing, and a correct weight distribution, which are important factors when creating a car to form a close bond with the lives of its owners. After giving it some thought, the company decided to develop a new model that would be both compact and agile- a car basically accepted by everyone that would offer "maximum value with a minimum of mechanical components.
When the traditional "front-engine, rear-wheel drive, three-volume" design was the standard for the main trend in compact cars, the company boldly chose "front-engine, front-wheel drive, two-volume" as the concept for the "basic car for everybody. One of them was related to weight reduction. By reducing the thickness of the sheetmetal to one-millimeter units and modifying its structure, the company surpassed conventional technology and reached new levels of vehicle lightness, which contributed enormously to lowering both costs and fuel consumption. Additionally, Honda opted for a type of indepedent suspension, which offered a great sports car feel as well as comfort, to the detriment of the rigid suspensions used in the majority of Japanese sports cars of the time.
Another revolutionary concept was the introduction of the transverse engine in the compact market, where up to now, the verticle engine had been giving its cars a sensation of "greater space". Perhaps the most determinant factor for the success of the first generation of the Civic was its design as a three-door compact, which up to then was unusual in Japan despite its success in the European and North American markets. The design of the Civic's "mold" rejected the traditional obsession with style and took the concept of "maximum value of minimum mechanical space" to the extreme.
This design helped to engrave its image as "the people's" car. Following only two years of design and tests, the development was finished and the Civic made its debut, with a two-door model in July of , followed by a three-door version in September. The model caused a significant impact, especially among young people. During three consecutive years, from to , the Civic won the title for "Car of the Year" in Japan, firmly engraving its name in the Japanese market. First Generation Continuing with the saga of the original range of Civic two and three-door models, the company expanded its range with the Hondamatic variable velocity automatic and with the Civic CVCC in These were complemented in!
During three consecutive years , from to , the Civic recieved the "Car of the Year" award in Japan. In , the Civic won third place for "Car of the Year" in Europe, the best results obtained up to then by a Japanese vehicle. Second Generation Attempting to create a "high-quality car representing the values of the 80's", Honda gave the Civic its first total makeover in seven years, obtaining as a result improved economy, more interior comfort and greater performance.
In , Honda launched the Civic Country Station Wagon model and the 4-door sedan, offering a front-wheel-drive Hondamatic transmission. Third Generation The concept for Civic's third generation was "maximum space for people, minumum space for mechanisms. It became popular immediately due to its innovative stylized design, and won the "Car of the Year" award in Japan in In the United States, the Civic obtained first place in fuel efficiency tests performed by the U. Environmental Protection Agency in for the second consecutive year.
In Europe, it won the award for "Best Design. Combined with a double-wishbone suspension at all four wheels, the result was what everyone could wish for in a car. In , it also came out in first place in a survey taken about quality, in France. Fifth Generation The most outstanding feature of the Civic's fifth generation was the futuristic aerodynamic outline, together with a great flexibility of interior space able to satisfy young people's requirements.
The new series also announced the arrival of new versions of the VTEC engine to provide an excellent blend of driving performance and high fuel efficiency. The new models represented an important advance in human and environmental relations, with advanced safety features and a high ratio of recyclable components. Among the outstanding awards recieved by the fifth-generation Civic were the "Car of the Year in Japan" awards for and Sixth Generation Going beyond the traditional "car for the masses," the Sixth-generation Civic sought to be a vehicle that represented the various generations from a global perspective.
It incorporated a range of new technologies to satisfy the strong demand for high performance, safety and low gas emissions. These includes a three-stage VTEC engine, providing both high power and superior fuel efficiency, together with the Honda Multimatic-the next generation of variable-velocity automatic transmission. The result was the model obtaining the "Car of the Year in Japan " awards for both and Seventh Generation The seventh generation of the Civic was developed following the "ideal for all compact cars," satisfying all the important criterion with: The interior space became more comfortable thanks to a lower and smoother floor design, allowing the occupants to move easily between the front and rear seats.
Due to Honda's G-CON safety collision technology, the seventh-generation Civic has obtained the highest safety standards, winning, in and , the "Car of the Year" awards in Japan. Eighth Generation The latest generation of the Civic has been marketed since early It has a decidedly bold look and is much more equipped than the preceding Civic. In principle it will have two gasoline and one diesel engines, but during additional models will appear, a three-door version and a version called the IMA, that will have a hybrid type of propulsion that combines a gasoline engine and an electric motor.
No es dificil, y esta guia practica suprime todas las dudas que puedes tener en el proceso de armado. Windows Vista es el sistema operativo graficamente mas intenso a la fecha , y DirectX 10, su componente multimedia y de juego, hace que todos los usuarios de computadoras del mundo esten tomando en consideracion modernizar sus computadoras.
Y como DirectX 10 no es retrocompatible, los jugadores captivados por sus potentes especificaciones se ven obligados a modernizar su hardware para disfrutarlo. A diferencia de versiones anteriores de Windows, que usaban los componentes 2D del graphics hardware para mostrar sus GUI, Windows Vista presenta su interfaz Aero con mucho enfasis en 3D. Las varias ventanas que se presentan en pantalla en realidad son superficies 3D.
Esto permite lograr efectos interesantes como Flip 3D, la nueva alternativa al metodo de ver y cambiar entre distintos programas abiertos con la tecla Alt Tab. DIRECTX Las bibliotecas DirectX hacen posible jugar y usar sistemas multimedia en la plataforma Windows, y requieren hardware totalmente de la presente generacion Vista si cuenta tambien con una version de DirectX 9, para tener compatiblidad con juegos mas antiguos.
DirectX es una serie de interfaces de programacion de interfaces API. Un API, a su vez,es una capa de codigo que facilita a fabricantes y programadores la creacion de hardware y software para una plataforma dada. En teoria, los desarolladores no deberian de preocuparse por hacer compatibles sus productos con la gran cantidad de hardware que existe; tan solo hacen compatibles sus titulos con un API.
Antes de DirectX Por ejemplo, un juego DiectX 8 puede ejecutarse en hardware DirectX 9. Los juegos DX9, por su parte , en general se ejecutaran en el hardware DX8, aunque sin ninguna novedad de la nueva biblioteca. Sin embargo, DirectX 10 tiro a la basura la retrocompatiblidad. Sus rigidos requerimientos implican que cualqiera que desee ejecutar juegos DirectX 10 debe tener hardware DirectX El hardware DX10 funcionara con el software hecho para versiones previas de DirectX, pero lo opuesto no es cierto: Es probable que hayas leido que los primeros 10 intentos con DirectX 10 hecho por los desarrolladores de juegos han sido decepcionantes.
Pero solo es cuestion de tiempo antes de que entiendan como usar los nuevos API, y entonces dejaran de emplear DirectX 9. Tal vez suene muy desalentador que el DX 10 sea una tecnologia que aun no esta bien aprovechada, pero debemos esperar a que funcione como esperamos a que Vista corrije sus errores. Microsoft nos tiene muy acostumbrados a que sus productos necesiten una revision. Si tu computadora vieja ni siquiera puede ejecutar Vista y la vas a modernizar, tambien podrias dar el salto al hardware DirectX 10 de la presente generacion. Tanto AMD como nVidia hacen una amplia variedad de tarjetas de varios precios.
Hasta hace poco, a la ranura en que se coloca la tarjeta grafica, con su conexion electronica con la tarjeta madre, se llamo Accelerated Graphics Port AGP. Por lo tanto esta guia cubre solo la ranura PCI Express x Revisa la documentacion de la computadora, o la de la tarjeta madre, para asegurarte de que acepta una tarjeta grafica PCI Express x Si no es asi, necesitas una modernizacion mayor que la que resume este articulo. Y una vez mas: Puedes abrir la interfaz adecuada con el Panel de Control.
Selecciona los controladores y haz clic en el boton Uninstall. Es probable que encuentres todo tipo de ventanas que preguntan si realmente quieres desinstalarlos, y el User Account Control de Windows Vista va a interrumpir y a pedir autorizacion para continuatr la desinstalacion. Si usas una tarjeta madre con graficos integrados, tendras que deshabilitarlos en el BIOS desde el arranque del equipo, ya que, de no hacerlo, podrias tener conflictos que simplemente te impiden arrancar.
La pantalla pudiera adoptar una resolucion y una profundidad de color menores durante o despues del proceso de desinstalacion. Cuando termine, la computadora te indica que la reinicies.

En cambio, apaga la computadora, desconecta el cable AC, abre la carcasa y preparate para quitar fisicamente la tarjeta. Es un poco violento esto, pero te aseguramos que funciona y hara que la transicion sea mas sencilla de llevar acabo. Busca la tarjeta que corresponde con el cable del monitor en la parte posterior de la maquina. Esta es la tarjeta grafica de la computadora. Desconecta el cable del monitor, luego quita los tornillos que mantienen la tarjeta grafica en su sitio.
Desliza la tarjeta hacia arriba, fuera de la ranura. Quiza tengas que liberar un clip de plastico en la ranura en la tarjeta grafica, cerca del frente de la tarjeta, para liberarla por completo. Siempre ten cuidado de no forzar ninguna pieza, podrias llegar a romperla.
MALDI MS: A Practical Guide to Instrumentation, Methods and Applications
Cuando ya quitaste la tarjeta de la carcasa, desconecta el cable de energia del frente de la tarjeta, si hay una conexion de energia, y coloca la tarjeta en una bolsa antiestatica esas bolsas de plastico metalico. Si no tienes una a la mano, deja la tarjeta en posicion horizontal en una superficie limpia y luego, cuando hayas desprendido la bolsa antiestatica en que viene la nueva, usala para guardar la vieja.
Si ese es el caso, usa la ranura donde estaba la tarjets grafica vieja. Si aun no estas seguro de cual usar, consulta la documentacion de la tarjeta madre, que deberia identificar claramente una de ellas como la ranura primaria. Encuentra el cable de energia de la PCI Express en realidad algunas tarjetas actuales necesitan dos de ellas y conectalo a la toma de de la tarjeta. Tomate el tiempo necesario para leer la guia de tu tarjeta madre, te ahorrara muchos dolores de cabeza.
A continuacion, alinea los contactos dorados de la tarjeta con la ranura de la tarjeta madre e insertala.
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Algunas tarjetas madres actuales son sorprendentemente grandes, asi que ten cuidado de no golpear otros componentes y jalar o aflojar los cables dentro del gabinete de tu equipo. Presiona hacia abajo en la parte superior de la tarjeta hasta que este bien colocada en la ranura PCI Express x El bracket metalico de la parte de atras de la tarjeta deberia estar apretado contra la carcasa. Por ultimo, usando uno o dos tornillos, fija la tarjeta en su sitio. Reemplaza la cubierta lateral y conecta el monitor a la tarjeta grafica.
Arranca el sistema operativo. Cancela cualquier intento de Windows de hallar nuevos controladores de hardware e inicie tu navegador web favorito. Los controladores estaran en un programa ejecutable; luego de descargar por completo ejecuta el programa. Ten cuidado al elegir el driver, ya que si instalas uno para otra tarjeta tendras muchos problemas y probablemente no funcione y experimentes muchas fallas. Al usar Vista el User Account Control interrumpe otra vez para asegurarse de que quieres instalar los controladores.
Solo sigue los avisos y la rutina de instalacion se encargara de todo. Tendras que reiniciar cuando termine la instalacion del controlador. Luego de que se vuelva a arrancar, la instalacion de la tarjeta grafica ya esta completa. It's not difficult, and this practical guide eliminates any doubts you might have about the building process. Windows Vista is the most graphically intensive operating system to date, and DirectX 10, its multimedia and game component, obliges all the World's computer users to consider modernizing their computers.
And since DirectX 10 isn't retrocompatible, players captivated by its more powerful specifications are forced to update their hardware to enjoy it. There are no options. Unlike previous versions of Windows that used 2D components from the graphics hardware to display its GUI, Windows Vista presents its Aero interface with lots of emphasis on 3D. The various windows displayed onscreen are actually 3D surfaces. Growing up, Kathleen Golding had always been overweight. She finally decided to make a change and turned to gastric bypass surgery, which she underwent in June Now, Golding says she is finally at peace with her body.
After a family hiking excursion proved too taxing for his lb. It was a hard-hitting moment. He entered a transformation challenge for motivation. Peterson, now lbs. Her real turning point, though, was when she realized she could no longer fit in the desks at her college, and had to put her education on hold. She also began working out slowly, with short walks and swims. I can work anywhere. With a diet of six to eight chocolate bars a day, fried chicken and macaroni and cheese, Perdue was lbs. Perdue signed up for Optavia, a packaged meal plan, and learned how to eat balanced meals of a protein and three servings of vegetables.
That along with minute walks helped her lose lbs. I still remember the day that the switch flipped for me — July 19, — and I decided I was done living like this. The Medina, Ohio, resident says until that point she was drinking five or more cans of soda a day, eating large quantities of food and stopping at the drive-thru daily. Spurred into action, Rachow says she started small, first cutting out soda and only eating food she cooked at home. After I had lost lbs. I became fascinated by fitness and seeing what new things I could accomplish with my body.
I do things that I never dreamed were possible like running races, lifting heavy weights, and completing a sprint triathlon. A few weeks after his father-in-law was admitted to the hospital, Bauler, who weighed lbs. He first focused on exercising and eventually made changes to his diet, sticking to 1, calories a day and smaller portion sizes for one year. Now the year-old runs everyday and has completed endurance competitions like Ironman and Ragnar.
I like to join training groups and training clubs because of the friendships and accountability it creates. It would be easy for me to blow off a mile run at 5: After reaching her highest weight of lbs. Powell was overweight as a child, eating a diet full of processed foods and little water and vegetables. In college, Powell says she dramatically gained more weight. Powell joined her local YMCA, gradually increasing her workouts until she was going 4 to 5 days a week for 60 to 90 minutes.
She also changed her eating habits, replacing sugary sweets with fresh fruit and vegetables. Within the first six months she lost lbs. Cloutier, 36, always felt like an outsider growing up. She weighed lbs. After her first pregnancy with her daughter in , Cloutier hit lbs. As she worked to get back into a postpartum fitness routine, Cloutier discovered Zumba, and fell in love with group fitness classes. Three weeks after her first class, she became a certified trainer, and started teaching classes.
By , the demand had gotten so large that she opened her own fitness studio, and now runs it along with her full-time job. Between her severe anxiety, depression and her weight — lbs. Then at age 26, Bolden was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, and learned she would have trouble conceiving a child. And just a few years later, in Feb. Bolden started tracking everything she ate on MyFitnessPal, and took up swimming, hiking and weightlifting.
After three and a half years, she lost lbs. She also started a fitness blog and Instagram , and even won a bodybuilding competition. She went from lbs. When her son was six months-old, the Richmond, Georgia resident became pregnant with her daughter and gained even more weight. I had trouble catching my breath; I had hip issues and a lot of body aches. That excuse is now my motivation for everything I do.
Weighing in at lbs. Gause was ready to make a change, and he immediately joined Live in Fitness, a residential weight loss community. There, he completely revamped his diet plan to focus on lean proteins and vegetables, and started exercising. In , Samantha Call lost her father to heart disease.
He was 48 years-old and struggled with obsesity. In early , Call found success with Atkins. And after a year and a half got down to lbs. Call has maintained her weight loss for about seven years. Says the Callis, Maine resident: Jason Cohen always struggled with his weight. At his highest, he hit nearly lbs. A big motivator to help him acheive and maintain his lbs.
At over lbs. She also continues to share her weight loss journey on Instagram. Along with her husband Myron, Hyman has now lost over lbs. Hyman, who works out with a trainer 3 to 4 times per week, is now a finalist in her sixth Isabody Challenge. Although she was happy and confident in her body, Jovana Borojevic was shocked when she finally stepped on a scale. The digital marketing strategist, now 24, immediately cut out starchy carbs, refined foods, sugar and most packaged food.
In a month she dropped almost 20 lbs. Allie Ruby was determined to lose weight — and get her long-desired six-pack — after her poor college eating habits left her at lbs. She started weightlifting, which kept her in amazing shape but pushed her weight up again, this time with muscle instead of fat. Seeing the numbers creep back up the scale caused self-doubt. Jobity was always fit growing up, but when she was mistreated in a relationship, she turned to food to cope. I just kind of tuned out of the world, and food became my everything. By , Jobity had hit her highest weight of lbs.
Jobity decided to get healthy — mentally and physically. She started taking boot camp classes and sought counseling to deal with her emotional issues. What She Eats Now: Jobity cut out fried food and soda and eats a diet focused on fruits, vegetables and lean protein. Her Best Weight Loss Tip: The mind is a powerful thing through the weight loss journey, more than anything else. A lot of weight loss is mental.
Teeter had struggled with her weight her whole life, and found herself weighing over lbs. She began keeping a food diary and joined a gym. Teeter made healthy swaps for junk food and keeps track of her macronutrient intake. The Spokane, Washington-based health and weight loss strategy coach stays active with running, hiking and gym sessions. After having her second child, she knew she wanted to make a change. I wanted to experience new things and felt my size was holding me back.
Kavanagh decided she did not want to undergo weight loss surgery after seeing relatives who ended up gaining their weight back. Instead, she focused on finding workouts she actually enjoyed and tracking what she ate. For years, Helen Costa-Giles had no real motivation to lose some of her lb. But in , her yearly checkup took a somber turn when the mom of two learned that she was on track to develop chronic health problems because of her size.
Determined, she immediately threw out all processed and preservative-filled foods, and started eating a clean diet. In just six months, with no exercise, she dropped close to 90 lbs. Costa-Giles then added weightlifting to her days, and fell in love. I kind of got obsessed because for the first time in my life, my body was actually doing what I asked it to do. Costa-Giles now runs free exercise classes in her hometown of San Antonio at 4 a. Dustin LaJaunie has come along way from the lbs. The group is a safe place for people to share their stories and struggles and to motivate one another to lose the weight.
Eating plan-based and running alongside his brother, Dustin compares the Missing Chins to the trips he and his brother used to take when going hunting. My mum had a stroke very young, and it scared us as a family. Byrne credits doing at-home Jillian Michaels workouts and decreasing her portion sizes with helping her drop 70 lbs. Byrne counts calories and makes sure she eats three healthy meals each day. She continues to do Jillian Michaels workouts every morning at 5 a. The office worker weighed lbs.
After complications from her c-section left her depressed, Greenslit, now 27, started walking and doing Pilates and yoga to help lift her mood. If she goes out, she orders a chicken salad instead of her former go-to order of a cheeseburger and French fries. McGee began gaining weight when she got into an unhealthy relationship and stopped spending time with friends or going to the gym. After getting out of the relationship, she decided it was time to make a change — especially since she worked in the health profession. McGee went from skipping meals and snacking throughout the day to sticking to set meal times.
McGee loves group exercise classes and also regularly meets with a personal trainer. While she quit smoking after getting pregnant with her first child in , she kept her unhealthy eating habits until she began having health problems after having her third child. Roy eats six small meals a day and still allows herself the occasional fast food burger — but will only eat half. She stays motivated to stay in shape by competing in bodybuilding competitions.
Jenkins, 22, says that overeating was just part of her daily routine. But when she got to college, everything changed. She does an hour of cardio a day plus strength training three days a week. I have the most horrible memories because I was associated with all that weight I was carrying. Washington successfully lost 50 lbs. After giving birth, she decided to get healthy for herself and her baby. Washington sticks to the low-carb, high-protein Atkins diet. The superstore employee from Suffolk, England, 30, had reached a high weight of lbs.
That experience jumpstarted her determination to lose weight. Barret sticks to the Slimming World food optimizing plan.