El diario de mi hijo (Esquizofrenia y Parkinson: las dos caras de la Dopamina) (Spanish Edition)
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Los factores predictivos de resultados en este contexto siguen siendo indeterminados. Radio-protectors are agents that protect human cells and tissues from undesirable effects of ionizing radiation by mainly scavenging radiation-induced free radicals. Although chemical radio-protectors diminish these deleterious side effects they induce a number of unwanted effects on humans such as blood pressure modifications, vomiting, nausea, and both local and generalized cutaneous reactions. These disadvantages have led to emphasis on the use of some botanical radio-protectants as alternatives.
This review has collected and organized studies on a plant-derived radio-protector , lycopene. Lycopene protects normal tissues and cells by scavenging free radicals. Therefore, treatment of cells with lycopene prior to exposure to an oxidative stress, oxidative molecules or ionizing radiation may be an effective approach in diminishing undesirable effects of radiation byproducts. Studies have designated lycopene to be an effective radio-protector with negligible side effects.
Radiation protective effects of baclofen predicted by a computational drug repurposing strategy. Exposure to ionizing radiation causes damage to living tissues; however, only a small number of agents have been approved for use in radiation injuries. Radioprotector is the primary countermeasure to radiation injury and none radioprotector has indeed reached the drug development stage.
Repurposing the long list of approved, non-radioprotective drugs is an attractive strategy to find new radioprotective agents. Here, we applied a computational approach to discover new radioprotectors in silico by comparing publicly available gene expression data of ionizing radiation-treated samples from the Gene Expression Omnibus GEO database with gene expression signatures of more than small-molecule compounds from the Connectivity Map cmap dataset.
Among the best compounds predicted to be therapeutic for ionizing radiation damage by this approach were some previously reported radioprotectors and baclofen P radioprotector. Validation using a cell-based model and a rodent in vivo model demonstrated that treatment with baclofen reduced radiation-induced cytotoxicity in vitro P radioprotector. The drug repurposing strategy by connecting the GEO data and cmap can be used to identify known drugs as potential radioprotective agents.
Strategies and Translational Advances. Radioprotectors are agents required to protect biological system exposed to radiation, either naturally or through radiation leakage, and they protect normal cells from radiation injury in cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy. It is imperative to study radioprotectors and their mechanism of action comprehensively, looking at their potential therapeutic applications. This review intimately chronicles the rich intellectual, pharmacological story of natural and synthetic radioprotectors.
A continuous effort is going on by researchers to develop clinically promising radioprotective agents. In this article, for the first time we have discussed the impact of radioprotectors on different signaling pathways in cells, which will create a basis for scientific community working in this area to develop novel molecules with better therapeutic efficacy.
The bright future of exceptionally noncytotoxic derivatives of bisbenzimidazoles is also described as radiomodulators. Amifostine, an effective radioprotectant, has been approved by the FDA for limited clinical use. However, due to its adverse side effects, it is not routinely used clinically. Recently, CBLB and several analog of a peptide are under clinical trial and showed high success against radiotherapy in cancer.
This article reviews the different types of radioprotective agents with emphasis on the strategies for the development of novel radioprotectors for drug development. In addition, direction for future strategies relevant to the development of radioprotectors is also addressed. Cytogenetic damages to cells of the corneal epithelium were studied in mice exposed to protons 10, 25, 50 and MeV , ions of boron, carbon and neon, and X-rays keV within the dose range from 25 to cGy and injected with a radioprotector. Animals were subjected to a single exposure.
Control animals received the same amount of sodium chloride solution. The animals were sacrificed by cervical dislocation in 24 and 72 hrs. It was shown that cysteamine effectively protects in vivo corneal epithelium cells of mice exposed to electromagnetic radiation or protons in a broad energy spectrum 10 to MeV , and to a broad range of radiation doses 25 to cGy , as judged from levels of aberrant mitosis and mitotic activity. The radioprotector exhibited the highest effectiveness in animals exposed to the doses of 50 to cGy.
These findings prove that cysteamine may potentially be used for pharmacological protection from protons. The radioprotector failed to prevent chromosomal aberrations after exposure to heavy charged particles of boron, carbon and neon, which implies the need to design radioprotectors against this type of corpuscular radiation specifically. New Approaches to Radiation Protection. Radioprotectors are compounds that protect against radiation injury when given prior to radiation exposure.
Mitigators can protect against radiation injury when given after exposure but before symptoms appear. Such compounds can also potentially counteract the effects of accidental exposure to radiation or deliberate exposure e. We will emphasize agents that are in more advanced stages of development. Focusing on the cooperative role of parents and public libraries in stimulating reading interests in children of all ages, this booklet addresses the following issues: Across the United States, schools and communities have found ways to turn the tide in the battle against drugs.
This guidebook describes the methods they have used and the actions they have taken. The first section, "Children and Drugs" outlines the nature and extent of the drug problem and summarizes the latest research on the effects of drugs on…. Cosmic ray soil moisture observing systems comos in cap fields at El Reno Oklahoma. Soil water content SWC partitions rainfall into runoff and infiltration, modulates surface and atmospheric exchanges of water and energy, affects plant growth and crop yields, and impacts chemical and biological activities of soil, among other things.
Thus, SWC, especially over large scales, is a This paper presents part of the results of a qualitative study about literacy practices of Mexican transnational mothers, who live in and frequently cross the border between two countries the United States and Mexico. Drawing on sociocultural approaches to literacy and literature on transnationalism, I analyze one practice: Contradicts Pablo Jordan's theory that certain "se" constructions in Spanish are neither passive nor reflexive.
It is claimed that syntactic evidence reveals two types of impersonal structures, the impersonal active and the passive reflexive. The sensor subsystems include passive, infrared IR , television, and a nonimaging sensor and observer, typically the vehicle driver When radar target detection occurs, the optical search process DG DG1 constantly monitors the radar surveillance search volume and when a higher. Contributions of local knowledge to the physical limnology of Lake Como , Italy.
This article shows how local knowledge may be valuably integrated into a scientific approach in the study of large and complex hydrological systems where data collection at high resolution is a challenge. This claim is supported through a study of the hydrodynamics of a large lake where qualitative data collected from professional fishers was combined with theory to develop a hypothesis that was then verified by numerical modeling.
First the fishermen's narratives were found to describe with accuracy internal wave motions that were evident in water column temperature records, which revealed their practical knowledge of the lake's hydrodynamics. Second, local knowledge accounts emphasized the recurrent formation of mesoscale gyres and return flows in certain zones of the lake in stratified conditions, which did not appear in the physical data because of limitations of sampling resolution.
We hypothesized that these features developed predominantly because of the interaction of wind-driven internal motions with the lake's bathymetry, and the Earth's rotation in the widest areas of the basin. Numerical simulation results corroborated the fishers' descriptions of the flow paths and supported the hypothesis about their formation. We conclude that the collaboration between scientific and local knowledge groups, although an unusual approach for a physical discipline of the geosciences, is worth exploring in the pursuit of a more comprehensive understanding of complex geophysical systems such as large lakes.
Many typical classroom behavior problems--running in the classroom, inability to make choices, failure to stick with activities, fighting over toys, and poor use of materials-- can be traced to how the room is arranged and how materials are displayed. By making a few changes in the classroom environment, early childhood teachers can create a….
Computed materials data using density functional theory calculations. These calculations determine the electronic structure of bulk materials by solving approximations to the Schrodinger equation. For more information, see https: Rural women in Southern Mexico link their diabetes to distressful life experiences rooted in ordinary violence. While much has been written on the use that diabetes sufferers make of their morbid condition as an idiom of distress, I investigate the personal and social effects that such an idiom has on women.
As I illustrate, diabetes reflects an ambivalence that helps women to speak about the unspeakable and, at the same time, reinforces their ideas of culpability, namely that they are to blame for both the gendered violence that they endure and the diabetes from which they suffer. Como pagar to educacion, Funding Your Education, This publication, written in Spanish, describes financial aid programs of the U.
Department of Education and advises students about paying for college. It outlines things a student should ask about college and how to obtain financial aid, whether grants, work-study, or loans. Chapters provide information on: Vancomicina y Ceftriaxone estan indicadas. Estricta regla de asepsia operatoria. This guide, written in Spanish, discusses reasons for going to college, how to pay for college, and how to apply for federal student aid in a series of brief, clear illustrations.
Following outlines of financial benefits of college, college costs, and space to note costs for the student's area, the guide outlines these steps in the application…. Spanish Oral Language Guide: Espanol como Segundo Idioma. This teacher's guide to Spanish language at the kindergarten level includes a recommended subject presentation sequence for the Spanish curriculum, a sample schedule, a grouping of students using three stations, and a classroom layout.
The grouping would be effective when at least one-third of the children are Spanish-speaking or bilingual. International Perspectives on Affirmative Action. This volume presents nine papers read at a conference on affirmative action, sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation and held at Columbia University in August ; a preface, summary paper, and list of participants are also included. Each paper addresses the issue of affirmative action within a different country and describes: An oral practice system of "chats" in the classroom functions as an extemporaneous speaking exercise or chat without notes or prompt sheets , occurring between two students for a minute or so at the beginning of class, following which the presenters respond to other students' questions.
Because most parents say they do not or cannot help their children with science, this booklet was designed to help them do so, easily and with pleasure for both parent and child. The introduction presents information on why and how parents should help their children and provides a general orientation to the ideas and activities offered in the…. The result indicates validity of this green-tea component as an orally active radio-protector of very low toxicity.
Tools for evaluating Lipolexis oregmae Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae in the field: Effects of host aphid and host plant on mummy location and color plus improved methods for obtaining adults. Florida, nosotros evaluamos el papel de otras especies de afidos y plantas hospederas potenciales sobre la produccion y ubicacion de las momias. Bajo condiciones de laboratorio, este parasitoide produjo el mayor numero de progenies sobre la especie de plaga enfocada, el afido pardo de los citricos sobre Citrus.
Este parasitoide, no como la mayoria de los afidiidos Hymenoptera , no produjo momias sobre cualquiera de las plantas hospederas probadas cuando fue criado sobre el afido negro de los citricos, T. Asi, el muestreo para momias de L. Este parasitoide requiere una alta humedad relativa para producir los adultos por que ningun adulto emergio cuando las momias fueron mantenidas en capsulas de gelatina, pero una tasa alta de emergencia de adultos fue observada cuando se mantuvo las momias en platos con agar al 1.
Ademas de esto, nosotros comparamos el color de 6 especies de afidos hospederos, asi como el color de las momias producidos por L. El color de las momias varia entre las especies de afidos hospederos y las plantas hospederas probadas, por lo que no es una herramienta util para la identificacion de L. Insertion of Astronomy as a High School Subject. Astronomy is considered among the first sciences that man dominated, however, the basic skills for the construction of knowledge, relatively to the contents "Earth and the Universe" are not being developed properly for the majority of students concluding the high school level.
The students are concluding this teaching cycle without proper knowledge of several subjects in the area of Astronomy, which are mandatory in the national Curricular National Parameters PCN. Because of this discrepancy, this work stresses the need of the incorporation of a specific subject of Astronomy in the high school, in order to reduce the gap between what is taught and which should be taught. Primary or secondary neoplasms can affect the heart. Secondary are more common. However, primary neoplasms are relevant because is a group with diverse genesis, behavior, treatment and clinical manifestations.
We present a case of a 45 year-old woman, with recurrent syncope started 1 year before her first consult. She had palpitations and chest pain. Echocardiography identified a left atrium mass of 2. Endomyocardial biopsy document a primary rhabdomyosarcoma of the heart. The patient dies after a overall-survival of 22 months. This case presented had a good study of its symptoms with an accurate diagnosis and early treatment, which provided prolonged survival of this rare and aggressive neoplasm. Outdoor playgrounds can be exciting places where children explore their environment and develop motor and social skills; however, they can also pose serious safety hazards.
With the exception of California, no mandatory state or federal standards currently exist regarding manufacture or installation of playground equipment or surfaces. Characterization of coke, or carbonaceous matter, formed on CoMo catalysts used in hydrodesulfurization unit in oil refinery. By contrast, when the feed is LGO mixed with residue desulfurization gas oil, the catalyst is deactivated slowly. Hoping to understand why, the authors focused on the coke formed on the catalysts during the HDS reaction. The result of a comprehensive analysis of the coke suggested that the ways coke formed and grew on the catalysts may differ depending on the feeds used, which in turn could affect the deactivation behaviors of the catalysts.
The function of English as a lingua franca for communication needs rethinking in the teaching of English as a foreign language classroom as a consequence of globalisation. The present contribution is an empirical study carried out in an Italian university environment which aims to show how teachers should take on board awareness raising activities….
A description of the foreign language curriculum at the university level in which courses in simultaneous translation are required. The size and composition of the groups are described as well as methods used to develop skill in translating and interpreting. This discussion of programed instruction begins with the fundamental psychological aspects and learning theories behind this teaching method. Negative and positive reinforcement, conditioning, and their relationship to programed instruction are considered. Different types of programs, both linear and branching, are discussed; criticism of the….
An analysis of a poem by San Juan de la Cruz St. John of the Cross , the sixteenth century Spanish mystic, identifies symbols and images, explains themes, and offers a synthesis of his structural patterns. The poem, "Tras de amoroso lance", deals with the theme of the search of the beloved i. The guide presents the newly-developed curriculum of the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana at Iztapalapa Mexico for its program in English as a foreign language.
An introductory section provides background information on the initiative to design a new curriculum. The second section presents the principles on which the curriculum and its methods…. This action research examines experiences that students in a grade 10 EFL class had with redesigning a grammar-unit into a topic-based unit.
Strategies were formulating significant learning goals and objectives, and implementing and reflecting on activities with three dimensions of Dee Fink's taxonomy of significant learning: Como ayudar a los padres a prevenir el envenenamiento por plomo Helping Parents Prevent Lead Poisoning. Children are at greater risk than adults for lead poisoning because children absorb lead more readily than adults, and a small amount of lead in children's bodies can do a great deal of harm. This Spanish-language Digest summarizes some of the causes and effects of childhood lead poisoning and suggests some lead poisoning prevention strategies….
Being a family day care provider is work that requires professional responsibilities and attention to the physical, emotional, and educational well-being of children; listening and responding to parents; and running a business. This videotape, in English- and Spanish-language versions, explores the elements involved in starting up a family day….
Comparative behavioral toxicity of four sulfhydryl radioprotective compounds in mice: Wr, cysteamine, diethyldithiocarbamate, and n-acetylcysteine. A number of sulfhydryl compounds have been shown to protect against ionizing radiation. One of the most effective radioprotectors is S-2 3-aminopropylamino ethylphosphorothioic acid, also known aas ethiofos, gammaphos, or WR Davidson, ; Giambarresi and Jacobs, This drug is currently under clinical investigation for its potential in protecting normal tissue during radiation treatment and chemotherapy Blumberg et al.
B-Mercaptoethylamine MEA, cysteamine was for years the standard against which the effectiveness of other radioprotectors was judged, but is more toxic than WR Giambarresi and Jacobs, Studies in a variety of animal species have shown significant behavioral toxicity after administration of WR Bogo et al. Prospects in the development of natural radioprotective therapeutics with anti-cancer properties from the plants of Uttarakhand region of India. Radioprotective agents are substances those reduce the effects of radiation in healthy tissues while maintaining the sensitivity to radiation damage in tumor cells.
Due to increased awareness about radioactive substances and their fatal effects on human health, radioprotective agents are now the topic of vivid research. Scavenging of free radicals is the most common mechanism in oncogenesis that plays an important role in protecting tissues from lethal effect of radiation exposure therefore radioprotectors are also good anti-cancer agents.
There are numerous studies indicating plant-based therapeutics against cancer and radioprotection. Such plants could be further explored for developing them as promising natural radioprotectors with anti-cancer properties. This review systematically presents information on plants having radioprotective and anti-cancer properties. Effects of low-energy laser insolation upon the development of postradiation syndrome.
Basic pathogenic research as well as the studies of clinical therapeutic aspects dealing with the long-term gamma radiation effects are of utmost significance nowadays.
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The main goal of the present study was to establish the capability of low-energy laser insolation to oppose the free radical oxidative chain reactions inherent to the effects of radiation. Adequate doses of low- energy laser insolation were shown to produce positive effects upon the metabolism similar to those of pharmacologic radioprotectors. La meta del ETV es verificar, a travs de una evaluacin de informacin objectiva y de calidad, las caracteristicas del desempeo de tecnologas comerciales ambientales.
As el ETV proporciona a los compradores y los licenciadores potenciales una valoracin imparcial y creble d Role of drugs in the prevention and amelioration of radiation induced toxic effects. As the use of radiation technology for nuclear warfare or for the benefits of mankind e. Through this review paper, efforts have been done to critically review different compounds which have been investigated as radioprotectors and radiation mitigators.
Radioprotectors are compounds which are administered just before or at the time of irradiation so as to minimize the radiation induced damage to normal tissues. And radiation mitigators are the compounds which can even minimize or ameliorate post irradiaion-toxicity provided they are administered before the onset of toxic symptoms. A variety of agents have been investigated for their preventive and ameliorative potential against radiation induced toxic effects. This review article has focused on various aspects of the promising representative agents belonging to different classes of radioprotectors and mitigators.
Many compounds have shown promising results, but till date only amifostine and palifermin are clinically approved by FDA. To fill this void in pharmacological armamentarium, focus should be shifted towards novel approaches. Compton scattering by internal shields based on melanin-containing mushrooms provides protection of gastrointestinal tract from ionizing radiation. There is a need for radioprotectors that protect normal tissues from ionizing radiation in patients receiving high doses of radiation and during nuclear emergencies.
We investigated the possibility of creating an efficient oral radioprotector based on the natural pigment melanin that would act as an internal shield and protect the tissues via Compton scattering followed by free radical scavenging. CD-1 mice were fed melanin-containing black edible mushrooms Auricularia auricila-judae before 9 Gy total body irradiation. The location of the mushrooms in the body before irradiation was determined by in vivo fluorescent imaging. The crypts of mice given black mushrooms showed less apoptosis and more cell division than those in control mice, and their white blood cell and platelet counts were restored at 45 days to preradiation levels.
The role of melanin in radioprotection was proven by the fact that mice given white mushrooms supplemented with melanin survived at the same rate as mice given black mushrooms. The ability of melanin-containing mushrooms to provide remarkable protection against radiation suggests that they could be developed into oral radioprotectors. Reacciones de intercambio de carga. El espectro de los iones, es un espectro ZEKE.
Prototype of a computerized scale for the active search for potential organ donors.

Gastric cancer GC is the third leading cause of cancer death worldwide; both environmental and genetic factors are involved in the etiology of this neoplasia. The human epidermal receptor HER pathway is essential for proliferation and differentiation of normal cells; but it is also implicated in the growth of cancer cells. In this work we investigate the molecular alterations in genes that encodes for HER receptors reported in GC, as well the role as therapeutic targets. We reviewed the literature reported to date regarding overexpression of HER-receptors, amplification and somatic mutations in ERBB genes occurred in gastric tumors, as well as the anti-HER therapies tested for treatment of GC.
The only drug anti-HER approved for using combined with chemotherapy, in treatment of patients with advanced GC is trastuzumab; however, other targeted therapies are being investigated. The role of the HER family as a therapeutic target has not shown significant improvements in recent years; hence, further studies are required to find better options for treatment of GC. Building Your Baby's Brain: Una guia para padres de familia. Noting that all parents can help their baby's brain to grow, this guide, in English- and Spanish-language versions, explores what science has learned about infant brain development and how parents and caregivers can influence cognitive development.
The presence of institutions on the internet is nowadays very important to strenghten communication channels, both internal and with the general public. These are one of the fundamental pillars for outreach activities, and serve as communication channel for events and scientific, academic, and outreach news. They are also a source of information for the staff, as well as data related to the Observatory internal organization and scientific production. Several statistical studies are presented, based on data taken from the visits to the official web pages.
I comment on some aspects of the role of web pages as a source of consultation and as a quick response to information needs. Parent Power in the Migrant Education Program: How to Make a Difference. The bilingual English-Spanish handbook explains the established rights that parents with children enrolled in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title I Migrant Education Program have and presents ways in which parents can use these rights to help ensure that their children receive a quality education.
The "Mastery Learning" group showed significant gains in the cognitive and affective domains. Results suggested Mastery Learning is a more effective method of teaching…. Sound in ecclesiastical spaces in Cordoba. Architectural projects incorporating acoustic methodology El sonido del espacio eclesial en Cordoba. El proyecto arquitectonico como procedimiento acustico. This thesis is concerned with the acoustic analysis of ecclesiastical spaces, and the subsequent implementation of acoustic design methodology in architectural renovations.
One begins with an adequate architectural design of specific elements shape, materials, and textures , with the intention of elimination of acoustic deficiencies that are common in such spaces. These are those deficiencies that impair good speech intelligibility and good musical audibility. The investigation is limited to churches in the province of Cordoba and to churches built after the reconquest of Spain and up until the 18th century.
Selected churches are those that have undergone architectural renovations to adapt them to new uses or to make them more suitable for liturgical use. The thesis attempts to summarize the acoustic analyses and the acoustical solutions that have been implemented. The results are presented in a manner that should be useful for the adoption of a model for the functional renovation of ecclesiastical spaces.
Such would allow those involved in architectural projects to specify the nature of the sound, even though somewhat intangible, within the ecclesiastical space. Jaime Navarro and Juan J. Sendra Copies of this thesis written in Spanish may be obtained by contacting the advisor, Jaime Navarro, E. Reina Mercedes, 2, Sevilla, Spain. National Dam Safety Program. Phase I Inspection Report.
La anglofonia y literaturas poscoloniales en la ensenanza de ingles como lengua extranjera Anglophonism and Postcolonial Literature in Teaching English as a Second Language. This paper, written in Spanish, focuses on the instruction of English as a Second Language in the context of cultural understanding, rather than from a purely linguistic point of view. It argues that foreign language instruction should include lessons in the field of sociology, anthropology, history, geography, politics, the arts, and popular….
Essa pode se constituir em ferramenta importante em casos similares. O processo de aquisicao das vogais semi-abertas "e,""o" portuges brasileiro como lingua estrangeira Vowels "e" and "o" in Brazilian Portuguese as a Foreign Language. Study looks at whether Spanish-speaking learners of Brazilian Portuguese as a foreign language demonstrates advantage or disadvantage in acquisition of semi-open vowels e and o. To research the question, eight students enrolled in first-year Portuguese were given a listening discrimination test composed of 18 minimal pairs to determine the extent….
The present article reports on a study that explores the effects of the emotional experiences of Mexican language learners on their motivation to learn English. In this qualitative research we present how emotions impact the motivation of university language learners in south Mexico. Results suggest that emotions, both negative and positive,…. Contents address 11 questions: In this community, nondiabetic first-degree relatives of people with diabetes are prime targets for intervention.
Therefore, the objective of this study was to explore the knowledge of diabetes and attitudes toward health behavior modification of Latino adults who are first-degree relatives of people with diabetes. Participants were recruited from three settings in the South Bronx a community-based organization, a faith-based organization, and a taxi station. The Common Sense Model was used to develop focus-group items. This model provides a framework for exploring illness representations along five domains: Responses were transcribed verbatim, and data analysis proceeded in the following order: Of the potential participants identified, 53 were found to be eligible, and 23 of these participated in the focus group.
Of these, 20 were Dominicans, 2 were Puerto Ricans, and 1 was Salvadorian. The mean age was Qualitative analyses resulted in codes that were grouped into 52 concepts, from which 9 categories and 4 overarching themes emerged. The dominant themes were 1 family, genetics, and culture play a major role in the etiology of diabetes; 2 being Latino and having a first-degree relative with diabetes makes getting diabetes inevitable, and, like a time bomb exploding, it is destined to happen; 3 once one develops diabetes, the physical and emotional consequences are devastating and destructive; and 4 diabetes can be "cured" through healthy eating and with insulin.
In this study, first-degree relatives of patients with diabetes were knowledgeable about the risks and consequences of diabetes. However, some participants felt that being Latino and having a first-degree relative with diabetes made one destined to have diabetes. Addressing this misperception through culturally tailored interventions has implications for diabetes prevention and may help to stem the diabetes epidemic in Latino communities.
This article aims at sharing a vital issue that emerged from the findings of a qualitative research study into collective responses of teachers of English as a foreign language to an extended change process in their Mexican university context from to The data generation process employed was comprised of semi-structured interviews as…. Among Hispanic immigrants in the United States US , learning English is considered necessary for economic and social achievement. Despite the recognized benefits of ESL programs, both at the individual and social levels, more research is needed to identify education strategies that effectively promote all aspects of learning English as a second language.
This article describes an ESL curriculum that incorporates a theory-based pedagogical approach specifically designed for immigrant Hispanic adults on the US-Mexico border region. The article also describes the implementation of the curriculum as well as the results of the evaluation, which was conducted using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative results indicate that the participants significantly improved their English proficiency L2. Qualitative results suggest that participants were positively impacted by both the content and pedagogical approaches used by the curriculum.
Their experience with the ESL class was positive in general. It can be concluded that the curriculum achieved its objective. This approach could serve as a model for second language teaching for adults. Planeamiento de la unidad didactica en le ensenanza del ingles como idioma extranjero Planning the Teaching Unit in the Instruction of English as a Foreign Language.
This paper discusses the use of the teaching unit as a means for organization in English-as-a-foreign-language classes. It lists the essential elements in the construction of such a unit: Cinquanta pazienti con tumore monolaterale della mammella e mammella controlaterale. A descriptive and cross-sectional study of patients with discal hernia assisted in "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba was carried out from December, to the same month of , to determine the clinical and imaging characteristics of this disorder by means of magnetic resonance.
The age group from 30 to 49 years, male sex, obesity as the main risk factor in the women and the excessive physical load in the men prevailed in the case material, as well as the pain, the lumbar localization and the right posterior centro-lateral and lateral hernias. It was found that the focal and diffuse protrusions turned out to be more common, associated with bony edema in the terminal plates, that the medullary compression and the secondary myelopathies were caused by cervical focal protrusions and the stenosis of the channel was mainly presented in the lumbar segment.
Full Text Available This paper investigates the influence of gender, age, income, and possession of a credit card on the impulsivity in e-commerce. The impulse buying is a type of unplanned purchase, defined as a consumer tendency to buy spontaneously, without reflection, in an immediate way, dominated by emotional attraction and absorbed by the promise of instant gratification.
The impulse buying phenomenon, associated to the online retail is still relatively new and extremely important. According to the results analysis, the unique variable that showed influence on impulsive behavior in online retail is personal income. This outcome was not noticed in the other variables studied. The impulsivity mean score of the sample was 24,84 points, which could vary between 11 and This suggests that the buying behavior on internet of analyzed students is guidance predominantly non-impulsive. Os resultados indicaram um a Miguel Santos Silva, Profa.
El estudio se ha realizado con 96 paci Resonancias de ondas electromagneticas. We describe in this paper a set of experiments designed to make qualitative and quantitative measurements on electromagnetic resonances of several simple systems. The experiments are designed for the undergraduate laboratory of Electricity and Magnetism in Physics. These experiments can help the students understanding the concept of resonance, which appears in different fields of Physics. This study examines the effectiveness of Post-Entry English Language Assessment PELA as a predictor of international business students' English writing performance and academic performance.
An intervention involving the implementation of contextualised English writing workshops was embedded in a specific business subject targeted at students who…. Como essa coautoria, caso exista, se configura nos discursos documentais participativos? Full Text Available http: Full Text Available Resumo: Para analise dos resultados foi realizado o lavado broncoalveolar.
Os riscos podem ser classificados em: Finance-led capitalism always has had a propensity for financial crises at key moments of its territorial expansion when bringing hitherto state-run economies into the orbit of market regulation. The current crisis, however, is different. Not only has it emanated from the center rather than hit somewhere at the periphery, but it also has revealed deep structural flaws in the institutional architecture of contracts, funds, and markets that have made up the new, deregulated system of finance. We are facing a systemic crisis, always an event of epic proportions and lasting impact.
We want to shed light on this significant moment. Confiabilidade da medida de espessuras musculares pela ultrassonografia Reliability of muscle thickness measurements using ultrasound. To determine the reliability of muscle thickness measurements of elbow and knee flexors and extensors using ultrasound, and to quantify the typical error associated to the measurements TEM. Muscle thickness between the adipose tissue and bone interfaces were measured at anatomical landmarks previously identified and recorded to assure the exact site for the retest. ANOVA did not identify any significant differences between the repeated measurements.
To determine whether the presence of late gadolinium enhancement LGE by cardiovascular magnetic resonance CMR predict adverse cardiac events in patients with ventricular arrhythmia.
LGE, systolic function and volumes of both ventricles were analyzed. At follow-up was assessed a combined end point: In this consecutive series of patients with ventricular arrhythmia we demonstrate a strong association between myocardial LGE and adverse cardiac events; this supports the hypothesis that myocardial fibrosis is an important arrhythmogenic substrate.
In addition, almost all individuals without LGE were free of events during follow-up suggesting that it is possible to identify through the CMR low-risk individuals who can be treated conservatively. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in biomedicine. Nuclear magnetic resonance is a powerful technique that can be used in a wide range of applications, such as the structural characterization of high molecular weight molecules, conformational studies on enzymes in solution, enzyme-substrate or DNA-protein interactions, monitoring of cell metabolism in vivo, and for diagnostic purposes, employing spectroscopic and imaging techniques.
This course was organized in order to introduce the participants to the fundamentals of NMR spectroscopy, and offer practical advice on performing NMR experiments on cell systems, cell and tissue extracts and animal models. The main implications regarding human experiments were also discussed. Finally the quantification of information and the interpretation of data were considered with regard to the main nuclei observed. As respostas variaram bastante. Dentro das respostas oferecidas o resultado foi: Acreditamos que novas pesquisas envolvendo metodologia.
Os sujeitos foram 16 alunos e dois tutores envolvidos na disciplina. In a different move began. As colheitas foram feitas nos seguintes momentos: Foram analisados os processos julgados entre fevere Foram empregados 19 animais adultos, sadios, separados em dois grupos, sendo um de 10 G1 e outro de 09 G2. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que a levomepromazina e a acepromazina minimizam a arritmia ventricular induzida pela adrenalina, nas doses empregadas. Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar a quantidade de gases causadores de efeito estufa emitidos anualmente pela bovinocultura no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul.
Formicedae em veredas impactadas pela monocultura de Eucaliptus. Regulation of expression of pectate lyase genes pelA , pelD, and pelE in Erwinia chrysanthemi. These three genes are clustered on a 5-kilobase DNA fragment in the order pelD-pelE-pelA and constitute three independent transcriptional units. We localized the pelDEA cluster near the pro-1 marker on the genetic map of B by chromosomal mobilization with RP Three classes of regulatory mutations responsible for constitutive pectate lyase synthesis have been described kdgR, gpiR, and cri.
We studied the effects of each mutation on pelE, pelD, and pelA expression independently. The mutations kdgR and gpiR mainly affect the expression of pelE and pelD, although PLa synthesis is slightly increased. The cri mutation results in a low level of constitutive expression of the three pel genes, but it is a pleiotropic mutation since other genes not involved in pectinolysis are also affected. In addition, we demonstrated that exuR, a negative regulatory gene governing the catabolism of hexuronates, does not modify the expression of pel genes. The frequency of gpiR or cri mutations about 10 -8 and the resulting constitutivity of pectate lyase synthesis suggest that these genes act as negative regulatory genes in addition to kdgR, which is already known to encode a repressor.
Moreover, we found that expression of pel-lac fusions carried on pBR derivatives was higher in E. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 75 moradores. Asteraceae, Fabaceae e Lamiaceae. Scanlan, Staubli e Rauschning e Bernard. Estenose degenerativa do canal lombar: Dor lombar foi a queixa mais frequente em ambos os grupos. Characterization and functional assay of a fatty acyl-CoA reductase gene in the scale insect, Ericerus pela Chavannes Hemiptera: Ericerus pela Chavannes Hemiptera: Coccoidae is an economically important scale insect because the second instar males secrete a harvestable wax-like substance.
We predicted a aa protein with the FAR family features from the deduced amino acid sequence. The EpFAR protein was localized by immunofluorescence only in the wax glands and testis. S CoA and to its corresponding alcohol. The data illuminate the molecular mechanism for fatty alcohol biosynthesis in a beneficial insect, E. Nesse sentido, a responsabilidade do professor, por sua abordagem do texto, tem um papel central.
Pela igualdade For equality. The paper will discuss the new politics of identity that are been proposed in order to combat racism. It will also reflect on the racialization of public policies and of our costumes. The question raised in the paper is what is the real purpose of these new policies?
Describing the myth of racism and also the myth of the combat of racism in Brazil the recent history of the introduction of policies based on "race" will be analyzed. The question is what is the aim of introducing "race" in our juridical system? What is the aim of such a radical change in our concept of nation? The modulus value of bituminous materials is a key factor in the design of road pavements and the estimation of their life service.
This parameter can be measured in laboratory but, unfortunately, this requires the deterioration of the pavement so as the consumption of time and resources. Therefore, this study analyses the feasibility of using impact resonance frequency tests as an alternative to traditional methods for determining the dynamic modulus of bituminous mixtures.
The sensitivity of this technique has been studied by analyzing its repeatability and reproducibility, studying the variations in the values measured by modifying the dimensions of the specimens, test temperatures and types of mixture tested. In addition, this non-destructive technique has been compared with other traditional tests used to determine the elastic properties of bituminous materials. The results show that this test could be an interesting tool to characterize the properties and damage state of asphalt layers. Los resultados muestran este ensayo como una herramienta interesante para caracterizar.
Observou-se uma mesma produtividade com o uso de 20 kg ha-1 de S0 no solo ou de 6 kg ha-1 via foliar. The objective of this work was to evaluate the elementary sulfur S0 assimilation applied on soybean leaves, and its efficiency compared to the fertilization done in the soil, according to the dose and nature of the nutrient source. The S0 applied to leaves, independently of the dose and source, was assimilated by the plant, what resulted in increase of total protein content in the leaf.
All S sources applied to leaves increased the grain yield, similarly to the application to the soil. The same productivity was observed with the use of 20 kg ha-1 of S0 in the soil or 6 kg ha-1 applied to leaves. The elementary S application efficiency on leaves, based on the content of total soluble protein, was superior to application efficiency on soil.
Alguns resultados da pesquisa "Responsabilidade e garantias ao adolescente autor de ato infracional: Since its approval, The Child and Adolescent Act has been attacked for several critics in the public debate. However neither the specialized dogmatic nor jurisprudence have presented effective efforts to the comprehension of the law or its principles, especially related to internment measures applied to young offenders. A iniciativa deu-se em virtude da vontade de prover estimulo a alunos, em sua maioria trabalhadores, os quais, cansados da jornada de trabalho, acabam perdendo interesse pelos estudos.
Se han observado cuatro sistemas de lineas. La parte central del espectro puede tambien producirse por irradiacion gamma pura. Se exponen brevemente los resultados de la regeneracion por recocido termico y por irradiacion, estudiada por electroforesis. Predprinimaja popytku ustanovit' i dat' harakteristiku jetim defektam s. The Amazon Rainforest is one of the most important topics of transnational activism.
Based on the assumption that the consumption of timber in the Northern hemisphere is largely responsible for deforestation, campaigners have focused on the global timber trade. From a strategy of boycotting tropical timber in the s. Para tanto, foi realizado uma estudo quantitativo, com corte During the FHC government there was an attempt to substitute the reactive Brazilian foreign policy agenda, dominated by the logic of autonomy via distance, by a new proactive international agenda, determined by the logic of autonomy through integration.
According to this agenda, the country should increase its power over the control of its destiny and sort out its problems by actively adhering to the elaboration of norms and guidelines for the conduct of the administration of global order. However, this integration, adhesion and participation policy was not fully followed up by the taking of standpoints that implied practical responsibilities because of structural disabilities.
The responsibilities would prepare both government and civil society for an international insertion at a higher level, in the post-Cold War era. The gains achieved during the FHC terms in office were not sufficient to significantly alter the Brazilian position within the world context. As doses aplicadas ao solo variaram de 0 a 4 kg ha-1 para Zn, de 0 a 4,4 kg ha-1 para B e de 0 a 15,6 kg ha-1 para Mn. Todos os pacientes ficaram satisfeitos com o resultado. Measurement of resonance parameters of cross-sections affecting fast-neutron propagation in various media; Mesure des parametres de resonance de sections efficaces lies a la propagation des neutrons dans differents milieux; Izmerenie parametrov rezonansnoj struktury sechenij, vliyayushchikh na rasprostranenie bystrykh nejtronov v sredakh; Medicion de los parametros de resonancia de las secciones eficaces que afectan a la propagacion de los neutrones rapidos en distintos medios.
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- pela resonancia magnetica: Topics by www.newyorkethnicfood.com.
- Le règlement insolvabilité: Apport à la construction de lordre juridique de lUnion européenne (Collection droit de lUnion européenne - Thèses t. 32) (French Edition).
Actuellement, les donnees dont on dispose sur les parametres de resonance dans le domaine des neutrons rapides ne sont pas suffisantes pour calculer ces moyennes avec la precision necessaire. Les donnee recueillies montrent que les effets de resonance influent fortement sur les caracteristiques de diffusion de la matiere. El intervalo energetico dentro del cual la resonancia ejerce una influencia decisiva sobre la. This article seeks to analyze, within the recent history of social movements that struggle for agrarian reform in Brazil today, the build of the land rights as a human right.
Since the s, the interaction between peasant movements, the progressive church and the transnational network of human rights has converged into this idea that the land rights are a human right, which not only has marked the character of the struggle for land in Brazil, but has also influenced the way in which the human rights movement has been constructed in the country and how it has taken its place within the transnational network of human rights activism.
Saussure e o discurso: Uma abordagem discursiva da censura no Brasil em tempos de ditadura: Fazendo uso da palavra cantada, falou, apesar da censura. The article examines, in the light of the historical experience of the U. Addresses the tension between national security and civil liberties and how the Democrat did an option for safety, repeating the pattern of previous presidents. Verificou-se que a TI Verde pode ser mensurada: Between and the occurrence of murders increased continuously in the Northeast of Brazil, with all the states of the region except Pernambuco reporting expressive growth in this crime rate.
Foram feitos a soma dos investimentos anuais dos indicadores sociais de ambiente interno destas empresas, o quanto as empresas, investiram por ano, em seu ambiente interno. A literature review is conducted on the solitary pulmonary nodule, to determine the diagnostic methods and specific characteristics. The diagnostic methods used have been: The radiological features are defined: Los metodos de diagnostico utilizados han sido: Las caracteristicas radiologicas son definidas: The objective of this study was to analyze, on the national level, the process of.
As condutas adotadas foram: The aim was to describe the profile of postpartum women attended to at the physical therapy service in a public maternity house in Betim, MG, as well as the treatment they received. The study drew on a total of medical charts of postpartum women, contaning personal, clinic and physical therapy data. Most women were young, married, housewives, multiparous, and from Betim. As to breast evaluation, most women had simetric and secretive breast, protruded nipples, few nipple traumas or breast-feeding difficulty having.
Full Text Available The response to B in agricultural systems of sugar cane is still an unexplored issue; B application has however recently been widely publicized and used with a certain degree of frequency. The use of 10B-labeled fertilizers may further contribute to clarify this practice.
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The experiment consisted of the installation of microplots 2 x 1. The solution was applied to the soil on both sides of the plant row at a distance of 20 cm. Foram comparados os dois grupos: Rectopexy is the most common technique used to correct rectal prolapse. Perineal procedures such as the Delorme technique and others are employed for older frail patients with significant comorbidity because of the higher recurrence rate. This study evaluated results of the Delorme technique and. To identify women's perceptions on men's participation in contraception. Home interviews in the southern region of the city of S.
Paulo, SP, Brazil, were carried out. The participant sample was of female users of reversible contraceptive methods, who claimed to have sexual partners at moment of the interview. Statistical analysis of the demographic variables and. This study estimates for the Brazilian fruit trees, mainly banana, orange, apple, melon and grape, the relative demand for chemicals, considering total expenses and quantity demanded for active principle per hectare, from to It is also established a comparative analysis among this demand with ones made by the main Brazilian crops soybean, maize, sugar cane and coffee, that are predominating in terms of grown area and dominating, in absolute terms, of chemicals total expenses and consume of active principle volume in Brazil.
Yet, determines, in absolute terms, the importance of fruit trees in chemicals total expenses and active principle consume, especially acaricides and fungicides. It concludes, about the importance of estimated relative demand for fruit trees, that it is higher than the ones by the mainly commercial crops in the country, offering indicators for the demand and market behavior to chemicals different classes by.
For this reason, we carried out a bibliographical investigation as well as a field research whose data were analyzed according to the quantitative and qualitative approaches. The results pointed out a balance in relation to the amount of women in management tasks. As concerns the use of information. A qualitative study was performed to: A structured form was used to collect social, economic, and demographic data.
The content analysis technique was used for data analysis. The majority of couples opted for vasectomy as a last resort after attempting numerous other contraceptive methods, not always successfully. Estudos anteriores por outros autores mostraram que as toxalbuminas de A. Quem ainda quer ser professor?
Compreender esses rituais contribui para o oferecimento de cuidado de enfermagem culturalmente congruente. Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the postpartum bovine endometritis treatment by intrauterine and intramuscular administration of tetracycline. Forty six cross bred cows diagnosed by gynecological exam with postpartum endometritis were assigned randomly in two treatments: The interval from treatment until first estrous was Although not to have had differences in the clinical recovery rate, the use of the oxitetracycline managed for way IU in the postpuerperal treatment of endometrites in cows revealed more efficient in the reduction of the interval between the treatment and first heat and first insemination, beyond presenting lower cost that the treatment with oxitetracycline managed for way IM KEY WORDS: Bovine, postpartum endometritis, intrauterine, intramuscular, oxitetracicline.
Considering that cooperation among enterprises contributes significantly to improve the product performance in a supply chain, this work presents a method for analyzing the enterprise cooperation focused on the exchange of information among firms. Two indicators are used: The measurement of the intensity and the extension indicators for each enterprise was carried out through a questionnaire that was answered by staff members of auto parts companies, and some relevant conclusions are presented. O artigo discute dois temas afins: In this paper two topics art adressed: The mecanism and treatment are discussed; 2 the cytotocic drug-induced lung diseases and their pulmonary reaction patterns.
Radiation, Cytotocic Drugs, Lymphocitic Alveolitis. The electrophoretic analysis of sera from guinea pigs was made with complement inactivated by ultraviolet radiations. It was found that the quantity of albumin changed, and an increase of the corresponding electrophoretic area of the globulins-alpha also took place, therefore, confirming the observations made previously that the fraction of the complement destroyed by ultraviolet radiations is its second component albumin fraction, C2.
Los hallazgos anormales fueron: To evaluate hearing of newborns with congenital toxoplasmosis identified by the newborn screening service. This prospective study analyzed children with congenital toxoplasmosis identified by newborn screening IgM anti. To evaluate the cosmetic and functional results of patients submitted to surgical correction of Congenital High Scapula Sprengel's Deformity using modified Green's Procedure, as well as patients' satisfaction and complications.
Nine patients submitted to surgical treatment from September to April have.
The traditional methods of weed control in cultivated pasture do not meet society's present and future needs of protecting natural resources and life quality. An alternative to this problem could be the use of secondary metabolites produced by plants. These products present few risks to the environment and meet society interests.
1 customer review
Therefore, this research was carried out to isolate, identify and characterize the allelopathic activity of. Turismo receptivo em Curitiba: The objective of this work was to evaluate the growth and physiological indexes of the melon crop in function of accumulated degree-days and to determine the relationship between the physiological index and yield of the crop in soil covered with plastic film in the colors black, silver, yellow, and brown, and of the uncovered soil as witness.
The relative growth rate for the number of leaves and leaf area index were influenced by soil cover and decreased with the development of the plant; the highestproductivity of marketable fruits was registered on plastic soil coverage. Full Text Available It is argued in this paper the possible alignment between scientific activities and technological research carried out by universities and the guidelines of public policies on science and technology in Brazil.
As a way of delimiting the field of analysis, without compromising the scope of this paper, we restricted our focus on the federal public universities in Minas Gerais State and we checked the possible convergence with the Industrial Policy and Foreign Trade PITCE. Os principais resultados foram: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, de natureza quanti-qualitativa, realizado por meio de pesquisa survey.
The goal of this article is to outline the profile of the support offered by the Brazilian incubators to the incubated companies. This is a descriptive study, based on both quality and quantity, done through a survey. The target of the research was Brazilian incubators, having heard from 37 of them. The data collection was based on questionnaire sent through e-mail to the coordinators of the incubators. The study began with a brief theoretical foray about incubators of companies. After that, the adopted methodological procedures are identified.
Then, the description and the analysis of the data collected are done. At last, the conclusion of the study and recommendation for future researches are presented. Resposta a Marco Ruffino. The paper proposes a method of teaching and a curriculum structure constructed on the epistemological work of Karl Popper and also elements in Problem Based Learning PBL. The Pedagogical Project includes the elimination of traditional disciplines by organizing the curriculum and has a modular structure for interdisciplinary topics. The text contains, for better visualization of the proposal, a hypothetical grade and the possibilities of organizing time frame.
Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the cutting ability of chemical vapor deposition CVD diamond burs coupled to an ultrasonic dental unit handpiece for minimally invasive cavity preparation. One standard cavity was prepared on the mesial and distal surfaces of 40 extracted human third molars either with cylindrical or with spherical CVD burs. The cutting ability was compared regarding type of substrate enamel and dentin and direction of handpiece motion.
The morphological characteristics, width and depth of the cavities were analyzed and measured using scanning electron micrographs. Quarenta camundongas adultas foram divididas, aleatoriamente, em dois grupos, a saber: O restante dos animais foi acasalado, constituindo dois grupos: To evaluate the morphological changes in murine cornea upon metoclopramide-induced hyperprolactinemia during the proestrous phase or pregnancy.
Forty adult mice were divided. Entre o segundo e o terceiro teste de chuva simulada ocorreram 57 mm de chuva natural; entre o terceiro e o quarto, 21 mm; e entre o quarto e o quinto, 30 mm. Essa mesma rugosidade apresentou coeficiente de decaimento temporal semelhante nos sistemas de manejo. A taxa de crescimento absoluto da planta e dos frutos foram ,25 e ,75 g planta-1 dia-1, aos 74 e 79 dias, respectivamente. O K foi o nutriente mais absorvido pela planta, seguido do N e Ca.
Os frutos exportaram 51,0 kg ha-1 de N; 12,4 kg ha-1 de P; 61,4 kg ha-1 de K; 3,6 kg ha-1 de S; 8,8 kg ha-1 de Ca e 3,5 kg ha-1 de Mg, e 11,4 g ha-1 de Cu; 61,6 g ha-1 de Zn; ,6 g ha-1 de Fe e 44,3 g ha-1 de Mn. The samplings of plants were taken at 28; 42; 56; 70; 84, and 98 days after the sowing DAS for dry matter determination of leaves, stem, flower, fruit and root. The plants grew slowly up the 56 DAS. Full Text Available Objetivo: A coleta de dados foi realizada pelos sites daSuframa e da Receita Federal.
Abstract This paper aims to determine whether the creation of the Free Zone of Manausbrought positive benefits to the economy of Manaus and, to some extent, for theState of Amazonas. In the theoretical reference was used the theory of the poles, thetheory of the basic and socioeconomic indicators. It addressed to various aspects ofthe Free Zone of Manaus, as legislation, historical evolution, results and difficulties.
The research is characterized as exploratory, descriptive andexplanatory. The technical procedures used were the bibliographic and documentaryresearch. The data collection was performed by sites of Suframa and the ReceitaFederal. The results indicate that the tax reliefs were significant, but smaller thosegranted in South and Southeast; nevertheless. Um total de moradores foram entrevistados.
As MPs mais utilizados foram: Erva-Cidreira Lippiaalba Mill N. O cultivo que cada criatura humana tem de si mesma inclui o compromisso com a fraternidade. The article presents a reading of the Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et spes, accentuating the anthropological-theological dimension as the basis for the unification of mankind. The Second Vatican Council was an event which envisionedall humanity, starting from the truth of the human being as being created in the image of God.
Therefore, the absolute affirmation of each human being constitutes a starting point for the formation of human subject compromised with the humanization that is inclusive. The globalization of the current epoch becomes imperative to that affirmation. Attention to interiority, to the voice of conscience, that is before God, calls the human being to opt for truth and good. The cultivation that each human being has of itself includes the commitment to fraternity. This results in a true kairos, which requires fundamental attitudes and decisions for the.
The nutrients uptake curve of lettuce plants for seed production was evaluated. A randomized block design was used, with five replicates and six treatments periods of plant collection: The greatest increase in the plant dry matter occurred after the marketable point 34 DAT. The period of greatest demand for nutrients was between the beginning of the stem elongation stage and the beginning of the flowering stage. We also observed that for most micronutrients the period of highest demand.
This paper studies the debt cost effect caused by the payment order when liquidating its liabilities in case of corporate bankruptcy established by the current Bankruptcy Legislation. The current Brazilian bankruptcy regulation defines that employee, social security and fiscal liabilities must be settled before other liabilities such as asset backed debt securities, suppliers and loans.
Therefore, there is a subordination of financial liabilities - loans and financing contracted with banks and investors compared to those liabilities with liquidation priority. This research estimates the cost of subordination of financial liabilities. First, we applied the binomial model to estimate the present value of corporate liabilities and its. Do companies who stand out for information quality for external users also stand out for the use of modern management accounting artifacts?
Este estudo tem dois objetivos principais: Empirical studies have indicated low levels of adoption of modern management accounting artifacts, as suggested by the literature. Accounting theory encompasses the assumption that accounting should effectively assist both internal and external users. The present study aims at two main goals: O pigmento foi previamente modificado por um titanato em heptano. This paper discusses the emergence of market logics in the regulation of the educational offer and provision, through the free school choice of students and parents.