Introduction au sepa - lespace des paiements en euro (French Edition)
The Danish Bankers Association. National register for Denmark, Faroe Island and Greenland. The Danish Bankers Association iban finansraadet. Directorate Banking Operations bmfviber mnb. There is no need for a national issuing authority for bank identifiers in Romania. The National Bank of Romania issued Regulation no. Tor Johan Bjerkedal tor.
National fora have been established to deal with the special features of each country. Individual national migration plans have been drafted which outline the measures that need to be taken to implement SEPA. SEPA migration timeline July Federation of Finnish Financial Services: SEPA implementation and migration plan: National Migration Committee Contact: Bank Association of Slovenia and www.
Danmarks Nationalbank Danish Bankers Association. Payments UK also communicates and consults on a bilateral basis with interested UK stakeholders. Central Bank of Iceland. For EEA countries outside the euro area, the deadline has been set at 31 October Banks must ensure their systems can support the required SEPA message format. Ministry of Government administration, reform and church affairs: Reports on Payment Systems by Norges Bank. Un second article cf. Comme l'illustre le tableau ci-dessous, le produit de la CVAE connait, depuis , un dynamisme certain.
Aux termes des articles L.
Par ailleurs, les articles L. Elle aura, si possible, du terrain ou sinon un balcon ou une terrasse. Toutefois, tel que l'article L. Elle a pour missions de sauver des vies en mer et sur le littoral et de former des sauveteurs. Par ailleurs, l'article L. En vertu du V de l'article L.
Introduction Au Sepa Lespace Des Paiements En Euro French Edition
En vertu de l'article L. Coefficient familial applicable pour le calcul de la condition de ressources. Toujours en vertu de l'article R. Aujourd'hui, c'est difficile, difficile pour les jeunes. Donc, plus de territoires: Projet de loi de finances pour Le champ d'intervention du Fonds Barnier 1. For this purpose, it may use the withdrawal slip made available to them by the Platform. The Service Provider is subject to all of the Luxembourg and French regulations regarding the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
Pursuant to the provisions of French and Luxembourg law, relating to financial organisations participating in the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorist activities, the Service Provider must obtain information from all Account Holders regarding any operation or original business relationship, the subject and the destination of the operation or the opening of the Account.
The Account Holder recognises that the Service Provider may bring an end or postpone at any time the use of Personalised Security Data, access to an Account or the execution of an Operation in the absence of sufficient elements regarding their purpose or nature. They are informed that an operation carried out in the framework hereof may be subject to exercising the right of communication to the national financial intelligence unit. The Account Holder, pursuant to regulations, may access all information thus communicated subject to this right of access not jeopardising the purpose regarding the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism if this data relates to the individual making the request.
No proceedings or civil liability action may be brought and no professional sanctions issued against the Service Provider, their officers or agents if they have made declarations regarding suspicions in good faith to their national authority. The Service Provider collects and processes all Personal Data in compliance with the regulations in force applicable to the protection of this Data, and specifically Law no. The Personal Data required during registration is necessary in the framework of the services provided in compliance herewith.
If the obligatory Personal Data is not provided, the interested party may be refused access to the services. The Person in Question is informed that the Personal Data is specifically collected for the following purposes: This data processing is specifically necessary for the performance of the Framework Contract as well as respecting the legal obligations that the data processor is subject to. The Service Provider and the Platform act as joint processors of this data. The Personal Data shall not be transferred to any third party without the express consent of the Persons in Question.
Said subcontractors only act on instructions from the Service Provider and exclusively on behalf of the latter. The Person in Question may access the list of subcontractors by sending their request to the Platform Customer Service. They are informed that the Service Provider ensures that their subcontractors take all necessary measures in order to maintain the security and confidentiality of the Personal Data. In the event the Data is violated loss, breach, destruction, etc.
The Service Provider reserves the right to disclose Personal Data at the request of a legal authority to be in compliance with any law or regulation in force, to protect or defend the rights of the Account Holder or the Person in Question, if circumstances require it or to protect the security of the Service Provider, the Services or the public. Personal Data processed by the Service Provider in the framework of the services provided in compliance herewith is kept for the period of time that is strictly necessary to attain the purposes mentioned hereinabove.
Barring legal and regulatory provisions to the contrary, the Data will not be kept beyond the effective date of termination of the Contract. It is specifically indicated that the Personal Data relating to identification is kept for a term of five years from the end of the contractual relationship, subject to applicable regulation in terms of the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism. The Persons in Question have the following rights pertaining to their Data, according to the conditions established by regulations: The Person in Question may at any time exercise these rights by addressing the Platform Customer Service.
The request must indicate their last name, first name, identifier, and include a photocopy of an identity document bearing their signature.
Code pénal - Legilux
A response will be sent to the Person in Question in a time frame of one 1 month following receipt of the request. This deadline may be extended to two 2 months, given the complexity and the number of requests. In this case, the Person in Question will be informed of this extension and the reasons for postponement within a deadline of one 1 month from the receipt of the request. The Person in Question will be informed if they have the right to file a claim with the competent authority for any request related to their Personal Data. If the Person in Question provides the request in electronic format, the response will be provided in electronic format, unless they expressly request otherwise.
When the Personal Data relate to a Person in Question who is not a party to the Framework Contract has been transferred by the Account Holder, the latter will be responsible for communicating to the Person in Question the information of this Article. The Service Provider is bound by professional secrecy.
SEPA countries
However, the secrecy may be lifted, in compliance with the legislation in force, based on a legal, regulatory and prudential obligation, specifically at the request of supervisory authorities, the tax or customs administration, as well as those of a criminal judge or in the event of a legal request indicated to the Service Provider.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the User has the right to release the Service Provider from professional secrecy by expressly indicating the authorities receiving the confidential information that relates to the User. It is specified that professional secrecy may be lifted by regulation benefiting companies providing the Service Provider important operational tasks within the framework hereof.
The Service Provider retains all intellectual property rights that pertain to them for the Services offered to the Account Holder. None of these intellectual property rights will be transferred to the Account Holder under this Contract. The death of the Account Holder will bring an end to the Framework Contract, once this is made aware to the Service Provider. Operations occurring from the time of death, except with the agreement of the individual who has rights or the attorney in charge of the estate, will be considered not having been authorised.
The Payment Account will remain open for the time necessary to settle the estate and the Service Provider will ensure the transfer of the balance upon the agreement of the individual who has rights or the attorney in charge of the estate. Any inactive Account may be the subject to an inactivity notification by email on behalf of the Service Provider followed by a follow-up notification one month later.
In the absence of a response or use of the balance of the credit of the Account in this time frame, the Service Provider may close the Account and maintain it for the sole purposes of carrying out a transfer of the amount due on the account as indicated by the Account Holder. The Parties shall not be held responsible, or considered as being in breach hereof, in the event of a delay or non-performance, when the cause of which is related to an event of force majeure as defined by Article of the Civil Code. If one of the stipulations hereof is nullified or not applicable, it shall be deemed not having been written and it shall not lead to nullification of the other stipulations.
If one or more stipulations hereof becomes invalid or is declared as such pursuant to a law, regulation or following a definitive decision handed down by a competent jurisdiction, the other stipulations retain their force of obligation and their scope.
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The stipulations declared null and void will then be replaced by stipulations that are as close as possible to the meaning and the scope of the stipulations initially agreed to. The Framework Contract may not be subject to a total or partial transfer by the Account Holder in return for payment or free of charge.
Thus, they are prohibited from transferring to any third party whatsoever the rights or obligations that it holds hereunder. In the event of breach of this prohibition, in addition to the immediate termination hereof, the Account Holder may be held responsible by the Service Provider. All data will be included in unalterable, true and secured form on the technology database of the Service Provider specifically relative to Payment Orders and notifications sent, so as to constitute proof between the Parties unless there is proof to the contrary.
The provisions of Articles L et seq. Any claim other than that established in Article 10 relating to entering into, performing or terminating the Framework Contract must be indicated by email to the following address: The response will be issued as quickly as possible and at the latest within a time frame of fifteen 15 Business Days following the receipt of the claim by the Service Provider. However, for reasons outside of its control, the Service Provider may not be able to respond in this time frame of fifteen 15 days.
In this event, it will provide the Account Holder with the response specifying the reasons for this additional time period as well as the date on which it will send the definitive response. In any case, the Account Holder shall receive a definitive response at the latest in a time frame of thirty-five 35 Business Days following the receipt of the claim.
With the exception of applying a law related to public order which only applies in the strict limits of its purpose , is expressly stipulated that French is the language chosen and used by the Parties in their pre-contractual and contractual relationships and that the Framework Contract is subject to French law.

Any dispute between the Parties regarding the latter shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the competent French courts. Le remboursement ne pourra par ailleurs intervenir que: Description des services fournis Le site www. Note The Account Holder is asked to carefully read this Framework Contract provided to them by the Platform before accepting it.
Definitions For the purposes hereof, the terms hereinbelow are defined as follows: Purpose The Framework Contract has the purpose of defining the conditions in which the Service Provider provides Payment Services to the Account Holder in return for payment as defined in Article 11 herein. These Payment Services include: Registration for the Services 3. Registration Methods The Framework Contract is entered into remotely, according to the terms established by the Platform under the General Conditions of the Site.
Contractual Documents The Framework Contract includes: Opening an Account 4. The Account Holder acknowledges from the time of issuing their registration request to the Platform and during the entire term of the Framework Contract: For the Account Holder, who is a physical person and consumer: For professional Account Holders: Finalisation of Registration After entering into the Framework Contract, the Account Holder must provide all of the information and proof that are requested by the Platform. Functioning of the Payment Account The amounts credited to the Payment Account result from the funds transferred by Card or by any other Payment Method accepted by the Service Provider , or the receipt of a transfer.
Acceptance of Payment Orders by Card for the Payment Account Transactions for the Payment Account may be carried out by Card or any other method accepted by the Service Provider , once or on several occasions. Reimbursement The Account Holder may at any time transfer instructions to cancel a transfer of funds in order to reimburse a User. Objection Regarding Personalised Security Data The Account Holder must inform the Platform of the loss or theft of their Personalised Security Data, of any misuse or unauthorised use of their Personal Online Area or data relating to them as soon as they become aware of this and request that it be blocked.
This declaration must be carried out: Blocking a Payment Account and Refusing Access to a Payment Account The Service Provider reserves the right to block the Payment Account for objectively motivated reasons regarding the security of the Payment Account, the presumption of unauthorised or fraudulent use the Payment Account or a significantly increased risk that the Account Holder is incapable of fulfilling their obligation to pay the fees due under this Framework Contract. Contesting an Operation Provisions Applicable to Professional Account Holders Professional Account Holders wishing to contest a Transfer Operation unauthorised by them or improperly executed must contact the Platform Customer Service by telephone as soon as possible after they become aware of the anomaly and at the latest within eight 8 weeks following the transaction of the operation, it being their responsibility to contest it to the Service Provider as soon as possible.
Provisions Applicable to Consumer Account Holders Consumer Account Holders wishing to contest a Transfer Operation unauthorised by them or improperly executed must contact the Platform Customer Service by telephone as soon as possible after they become aware of the anomaly and at the latest within thirteen 13 months following the date it is debited, it being their responsibility to contest it to the Service Provider as soon as possible. However, the Account Holder is not held responsible in the event: Of an unauthorised Payment Operation carried out without using Personalised Security Data; Of the loss or theft of Personalised Security Data that could not be detected by the Account Holder before the payment was made; Of losses due to actions or failures of an employee, agent or subsidiary of a PSP or an entity to which these activities were externalised.
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The Account Holder is also not held responsible: Any draft modification of the Framework Contract is provided to the Account Holder via the Platform Any Account Holder may refuse the proposed modifications and must notify their refusal to the Platform Customer Service by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt two 2 months before the proposed modifications enter into force post office stamp being proof thereof to the address indicated in the General Conditions of the Site. Security The Service Provider undertakes to ensure that the services are provided with respect to the applicable laws and regulations and best practices.
To not perform the Framework Contract in an illegal manner or under conditions that may damage, deactivate, overload or alter the site; To not usurp the identity of another person or entity, falsify or divulge their identity, their age or create a false identity; To not divulge data or personal information related to a third party, such as postal addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, bank card numbers, etc. In the event of a breach of these obligations, the Service Provider may take all appropriate measures in order to bring an end to these actions.
Provisions Applicable to Consumer Account Holders Under Article L of the Consumer Code, the consumer Account Holder has a right of withdrawal that may be exercised in a time frame of 14 fourteen days without having to justify the reason or bear the penalty.
Code pénal
Exercising the Withdrawal Right The Account Holder must notify the Platform Customer Service of their withdrawal request within the indicated time frame by telephone or by email and by sending confirmation to the address of the Platform Customer Service. Rules Regarding the Fight Against Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism The Service Provider is subject to all of the Luxembourg and French regulations regarding the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism. Protection of Personal Data The Service Provider collects and processes all Personal Data in compliance with the regulations in force applicable to the protection of this Data, and specifically Law no.
Professional Secrecy The Service Provider is bound by professional secrecy. Intellectual Property The Service Provider retains all intellectual property rights that pertain to them for the Services offered to the Account Holder. Death of the Account Holder and Inactive Accounts Inactive Accounts Any inactive Account may be the subject to an inactivity notification by email on behalf of the Service Provider followed by a follow-up notification one month later.
The Account may no longer carry out Payment Operations.