Seven Against Thebes
Myth, a symbolic narrative, usually of unknown origin and at least partly traditional, that ostensibly relates actual events and that is especially associated with religious belief. It is distinguished from symbolic behaviour cult, ritual and symbolic places or objects temples, icons. Phoenician Women, minor drama by Euripides, performed about bce.
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The play is set at Thebes and concerns the battle between the two sons of Oedipus over control of the city. When Eteocles refuses to yield power, Polyneices brings an army to attack the city. The two brothers eventually kill each….
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- Seven Against Thebes;
- Aeschylus, Seven Against Thebes, line 1.
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Legend, traditional story or group of stories told about a particular person or place. Formerly the term legend meant a tale about a saint. Legends resemble folktales in content; they may include supernatural beings, elements of mythology, or explanations of natural phenomena, but they are…. Help us improve this article!
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Seven against Thebes
Never to win by arms your native land, nor return to Argos , but by a kinman's hand to die and slay. But others say that when he later examined the boar and lion in their shields, he remembered the words of a seer who had told him to yoke his daughters in marriage to a boar and a lion. This is how the Theban conflict turned into an affair between different kingdoms.

Different opinions about the Theban crisis But just as there are always those who find high reasons to intervene in what they feel is the concern of all, there are also those who are always reluctant to engage in what they feel should not concern them. But as he who has disorder at home is weaker, Amphiaraus was at last forced to join the coalition, betrayed by his own wife Eriphyle, who let herself be bribed by the party that advocated war.
That Amphiaraus was not taking counsel only from his own peaceful nature is proved by the fact that, on leaving for Thebes , he instructed his sons to slay their mother and march against Thebes once they were grown up. Death of Archemorus Opheltes. Relief in Palazzo Spada.
Seven Against Thebes
The snake was killed by the Seven Against Thebes. In this way the coalition was formed that marched against the town of the seven gates. Turn back your host to Argos with all speed, and ruin not yourself and Thebes as well. It is a shame to live in exile, and shall I, the elder, bear a younger brother's flouts? But brother, what profit from your country's ruin comes?
Will you then bring to pass the prophecies of he who threatens mutual slaughter to you both? The brothers' arguments Polynices argued that. And now I am ready to take my own and dismiss the army from this land, receiving my house in turn to dwell in, and once more restore it to him for an equal period, instead of ravaging our country and bringing scaling-ladders against the towers as I shall attempt to do if I do not get my rights.
He ought not to have attempted reconcilement by armed force. Still, if on any other terms he cares to dwell here, he may; but power I shall never willingly let go. Shall I become his slave, when I can rule? I will not give up government to him. For if we must do wrong, to do so for government is the fairest cause, but in all else piety should be our aim. Face to face When war had already broken, the brothers met during a short truce and harshly declared their views to each other: Once more I demand back my scepter and share of the land.
I admit no demand; I will live in my own house.
Seven Against Thebes - Aeschylus - Ancient Greece - Classical Literature
And keep more than your share? O altars of my fathers' gods Which you are here to destroy. Who would hear you after you have marched against your fatherland? I am being driven from my country Yes, for you came to destroy it. You have become unholy But I have not, like you, become my country's enemy. By driving me out without my portion.
Euripides, Phoenician Women ff. Meeting in Nemea As the brothers could not be reconciled, the Argive army, with Theban Polynices as one of its seven commanders marched against Thebes. This Hypsipyle had been queen of the Lemnian women, but was afterwards sold into slavery by them, the reason being that when the Lemnian women decided to kill their husbands and all men in Lemnos because of their having taken Thracian wives, Hypsipyle secretly spared her father.
The Army ad portas Since this embassy had no effect, the army approached the walls of Thebes , and each commander was stationed facing each of the seven gates, with the whole host behind them. So when Athena saw this utterly disgusting scene, she withheld the intended privilege.