Memories of Midnight
He started writing novels at the age of fifty. Jun 01, Heena Rathore P. No matter how old the books are, or infact how many times you read them, they really keep you engaged! At the end of the first book she lost her memory and in this book, around a year later, she starts to regain it bit by bit. Some new characters are also introduced and they play a major role in the downfall of Costa.
This book familiarises the reader with the life of our beloved Constantin Demiris past and present and how he pays for all he does. Then she visits a psychiatrist named Alan, who actually plays a small part of our hero. The end is predictable but the way it is written is just amazing. The end of Costa was quite unimaginable! Apr 30, Sifat's Book Kingdom rated it it was amazing. A page turner like rest of the novels of Sidney Sheldon. To Noelle, the lady who sold out him, and Larry, the man who stole her, Demiris brought a chilling retaliation.
Be that as it may, Demiris' unpleasant retribution is a long way from finish How might she know the destiny he has in store, or that her life is bound up with different casualties of his strong sense of self?
From the extraordinary shores of the Mediterranean to post-war London, 'Recollections of Midnight' is an energetic, remarkable story of a blameless lady's battle against a frightening fate In this dangerous diversion, there must be one winner If Judd is to survive he should play the amusement to win. She got the honeymoon but not the wedding. Aug 08, Deep Shikha rated it it was ok. View all 7 comments. Jun 11, Benjamin Thomas rated it really liked it Shelves: This is the sequel to The Other Side of Midnight and a worthy sequel all round.
While the first was published in , it wasn't until that this sequel was published. And since the first could have easily stood alone, I feel sure the author bowed to reader and publisher demand to provide a follow-up. Often that scenario ends in disaster for the second book but that's not the case here. This is basically a book of double-crossing. I mean everybody double and triple crosses everybody else in t This is the sequel to The Other Side of Midnight and a worthy sequel all round.
I mean everybody double and triple crosses everybody else in this story and so the fun of reading it becomes trying to figure out just how it's going to be done. One of the main characters from the first book is back, Catherine Alexander, but unfortunately, she is the patsy for all the other characters and batted about like a ping pong ball throughout the plot. For those readers of the first book who were left unfulfilled because not all story lines were fully resolved or for those that needed to have justice for the "bad" guys, then this is a must read. Overall a fun book to read.
May 28, Heena Rathore P. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Atleast I wasn't able to. I would definitely recommend it to everyone who hasn't already read it, especially to those who love thriller and mystery. Oct 11, Sherina rated it liked it.
Tip for anybody wanting to read this book I was thoroughly gripped by this book. Not quite as the first one, but still enjoyable. It seems that each character we meet, we get their back story, which was unnecessary. I wished there was a little more complexity as in the first book.
Nov 10, Pooja Banga rated it really liked it Shelves: Sidney Sheldon has always been my favourite.. I can't review it in a better way as I haven't read its first part.. So I would restrain myself from expressing my thoughts on it: Mar 12, Pete Allen rated it it was ok. So, if anyone figures out that Catherine is alive and not murdered Demiris' whole house of cards come tumbling down.
As she regains her memory in that convent where he has immured her he starts to get nervous. So naturally, his strategy to prevent anyone from finding out Catherine isn't quite as dead as generally thought is to a bring her to his home where everyone, from his estranged wife to the gardener would or should recognize her, b give her a high-profile job under a fake name--that'l So, if anyone figures out that Catherine is alive and not murdered Demiris' whole house of cards come tumbling down.
So naturally, his strategy to prevent anyone from finding out Catherine isn't quite as dead as generally thought is to a bring her to his home where everyone, from his estranged wife to the gardener would or should recognize her, b give her a high-profile job under a fake name--that'll do it!
Detailed plot synopsis reviews of Memories of Midnight
Not like anyone's seen her pic in the press from last year's Murder Trial of the Century in his high-profile sprawling conglomerate corporation, c hold his breath and hope she doesn't contact anyone from her past, as any normal person in her situation would do. Because if she does, he'll have to kill that "anyone". One guy who gets a little too close to uncovering the truth--from what Catherine personally tells him, which he fails to connect to said ballyhooed Trial of the Century; apparently HE'S been in a convent--IS murdered on the evil billionaire's orders; an old friend from the States is saved when Catherine decides against phoning him.
Thank goodness she doesn't call an old college buddy who might spread the exciting news; Demiris would have had to wipe out the whole sorority. Sorry, but given this preposterous premise, it's really irrelevant to discuss whether the book is, in "literary" terms, good or bad is it a spoiler to tell you it's rotten? I swiped this thing from the reading room of the convalescent hospital where my elderly mother was a patient.
It is the only book I've ever stolen that I returned. Saya salut sama Sidney Sheldon. Saya salut sama Constantin Demiris.
Memories of Midnight Book Summary and Study Guide
Setiap kali membaca novel karya Sidney Sheldon, saya selalu "ditipu" dengan berbagai cara. Namun pada akhirnya ia berhasil memenangkan pertandingan sengit kepada rival-rivalnya. Noel Page yang berhasil dibunuhnya seakan-akan bangkit dari kubur untuk membalas dendam kepada Constantin Demiris, namun Costa t Saya salut sama Sidney Sheldon.
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Noel Page yang berhasil dibunuhnya seakan-akan bangkit dari kubur untuk membalas dendam kepada Constantin Demiris, namun Costa tetap banyak akal untuk menghancurkan siapa saja yang menghalangi jalannya. Namun pada akhirnya, ia menerima ganjaran atas apa yang telah diperbuatnya di dunia. Anehnya, di novel ini Sidney Sheldon mengemukakan idenya bahwa orang-orang Amerika selalu percaya pada "happy ending", dan itulah yang membuat mereka konyol.
Realita tidak sama dengan apa yang diungkapkan dalam buku cerita, namun Sidney Sheldon dalam setiap novelnya seakan-akan mengatakan "yang baik akan menang ", "kejahatan akan menerima ganjarannya", dan "pernikahan adalah sebuah bentuk dari Happy ending yang sempurna.
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Para wanita tentunya ingin turut merasakan hebatnya berpetualang menjelajah dunia dan menjadi orang hebat yang selalu dicerminkan dalam-karya-karyanya daripada hanya diam di rumah sambil berpikir "akan masak apa kita hari ini? Jan 25, Anish rated it liked it. I had no idea that this book had a prequel until I finished it. This worked pretty much well as a standalone as well. This is my second Sheldon book after Doomsday Conspiracy so I naturally had my expectations high.
The first few chapters were intriguing but Catherine Alexander was annoying as she did not have the least interest to know about her past but too desperate for sex. Constantin Demiris was great as the egoistic and arrogant billionaire who wore a charming face as a mask. Other charact I had no idea that this book had a prequel until I finished it.
Some twists were decent enough and Sheldon used his knowledge about criminals and gave an excellent portrayal of them.
Memories of Midnight by Sidney Sheldon
But this doesn't guarantee a five star rating. Towards the end twists turned out to be predictable and sometimes mediocre. Climax was simply horrible. Some people seemed to have a liking for the 'Vintage' Sheldon but this is just the average thriller book you'll get to read. Apr 05, MsTiptress rated it liked it Shelves: Catherine is back and still crying like a baby and dying to fall in love! Hate that part of the story.. The next day Chotas' house is burned down.
He seemingly dies, and the package is delivered to Costa, rather than the authorities, by Peter, who starts working for him.
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Meanwhile, Catherine finds a good friend in Kirk Reynolds, who is in love with her and wants to marry her, although Catherine is a bit reluctant. She confides in him that her husband and his mistress attempted to kill her and were executed for it. Kirk reassures her by saying that, from the little he knows about Greek law, he is confident that their law doesn't sentence anyone to death on account of attempted murder.
Still, he will make sure by asking one of his acquaintances, Peter Demonides. Within a day of relating Catherine's story to Peter, he dies.

In the meantime, Spyros tries to destroy Costa by narrating this incident to a drug dealer, Tony Rizzoli, and advises him to trick Costa into taking one of his drug shipments to USA. But Constantin Demiris kills Tony, destroys his shipment, and then threatens Spyros by telling him that he will destroy him but will first take care of his sister. When Spyros tells this to Melina, she assures him by saying that she can take care of herself.
Her brother's house is attacked but he and his wife survive the attack. This is when she becomes confident that Costa wants to destroy them. Hence, she kills herself and fakes it so that it seems that Constantin Demiris murdered her. Meanwhile, Costa has ordered the killing of Catherine Alexander. Costa gets arrested for the murder of his wife. The only one who can save him is Sypros Lambrou, who can give an alibi for the time of the murder, but won't do so as he detests Constantin Demiris and wants him dead.
This is when Napoleon Chotas makes a reappearance, crippled and in a wheelchair, after mysteriously surviving the fire that burned his house.
The Memory of Midnight
He fights the case of Constantine Demiris. He convinces Spyros into giving testimony for Costa, arguing that, instead of having him dead, it will be better if he forces him to live in poverty. This would be achieved by Costa transferring all the assets of his company to Spyros in return for Spyros' testimony. On the other hand, Costa and Chotas have already planned that the assets of Costa's company will first be shifted to a firm owned by Napoleon Chotas, so that Spyros will get nothing. Edit Cast Cast overview, first billed only: Catherine Alexander Douglas Omar Sharif Constantin Demiris Theodore Bikel Napoleon Chotas Joseph Campanella Father Konstantinou Ken Howard Kirk Reynolds Stephen Macht Doctor Hamilton Taro Meyer Evelyn Karl Paul Sand Wim van Deen Haluk Bilginer Dino Mattusi Constance Towers Sister Larissa Terence Ford Jerry Haley Vincent Grass Edit Storyline Catherine lost her memory and wound up in a convent in the care of nuns.
Edit Did You Know? It isn't worth a penny over seven hundred. I know that Costa, but it's worth the extra just to take something as beautiful as that out of your hands. I recall you said that once about your sister when she married me. Add the first question.