Big Talk Small Walk Small Talk Big Walk - A Walk To Be Remembered
Sometimes I found myself saying "you don't have to apologize for what you think", but then remember her family and think "yes I guess you feel you do".
TALK BIG - Definition and synonyms of talk big in the English dictionary
Powers on an awesome book. The author candidly shared in a manner that was easy to relate to, clearly worded and with a refreshing approach. The first third of the book was a little difficult to get through because it made me look at my own unresolved issues; some of which I didn't know I had. Once through the first third, the feel totally shifted in a way that made me laugh hysterically, weep and gain hope.
The last third was the game-changer; healing began and my thought process has totally shifted. Thank you Mitzey Powers for having the courage to share, in hopes that lives are changed and that the call for a thought revolution would be heard. I heard you and this is a must read for anyone that needs hope, encouragement or to know that their life can change and they have the power to do it! A great read; had a hard time putting it down.
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I felt I was right there with her as she made her journey and could relate to a lot of what she has gone through. I felt I walked some of the journey and this book opened parts in me that had been closed for some time, the description of the walk would make you feel you were there andI can't wait to see the pics in the next book. Great read, very powerful and very engaging. I thought the book was very fascinating and inspirational. As I was reading through the book, I can't help but think how powerful and brave Mitzey Powers is - sharing the life that she had Get to Know Us.
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Meaning of "talk big" in the English dictionary
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Listen, if you don't talk big game, you never get anywhere. If you don't think big, you don't get big.
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Some people call it egotistical, some people call it high hopes, some people call it confidence. It's all in how you want to dissect it. Meaning of "talk big" in the English dictionary.
Big Talk Small Walk Small Talk Big Walk: A Walk To Be Remembered by Mitzey Powers (2013-10-31)
Synonyms and antonyms of talk big in the English dictionary of synonyms. Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about talk big. Look up, laugh loud, talk big , keep the color in your cheek and the fire in your eye, adorn your person, maintain your health, your beauty and your animal spirits.
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This book shows you exactly what one has to say to be more popular, persuasive and confident in any social situation. Diane Windingland, Leann H.