Competition Law
Competition (antitrust) law
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Abstract Competition laws have become a mainstay of regulation in market economies. Published by Oxford University Press. For permissions, please e-mail: Company directors can be criminally liable in cases of a repeated abuse—e.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Recent Developments in Russian Competition Law.
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Recent developments in Russian Competition Law. Zimbler and Kirill Okorochenkov Russia's New Anti-Monopoly Law: A Brief Review Report. Seeing the need for stability and the growing threat of Communism , the United States backtracked on requiring Japan's enforcement of the AMA and instead encouraged the resurrection of Zaibatsu structures. Japan, which had grown increasingly independent of the United States in the s, succumbed to pressures from Japanese business and need for recovery from economic depression due to the end of the Korean War.
United Kingdom competition law
All cartels illegal under the original AMA were effectively legalized. Amendments were made to strengthen the AMA in the s due to, in part, pressures from American businesses. The oil crisis and price fixing by Japanese oil companies further garnered public opinion in Japan against the weakness of the AMA and its lack of enforcement. The new articles introduced authorised the JFTC to dissolve or divest a company based on barriers against market-entry, lack of price benefit for consumers and unreasonable profits.
However, the existence of cartels known as keiretsu are still legalized with the following notes.