A Tale of Two Princesses
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Computers and Technology English as Second Language Importance of Learning Languages 8. Philosophy, Religion, and Ethics Physical and Health Education Vocational, Career Development, Business When Addie wakes up, she learns from Meryl, who seems different somehow, that they were rescued by fairies and taken to the top of Mount Ziriat. The rain had fallen everywhere, curing all with the Gray Death except those who were too close to death to save.
When Addie gained the courage to save her sister, and when the cowardly villagers redeemed themselves by helping Meryl and Addie, the fairies made water from their enchanted waterfall rain over all Bamarre.
Meryl also tells Addie that she, too, was one of those on the brink of death when the rain came, so the fairies could not truly save her. However, they offered to transform her into a fairy and join them in an endless battle against fearsome, monstrous creatures, the outcome of which affects the world below. Meryl accepted the offer, and is now a fairy, unable to return with Addie.
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Addie also learns from Meryl that she is now with Drualt, who was also transformed after leaving Bamarre, and that he had been the presence Addie felt in her darkest hours, cheering her up and giving her the strength to go on. Rhys and Addie marry and live happily ever after, with Meryl as Fairy Godmother to their children and grandchildren, the first after hundreds of years.
A Tale of Two Princesses
The book concludes with a Drault-like tale, recounting the adventures of the two Princesses of Bamarre. Various themes can be found throughout the text of The Two Princesses of Bamarre. Two major themes that are bounced between are courage and fear. Or rather, courage in the face of fear. With the fearful protagonist Princess Addie, we see a weak character who has no desire to leave her comfort zone and face difficult tasks.
Princess Addie hides in the shadow of her brave and adventure-seeking sister Meryl. This calls to attention yet another theme of unconditional love. As she participates in her quest, she frequently uses her magic spyglass to check up on her sister, constantly in a state of worry and compassion for Meryl. Each time Princess Addie glimpses her elder sister, her overwhelming sisterly love helps propel her towards her goal.
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The Two Princesses of Bamarre - Wikipedia
Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. August Learn how and when to remove this template message. This seems like exactly the sort of story I would love: I was never able to connect with the characters and their personalities were flat, there was nothing redeeming or endearing about them.
Aug 18, Deborah Gray rated it liked it. I liked that the author created a new fairy tale. There were a lot of twists and turns to keep the story unpredictable. However, I did not like or believe the ending which made it unsatisfying.
The Tale of Two Princesses: Episode 2
There seemed to be two or three plot holes near the end but I enjoyed reading the majority of it. Oct 06, Farzana rahmann rated it really liked it. Ok so I got this book as an ebook an I loved it it was funny and romantic and not very long. I'll defo reccomend it!! Alexandra Levy rated it really liked it Oct 06, Jessica Widjaja rated it really liked it Aug 28, Amber rated it really liked it Dec 22, Alice Rose rated it liked it Jun 20, Merin rated it it was amazing Apr 11, Maddie rated it really liked it Dec 07, Becky rated it it was amazing May 26, Nov 01, Lindsay marked it as kindle-i-own-to-read.
Sam Rees-minchella rated it really liked it Oct 20, Tiffany rated it it was amazing Apr 16, Lauren rated it it was ok Apr 29, KM rated it liked it Feb 28, Grace Baugher rated it liked it Dec 25, Gaby rated it liked it Dec 03, Molly rated it it was ok Jul 12, Mechila rated it it was amazing Jun 21, Silbenfresser rated it liked it Nov 11, Pilar Palos rated it it was amazing Aug 07,