Spore (Gli emersi poesia) (Italian Edition)
This paper aims at highlighting the complex passage from the mother tongue to the so-called adopted language, showing how in some cases learning Italian, thanks to courses for foreigners or as children at school, has become a wonderful tool for evoking the home country and telling about life there. Writing in another language allows migrants not only to recount facts and experiences that they might prefer not to tell in their own language, but it is a cultural building block as well. Full Text Available Questo articolo inizia con una discussione del contributo delle nuove tecnologie Web 2.
This is followed by analysis of an initiative of the Department of Italian Studies at Wellesley College in response to these changes: The article concludes with some concrete proposals to strengthen these programs. These include the creation of a platform to share educational materials digital and otherwise and to evaluate. Cultura e interazioni sociali: Allo scopo vogliamo partire proprio da lontano nel tempo e partiamo dal concetto di mito e dalle narrazioni in esso contenute. Si tratta di prendere le mosse dai risvolti che le vicende mitologiche assumono per farne una rilettura di carattere pedagogico, antropologico e psicologico.
From this point of view, an in-depth reflection seems urgent which hits the values expressed by many cultures, even if only to better understand the local context we live in, and the necessary changes for a new structure intercultural learning. With this intent, we want to start from far away in time and we start from the concept of myth and the narratives contained in it.
In our opinion, the concepts expressed by myth apply very well to the construction of a path that this work aims at developing and that will closely touch some reflections on the Italian language. Tali tematiche mostrano come il modello della stazioni didattiche riesca a rapportarsi al vissuto degli studenti motivandoli al raffronto interculturale. In the learning process knowledge is. Balzac e la lingua italiana. Now, returning to the subject on my own, my aim is not to produce a complete catalogue of the Italian references occurring in Balzac but rather to reassemble a mosaic that, while lacking some tesserae, provides the reader with a clear idea of the features and dimensions of this literary aspect in one of the greatest eighteenth-century French authors.
Notes on English used as a lingua franca as an object of study. This article discusses how English used as a lingua franca ELF can be defined as an object of study. This definition underscores the complexity and breadth of ELF as an object of study , and highlights that researchers in the field of ELF studies need Full Text Available La formazione rappresenta uno strumento basilare nella promozione della lingua e della cultura italiana. The role of training in the promotion of Italian language and culture.
The topic is complex because it encompasses diverse issues. On the one hand appropriate means are needed, like telematic resources, which encourage and facilitate spreading abroad. On the other, university and school courses need to be reorganized in light of the new training needs. The role of Italian universities could to be stronger if they met foreign standards, to promote the circulation of students towards and not just away from Italy. As far as regards the type of training to be undertaken, the humanistic.
Per i anni della Commissione per i testi di lingua. Vast areas of North America and Northern Europe were covered by ice during the last ice age and most present day lakes and streams were formed as the icecap melted some , years ago. New lakes and streams are constantly formed by natural processes, but also by human activities.
The present article portraits the amphibious Ranunculus lingua from a gravel pit that was abandoned in when the construction of the nearby freeway was completed Full Text Available Questo articolo si compone di tre parti principali: Il volgare e il principe. Politica culturale e questione della lingua alla corte di Cosimo. Full Text Available Il principato di Cosimo I rappresenta un periodo di snodo fondamentale per la questione della lingua italiana. This creates an abyss between the competence of the foreign learner and his or her classmates and unsuccessful school performance which is often not made up for and leads to a loss of self-esteem, frustration, isolation, and ultimately to psycho-social malaise.
Among the tools utilized in the Italian school system to address this problem are highly comprehensible textbooks which, while containing most of the information, express the content in simpler language. This article offers an up-dated bibliography of textbooks which are easily understandable, divided according to order and grade of school, for teachers to use in choosing the textbooks for their classes. Full Text Available L'articolo presenta e riesamina criticamente i risultati centrali di una ricerca di etnografia aziendale sulla comunicazione sul posto di lavoro condotta in Germania fra il e il allo scopo di individuare i requisiti linguistico-comunicativi richiesti da mansioni non necessariamente specializzate.
Language is work and work is language This article presents and critically reviews the main results of a study on corporate ethnography on communication in the workplace carried out in Germany between and in order to identify the linguistic and communicative requirements for not necessarily specialized tasks. The underlying aim of the study was to provide an empirical basis for the development of learning and teaching of the two languages in this case German to adult immigrants for sustainable inclusion in the workplace and in society.
Communication is an integral part of work for employees at all levels, in all areas. Linguistic and communicative competence is a basic professional skill, necessary to manufacture products and offer services in the social networks being examined colleagues, superiors, clients, etc.. Work offers opportunities that. Ricadute metalinguistiche dell'insegnamento dell'esperanto sulla lingua materna dell'alunno: Two groups of secondary school students participated in an experiment on the effect of Esperanto instruction on their metalinguistic abilities.
The group that studied Esperanto for a full school year achieved better results on independently developed tests of metalinguistic ability in comparison with the control group. Results suggest the teaching…. Bisogni linguistici dei discenti di italiano alla scuola di lingua e cultura italiana per stranieri di Siena Linguistic Needs of Students of Italian at the School of Italian Language and Culture for Foreigners of Siena. Presents the results of a questionnaire administered to students of Italian at the School for Foreigners of Siena to determine the following: Dall'altra, hanno il compito di coordinare maggiormente la formazione universitaria in relazione Ireland has recently attracted more and more immigration.
Even if there are not many Italian immigrants living in Ireland, the study of Italian as a foreign language is quite wide-spread, although not quite as popular as French, German and Spanish. This paper is a quantitative analysis of the study of Italian as a foreign language in Irish schools and universities. The survey was carried out using data from institutional sources, internet sites, printed materials as well as the author's personal experience teaching Italian in Ireland. The results illustrate the number of students studying Italian as a foreign language in high schools and the courses offered in the main Irish universities, in particular at the National University of Ireland in Galway, which offers numerous courses on Italian language and culture.
Tutto questo attraverso la scrittura in lingua italiana e tramite la fotografia. It is aimed at developing relationships, exchanges, dialogues, promoting mutual knowledge and creating dialogue between different cultures, identities and experiences through writing in Italian and photography. Language gives substance to ideas, desires, inner worlds, becoming thought, and is thus an indispensable tool to exist and have a voice. Akkadian as Lingua Franca. In the later second millennium BC, the Akkadian language functions as lingua franca, the language of international communication and diplomacy, over a vast area, ranging from Egypt to Anatolia and from Cyprus to Iran.
This dissertation investigates the form, function, and use of Akkadian dialects This survey includes a cursory literature search on BELF and a thorough literature study of 12 Chinese major academic journals. From the data collected…. Full Text Available Resumo: Lingua italiana ; linguistica applicata; insegnamento ed apprendimento delle lingue straniere; letteratura. Italian; applied linguistics; foreign language teanching and learning; literature.
This article aims at showing through examples and didactic activities, how the theater can develop learning Italian as a foreign language together with the intercultural awareness of foreign learners and create contexts for inclusion and learning. Doing theater in a didactic setting and to encourage the inclusion of foreign students is an original and effective method to employ in the school setting. Thanks to this experience the foreigner can.
Lingua Receptiva in Estonian-Russian communication. This study was inspired by the idea that there is more diversity in the ways languages come into contact to create efficient and fair communication. The alternative mode explored in this study is called lingua receptiva or, LaRa: English as an Academic Lingua Franca: English is unquestionably the world language of academia--yet its most notable characteristic, being predominantly used by non-native speakers, has not seriously been taken on board in ESP descriptive studies.
The project English as an academic lingua franca ELFA based at the University of Helsinki investigates academic discourses, branching out…. Epistemic stance marking in the use of English as a lingua franca. A comparative study of the pragmatic functions of epistemic stance marking in problem-solving sequences at student project group meetings, with special emphasis on meetings where English is used as a lingua franca La chiesa antica nella storiografia italiana recente.
Il contributo prende in esame problemi, tendenze e prospettive nella recente storiografia italiana , con particolare attenzione ai nodi interpretativi che le attuali indagini appaiono privilegiare sul tema della Chiesa nei primi secoli. The recent Italian studies in the history of ancient Church show many novelties and new approaches, related to the new interests and methodologies of the various sciences involved in the religious history of Antiquity. The paper deals with the problems and the trends in the recent Italian historiography, with special attention to the main subjects of the research about the Church in the first Christian centuries.
Il caso della letteratura ucronica italiana. Ucronia e propaganda nella narrativa italiana. Full Text Available Oggetto dello studio sono le narrazioni ucroniche italiane del secondo dopoguerra, in comparazione con le principali opere anglosassoni del genere e in relazione con i movimenti di estrema destra.
La problematica viene inquadrata con un approccio storico e le opere sono confrontate con i modelli stranieri in un'ottica comparativa. The use of English as a lingua franca in translation.
Tuesday 18 December, 2018
Full Text Available In translation, not only two languages but two cultures come into contact which means that translators must consider who wrote the text, when, why, for whom and who is now reading it and for what purpose. In the wake of rapid technological advances and the need to spread information quickly and efficiently, translation has grown in importance in the globalized world. So has its reliance on English in its role as a global lingua franca. This is the linguistic hybridity used in constructing a wider view of the world. However, the prime aim of any lingua franca communication is mutual intelligibility.
In this study , the translation of linguistic units can only be understood when considered together with the cultural contexts in which they arise, and in which they are used.
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Chinese English in as lingua franca in global business setting: A case study of ongoing emails of a foreign company in China. Full Text Available With the process of globalization, English has been increasingly become the lingua franca for people speaking different languages to communicate with each other, among whom the number of non-native speakers of English far outnumbers those native speakers in traditional sense.
Against this background, the principle of taking the rules of native English speakers as the norms is undergoing challenges. The non-native speakers are claiming the ownership and rights of norm-providing to the English language Crystal, In business setting, this is especially true Charles, This paper intends to explore the use of Chinese English as lingua franca in business setting.
Taking a foreign enterprise based in China as the case, this paper investigates over ongoing business e-mails written in English by its Chinese employees, including the management and other staff. Four most salient patterns of Chinese English structures are identified, i. Based on the afore-said analysis, this paper concludes that Chinese English, during the process of language contact, has become a legitimate English variation, and has been providing new norms for the other countries to follow.
It is suggested that business English users in China need to use their Chinese English with a confident stance, while business partners from other countries need to get familiar with this English variation in order for them to communicate effectively with their Chinese partners.
The objective is to highlight some of the most typical features in relation to one of the most representative professionals in oral tourist communication, between expert and public: The first part of the article is devoted to the definition of the language of tourism and, in particular, to the characteristics of the.
La letteratura italiana tradotta in Argentina. Il presente lavoro tratta in maniera sistematica, ma provvisoria, il panorama della letteratura italiana tradotta in Argentina. La Storia della letteratura italiana come romanzo. Describes a project to make a corpus of English spoken as a lingua franca in university settings in Finland. This corpus is one of the first to address the need for corpora that show the target for English-as-a-Foreign-Language learners whose goal is not to speak with native speakers but to interact in communities where English is a lingua franca.
Older patients are prone to multimorbidity and polypharmacy, with an inherent risk of adverse events and drug interactions. To the best of our knowledge, available information on the appropriateness of lipid-lowering treatment is extremely limited. The aim of the present study was to quantify and characterize lipid-lowering drug use in a population of complex in-hospital older patients.
Lipid-lowering drug use was closely correlated with the clinical profiles, including multimorbidity markers and polypharmacy. The patients treated with lipid-lowering drugs amounted to subjects At logistic regression analysis, the presence of coronary heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, and hypertension were significantly correlated with lipid-lowering drug use, whereas age showed an inverse correlation.
Diabetes was not associated with drug treatment. In this in-hospital cohort, the use of lipid-lowering agents was mainly driven by patients' clinical history, most notably the presence of clinically overt manifestations of atherosclerosis. Increasing age seems to be associated with lower prescription rates. This might be indicative of cautious behavior towards a potentially toxic treatment regimen. The goal of this article is to re define key terminology in the study of English as a lingua franca ELF.
Although the diverse perspectives and ideological standpoints represented in competing definitions of terms is appreciated, a critical conversation on definition and interpretation of ELF and other related concepts is crucial in providing a…. English has become the " lingua franca" of international exchanges. This is reflected in sociolinguistic studies of linguistic landscape LL which tackle the coexistence of English with local languages e.
However, there is little…. Controversies on Hodgkin's disease and anaplastic large cell lymphoma. Just one year ago the Italian Society of Pathology S. Pasquale Calapso was asked to chair the Group and Prof. Stefano Pileri to take care of secretarial duties.
The aim of the Group is to spread hematopathologic knowledge among young pathologists and to promote activities that can contribute to updating Italian pathologists on topics of both speculative and diagnostic interest. The first Workshop of the S. About pathologists from all over Italy took part in the meeting, which consisted of two sections devoted to: The first section included 5 presentations and a Round Table chaired by Prof.
Below, the contributors to this section summarize the content of their presentations, which were aimed at answering specific questions the Organizers had put to them. This interdisciplinary field of knowledge is related to linguistics, pedagogic psychology, development psychology and acmeology. Lingua -pedagogy undergoes the formation process; therefore, there still are a number of open questions concerning its place among the other sciences, and the final definitions of the main concepts and terms.
The author recommends the systematic approach to developing the theoretical foundation of lingua - pedagogy. The paper outlines the subject and aims of the lingua -pedagogic research, its content and affecting means. The system in question is poly- functional, its main functions being the integral pedagogic effect in foreign language teaching, stimulating self-dependent learning, and arranging the in- tercultural integration. The linguistic faculties at universities can be taken as the key elements of the lingua -pedagogic system — the development centers, nurturing the value-oriented respectful attitude to the native and foreign cul- ture, providing intercultural competence acquisition, and training pedagogic staff capable of fulfilling the poly-cultural development tasks.
Identification of the conformities of intercultural socialization makes it possible to organize the system of pedagogic facilitation for students learning foreign languages; and develop the perspective methods and technologies of language competence acquisition and consolidation.
Full Text Available The article deals with lingua -semiotic representation of the power ritual as one of the symbolic forms of behavior that over time ceases to be spontaneous and becomes regular and repeated. Under discussion is the rite of coronation, which was becoming more complicated and acquired a final form throughout the history of Anglo-Saxon statehood. The process of defining parameters and characteristics of the power ritual is performed by chrono-, topo-, sound and language components of the ritual; it is established that in ritual communication the verbalization of the event is gradually becoming more complicated, clarifying its linguistic component, which largely ensures the success of the ritual; the non-verbal signs acquire additional meaning becoming dominant over simplified verbal signs.
It is proved that within the ritual space of the Anglo-Saxon statehood an extensive and rigidly fixed system of signs and symbols has been formed, nominating the process of interaction between the sovereign and his subjects — three groups of signs characterizing the Anglo-Saxon power ritual communication: Their content distinction is analyzed. Authority widely applies these signs as tools to influence the society through social stereotypes and ethnic psychological associations. Artifacts, as symbols of state power, and oaths, as discursive element of the coronation, are stated as the central elements of the ritual.
Full Text Available The function of English as a lingua franca for communication needs rethinking in the teaching of English as a foreign language classroom as a consequence of globalisation. The present contribution is an empirical study carried out in an Italian university environment which aims to show how teachers should take on board awareness raising activities in the recognition of other varieties of English which, albeit not exploited as benchmarks for language testing and certification, must nevertheless boast a relevant place in the global scenario.
This can be achieved in practical terms by interrogating an expressly made corpus of Chinese English news texts and carrying out simple concordance activities. There is a lack of research on the impact of study abroad SA on the development of L2 English when students study in non-anglophone countries. The English language sometimes fails in its ability to describe the severity or complexity of medical symptoms and complaints.
In frustration, patients or families occasionally create new words to convey the subtleties of their medical history. Although medicine has created a comprehensive technical lexicon for physicians, we have failed to develop a corresponding patient-centric vocabulary lingua patientis that provides more accurate symptom description. The social networking of lingua patientis words might enhance history taking and afford improved appreciation of disease impact on individual patients. The English language is renowned for its capacity for flexibility and adaptability - we need to exploit this capacity for the benefit of our patients.
A Lingua Franca for Africa. The actual possibilities for communication among Africans are unsatisfactory. While the north has adopted Arabic as its lingua franca, most African states south of the Sahara still use the language s of their former colonial masters as official languages, thereby neglecting their native languages. This situation excludes many people from higher…. This article will provide an overview of current research focussing on the use of English as a " lingua franca" in international business contexts. It selectively reviews research investigating the role of written and spoken communication in English and the work that has been done on specific text genres used by the international business….
English as a Lingua Franca: Over the past 15 years or so there has developed a school of thought within English language education and applied linguistics globally which refers to the phenomenon and use of English as a lingua franca ELF. The thinking of ELF movement researchers has placed their work at the centre of current debates about the form, function and legitimacy…. It has long been maintained that the etymology of zani, zanni — the servant or buffoon of the commedia dell'arte — is a northern Italian variant of the proper noun Giovanni, or its shortened form, Gianni.
In Tommaseo and Bellini's Dizionario della lingua italiana , published in Turin between and , it is stated that the The analysis of speech, particularly for emotional content, is an open area of current research. Ongoing work has developed an emotional speech corpus for analysis, and defined a vowel stress method by which this analysis may be performed. This paper documents the development of Lingua Tag, an open source speech analysis software application which implements this vowel stress emotional speech analysis method developed as part of research into the acoustic and linguistic correlates of emotional English as a lingua franca used at international meetings.
Full Text Available The paper deals with the use of English as a lingua franca. It concentrates on the environment of international meetings where English is used as a lingua franca. The aim of the research conducted through a survey of members of a NATO working group is to find out how native and non-native speakers feel about English used as a lingua franca during international meetings and how these two groups of speakers see each other in multinational interaction from the point of view of linguistics.
The sections dealing with non-native speakers concentrate on the level of knowledge of English and on how native speakers cope with the English used during the meetings. The sections dealing with the views of English native speakers should establish the approach they take towards mistakes made by non-native speakers, whether native speakers should adjust the way they speak at international meetings and how they generally view the fact that their mother tongue is used all around the world.
The origin of the notion of P. Exploring solidarity and consensus in English as lingua franca interactions. The purpose of this paper is two-fold: These instances are dealt with through laughables and laughter sequences. Sequential analysis of these naturally occurring audio-recorded conversations indicate that participants make salient and orient to what Un sistema di supporto alle decisioni per Rete Ferroviaria Italiana.
It traditionally operates with a consistent view on innovation, safety and quality, and with a strong opening to processes optimization. RFI solutions provide total process integration: Italian as lingua franca, the law of connected vessels and the improvement of the results into the multilingual class. About a teaching experience. Influenze lunguistiche romanze nello sloveno letterario di Trieste. La lingua di Boris Pahor. Per comparare il comparabile sono state messe a confronto alle opere di Pahor v. Full Text Available The issue of the interference of English in modern Italian has always been of interest to researchers in Italy.
This paper outlines how this interference has affected the Italian language over the last two decades. Arrigo Castellani and Tullio De Mauro. The most widespread English loanwords of the economic crisis found in the three major Italian newspapers from 1 September to 1 March have been taken into account and it has been verified whether they are present in three wellknown Italian monolingual dictionaries. It will also be shown that most of these loanwords have been adequately integrated into the Italian language in both written and oral texts.
Curriculum Guide for Italian Language Arts. A curriculum and teaching guide for introductory literature appreciation in the Chicago public schools is an orientation for the bilingual teacher of Italian students. Concepts such as rhyme and personification are developed for the teacher. For each of the two levels included, the section begins with a list of specific performance objectives,…. The historical issue in film genre Commedia all ' italiana: Full Text Available The theme chosen for this article was to join "Cinema and History" to the cinematographic genre commedia all' italiana.
First, there is a general introduction that discusses the italian genre. Promoting lingua franca English in Europe. The paper is based on a longitudinal study of factors influencing the local language learning and the improvement in English language proficiency among exchange students coming to Scandinavia. The study included four Scandinavian universities: The paper presents findings on the students' perceived patterns of interaction and language use while in Scandinavia and discusses some of the consequences of EU exchange programs on the use of ELF English as a lingua franca in higher education.
The last decade has brought a number of changes for higher education in continental Europe and elsewhere, a major one being the increasing use of English as a lingua franca ELF as the medium of instruction. With this change, EAP is faced with a new group of learners who will need to use This overview paper first discusses the changes that have taken place in the field of EAP in terms of student body, followed by an outline of the main findings of research carried out on ELF.
It is argued here that EAP needs to be modified accordingly to cater for the needs of this group. These revolve around the two major issues: If the aim of EAP I tre giorni del congresso sono stati caratterizzati da letture, sessioni scientifiche, corsi educazionali, incontri con gli esperti, sezioni poster, corsi di aggiornamento su temi speciali, e diversi simposi. Dal punto di vista clinico, sono The Development of Lingua Bytes: Full Text Available Young children with multiple disabilities e.
Stimulating the adult-child communication can decrease these limitations. Within Lingua Bytes, a three-year research program, we try to stimulate language development by developing an interactive and adaptive play and learning environment, incorporating tangible objects and multimedia content, based on interactive storytelling and anchored instruction. The development of a product for such a heterogeneous user group presents substantial challenges. We use a Research-through-Design method, that is, an iterative process of developing subsequent experiential prototypes and then testing them in real-life settings, for example, a center for rehabilitation medicine.
Can Englsh fulfil the role of a Lingua Franca? Full Text Available Abstract — The debate which surrounds the role of English as a lingua franca has been lively and extensive over the last twenty years or so. Numerous conferences and specific publications in the field testify to the interest and importance that the question of the development of a possible international functional language has stimulated. The present article aims to critically reassess the claims made for ELF and, at the same time, highlight the profound significance of the issues the debate has raised.
Discussion of ELF has touched upon the perception of linguistic diversity, inaccuracy and variation, intelligibility and the potential functions of an international language. Other topics of profound importance that are part of the debate relate to the role of any language in creating and maintaining identity, enabling social mobility and empowering its users.
Some criticisms of ELF proposals have been easily rebutted, but this paper aims to underline the serious linguistic and socio-linguistic aspects of the debate in order to emphasize the need for a theoretical underpinning to our understanding of how language can operate in the global environment. Clarification of what we can and cannot know about language change and behavior will also contribute to ideas as to future research in ELF but will also bring us to the conclusion that predictions of the future development of ELF are of little purpose beyond the curiosity value they may possess.
English1; lingua franca2; non-native speaker3.
Luces y sombras de la historia de la renta italiana. La contabilidad nacional se ha planificado en Italia sin dar lugar a una democracia liberal, como fue el caso de los Estados Unidos. La narrativa italiana racconta la politica contemporanea. Full Text Available Recensione di: Claudia Boscolo e Stefano Jossa a cura di, Scritture di resistenza. Sguardi politici dalla narrativa italiana contemporanea, Roma, Carocci Editore, , p. Clinical strategies for the management of intestinal obstruction and pseudo-obstruction.
Moreover, a general agreement in this field is currently lacking, thus SICUT Society designed a consensus study aimed to define their optimal workout. The Delphi methodology was used to reach consensus among 47 Italian surgical experts in two study rounds. Consensus was defined as an agreement of Four main topic areas included nosology, diagnosis, management and treatment. A bowel obstruction was defined as an obstacle to the progression of intestinal contents and fluids generally beginning with a sudden onset. Panel also recommended a surgical admission, a multidisciplinary approach, and a gastrografin swallow for patients presenting occlusions.
Criteria for immediate surgery included: Moreover, rules for non-operative management to be conducted for maximum 72 hours included a naso-gastric drainage placement and clinical and laboratory controls each 12 hours. Conversely, consensus was not reached regarding the exact timing of CT scan and the appropriateness of colonic stenting.
This consensus is in line with current international strategies and guidelines, and it could be a useful tool in the safe basic daily management of these common and peculiar diseases. Delphi study , Intestinal obstruction, Large bowel obstruction, Pseudo-obstruction, Small bowel. One October day at dawn, in a major railway station in Pennsylvania, a careless worker has to move a very long, stopped train onto another track and engages the automatic controls.
The train starts to move and immediately picks up speed with no one on board. Since most of its load is toxic waste and chemical products, the consequences of it derailing could be devastating. If the toxins were to leak, they would be capable of decimating an entire city. Three hundred kilometres later, the veteran engineer Frank Barnes and the young, newly hired conductor Will Gordon have just begun their shifts.
What they don't yet know is that a chaotic, frenetic day awaits them that is destined to turn them into heroes. To whom do the Alps belong? What and how many products are shipped each day on lorries and trains through tunnels and Alpine passes, and how does this transport affect the everyday life of the citizens throughout Europe? How does it affect the natural environment? Through the emblematic stories of railway workers, lorry drivers, motorists, environmental tourists, and other travellers, this film seeks to highlight the importance of these questions and find answers while journeying through the mountains of Italy, France, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, and Slovenia to discover the complexities of transporting people and goods, along with some of the key players in these movements that flow like rushing streams, constantly threatening to flood.
A high-tension thriller and at the same a detailed portrait of the myriad side effects of globalisation, this film recounts the hijacking of the US cargo ship Maersk Alabama by a band of Somali pirates. Inspired by a true story, the events primarily rotate around the figure of the Alabama's commander, Captain Richard Phillips, and his Somali counterpart, Muse, who takes him hostage.
The face-to-face conflict between the two begins when Muse and his crew aim for Phillips' unarmed ship, but in the course of the events the two men find themselves at the mercy of forces completely beyond their control. The film is much more than the tale of how a cargo ship was hijacked by pirates and the breathtaking odyssey of an accidental hero: Marcel Marx, a bohemian and former author, chooses to withdraw to the port city of Le Havre, where his honourable but unprofitable profession as a shoeshiner gives him the feeling of being closer to the people.
He keeps his literary ambition alive and leads a simple, quiet life arranged around the corner pub, his work, and his wife, Arletty, when suddenly destiny catapults a young immigrant boy from sub-Saharan Africa into his life. The heart of the film lies entirely in the relationship between the befuddled shoeshiner and the young migrant. The man, who in the meantime has discovered that his wife is ill, takes care of the boy and tries to help him get to England, creating a network among his neighbours and seeking to escape the notice of a disenchanted policeman.
Solo pochi territori sono rimasti indenni, ma i loro abitanti continuano incessantemente a combattere tra loro. In un regno neutrale e pacifico, la Valle del Vento, vive la principessa Nausicaa, dotata di un potere extrasensoriale che le permette di comunicare con gli animali e con i temibili insetti Ohm. Un gruppetto di ragazzini si annoia alla sola idea di mettere piede in un museo. Con voce suadente, la donna li conduce dentro la storia dei festeggiamenti messicani legati al giorno dei morti, in un viaggio attraverso tre regni sovrapposti.
Sasha si ribella a questo destino e decide di raggiungere Oloukine verso il Grande Nord. In un allevamento di polli tra centinaia di galline si trova Leafie, una creatura straordinaria che sogna una vita fuori dalla gabbia. Leafie riesce a sfuggire dalla prigionia usando la sua intelligenza e, mentre si avventura nel bosco alla ricerca di se stessa, viene braccata da una feroce donnola chiamata One Eye. Un giorno questa viene uccisa da One Eye. Leafie, entrando nel nido abbandonato, trova un uovo ancora caldo e si adagia teneramente su di esso, covandolo.
Ne nasce un anatroccolo, che Leafie decide di proteggere con tutte le sue forze. In occasione del novantacinquesimo anniversario di G. D, una delle aziende storiche del Gruppo Coesia, la Fondazione MAST ospita una mostra che ne racconta la lunga e affascinante vicenda industriale attraverso una ricca documentazione fotografica e audiovisiva proveniente dai propri archivi aziendali e da un lungo lavoro di ricerca, inventariazione, digitalizzazione e conservazione.
In collaborazione con Librerie Coop e Garzanti. Solitari restare a riva a osservare le tempeste della vita o salire a bordo senza troppo curarci dei compagni di viaggio? Seguire le leggi del cosmo o le leggi dell'io? Scegliere la politica o l'antipolitica? Credere o capire di fronte a Dio e alla morte? Seguire la lezione dei padri o la rivoluzione dei figli? In collaborazione con Librerie Coop ed Editori Laterza. Sabato 3 novembre Ore Le app, o applicazioni software, fanno ormai parte della vita di tutti noi.
Ingresso gratuito con prenotazione obbligatoria. D Memoria e futuro. Una storia per immagini , che celebra il novantacinquesimo anniversario di G. D memoria e futuro. Una storia per immagini. Interverranno archivisti, curatori, ricercatori e professionisti. D Introduce e coordina: La sua raccolta di oltre Per informazioni sul programma completo della rassegna: Il duo che conta … e canta! Parole e musiche in movimento: Storie di musica ed emozioni: Definizioni, concezioni, obiettivi, strumenti diversi nel Tavolo Permanente Musica Conclusioni a cura di Sonia Peana Per informazioni sul programma completo delle due giornate, visitate il sito: Pioniere della fotografia concettuale o post-concettuale, con le sue riflessioni ha aperto la strada ad innumerevoli altri artisti.
Wall stravolge una serie di convenzioni della fotografia, riflette sul linguaggio, sullo stereotipo, sulle abitudini visive. Le sue fotografie, realizzate in set quasi cinematografici, sono pianificate alla perfezione: To celebrate the fifth anniversary of the opening of its cultural centre, the MAST Foundation presents a new selection of works from its collection of photographs, video-installations, and photo-albums on industry and labour.
Courtesy of Mondadori Portfolio. In collaborazione con Fondazione Alsos. Queste persone conducono l'esistenza di un qualsiasi nucleo borghese fino a quando non vengono messe in crisi da un evento apparentemente innocuo eppure sconvolgente: Il presidente della Terra le ordina di compiere una missione speciale: Uno solo degli astronauti, Taylor, riesce a sopravvivere a una battuta di caccia delle scimmie. A Los Angeles, durante uno scontro tra la polizia e un gruppo di contestatori, viene ucciso un agente.
Nel paesaggio spettrale di Zabriskie Point i due giovani trascorrono lunghe ore d'amore; poi giunge il momento di separarsi. Mark fa ritorno a Los Angeles per restituire l'aereo rubato, ma trova ad accoglierlo la polizia che gli spara contro uccidendolo.
This part also suits:
John, Paul, George e Ringo. Le marionette interpretano il dramma di Shakespeare e nelle pause si pongono domande sui motivi delle loro azioni. Il pubblico presente in teatro a un certo punto interrompe la recita e decide la triste sorte dei personaggi. Il finale poetico vede lo spazzino Domenico Modugno portare alla discarica le marionette distrutte cantando una struggente melodia, mentre queste scoprono incantate le nuvole.
Rassegna in collaborazione con la Cineteca di Bologna. Florence e Julien sono amanti che decidono di eliminare il marito di lei, Simon, potente affarista con i vertici della politica. I due architettano un piano che sembra perfetto, disponendo ogni dettaglio in modo che la polizia lo consideri un suicidio, ma quando Julien tenta di lasciare l'edificio in cui ha appena compiuto il delitto, il custode dell'edificio, prima di andare via, disattiva il contatore generale dell'energia elettrica, bloccando l'ascensore nel quale si trova Julien.
I musicisti hanno improvvisato vedendo proiettate le scene del film. Secondo alcuni indica l'ora magica in cui in un jazz club si celebra il rito di una musica particolare. Numerosi altri musicisti hanno collaborato al film: Collezionista di amori infelici, Parker assume fiumi di alcol e droga che lo devasteranno. Le atmosfere del film sono principalmente notturne, con una fotografia molto contrastata. Le poche scene girate alla luce del giorno rappresentano momenti cupi della vita di Parker, come il funerale della figlioletta, la degenza al manicomio e infine il suo stesso funerale.
Anche se Fletcher non gli dice quasi nulla, riesce a accendere in Andrew il forte desiderio di raggiungere i suoi obiettivi. Sorprendendo Andrew, il giorno successivo Fletcher gli chiede di entrare a far parte della band da lui diretta. Tra il e il a New York decine di musicisti jazz si ritrovano per suonare in un loft cadente di Sixth Avenue, senza sapere che le loro note e le loro conversazioni vengono immortalate in audiocassette e fotografie dal reporter W.
Svoltare su via Battindarno e prendere successivamente via Vittoria. Dopo mt svoltare a destra e procedere su via Speranza. Uscendo dalla rotonda aeroportuale, prendere la seconda uscita, proseguire su via del Triumvirato fino a raggiungere via Emilia Ponente. He was born in the US in to Nigerian parents, and raised in Nigeria. He went back to the America at the age of 17 and he currently lives in New York.
He also acted as a Curatorial Advisor to the Venice Biennale. Stabilimento National Tube Company, U. Masterworks of industrial photography. This service is provided by means of email. The provision of any personal data on the part of the user is always optional; however, should the data marked as "required" on the subscription form be missing, the service will not be activated. In order to compare and potentially improve the results of its communications, the Controller uses systems for sending newsletters and notifications with reports.
All these data are used so as to compare, and potentially improve, the results of communications. The data will be stored on the Controller's premises, at the external provider's premises, and on the platform used for sending the newsletters Mail Up ; they will only be processed by persons who have been duly authorised to process the data and will be disclosed to external entities solely and exclusively to perform the services required for managing the operation properly, guaranteeing that the rights of those involved will be protected to see the list of the external entities, please contact the data processor.
The user's data may also be viewed by the company that manages the website, only as regards technical access for web server maintenance and management needs. The data will not be shared with third parties. Please be advised that, in observance of principles of lawfulness, limitation of purpose, and reduction of data, pursuant to Article 5 of the GDPR, the personal data will be stored for a period of time no longer than that required to perform the services provided.
The MAST Foundation, without betraying its mission of exploring the themes of work and industry, presents an exhibition focused on in the USA, not only to celebrate a key date but also to pay homage to photojournalism in the s. The year marked a radical change in public attitudes and beliefs. Photojournalism had a dominating role in the shaping of public attitudes at the time. Photojournalism played a crucial part in triggering this transformation: A celebrated artist and experimenter animated by contagious enthusiasm and a tireless spirit of exploration, for over two years Nino has accompanied the children and educators in their discovery of the photographic media as a form of writing and a surprising mechanism for the creation of storytelling images.
Under his guidance, children from 3 to 5 years of age have learned to make use of camera-less techniques such as oxidation, cellograms, polarigrams, lightgrams and photograms, discovering new ways of observing, telling about and transforming their world, with method and fantasy. Sam Stephenson has spent more than twenty years studying the life and work of W. Eugene Smith, following his footsteps in twenty-six states, Japan and the Pacific and interviewing more than five hundred people that knew the photographer in one capacity or another.
Eugene Smith in his workroom. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian lnstitution. The personal information and data provided or otherwise acquired in the course of using the site will be processed in accordance with the legal provisions of the above-cited regulation and the confidentiality obligations contained therein. Type of data processed a Connection data During their normal operations, the computer systems and software procedures that enable this website to function acquire some personal data, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of Internet protocols.
This is information that is not gathered to be associated with identified data subjects, but which by its very nature could enable users to be identified through processing and associations with data held by third parties. This category includes IP addresses, domain names used by those connecting to the site, the URI addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained, etc.
These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous and aggregate statistical information on site usage and to ensure it functions correctly; they are stored permanently on third-party servers hosting providers. The data could be used to verify responsibility in case of possible cyber crimes against the site. For more information, please refer to the Cookie Policy provided below. Personal data provided freely by the user: Specific, brief notices are provided on pages that involve the use of forms.
Aims of the data processing User data gathered during navigation will be processed for the following purposes: Provision of the data indicated in purpose 2 is optional, and any refusal to the data processing will not compromise the functionalities and services on the website. Each processing operation will occur in observance of the procedures indicated as per Articles 6 and 32 of the GDPR and by adopting the suitable security measures provided for.
Processing connected to online services is carried out by providers located in Italy and the data are stored at the location of the physical servers. Disclosure and Circulation The data gathered are processed within the Foundation by authorised individuals and appointees designated by the Controller and can be disclosed to third parties, particularly: The data are not circulated to others. User data are gathered by means of instruments and services which may be provided and stored by third parties. Please note that Google Analytics is active on this site and is set up in such a way as to reduce the identifying capacity of the cookies, and the functions that permit third parties to use the information have been disabled.
Time limits for storing the data In observance of principles of lawfulness, limitation of purpose, and reduction of data, pursuant to Article 5 of the GDPR, the personal data will be stored for a period of time no longer than required to perform the services provided. We wish to inform users that the site could contain links to other websites not managed by the MAST Foundation, which in such a case is not responsible for errors, content, cookies, publications, advertising, banners, or files that are not compliant with regulations in force.
He was born in the US in to Nigerian parents, and raised in Nigeria. He went back to the America at the age of 17 and he currently lives in New York. He also acted as a Curatorial Advisor to the Venice Biennale.
Stabilimento National Tube Company, U. Masterworks of industrial photography. This service is provided by means of email. The provision of any personal data on the part of the user is always optional; however, should the data marked as "required" on the subscription form be missing, the service will not be activated. In order to compare and potentially improve the results of its communications, the Controller uses systems for sending newsletters and notifications with reports.
All these data are used so as to compare, and potentially improve, the results of communications. The data will be stored on the Controller's premises, at the external provider's premises, and on the platform used for sending the newsletters Mail Up ; they will only be processed by persons who have been duly authorised to process the data and will be disclosed to external entities solely and exclusively to perform the services required for managing the operation properly, guaranteeing that the rights of those involved will be protected to see the list of the external entities, please contact the data processor.
The user's data may also be viewed by the company that manages the website, only as regards technical access for web server maintenance and management needs. The data will not be shared with third parties. Please be advised that, in observance of principles of lawfulness, limitation of purpose, and reduction of data, pursuant to Article 5 of the GDPR, the personal data will be stored for a period of time no longer than that required to perform the services provided.
The MAST Foundation, without betraying its mission of exploring the themes of work and industry, presents an exhibition focused on in the USA, not only to celebrate a key date but also to pay homage to photojournalism in the s. The year marked a radical change in public attitudes and beliefs. Photojournalism had a dominating role in the shaping of public attitudes at the time.
Photojournalism played a crucial part in triggering this transformation: A celebrated artist and experimenter animated by contagious enthusiasm and a tireless spirit of exploration, for over two years Nino has accompanied the children and educators in their discovery of the photographic media as a form of writing and a surprising mechanism for the creation of storytelling images. Under his guidance, children from 3 to 5 years of age have learned to make use of camera-less techniques such as oxidation, cellograms, polarigrams, lightgrams and photograms, discovering new ways of observing, telling about and transforming their world, with method and fantasy.
Sam Stephenson has spent more than twenty years studying the life and work of W. Eugene Smith, following his footsteps in twenty-six states, Japan and the Pacific and interviewing more than five hundred people that knew the photographer in one capacity or another. Eugene Smith in his workroom.
Archives of American Art, Smithsonian lnstitution. The personal information and data provided or otherwise acquired in the course of using the site will be processed in accordance with the legal provisions of the above-cited regulation and the confidentiality obligations contained therein. Type of data processed a Connection data During their normal operations, the computer systems and software procedures that enable this website to function acquire some personal data, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of Internet protocols.
This is information that is not gathered to be associated with identified data subjects, but which by its very nature could enable users to be identified through processing and associations with data held by third parties. This category includes IP addresses, domain names used by those connecting to the site, the URI addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained, etc.
These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous and aggregate statistical information on site usage and to ensure it functions correctly; they are stored permanently on third-party servers hosting providers. The data could be used to verify responsibility in case of possible cyber crimes against the site.
For more information, please refer to the Cookie Policy provided below. Personal data provided freely by the user: Specific, brief notices are provided on pages that involve the use of forms. Aims of the data processing User data gathered during navigation will be processed for the following purposes: Provision of the data indicated in purpose 2 is optional, and any refusal to the data processing will not compromise the functionalities and services on the website. Each processing operation will occur in observance of the procedures indicated as per Articles 6 and 32 of the GDPR and by adopting the suitable security measures provided for.
Processing connected to online services is carried out by providers located in Italy and the data are stored at the location of the physical servers. Disclosure and Circulation The data gathered are processed within the Foundation by authorised individuals and appointees designated by the Controller and can be disclosed to third parties, particularly: The data are not circulated to others.
User data are gathered by means of instruments and services which may be provided and stored by third parties. Please note that Google Analytics is active on this site and is set up in such a way as to reduce the identifying capacity of the cookies, and the functions that permit third parties to use the information have been disabled. Time limits for storing the data In observance of principles of lawfulness, limitation of purpose, and reduction of data, pursuant to Article 5 of the GDPR, the personal data will be stored for a period of time no longer than required to perform the services provided.
We wish to inform users that the site could contain links to other websites not managed by the MAST Foundation, which in such a case is not responsible for errors, content, cookies, publications, advertising, banners, or files that are not compliant with regulations in force. Problemi cronici nelle comunicazioni limitano Sam a scambiare solo occasionali messaggi registrati con la sua famiglia, composta da sua moglie Tess e da sua figlia Eve, nata dopo la partenza di Sam per la Luna. A due settimane dalla data prevista per il suo ritorno sulla Terra, Sam inizia ad avere allucinazioni e a soffrire di forti mal di testa.
Appena atterrati, John e il suo equipaggio incontrano il Professor Morbius, unico superstite che vive in una spettacolare residenza con la figlia Altaira e il servitore Robby, un robot parlante. Ma proprio quella tecnologia scatena una creatura di pura energia, inquietante ma allo stesso tempo affascinante. I robot positronici ormai sono diventati un articolo domestico come un altro, alla portata di tutti ed in tutte le case, e il mondo aspetta l'arrivo sul mercato dei nuovissimi NS-5, generazione prodotta dalla U. Robots, azienda leader nella robotica.
Mentre tutti impazziscono per questi aiutanti meccanici, il detective Del Spooner non si fida troppo dei nuovi e avanzatissimi robot. Lanning lascia a Spooner un dispositivo olografico contenente alcune sue riflessioni che lo spingono a considerare la sua morte come un omicidio. Tramite questo processo, si possono prevedere in anticipo le future condizioni fisiche e di salute dei nascituri, tanto che, in definitiva, alcuni di loro vengono artificialmente generati senza imperfezioni, come se fossero "costruiti" su misura. Per scelta volontaria dei suoi genitori, il protagonista Vincent viene concepito in modo naturale, senza l'intervento della scienza.
Fin dalla nascita gli viene diagnosticata la stessa debolezza cardiaca del padre, che lo dovrebbe portare, secondo i calcoli svolti a partire dalle analisi del suo sangue prelevato all'atto della nascita, a morire prima dei trent'anni. Ingresso gratuito con prenotazione obbligatoria Per registrarsi, cliccare qui. Eugene Smith and to the monumental body of work he realised from onwards in Pittsburgh, the most powerful industrial city in the world at the time. The project, which Smith considered the most ambitious of his career, marked a turning point in his professional and personal life.
His first commission as a freelancer was to take 80 to photos of Pittsburgh for a publication celebrating the bicentennial of its foundation. The city was in the midst of an economic boom driven by the growth of the steel industry, and in particular its steel mills, which guaranteed employment and drew workers from all over the world. Smith was fascinated by the City of Steel, the faces of the workers, its streets, its factories and the infinite details and contradictions of its social fabric, painstakingly recording it all in order to create a comprehensive portrait of the city.
He was driven by the desire to find the absolute, to be truly present and prepared in the sparse moments in which the truth of life manifests itself in worldly phenomena. Pittsburgh soon became his obsession. Instead of shooting for six weeks, he took photographs for two or three years, then spent the rest of his life struggling with the almost 20, negatives and 2, master prints, doggedly pursuing his ultimate ambition: The project never came to an end and only a small number of images were published.
Curated by Urs Stahel, the exhibition at MAST displays a group of core pictures from this magnificent and painstaking work, providing a portrayal of Pittsburgh but also of America in the s, with its lights and shadows and its promises of happiness and progress. Scardinando il concetto stesso di racconto, nel dicembre del il regista Michael Glawogger decide di partire per un anno attraversando tutti i continenti senza fermarsi.
Dopo 4 mesi e 19 giorni Glawogger muore improvvisamente durante le riprese. Monika Willi, sua storica montatrice, raccoglie la sfida all'imprevisto e la continua. Regalandoci un omaggio sulla bellezza travagliata del mondo e un inno alla potenza visiva e poetica di questo regista. Mentre affronta gli effetti di una leucemia provocata dalle condizioni in cui opera, Yi Yeting studia diritto per prepararsi a una battaglia legale contro i propri datori di lavoro. Ma la battaglia per difendere la salute di milioni di lavoratori cinesi richiede un confronto con brand multinazionali quali Apple e Samsung.
Ma quando diciamo "desiderio" che genere di esperienza evochiamo? Massimo Recalcati indaga qui un tema chiave della dottrina di Lacan: Come in una galleria di ritratti vengono raffigurati i diversi volti del desiderio umano: Con una nuova prefazione dell'autore e dieci fotografie di Giancarlo Fabbi.
Through advertising and the mass media, multi-billion dollar industries, especially those in cosmetics, fashion, dieting, and plastic surgery, fill our lives with images of an idealised and unattainable beauty, a body that cannot really exist in nature and can only be achieved through plastic surgery or retouching. Perfect beauty is shown everywhere: The sheer quantity of these images makes it impossible not to be influenced by them.
The Illusionists explores these themes through the testimony of sociologists, politicians, publishers, scientists, artists, and activists in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. Her life changes dramatically when she gets Addison's disease, a very rare condition that changes the pigmentation of one's skin Through entr'acts sung to instrumental versions of any kind of music, including a Christmas song, the characters underline the steps of the protagonist's progressive descent into hell; they become almost Brechtian songs, breaking up the plausibility of the action but at the same time pushing it speedily along.
The French director proves himself skilled at bringing a complex issue to the big screen under the guise of clever entertainment. Stephen Haines is a beautiful woman living a happy, fulfilled life devoted to her family — her husband and young daughter. Her friends go from one divorce to the next, or, when all goes well, devote themselves to generating heirs. Mary luxuriates in her secluded, contented life. Until she takes a friend's advice to get her nails painted by a specific manicurist in a beauty salon.
The gossip of the salon, the manicurist parades her entire repertoire of rumours before her new customer. One of these concerns a cunning perfume counter girl who has ensnared a wealthy high-society man. To her horror, Mary learns that the manicurist is talking about her husband, Stephen Paradoxically, the fact that the film never shows men confirms their power: Since its founding in , the St.
Louis-based multinational corporation, which began as a chemical company, has been accused of negligence, fraud, personal and property damage, causing health and environmental disasters, and using false evidence over the years.
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An industrial empire with offices in forty-six countries and a yearly turnover of 7. Marie-Monique Robin's documentary sheds light on the true scope of the actions taken by this highly powerful multinational and on the health and environmental consequences of GMOs. Press area Screen Name Required. Saturday 11 April Presentation of the book E.
Thinking of Asia in the Post-western World Introduction by Urs Stahel What is the common link between events that seem so different and distant, like the electoral success of Donald Trump in the United States, the lure of the Islamic State for young people in many countries, Brexit, or the victory of Narendra Modi's Hindu nationalists in India? Recalcati A libro aperto. Al lavoro sulla dentatrice Archivio G. D Reparto montaggio di uno stabilimento Archivio G. D Campioni di caramelle Archivio G. D Documenti pdf scaricabili: Gift of Paul S. Ugo Mulas Alfa Romeo Pirelli, c.
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