Puds Legacy: A Collection of Long and Short Stories
He presently lives in splendid isolation in the wilds of Strathearn in Scotland. Retiring from a business career in , Brendan has devoted himself to writing.

To date, he has published four novels, four biographies and several short story collections, details of all of which can be viewed on this site. Brendan is also the founder of McStorytellers http: Are You an Author? Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biog.
Showing 1 - 16 of all Results Books: This Time It's Personal 7 Jun Read this and over 1 million books with Kindle Unlimited. Borrow for free from your Kindle device.
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The Bookie's Runner 28 Jan Available to ship in days. Some stories I know are true yet, they are said to be fiction. Marketing non-fiction and short fiction successfully begins with acknowledging that fact, and finding ways to work around it. Hi am Thabelo I wrote a collection of short stories so I need someone who could read my stories and give me feedback and to correct me where I am wrong. I really need your help to achieve my dream.
www.newyorkethnicfood.com: Brendan Gisby: Books, Biography, Blogs, Audiobooks, Kindle
I design my own book covers for my books as I prefer to be able to market my books ie for the kindle and paper back market. I also prefer to include my family as my agent or to ask a friend who has had five books published. The Katherine Howard book about electronic publishing is an excellent book about entering the publishing market. Recently I have published a poetry anthology.
If I wanted to publish a short story collection what would you advise as an eye catching title? These titles suggest a wider sense of mood or topic, but also promise different examinations of that mood. Could you please help me out with the following queries: Optimum word range ii How many words should be there per page? Aim for accessible formatting — a sensible font size and spacing — and no-one will mind how many words are on the page.
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Your email address will not be published. Don't subscribe All Replies to my comments Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting. Click here to get started. Skip to primary navigation Skip to content Skip to footer Image: Self-publishing a short story collection Much of the same advice applies to self-publishers as to those wishing to find a third party publisher.
Comments I have a lot of short fictions… I should really group some of them! I have shot story am looking publisher who can publish my shot story My cell no [redacted]. Hi Rorisang, Thanks for your comment! Hi Robert, It sounds like you have a unique style that works well for you.
Any thoughts you may have on marketing such a collection will be much appreciated.
Want To Publish A Short Story Collection? Read This.
Hi Michael, Sounds like an interesting collection and a great central idea. At an average of words per story, that makes 16 stories. My rule of thumb: Publish when the paperback is thick enough to put a readable title on the spine. I use CreateSpace for my paperbacks.
Brendan Gisby
For CreateSpace, you need a minimum of pages to put text on the spine. That's maybe an 11 or 12 point font assuming all caps or small caps with no descenders , which is pretty darned small. The amount of text you need depends on a bunch of parameters that affect page count: I know numerous writers including me who publish collections with 5 stories. My one collection so far has words, including words of story content, an introduction for the collection, and — of author notes for each story.
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Enough to fill a book. Nov 24 '12 at 1: How big of a book? However big the publisher will offer a contract for.