Total Determination (Hypnosis & Subliminal)
This led to the modern practice of subliminal advertising, despite that he admitted in that he was lying. Many still debate whether the experiment even took place!
10 Facts about Subliminal Messages (that you WILL love) | Mental Floss
A Christmas advertising campaign for the game H? The attempt was deemed unsuccessful. After complaints, the FCC investigated but never assessed any penalties nor blame in the case. This led to accusations of subliminal advertising. That is, until someone discovered what could be seen in the ice cube on the right.
I've blurred it out, but that's not a bottle she's going to put in her mouth! The artist was fired and sued. All posters were recalled and a new campaign was launched.
Enjoy Total Focus
If you stacked two of the cans and turned them just right, the word SEX became apparent. However, a ban on tobacco advertising caused Ferrari and Marlboro to design a barcode style logo for the cars and jumpers in The design was quickly recognized as a subliminal advertisement for Marlboro cigarettes. Even after Ferrari removed the insignia, Marlboro pledged continued support for the team.

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