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I try to build lessons around their interests. Many times the answer is automotive work, but with no English skills in the field, where we live it is almost impossible to get hired. While copying , I cited your credits on the work.
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You deserve a big thank you! There did not seem to be any large English-Spanish or Spanish-English glossaries of automotive terminology on the web, so I gathered up the information that I could find, and spent time with my neighbor who taught auto mechanics at our local university.
Slow train through Spain: a narrow-gauge ride through España Verde
Thank Don Francisco for the bulk of the knowledge. Since I completed this version to carry in the car We keep one in each vehicle , I just found an on-line official ASE version, but it is a beast: Note that in Mexican parts manuals, on transverse mounted motors, they call the motor mount next to the radiator: If the front of the motor is on the passenger side, they call the front of motor mount: The motor mount next to the firewall becomes: Hi Rodriguez, It has several automotive meanings: Cambiar de marcha — to change gears ………. This is one of those times when Spanish uses one word for a generic idea imprecise , while English has lots more variety — like arriba — for over, above, on top of, higher, etc….
Dropped at Hyde shipping in Miami yesterday. Had car thoroughly checked out by mechanic before leaving, but as luck would have it, one hour out of Miami the vehicle started having acceleration issues. Issues as in vehicle would not accelerate. You advice on what to do do when I arrive in Cancun would be greatly appreciated. Knowledge of the language extremely limited. Since the car ran very well the last time you drove it, the sudden onset points to a part failure — not dirty injectors, nor dirty fuel filter, nor dirty air filter. One possibility is a problem with the Mass Air Flow sensor.
That motor has a number of sensors that control air-flow and fuel volume, so, it could also be an exhaust sensor … or ….
Understand about the mechanic, just not sure how to go about getting a referral in the Cancun area. I am not reading great things about the MB dealership on the web. Hi Margaret, There have to be expat web-forums for Q. Sign up and ask for a recommendation. I need you in Chile with our old Land Rover! Do you know the word in English for the following: This might be too much ask … Thank you.
Auto Parts Knowledge Test Insurance. Auto Parts Knowledge Quiz Insurance. English Spanish Auto Insurance Glossary. Since living in NY for 5 yrs, I harldy ever speak spanish and certainly never had use for any of these words…. I am the owner of a honda crv. Wed, 22 Apr Sun, 26 Apr Hi Karina, Probably an idler arm, steering arm, or control arm. Steve this s a really cool page I do this sort of thing for my wife, she an interpreter for the San Diego Ca.
Spanish phrasebook - Wikitravel
Superior Court and she comes across some funky terms all the time. From now on I will have her check your Auto Parts Terminology list. So, I double-checked with the old wise auto mechanics professor next door, and he said: I asked him a second time, and he emphasized that it was only for the belt tensioning pulley that drives the water pump, clima, and on old cars: My wife taught me one I did not know. The brake or hood release lever, with its cable: I really liked this article, I am going to school to be a auto mechanic, and I am also trying to fulfill my life goal of being fluent in Spanish.
I could possibly be moving to Mexico in the next couple years and would need to be able to continue in my line of work. I was wondering if there was a published version of this in a book form or if you know where I could buy a book with translations like this. I need this word translated its where the tire goes I think its the skirt not sure could u help babylisa22 AOL.
Nice glossaries I am impressed, very helpful since I speak English but my natal language is Spanish. Have you seen the ASE glossary? ASE used to insist on calling it a Gilmer Belt… while ordinary mechanics just call it a timing bel. The ASE guide is helpful, but by intentionally excluding the actual names used by Mexican mechanics, their list has some gaps. Who do you trust more? Exelente web, me alludo mucho para entender q arreglos necesitaba mi auto. Thank you, It was a good help to understand what I have to do to fix my car.
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Learn how your comment data is processed. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Living in Mexico Change: Moving to Mexico …. Howler Monkeys Gone Wild!
Its pride and joy is an abandoned canal in the back garden, complete with locks, sluice gates and moss-covered bridges. As the light dwindled, I dangled my legs over the empty channels and watched lizards scuttle on wet stones. The only sounds were bickering blackbirds and the distant chime of cow bells.
An expert escanciador cider pourer , he came over and raised the bottle high in his right hand and sloshed an inch of dry, earthy cider into my glass without looking. As we inched our way through the bottle, Elena circled hidden beaches and blow holes on a map and drew a picture of the fish I promised to ask for at lunch. At Casa Basilio , an unpretentious promenade cafe, locals thumbed through newspapers while tucking into piles of mussels; everybody was unashamedly daytime drinking.
Later, I wandered along an avenue of ornate Indiano mansions — built by rich Spanish mariners returning from the Americas — and stepped over the clints and grykes of the Acantilados de Castro Arenas limestone pavement just down the coast and dotted with blow holes. But it was just a short journey: To work up an appetite, their Brittany spaniel, Carson, took us for a walk along the byways.
Privacy policy About Wikitravel Terms of use Mobile view. Spanish phrasebook Contents 1 Pronunciation Guide 1. Pronunciation Guide [ edit ] Spanish spelling has the pleasant characteristic of being very phonetic, with only a few clearly-defined exceptions. Vowels [ edit ] The vowels in Spanish are short crisp sounds. They are not dragged out like the English vowels. Very rarely used at the middle or ending of words. A soft vibration sound almost like English 'v' elsewhere.
In most cases it is pronounced like 'k' in "kid": When followed by 'e' or 'i', it is like 's' in "supper" in the Americas, the Canaries and some parts of the Philippines or 'th' in "thin" Spain: In some dialects, a 'd' between two vowels is pronounced with a bit of softness, halfway between the normal 'd' and the 'th' in "the": You're usually fine just using the 'd' sound. In between vowels, it tends to be voiced and not guturral. Pronounced like a softer 'j' only in foreign words. In at least some parts of Costa Rica and Colombia, pronounced as the English "j" or "g," as in the words "ginger" or "ninja.
Some effort should be made to approximate each of them, to help listeners distinguish between perro "dog" and pero "but" This sound is created by putting the tip of the tongue up against where the front of the roof of the mouth meets the upper teeth, very similar to the action English speakers make to pronounce l or d. To an English-speaking ear, it may sound a bit like a combined "d-r".
Take care to pronounce r separately when it follows a consonant; a blended English tr will not be recognized in the Spanish word otro "other" , which should be pronouced more like "OHT-roh". Written "r" at the beginning of the word, or "rr" between vowels cerro. It's a multiply vibrating sound. Whereas most English speakers can learn to tap out a single r , many adults learning Spanish find this sound impossible to produce; in this case, pronouncing it like a Spanish r or fumbling out a d-r will be better understood than pronouncing it like a long English r.
To distinguish v from b when spelling, one says "vay chica" or "bay grande" to indicate which; native Spanish speakers may not hear the difference between "vee" and "bee". But some Spanish speaking countries do say the 'v' as in "vine" with the teeth on the lower lip.