No Reply
The verses are fairly light, little tripping affairs and then they get to the chorus and the raw emotion just pours out. You can feel the anger tempered with hurt. Paul was undoubtedly the most musically talented member of The Beatles, but that does not detract one bit from from the fact that John and George were very gifted in their own right. You even wrote Yellow Submarine for Ringo to sing. He even wrote What Goes On for Ringo to sing. What Goes On is very good also, again, not really helping your argument.
On this demo he tosses insults at the guy she is with in the song. These guys, our boys, were tough with women… John would hit. Two things, one specific and one general.
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- The Beatles - No Reply - text, překlad -
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Regarding No Reply, the middle eight is somewhere outside the key of C major which gives it the oddly compelling melody — it starts on C but then E to an A, both of which should be minor. I think these were originally strung together without regard for the key, resulting in a mid-phrase key change that makes the lyrics even more compelling. I love the huge symbol crash at the end. Yes, Wayne, I agree with you.
I think the reason is that he feels inferior to Lennon. He is a genius PR-man. During the years , or before Yesterday, Lennon was the dominant composer — among other things the masterpiece No Reply — in The Beatles, composed most of their hits and dominated the films with his music. Nowadays some music writers talk about the year with the great three singles: How could this happen?
This is a music history scandal! And nobody talks about it. And Martin made uncorrect statements, for example that McCartney composed almost all music in The Beatles. The situation became a little better when Ian MacDonald released the book Revolution in the Head, where he comments who wrote what about every song. Now it became obvius how many masterpieces Lennon had composed. After that McCartney admits Lennon composed Help and so on. But McCartney is not satisfied.
He is tremendeously embarrassed by the fact that Lennon was the dominant composed before or About the Lennon songs from that time, McCartney found the way: McCartney will always succeds in his PR activity. The establishment always believes him more than Lennon, because he wrote Yesterday, and because he is always smiling.
I really hope you do. To smile and to make people smile and happy is a great feel, let me tell you that. Much better than having heroin, or rewriting the facts. Joe, I hope this time you will post my reply. Could you do something about that Johan Cavalli fellow? For me, the piano makes this song! Anyone hear as I do in the last verse subtle finger snaps off to one side starting at around 1: You really have to listen for it.
Not mentioned in any notes on the wiki site. Love the Bossa Nova drumming very much Ringo. He is more of a technical drummer than a physical one. Paul died in John immediately shines with his beautiful voice, which we hear before anything else on the album! And he also shines not only with his voice and smart songwriting, but also for his excellent acoustic rhythm guitar work on this song.
His guitar carries this song.
No Reply (song)
Those cymbal crashes add to the chilling feeling the protagonist is experiencing as he is being betrayed by his lover. Even to this day, I still see that album cover. Of course it belonged to my best friend yet somehow I ended up with it. Dick James , the publisher, said, 'That's the first complete song you've written where it resolves itself'.
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You know, with a complete story. It was my version of Silhouettes: I had that image of walking down the street and seeing her silhouetted in the window and not answering the phone, although I never called a girl on the phone in my life. Because phones weren't part of the English child's life. Took a walk and passed your house late last night All the shades were pulled and drawn way down tight From within the dim light cast Two silhouettes on the shade Oh what a lovely couple they made.
This happened once before When I came to your door No reply They said it wasn't you But I saw you peep through your window I saw the light I saw the light I know that you saw me 'Cause I looked up to see your face. We wrote No Reply together but from a strong original idea of his. I think he pretty much had that one, but as usual, if he didn't have the third verse and the middle eight, then he'd play it to me pretty much formed, then we would shove a bit in the middle or I'd throw in an idea. SD Monday 13 July James Tuesday 18 August Lennon was one of the most expressive singers ever Loading Matt Sunday 23 August JP Wednesday 2 November Kent Bettenhausen Sunday 17 January John Lennon is a genius.
Sam Sunday 6 October Yes, yes he is! Teddy Salad Thursday 22 June Jeff Friday 12 February ForgetScowl Tuesday 20 January McLerristarr Wednesday 24 March Tweeze Thursday 15 September Teresaathome Saturday 1 October Johan cavalli Tuesday 17 January Robert Wednesday 18 January J Delaney Wednesday 21 November Brian Tuesday 12 April Vonbontee Wednesday 13 April GniknuS Thursday 14 April Don Cavaliere Thursday 14 April I have nothing but respect for Ringo and his drumming.
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Sun king coming together Monday 18 April Sergey Wednesday 20 April Jude Monday 4 April Stephen Free Sunday 15 May William Martincic Tuesday 28 June One of my favorite Beatle songs if not my favorite. Definetly their most underrated. Eric umBist Saturday 18 February Bruce Scottow Wednesday 21 August Jennifer Friday 28 February Wayne Saturday 8 March Albert Cunning Sunday 9 March Well sometimes… On this demo he tosses insults at the guy she is with in the song.
Kevin Hogan Monday 19 May Dan Diamond Thursday 18 December Sunday 22 February Johan cavalli Friday 6 November BogeyMusic Monday 7 March Joe Wednesday 9 March Joey Flynn Tuesday 11 July John Friday 8 April Peter Tuesday 11 July Yes, in the middle eight, there is a muddy piano playing the chords in straight eight notes.
The Beatles recorded the track in London soon after returning from their first full tour of the United States. The lyrics typify Lennon's more introspective and mature songwriting on the Beatles for Sale album.

According to Lennon in a interview, the Beatles' music publisher, Dick James , was quite pleased with "No Reply": The song is in the key of C major. The song form is standard AABA verse-verse-bridge-verse , without a chorus as such, but including the refrain "No reply".
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The main instrumentation on the Beatles recording comprises acoustic guitars played by Lennon and Harrison [21] on their Gibson JEs , [22] bass guitar and drums. In addition to handclaps by all four members of the group, the overdubs included a piano part by their producer, George Martin , and electric guitar played by Harrison. Lennon had intended to sing the higher harmony part, as this was the original melody. However, his voice had deteriorated due to excessive use, forcing McCartney to sing the part, and relegating Lennon to the lower harmony line.
In his book, Revolution in the Head , Ian MacDonald comments that the "double-tracked vocals generate a stunning power" in the song's "climactic middle sixteen", which is among the most exciting 30 seconds in the Beatles' catalogue.
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He describes the track as "an enticingly downbeat opener" for Beatles for Sale. Other musicians who have covered the song on YouTube and elsewhere have not been able to resist the temptation of including this delicious middle sixteen twice or more. In his commentary on the track, Chris Hillman , a founding member of the American folk-rock band the Byrds , admired the imagery of the lyrics and the "funky, out of left-field" rhythms played by Lennon and Harrison.
According to Ian MacDonald: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the song. For the album by Daylight Dies, see No Reply album. Picture sleeve for the German single release of the song, backed with " Eight Days a Week ". Retrieved 16 December