Liderança Gerencial Autêntica (Portuguese Edition)
Na pesquisa nacional, notou-se exatamente o oposto: Melo, ; E.
A escala de E. O estudo de J.
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Estudos de Psicologia, 18 2: Annual Review of Psychology, Two decades of research and development in transformational leadership. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 8 1: Journal of Applied Psychology, 92 5: O estado da arte da pesquisa brasileira em psicologia do trabalho e organizacional [Especial]. Teoria e Pesquisa, Teoria e Pesquisa, 26 1: Leadership research and theory: Theory, Research, and Practice, 4 1: Perfil do executivo no mercado globalizado. Alto desempenho gerencial, contexto desafiador e personalidade.
Annual Review of Psychology, 58 1: In the eye of the beholder: The Academy of Management Perspectives, 20 1: The validity of consideration and initiating structure in leadership research.
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Journal of Applied Psychology, 89 1: Nem "burocrata" nem "novo-gerente": Estudos de Psicologia, 26 3: Qualidade de vida organizacional: Securing our collective future: Research methods for business: Estudos de Psicologia, 7: Leadership, membership and organization. Psychological Bulletin, 47 1: O autoritarismo em cooperativas e empresas privadas: Why integrating the leading and managing roles is essential for organizational effectiveness.
Organizational Dynamics, 34 4: Services on Demand Journal.
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ABSTRACT Leadership, a theme belonging to the organizational behavior field, has been intensively studied on the international scene for about a century. Souza, Vasconcelos e Borges-Andrade Bem-estar Foco em qualidade de vida, bem-estar, mal-estar e estresse de gestores 4 M. Melo, Cassini e Lopes Ribeiro Aroma e Marcondes Barreto, Kishore, Reis, Baptista e Medeiros The data analysis was descriptive and presented in four categories: The results presented a variety of instruments of leadership assessment.
Among the various tools used to measure leadership were found in this Integrative Review nineteen leadership assessment tools: Some studies did not present theoretical models as reference. When analyzing the categories, it was observed that the instruments are applied together with proposals of programs for the development in leadership, and that these have demonstrated to influence significantly the behavior of the leaders. On the impact of leadership among staff and the work environment, health, job satisfaction and the well-being of professionals, the transformational leadership, the leadership leadership and authentic leadership stood out.

The literature search allowed the identification of the main theories, styles and models of contemporary leadership and the analysis of their use in the construction of leadership assessment tools. This document is only for private use for research and teaching activities.
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