Midnight At The Oasis (A Morris and Chastain Investigation)
Baby Please Don't Go.
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Property of a Lady Faire. The Complete Box Set. From a Drood to A Kill. The Complete Resurrected Trilogy Boxset. Those Who Fight Monsters. The Devil Will Come. A Morris and Chastain Investigation Book 4. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long.
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Play with Fire and Midnight at the Oasis - Morris & Chastain Investigations (Paperback)
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In this series View all Book 4. Ratings and Reviews 0 8 star ratings 0 reviews. How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot.
Close Report a review At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. Would you like us to take another look at this review? I love the Morris and Chastain Investigation series the 4th book in the series. This book took a little bit to get start, and took its time to set up the story with mutliple person's point of view. The twist and turn of the story are like the a rollercoster ride.
I also love the subtle humor in the book, and keep the characters lively. The only complain I have about the book at the end there are a lot of loose end of couple major characters, hopefully the next book will let me know what happened to them.
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I have been following Justin Gustainis's books for a few years now. I started with Sympathy for the Devil, and then rushed out and bought all that I could find. He has a unique eye for the modern urban horor genre. Gustainis' work compare favorably with Powers, one of my favorite authors.
You do not often see characters in a series interact with something totally unique. Usually they deal with vampires, werewolfs, satanists, Bond Villains, that kind of thing. Like Powers, Gustainis takes on unique fantasy Bad Guys, and adds his own twists. While I knew that Morris and Chastain could deal with them after all, why kill them off? Some are better than others, but they are enjoyable. Great author of the supernatural!! I love this series of books. I would highly recommend this book!!
Just like all of the other books written by Justin Gustainis. Can't wait for the next one to be released. In the previous volume, Morris was released from jail. He would add it to his collection. Libby was waiting for his release. Naturally, the staff was twenty-four minutes late in releasing Morris.
Libby blinked her lights and drove the rented car up to the sidewalk to save him a walk.
Morris & Chastain Investigation Series by Justin Gustainis
They discussed several things, including food and liquor, but agreed that they needed to get back to work soon. They were hired by a Catholic monastery to solve a theft. The thieve had gotten through mundane and occult defenses to steal a five volume set of very rare books.

Some of the information in these volumes probably went back to Solomon. Their first task was to find someone capable of the deed. The sisters didn't know of any person with such skills, except Morris. So they checked with another occult investigator. In this novel, Quincy Harker Morris is an occult investigator. He is from Austin, Texas. Elizabeth Catherine Chastain is a white witch. Libby and Morris are partners. He is a Black, but uses white magic. She is a white witch. Barry Love is an occult investigator in New York City. He knows Morris and Chastain from prior cases.
He is an admirer of Osama bin Laden. He is very upset when the Great Satan sent Marines to assassinate the Sheik. Jawad Tamwar is a professional jihadist. He had been imprisoned by the French authorities for his attempt to subvert the Arab workers. Mujab Rahim is a professional wet worker. He works with Nasiri for the opportunity to kill people. Sharaf Uthman is a practitioner of black magic. He works with Nasiri.
In this story, Nasiri and Tamwar work on finding an afreet. Tamwar discovers a man who keeps one in an oil lamb just like the story of Aladdin. Unfortunately, the man died before explaining the method of controlling the afreet. Tamwar remembers that Solomon was said to control afreets using his Seal. Tamwar has the quarters thoroughly searched, but finds nothing of use. Then Nasiri suggests that other places have pieces of the legendary Seal. The jihadists steal a bit of the Seal and Uthman is able to call and control the djinn. Yet they discover that the afreet doesn't have the power to turn their target into a tower of flame.
Tamwar, Rahim and Uthman go out to get the heart of a lion. In Quantico, Fenton arrives at work to find Colleen already working the internet. She has received a case file on a robbery of the Oriental Institute that left no traces. Yet two guards had their throats slit. The site was within a well protected museum. Many valuable items were left untouched while the thieves took a piece of metal about five thousand years old.