
Stowaway: V&A Shipping Book 1 (V & A Shipping)

They must return to Planchar in twenty-four standard hours with a shipment of beer. It sounds so simple, perhaps too simple. Opening the iTunes Store. If Apple Books doesn't open, click the Books app in your Dock. Do you already have iTunes? Click I Have iTunes to open it now. V and A Shipping By jay ofgnomesanddwarves. View More by This Publisher. Listeners also subscribed to. Customer Ratings We have not received enough ratings to display an average for this podcast.

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Fiddle and Burn, Vol. Noggle Stones View in iTunes. Clean V and A Shipping Chapters 84, 85, Epilogue - The End! Black Holes, here we come. Chapters Things go from bad to worse. The beer is picked up! Chapters The crew runs into a little problem during their run.

Today was one of those days. The changing weather is wreaking havoc with my sinuses and this headache has been going on for a few days now.

J.R. Murdock

I want to sit back and watch TV and veg out. Today was a normal work day. I took a short nap after work hoping this headache would dissipate. Took a HOT shower,. Lots going on with the Day Job. I love being busy toward the end of the year. Sometimes things will slow down and that always leads to rumors of layoffs and surplus events. Never a good time. That always bodes well. Got home, did some dinner, watched a little news.

There was a very large comic store in downtown Minneapolis and they knew how much I was into comics at the time.

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There was Stan Lee, signing autographs. Somewhat busy with little things around the house, but I managed to get two writing sessions in with around words per session and coming in around words today for the day. One of the characters made a cameo in VA3. Hey Crew, Some days you just want to have a lazy day.

I did today and wow, it was nice. I played a couple of games, practiced bass, wrote a little, and relaxed. Took a trip to the grocery store to get a couple of things and wound up with a basketfull. I did get words down today. But when you sit in the writing chair, words have a tencendy to happen.

See a Problem?

Hey Crew, Shortest post tonight. Got my words in, saw Bohemian Rhapsody wonderful movie. Hey Crew, Short post tonight.

I was doing a bunch of reading and watching videos on marketing today. I did get most of my word goal in. Many more will happen tomorrow. Start a Youtube Channel. Hey Crew, Another long day. I had planned to get a bit caught up on my NaNoWriMo words, and slipped a little further behind. When I get on a roll, I can do it.

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Why do I know I can do this? I love these characters. Hey Crew, Much better day today. I will have good days coming up. That much I know. I did get into the chair and knocked out words before I had to tap out. Turns out I was wrong. I did, however, get words in before the day went all winky on me.

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And got in about 45 minutes of bass practice between what I thought would be at least two writing sessions. With a new puppy in he house there is much to do, so we took the puppy to the vet to get her started on her shots. Hat took much longer Ha n. Lots going on, and I also got a lot of time in the chair.

I surprised myself by watching exactly 0 hours of TV today. More time writing, less time sitting idle. I got my daily words for meeting NaNoWriMo down today. I need to write for a bit longer to catch up to what I missed yesterday only I will get caught up to that point. We shall see what happens. The last chapter was a tad slow, but I feel needed to fill in some background for those that may choose not to read Almost-Super Heroe. Happy first day of NaNoWriMo! A month where people try to write 50, words in a single month. I had thought having over pieces of candy would be enough to get us through all the trick-or-treaters tonight.

I was wrong by about 45 minutes. We live in a heavily populated residential district. My Favorite Daughter had a clever and simple idea. Hey Crew, Another day, another words. Speaking of the World Series, I did catch parts of a couple of the games. Looks like the Red Sox dominated every game save the 18 inning game which I did get to see the end of while in Vegas. Hey Crew, Sorry, one more short post. I needed a couple naps today just to get through it. At least the headache is gone which nagged me most of yesterday and all day today.

I did manage words writing through this headache.

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Was painful, but I did it. Need to get up to speed for NaNoWriMo. Hey Crew, Very short post tonight. And no, not from the drinking we did: Even with a throbbing headache, I did get some words down. Tomorrow is another day. Relaxing day by the pool. Write words in the middle if pool time and eating.

Then we thought of doing the zipline at the Rio. Oh my is that high.