Sins of Three - M/M/F Menage XXX Erotica
Quick read, hot sex scenes. Jul 08, Vanessa rated it really liked it Shelves: HOT novella with some menage action and two alpha prisoners. This author has become a top fave of mine as of late. I'm working a ton and don't have time for longer reads right now. If you want a quick, spicy read, this is a great author to check out.
Ridge and Hudson have been in prison for six months they share everything and they have been planning to visit the prison infirmary and Doctor Charlotte since they first saw her, they are going to have some fun with her. No guards or locked doors are going to protect Charlotte from this nightmare. I loved the final chapter. As I know what to expect with this series now I don't feel so bad for enjoying this taboo read.
A perfect quick read when you haven't got the time to get lost in a long read. View all 5 comments. Aug 18, Mitch Castro rated it really liked it Shelves: Menage at its dirtiest with all that spitting, boob fuck, H1 cum mixing with H2 cum inside h's pussy, and anything your dirty mind can comprehend.
The ending has a good twist though. And for that, 4-star. May 26, Ellen Gail rated it liked it Shelves: Quick, sexy, twisty, filthy, fun! Sep 16, Sybil aka Lala rated it did not like it Shelves: This book contains situations involving rape, forced submission, dubious consent, rape fantasy, and every other scenario surrounding that genre. Yeah shocker, didn't love this one.
I skimmed people, skimmed an Alexa Riley book. This one had more of a story, and really, why fucking bother? I think because there was From the Author: I think because there was more of a story and this is a really short read, the boom-chicka-bow-wow was rushed and really not as descriptive as I would have liked. This one had two guys, so double the fun right? More like double the boredom. This one didn't hit the spot for me. No author is perfect I guess.
View all 6 comments. Total smutfest and I liked it. We love you so much. Everything is ready, and now we can start our family. Sep 14, Elle rated it really liked it Shelves: There is no detail in the beginning. They have a mission. For that, both of men are planing to fuck their doctor in the prison. Yeah, there is a little story behind it. But i still focus on the sex. They're so HOT taking turns to raped the Doc. Two men with dirty mouth. Forget the reality when you read all Alexa Riley' books because this is my ultimate wet dream.
Thanks for making it true in the book ;D View all 7 comments. Jun 15, Delta marked it as not-rating Shelves: The series title, Forced Submission is not misleading; these are intense, erotic short stories written for the niche audience who enjoys rape fantasy and really course dirty talk that includes a lot of slut shaming and humiliation.
The c-word for women is kind of a turn off for me, so I am not rating, but I think that my friends who enjoy that type of story will like this one. The writing is good and the plot and development are what you would expect in a story this short. I read the first two b The series title, Forced Submission is not misleading; these are intense, erotic short stories written for the niche audience who enjoys rape fantasy and really course dirty talk that includes a lot of slut shaming and humiliation. I read the first two books, Taking What's Mine and Taking What's Ours and decided that these are not for me, but if those elements push all of your naughty buttons, you may enjoy Ms.
Riley's Forced Submission series. I'm pretty sure that I absolutely should not have enjoyed this non-con as much as I did! Without a doubt the twist at the end made me breathe a sigh of relief AND feel a little less guilt about enjoying it so much!! Feb 03, YaYa rated it really liked it. Damn Alexa Riley, always making something so wrong feel so fucking good.
Jul 08, Maya rated it really liked it Shelves: Maybe, but not for now. Love the authors writing style, you get two stories in one: Apr 30, Carmen Rae rated it liked it Shelves: What can I say? I love my Alexa Riley smut. Check out my reviews. Jun 20, Bettina Rose rated it really liked it Shelves: I used to have issues with Alexa Riley books, but upon reflection I've realized the problem was actually me. I needed to get off my high horse. I judged AR by the same standards as I judge other romances but what I've realized is AR is selling something specific--that's completely over-the-top Alpha's doing cheesy stuff.
So really, it's pretty stupid of me to have a problem when that's what I get when that's very clearly what's being sold. It just took me a couple of books to rea Pure smuttiness! It just took me a couple of books to realize that this was the whole AR brand. So now I forget about how ridiculous the heroes are, I don't expect them to be realistic, and I reach for a AR book whenever I want something that has hot alpha's being very dirty.
I actually love AR's forced submission series because it's the one time I know I'm going to get proper hot Forced Seduction Troupe that's actually quite safe. So I recommend this series. Jun 06, ilknur a. Sep 30, Riz rated it it was ok Shelves: To be honest, menage isn't my thing not my taste Alright I am back on track with Alexa. This one was hot. I love a menage. Yeah I'm weird I don't care. At first I was questioning my morals with this but towards the end I felt a lot better once everything was explained.
Feb 07, Maria rated it did not like it. Dec 08, Sophia Triad rated it really liked it Shelves: Two prisoners Hundon and Ridge, totally Alpha males, are obsessed with the prison doctor who is also the warden's girlfriend. They will stop at absolutely nothing to make her theirs. The story is dark with so many twists. Shit, he'd been thinking about her naked all weekend. Two months after Sam accepted the VP position, Logan and Sam have been doing their best to avoid each other up until this point, but they decide to give into their desires and decide to try a relationship.
Though this was likely the biggest mistake he'd ever made when it came to his career, something about Sam made it impossible for Logan to back off. So, now they could either walk away, pretend the earth didn't stop spinning when they were close, or she could make the next move. This woman did something to him that no other woman ever had, and he had to admit it scared him to death Throughout their relationship Logan introduces her to things she never dreamed she'd do, much less enjoy and he brings out her darkest desires.
Throughout the majority of this book, Sam battles with herself over giving into her darker desires, she is afraid other people would find what her and Logan do to be too taboo. Logan introduces her to his twin brother Luke, who is identical in everyway possible they so closely resemble each other that people have a hard time telling them apart - it is with Luke that Logan introduces her to the world of threesomes, and they use Luke as a third in their relationship several times throughout the book.
Logan and Sam fall in love, but have to deal with meddling co-workers.

The co-workers cause so many problems that, even though Logan's boss approves of Logan and Sam's relationship, he has to do something to resolve the problems. In order to resolve this issue, Sam is given a few choices- unfortunately since Logan is her boss, he has to deliver the news as to what her options are. Sam freaks out and disappears for 2 weeks back to San Antonio with minimal contact with Logan.
She's not only taking that time to think over her options she was given in regards to her job, but also thinking about her relationship with Logan during that time. She still has a hard time accepting the kinkier things she enjoys when she's with him and that she enjoys his more dominant side. When she returns 2 weeks later, Logan is upset that she was able to ignore him for the 2 weeks after they confessed their love for one another and he's upset she is still trying to deny her darker desires.
Sam was a sexy, sensual woman and the depths of her desire ran deep. She liked the darker side of her sexuality, and she'd met her match with Logan. She might be trying to run away, but Logan didn't back off easily. When he wanted something, he went for it. Logan comes up with a plan to show Sam that what she and Logan had engaged in was mild compared to what other's found pleasure in.
They bring in a 3rd man named Cole who has few limitations when it comes to sex, including gender. The whole night, was planned in hopes that Sam could finally come to terms with her darker urges. But now that Sam has had time to think over everything that happened that night, she finally becomes comfortable in her sexuality and with her darker desires.
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Sam goes to talk to Logan, I won't tell you what happens when she goes to see him, but I will say that they get their HEA. I want to stand beside my conviction, to love you, be loved by you. Even when doubts plague my mind, I want you to know that I will always trust you, always believe that you will take care of me.
And though I know you will share my body with Luke, I need to know that you will never share my love. You will always be mine. I have read every book in this series several times, and yes there is a lot of sex in these books but there is a story in each one and the stories actually develop more and get better as the series goes along. View all 16 comments. Wow, need a cold shower after this one or maybe a quick meet up with Logan and Company. Really liked it - sex scenes were really hot. The instant attraction of the two main characters was obvious - and they first saw each other by video link but you could feel the sexual tension in the air.
And when they met in person. Good lead in to the rest of the series as we got Wow, need a cold shower after this one or maybe a quick meet up with Logan and Company. Good lead in to the rest of the series as we got to meet some of the characters from the next couple of books. Should really read something nice and tame now?? View all 27 comments.
Oct 25, Jen rated it really liked it Shelves: View all 4 comments. May 18, XxTainaxX rated it really liked it. The book was well written and narrated. Logan meets Samantha when she gets promoted and he becomes her boss. There is a mutual attraction that they attempt to resist but of course, they are unable to. At first it all goes well enough with sexy times that were pretty darn hot. I liked seeing Sam's struggle with what is considered "normal" and her own desires. She is a strong independent woman that needs t The book was well written and narrated.
She is a strong independent woman that needs to work through her feelings and is lucky to have not one, not two, but up to three additional pairs of hands to help her sort through it all see what I did right there? She also needs to work out how her career fits into everything. The whole business with the third and who he was to Logan was a little out of my comfort zone but this is fiction so what the heck, right? Go big on the fantasies or go home lol All in all the sexy times just about melted my knickers and it had a good plot with great character development.
While there are two OM with H consent, there are no OW and let me tell you the h is a jealous one double standards, anyone? Obvs there is plenty of sharing. There is pushing away. I plan to devour each and every one Nicole's a master at writing erotic sensual seduction and exploring your darkest desires, this is Samantha's erotic self discovery and sexual awakening with Logan, but it's mor 4.
Nicole's a master at writing erotic sensual seduction and exploring your darkest desires, this is Samantha's erotic self discovery and sexual awakening with Logan, but it's more then just sex View all 15 comments. Jun 23, Jamie rated it liked it. I did like this one but I just didn't love it.. The sex was really very verrrryyy hot but I just never felt strongly about the chemistry between Sam and Logan.
I might still read others in the series.. The writing was good and the story did flow smoothly If I was rating the sex alone this would be a good 4. View all 7 comments. Christian Grey rated it liked it Shelves: Although this book was off the charts hot more than I thought possible, it lacked in every other area for me.
As an erotic book, if you enjoy that genre, this is probably a five star read. But I need more than just sex in every chapter to hold my interest. And while there was some plot, there wasn't enough to hold my interest. It took me entirely too long to finish this one. I wasn't invested in the characters at all. And only came back to this book when I wanted to read something spicy. I will s Although this book was off the charts hot more than I thought possible, it lacked in every other area for me.
I will say again, bravo to the author. This sex was scorching and made me envious at times of the characters. This is an extremely sexy novel with some very erotic scenes but it was difficult for me to buy into the actual relationship dynamic. The two main characters immediately felt a physical sexual attraction towards one another but how that developed into an emotional bonded love I'm just not sure It might be worth the read for those scenes alone!
As a series opener, I thought this one worked really well. So, the blurb says it all, Logan and Samantha share an undeniable, sizzling attraction for one another that they really were not going to be able to resist for very long. Both of them have relationship issues from past experiences that cloud their judgement today and both are slow As a series opener, I thought this one worked really well.
Both of them have relationship issues from past experiences that cloud their judgement today and both are slow to trust what is happening between them. I love the way that Logan slowly showed Samantha his dominant side and introduced her to more and more extreme sexual situations involving threesomes and, ultimately, a totally delicious foursome.
She doubts herself, she doubts Logan but Logan never once doubts what they are doing together and will move heaven and earth to ensure that they have a future together. View all 8 comments. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. And apparently the trend continues. Ok, the things I liked.
The sex was hot. The problem was the rest of the book. Honestly, I have been known to give erotica some slack for a thinner plot or characterization. Not quite as much these days since I've been introduced to some great books that have it all. However, it wasn't so much that there wasn't a plot, or attempts to create three demintioanl characters, but what was there, didn't make any sense. For the f 2.
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Frankly, this wouldn't usually be a big issue, but the whole, almost first half of the book was pretty much focused on Sam's job - how good she was at it currently, and if she should take a new positions. Finally at one point it was mentioned that she was in charge of internal software development projects. Again, I wouldn't care, but so much emphasis was put on her job, that the fact that you don't actually know what she does was beyond frustrating.
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Then there was this whole issue of the introduction of the threesome with Luke. Sometimes the more the merrier. However, it was basically the end of their first date. They had semi-public sex, which she seemed a bit wigged out about afterwords, and then without discussion, he adds his brother to the mix. They are in the middle of sexy-time when he mentions that there is another guy watching.
Now, Sam ends up being fine with that, but frankly, there was no way that Logan, at that point, could have know that. Personally, it seemed kind of a violation to go there without checking with her first when they hardly knew each other. Then there was all the crap with Logan's ex Heather. First it was he didn't really love her. The it was he cared about her, but she hurt him, then it was he didn't really care about her.
When she first forced the meeting with him in California, he was pissed rightly so I think , but then by the end he was all "oh, I'm so flattered that a beautiful woman like you would go to all that trouble. It also didn't make sense that an ex you haven't talked to in EIGHT YEARS is suddenly so interested she will risk her job to try and get him back, and then completely drop the whole thing after one conversation. Oh, and the stuff about her getting the consulting gig with Alex's company when she as to leave XTX, made less than zero sense. Alex is suppose to own a security company.
She is suppose to be in charge of managing internal software development protect for XTX. That has less than zero to do with security. The whole "punishment" sene was odd. Not so much want actually happened, but the fact that I was referred to as a "punishment". I don't understand where that came from, at all. Lastly, there is a clear distinction that Logan is sharing her body, but nothing else. This works since Luke pretty much says 20 words or less to Sam the whole book. Now, I could buy that, except that Luke is his brother, and he is marrying Sam.
I find the fact that they never talk almost bizarre. I didn't need a relationship between Sam and Luke, but it was weird how he just showed up for sex and then left - with zero interaction other wise. But to make it even odder, at the end there is a reference that Sam misses Luke, and "not just for they physical pleasure". One, I don't know how she could miss him for anything else since they have had zero interaction except that which involves the three of them getting it on, and there was no bonding between them except the physical kind at that point.
And, it's Logan thinking that Sam misses Luke, and he doesn't seem to care, which is odd since he is supposedly so possessive outside of sharing her body There were numbers other little things. Alex was called Adam a couple of times, There were some consistence issues, like the fact that there first meal together is a steak - but later in the book he questions if she likes steaks. All of it just added up to be too distracting for me to enjoy the good parts.
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I don't think it going to continue with this series. View all 9 comments. Can we say H. I tend to have slight reservations when starting a new book that I know is on the kinkier side, never sure if it will end up crossing lines I may or may not know I have. This one fell in that category after reading the blurb. Let me tell you, no lines were crossed and I found myself needing a cold shower on more than one occasion! Sorry if thats TMI! She's been burned pretty bad romantically and has some major trust issues.
Since her Can we say H. Since her work is all she has, she becomes pretty damn good at whatever it is she actually does. She gets this awesome promotion and moves to Dallas. Her boss, Logan, is one hot, alpha, dominating hunk of man! Yeah that lasts all of like a week! And let me just say, when these two get together, sparks fly! Add in a sexy threesome with Logan's hunky twin not as incestuous as I would have thought btw and then an earth shattering four-some and DAMN this is one smokin hot read! Oh and there's also the whole Sam's confused about her sexual 'deviousness' and whether she should be into all the kink or not Blah blah blah get back to those hunky men who are all about your pleasure woman!!!
I wasn't sure if I would want to read the next in the series, but after this one, I need to know what happens with Luke!!!!! View all 5 comments. I loved that he was protective and careful with Sam's discovery of her sexual preferences, but was also assertive and very Alpha. And naturally with all that amazingness, Sam eventually embraced her inner sex fiend. The thing that doesn't quite get this book to 4 stars is that I didn't feel the connection in their relationship. There was insta-love, which I can understand at times, but there wasn't anything deeper built on that.
Not much interaction with the characters outside of the bedroom, pool area, boat, etc This is only my second book by Nicole Edwards so maybe that's not what her books are about. I think I'll treat her books as in-betweeners instead of a good meaty story Excellent set up for the next book. I'm really interested in the dark and broody Luke and what his deal with Cole is. Let me introduce you to Sam's inner sex fiend: View all 23 comments.
May 17, Jen rated it it was amazing Shelves: Due to her hard work and excellent reputation she has caught the attention of Logan McCoy who works in the Dallas office and needs someone who fits her qualifications to come and work for him. Meet Logan McCoy They meet for the first time during a video conference call and instantly are attracted to each other. Soon after they begin working together the sexual tension becomes so thick you could cut Meet Samantha Kielty Sam is a strong and independent business woman in the San Antonio office of XTX.
Soon after they begin working together the sexual tension becomes so thick you could cut it with a knife. It worked because he even convinced her to marry him. I'll admit, it took me a little while to get into the book BUT once Logan and Sam get together, watch out because sparks are flying! There's not a cold enough shower that could have cured my lust. If a guy like Logan really does exist, then someone please point him in my direction I'll be forever grateful!
It was a nice change that the romance side of the book was so simple with Sam and Logan falling in love but with work and both being burnt by pass lovers, will they be able to fully trust one another? If you don't do it, I will". View all 3 comments. Nov 30, Duchess Nicole rated it it was ok Shelves: Eh, kind of bummed. Too much inner dialogue, so much business talk, and I'm still not even sure what Sam does for a living. This book starts off a little slow.. I mean the whole job and office thing created a nice plot and stuff..
My kindle has melted!!!!!!!!! The single most important reason why I did not finish this book, too much detail. Usually, especially when an author is "world building" the detail is appreciated. It is set in good old Texas, present day, for a very normal woman trying to navigate the corporate ladder and sleeping with the boss. I'll share an example paragraph of the sort of detail you can expect. And Banten was right; she was going to be a tough sell. As you know already, our sales teams are driving some of the highest revenue this company has ever seen. This includes our software programs that supply our sales representatives with the most up to date product information, capture our sales as well as pay out our sales teams.
The projects have been lined out, the budgets have been established, and now we need to work to get them underway. I have an extremely strict timeline in mind and need someone who can drive them to completion. I'm just itching to take a marker and start slashing. Edwards, are you trying to write a romance novel or an anecdotal piece on "conversations in corporate America"?
It felt very much like the author was trying to teach us how "offices" work. The second most annoying thing about this book is the way it is told from both sides. This isn't usually a problem. However, this author decided that every scene needed both view points. So, after you read about a conversation from Logan's perspective, you then enjoy the "perk" of re-reading the same exact conversation from Samantha's perspective as well!
It got irritating and I found myself simply skipping over the "repeat" paragraphs. There was some chemistry between the two characters but I had to wade through so many extraneous details and repeated paragraphs to get to the "meat" of their relationship. In the end, the book was too detailed imagine that and too drawn out in an effort to "tell the whole story".
This book could have been cut down quite a bit with some respectable editing and less formal dialogue. From that first video conference on, they had this instant pull towards each other that draws you into this book.
Taking What's Ours (Forced Submission, #2) by Alexa Riley
The tension is so thick you can cut a knife with it. When Sam and Logan finally give in to their spark, it 4. When Sam and Logan finally give in to their spark, it is unbelievable. The bedroom pool, hot tub, car etc…. They were red hot. They were incredibly well written and I felt as if I was right there with them. My imagination was crazy! I learned A LOT!! Be prepared for lots of kink. I mean there is lots! I felt the love between Logan and Sam. I wanted them to be happy even when push came to shove.
But I want all of you. I recommend this to romance readers who like some kink. This will be the book for you!