Das Puzzle des Lebens - Band 1: Auf der Suche nach meinem Ich (German Edition)
Keinen Alkohol mehr trinkt. Ein anderer Mensch sei er geworden. Er hat die Seiten gewechselt. Oktober , sechs Uhr morgens. Ab da lebt er mit der Angst. Straffreiheit gegen Aussagen, darauf hofft Frey. Deshalb spricht er mit der Staatsanwaltschaft. Das ist der Deal. Um 1,7 Milliarden Euro wurden die Steuerzahler dort betrogen. Er ist, so erfahren die Deutschen nun, mittlerweile Dreh- und Angelpunkt des Milliardenbetrugs.
Und wie Berger und Mora setzt sich auch Shah ab — nach Dubai. Aber ein Plan ist noch kein Beleg. Jeder ist hinter dem Scoop her, der exklusiven Geschichte. Kollegen der bestens in die Londoner Bankenwelt verdrahteten Nachrichtenagentur Reuters sind auch dabei. Die CumEx-Files umfassen mehr als Dazu kommen Interviews mit Whistleblowern und Insidern. Die Gegenwart lugt aus der Innentasche eines Jacketts. Ein Informant aus Dubai hat es erhalten. Aber er schickt einen Mittelsmann zum Frankfurter Flughafen.
Jetzt, in diesem Moment. Er zieht die Papiere heraus. Der Anbieter ist auf Suche nach Anlegern. Sie sollen zwischen und Millionen investieren. Es werden Aktien gehandelt. Und trotz des geringen Risikos soll die Anlage hoch profitabel sein: So etwas wird nur an einen handverlesenen Kreis von Interessenten verschickt. Amal Ram, der Mann, den die beiden Reporter undercover in dem Londoner Luxushotel treffen werden, ist ihnen da noch kein Begriff.
Deswegen habe ich diese Maske auf. Und deswegen habe ich Angst. Eine Maskenbildnerin hat tagelang an Benjamin Freys neuem Gesicht gearbeitet. Auf den Abdruck modellierte sie ein zweites Gesicht. Neue Nase, neues Kinn, neue Lippen und Wangenpartien. Jetzt schmiegt sich die zweite Haut aus festem Silikon an Freys echte. Er blinzelt, macht ein Selfie mit dem Handy und schickt es seiner Frau.
Sie kennt ihn nicht. Dann nimmt er die Reporter mit in seine Welt. Von unten nach ganz oben. Ins Raumschiff, wie er es nennt. Er kann sich gerade seinen ersten Anzug von der Stange leisten. Auf einem von ihnen steht eine Tischkarte mit dem Namen Benjamin Frey. Rechts und links von ihm sitzt je ein Partner der Kanzlei. Er hat keins und will viel. Die haben mich reingezogen. Und dann hob dieses Raumschiff ab. In diesem neuen Universum gelten andere Regeln, als in der Welt, die er kannte. Er ist der Feind, weil er den Menschen - genauer: Ob die mehr als genug haben oder nicht, spielt keine Rolle.
Aber Berger und seine Kollegen schreiben mit an dem Gesetz. Auf seinem Arbeitsplatz lag ein sehr dickes Buch, das sie die Bibel nannten. Eine Zusammenstellung von Steuergutachten aus ganz Europa. Das erste Gebot der Investmentbanker lautet: Du sollst Geld vermehren. Das erste Gebot der Steuerberater lautet: Du sollst nicht stehlen steht nirgends. Berger, ein Pfarrerssohn, argumentiert mit der an Fanatismus grenzenden Konsequenz, zu der vielleicht nur Konvertiten in der Lage sind. Jahrelang hat er diesem Staat, dem Feind, nicht einfach nur gedient.
Den Angeboten der Banken widersteht Berger eine Weile. Irgendwann kommt eine Anwaltskanzlei und bietet ihm ein siebenstelliges Gehalt. Im Jahr steigt Berger beim Finanzamt aus — und wird zum bekanntesten Steuertrickser der Republik. Um den genauen Ursprung der Konstruktion ranken sich mehrere Mythen. Dieser Gewinn wird in Deutschland besteuert. Der Trader will den Betrag wieder loswerden, weil er ihm nicht zusteht. Dem wurde die Steuer aber auch schon erstattet.
Es gibt kein Gesetz, das eine mehrfache Auszahlung verbietet. Und was nicht explizit verboten ist, ist erlaubt. Der Banker behielt das Geld. Man kann sich die Wertpapiere auch einfach nur leihen. Die Transaktionen finden um den Dividendenstichtag herum statt.
Und die Gewinne entstehen nicht durch eine Wertsteigerung der Aktie selbst. Weil der Staat die Quelle des Geldes war, und die konnte nicht versiegen. Wenn es das perfekte Verbrechen gibt, dann ist es das. Oder der Staat nicht mehr auszahlt. Investmentbanker und Hedgefonds bauen das Vehikel. Trader bringen es an die Investoren. Die Banken geben Kredite hinzu. Wir haben von da oben aus dem Fenster geguckt und haben gedacht: Wir sind die Schlausten. Wir sind die Genies.
Und ihr seid alle doof. Das Prinzip von Gier lautet: Es ist nie genug. Jetzt habe ich es geschafft. Dann treffen Sie auf jemanden, der hat nicht nur einen Porsche, sondern der hat zwei. Jetzt habe ich es geschafft! Freys Traum war einmal eine Villa auf Mallorca. Wieso zwei Villen auf einer Insel, fragt er. In Deutschland funktioniert der Coup nur einmal im Jahr, zum Dividendenstichtag. Am Anfang steht die Gier. Es ginge um Herausforderungen, um Thrill.
Zur Gier gesellen sich Arroganz und Allmachtphantasien. Manchmal hat man sich die Menschen dort oben, im Stock im Skyper in Frankfurt, Taunusanlage 1, offenbar zumindest vorgestellt. Aber das Grundprinzip, das sei jedem klar gewesen: Und der Staat kann nicht pleite gehen. Frau Hennings erinnert sich an Herrn Leopold und den Zeitregler.
Paul ist sauer auf Petronella und schimpft mit ihr. Lenny schenkt Diederich sein altes Surfbrett namens Helena. Paul versichert Petronella, dass sie nicht wisse, was in dem Brief steht. Richard versucht weiter, die Platte zu vernichten. Lenny hat bemerkt, dass seine Finne kaputt ist, und als Davy Jack beschuldigt, will der den Verdacht auf Davy lenken, aber keiner glaubt Jack. Auf dem Friedhof entdeckt Tom das Grab von Magellan, er ist gestorben. Den Surf-Wettbewerb hat Davy gewonnen und Diederich macht einen guten 2. Jack war Letzter und hat damit verloren und sich blamiert.
Er schenkt ihr einen Wellensittich. Sie glauben, dass sie aus Zimmer 13 ist. Tom, Liv und Diederich sind geschockt, als sie bemerken, dass ein riesiges Loch in der Wand zu Zimmer 13 ist. Diederich passt sich immer mehr der neuen Welt an und versteht sich super mit Davy. Richard und Jack durchsuchen die Zimmer, aber Jack versteht diesen Plan auch nicht. Jack und Richard streiten sich und Richard zieht aus dem Hotel aus und macht Urlaub. Bis er wiederkommt, ist Jack Chef. Doch anders als erwartet ist Jack ein sehr netter Chef.
Liv entschuldigt sich bei Caro. Tom, Diederich und Liv gehen nachts auf den Friedhof, um den Zeitregler zu holen. Sie wollen in die Kapelle, doch der Wachmann kommt ihnen in die Quere. Lenny trainiert sogar noch mitten in der Nacht Rumpfbeugen. Diederich lenkt den Wachmann ab und der Wachmann tappt in eine Falle.
Die Fragen an Paul Mora:
Victoria will den Film nicht weiter ansehen, wenn Jack mitsieht. Herr Christo belauscht Tom, Diederich und Liv. Jack wird immer netter und alle glauben, er bessert sich, nur Victoria glaubt nicht daran. Paul bringt Amalia, die wieder in ihrem Zimmer lebt, ihren Wellensittich.
Tom findet heraus, dass man den Strom 30 Minuten lang ausschalten muss, damit die Metallplatte vor Zimmer 13 verschwindet. Victoria spioniert Jack nach. Flo gibt Lenny einen angeblichen "Mega-Powerdrink" zum Abnehmen, doch leider ist es eigentlich nur Orangensaft. Winston von Burghart sucht sich nun professionelle Hilfe in Form eines Detektivs. Diederich ist traurig, da er Liv verlassen muss. Mister X findet in Diederichs Zimmer eine alte Kette von ihm.
Lenny bereitet sich auf sein Date mit Helena vor. Helena verspricht Lenny, dass sie sich noch einmal treffen werden. Ruth ist immer mehr begeistert von Jack. Aber Victoria glaubt diese Story nicht. Der Strom ist aus und sie wollen in Zimmer 13, doch Jack wacht auf und schaltet ihn wieder ein. Ruth rastet aus und motzt Victoria an, weil diese immer an Jack herummeckert. Selbst Flo schenkt Victoria keinen Glauben. Jack geht auf den Handel ein.
Jack und Christo gehen, aber Victoria ist in ihrem Zimmer eingesperrt. Winston und sein Detektiv dringen in Amalias Zimmer ein und fragen sich, wer Amalia ist. Paul wirft Winston aus dem Zimmer. Richard macht Jack weis, dass es keine richtigen Freunde sind. Jack stellt den Strom ab und die Platte verschwindet.
Flo sieht, wie Jack und Herr Christo zusammenarbeiten, also hatte Victoria recht. Als Paul in Zimmer 20 kommt, rennt Amalia herein und sperrt ihn ein. Herr Christo und Jack stehen nun hinter den dreien und sehen Zimmer Amalia muss niesen und Mister X und Paul haben sie erwischt. Flo konnte Victoria befreien und alle Angestellten wissen nun von Herrn Christo.
Paul hat sie wieder eingesperrt und ihr die Wahrheit gesagt. Die Angestellten wollen ihm das heimzahlen. Tom hat den Zeitregler eingestellt und sie reisen in die Vergangenheit. Sie nehmen ihm die Maske ab und entlarven ihn als Herrn Leopold. Tom und Liv treffen ihr altes Ich an der Rezeption. Herr Leopold und Anna sind schon an der Kapelle und nun verfolgt er sie wieder. Diederich holt den Zeitregler aus dem Grab.
Obwohl sie viele Forderungen haben, werden sie wieder eingestellt. Tom und Liv rennen schnell und schaffen es gerade so, Anna zu retten, doch Robert Leopold hat es nicht geschafft. Anna erkennt den Mann mit den schwarzen Augen. Anna versteht gar nicht, warum sie von Liv so vermisst wurde. Jack muss Kanonenkugeln kneten. Er will sie um jeden Preis finden. Anna ist schockiert, dass sie Frau Hennings sein soll.
Liv hat ihm eine Sonnenbrille geschenkt. Richard sucht immer noch nach Zimmer 13 und der Uhr. Winston kann es kaum glauben. Diederich zeigt seinem Vater die Brille und er ist begeistert. X sind sehr verwundert, als Diederich wieder da ist, und jetzt will Winston auch sein Geld wieder. Er gibt den dreien einen Sprengstoff, damit, wenn er bei sich angekommen ist, sie das Dynamit an die Maschine binden und sie vernichten.
Alle freuen sich wieder Anna zu sehen, gerade rechtzeitig zur End-of-Sommerparty. Richard findet hinter der Werkmannuhr den geheimen Raum mit der Zeitmaschine. Liv vermisst Diederich sehr, aber er hat ihr noch einen Brief geschrieben. Richard ist fast wahnsinnig; er hat endlich die Maschine gefunden. Richard Leopold steigt in die Zeitmaschine und aktiviert sie, jetzt reist er in eine andere Zeit und die Maschine geht in 29 Sekunden in die Luft.
Tom und Anna sind nun offiziell ein Paar. Sie ist froh, ihn endlich wieder bei sich zu haben. Notfalls muss Tom eine neue Maschine bauen, da sonst die ganze Zeitentwicklung in Frage gestellt wird. Jack Lion Wasczyk versucht sich als DJ. Tom verbindet das letzte Kabel der Zeitmaschine mit seinem Bildschirm. Anna fotografiert im Auftrag von Ruth das Hotel. Sie fotografiert einen Mann, der ihr ganz unheimlich vorkommt. Tom ist in der Empfangshalle und sieht, wie dieser Mann zum Aufzug geht und dieser kommt ihm bekannt vor. Tom erinnert sich und bemerkt, dass er diesen Mann auch auf dem Bildschirm im geheimen Keller gesehen hatte.
Tom ist 15 Jahre alt. Er hatte eine Postkarte im Garten gefunden, auf der er sich selbst bat, in acht Jahren im Hotel 13 nach Zimmer 13 zu suchen.
Die Karte ist von Professor Magellan Tom und wurde von ihm geschrieben und versteckt. Tom ist technisch begabt, was ihm immer wieder bei der Suche hilft. Er ist mit Anna zusammen. In der Vergangenheit war er selbst Professor T. Anna ist ebenfalls 15 Jahre alt. Fotografieren ist eines ihrer Hobbys. Seit ihrem dortigen Unfall hielt Paul sie gefangen, bis Tom Magellan sie rettete. X nannten sie Amalia Hennings, und im Jahr gab es dann zwei Annas, doch am Anfang wusste niemand, dass die zwei dieselbe Person sind.
Ihre Mutter ist Frau Jung. Liv ist 15 Jahre alt. Sie ist die beste Freundin von Anna. Sie ist die Freundin von Diederich von Burghardt. In der Gegenwart gab sie Diederich als ihren Cousin aus. Sie wollte am Anfang Anna helfen, damit sie im Hotel bleiben kann.
Design made in Germany
Flo ist 16 Jahre alt. Er will Koch werden und wird von Lenny, seinem besten Freund, ausgebildet. Victoria ist 15 Jahre alt. Staffel ist sie Flos Managerin, Freundin und Assistentin.

In , his last year of captivity, Janssen took up a British offer to extend his time in England as a farm laborer in return for regular pay and the opportunity to wear civilian clothes. Living in rural Surrey and by then fluent in English, Janssen felt himself integrated with the local community. When he returned to Germany on Christmas , he took up another offer for former POWs to go back to Britain and continue working as agricultural laborers. Soon after he returned in , he married. For Janssen, despite some tough times at the start, being a POW had led to the happiest of conclusions.
For more great articles, subscribe to Military History magazine today! I cannot seem to find it any where on-line. Thanks fo any suggestions. Varied, some as late as the early s, mostly officers.
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My wifes uncle returned from captivity in the Soviet Union in He was an air force radar technician captured by the Soviets in and used as virtual slave labor until out of the blue being let go. He was 19 when captured. My gosh thats terrible, really some day germany need some justice. Germany suffered so badly by the worst corrupt allies against them…. There is a lot revolving around this war that does not make sense.
I know the German pows killed and starved were in the millions. What makes me mad is that just because innocent people responsible for the destruction of the German economy were placed into camps theyt also led to the destruction of the German people while keeping them under suppression today. There would be a big story if someone had returned in If you can post any confirming link, that would be interesting. Especially of the few thousand Russian Red army who switched side and fought for the Nazi in the western front.
There are many others who befriend the locals around the area nearby, married American women and stay after the war. Most of them are located in the mid-west where majority Americans are German or central Europena decendents. Apparently most of the POW camps had very relaxed control then and even allowed inmates to go out to the towns. Did any of the POWs that were eventually released some in , write a book? Did the German government help these men with jobs, housing? I am really upset that Roosevelt and Churchill did nothing to help these Germans. Stalin was playing them as fools and they just followed.
I read Stalin viewed Roosevelt as an invalid, and Churchill as a drunk. The Russians committed terrible crimes. Eisenhower had them declared unarmed enemies so that they did not fall under the protection of the Geneva convention. The German soliders tryed to surrender to the Americans in hopes of better treatment. But Eisenhower had a order out that they were not to be given food water shelter or medical care. They were kept in large fenced in areas surrounded by guards and starved to death. The numbers are stagering it is easy to find information on this subject just look up Eisenhower camps or the treatment of German POWs after WW11 by Americans or by Russians.
When I was in Zwiebrucken Germany in 83 the landlord was in a Russian POW camp for 7 years and told me he was never allowed to stand-up. That is about all I can remember because my german was not that good back then. I also cannot locate any books that are written about German WWII soldiers who were say captured at Stalingrad en masse and became Russian prisoners. I wish to know about their experiences in the Gulags and hear about the lucky few who managed to survive and become repatriated to Germany.
Can anyone please provide a list of books. If somebody wants a challenge and have good English and German — please translate this when you have a spare week or two!!! He is one of the few who made it back to Germany. My mother his daughter says he used to paint portraits in the camp to earn extra rations. No — My father went home from Russian prison camp mines actually in and there was nothing for hime — a small amount of money and clothes from the red cross was all he got. He eventually got a war pension because he lost use of his hand. I remember reading it as a youth and it made an everlasting impression on me as to what the POWs went through and how they survived.
Those switched russian pows or general Vlasov soldiers sent to gulags further they sent to various hard labor camps. Also japanese pows used in various hard labor camps in several Mongolian locations. They were even lined up, after being unloaded from British ships in Murmansk, and shot on the dockside.
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There would not have been a war crimes trial after the war if Stalin had had his way….. Look at the Katyn incident that happened early on…over 20, Poles were line up and shot by the Russians and then buried in mass graves…. The neutrality treaty signed by both Stalin and Hitler prior to the war, clearly out-lined what was going to happen to Poland and what part of Poland was going to the Russians and what part would be given to Germany…..
Keep in mind that Poland had been recreated at the end of World War I and most of the land that was set aside for the new Poland came from previous German and Russian territory…. Europe was nearly won and as far as he knew the russians werent going to help against Japan.
Yeah they did, check your facts. Stalin launched a massive attack on the Japanese in Manchuria which involved a classic double pincer movement. Hremained in the USA after the war. He receives veteren benefits from Germany every month still! He said he worked on a flower farm as a prisoner and was treated so well he wanted to remain here. He was a panzer commander for the SS Totenkopf division but was not a war criminal. He does have the tattoo under his armpit. He has only returned to germany maybe 2 times. He loves the USA. I served with a man whose father commanded apanzer regt.
After all Stalin was a lot longer in power then Hitler and he ended up killing around 20 million of his own people. Johan Baptist Gruneisl was his name. I have been doing alot of research on my other uncle that was in 5 different concentration camps as a political prisoner. And looking for records on my other uncle as well. Kirt Eschmann is his name. Seattle Mike I think you should e-mail me there are a few things I would like to tell you. Interesting to hear about your father in law ; I am making a book about lost German prisoners in Russia and USA and already found some interesting stories Could you please contact me on my email Adam.
I hope the people in high power have knowledge of history. Thankfully, the bombs made that unnecessary. As my father had prior service, he had enough points to get an early discharge. He was sent west from Czechoslovakia to Cherbourg for his return home in September As he crossed Germany, he noticed railway trains packed with German prisoners also heading west. He asked where they were going, and was told they were being sent to work in France — as slave laborers! They had not wanted the war. He said it was right to make Germany pay reparations, but it was wrong to turn ordinary Germans into slaves.
Yet such was the fate of many prisoners for years after the war, and not only in the East. My dad had met the Russians on the Elbe and later in Czechoslovakia. He told of pulling back from captured villages, then seeing the Russians move in and immediately begin looting or worse. My mother told me one of the first things my father said about the war was that the US quit too soon.
He said the US was the only country with the atomic bomb, and should have told Stalin the war was over and the Russians should go back to their own borders. It has always amazed me that Britain and France declared war only on Hitler. Were they afraid of Stalin? Future historians may well regard the midth Century as a time when civilization went backwards, instead of forwards.
It was a return to barbarism. II do wonder how the world would be today if such a stand off would of took place over russian controlled area and US during that time. Would of been ugly I think. More bombs in eastern europe or hundreds of thousands of troops fighting still after German surrender. All by prior agreement. Stalin and Hitler had agreed which bits of Europe they were interested in and given each other the green light to do as they pleased. The west chose to turn a blind eye to Stalins activities and only declared war on Germany.
They supported Stalin after Hitler invaded Russia and quite simply bent over backwards to please him. They turned a blind eye to the millions he had already murdered and continued to.
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Not forgetting the many hundreds of thousands of innocent people that the West repatriated to Russia knowing that they were facing extermination. The real suffering for the Germans came after the war. Many Germans were left in Hungary, Czechoslavakia, Yugoslavia, etc. These were Germans that had been living in these countries for hundreds of years yet maintained their culture, etc. These people were then incarcerated and used as slave labour, starved, murdered, etc.
I recently read about some Czech writers and film makers that had dared talk about the crimes that had been commited against innocent German people — obviously these people are not popular. My mother was a German who survived the war. She did not speak of any mistreatment but she had returned to her home town just before the war ended. Yet I do know what you mean about Germans that no ones is interested in hearing about. My uncle was arrested in I believe that was the date so far that is the earliest record I can find of him in a concentration camp.
So far I have found records of him being in 5 of them. But what is interesting when you search for these records you find that many times German political prisoners are referred to as criminal prisoners.
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Many sights do not even mention them at all. They were vitiams as well but after the war they were hunted down as war criminals and sent to Russian Gulags to die or to serve long hard sentences. My uncle crime was that he did not belong to Hitlers political party. He went to his home town to visit his family the gestopo came to the door and took him for questioning.
It got late so his sister took a coat and some food to the head quarters. She was told to forget she ever knew him,and to never come back or she would disapear as well. His family knew nothing of what happended to him he remained in the camps from While in the camps he was made to be a kapo more then likely because he could speak several langues.
He was never tried at any of the war trails after the war as alot of Kapos were. Yet in for some reason that his family does not know. He went with a woman that no one seems to know into East Germany where a Polish Jew is said to have recognized him from the camps. I have searched many places and have been unable to find any trail yet he was sent to a Russian Gulag for 7 years when he was released he weighed about pounds he was over 6 foot. He had turberculos sp? Totally concur with your father. The fact that the British went to war over Poland but ignored the fact that Stalin occupied one half of the country too.
I do think this is exaggerated, but i reckon the truth is somewhere in between. The French were particularly vicious in their treatment of German prisoners, and they had much less reason to hate them than the Russians. The slaughter of millions defenceless men, women and children for the reasons of racist ideology cannot possibly be justified for any reason, and that those German generals who claimed that the Einsatzgruppen were a necessary anti-partisan response were lying This is just incredible how some people from Germany are working hard to glorify the shameless fact from own history.
The historical true is that Germany started the WWII and whatever happened during next 6 years after 1-Sep and whatever happened during next 40 years of Soviet domination in Central and Eastern Europe was just a simple a consequence of the ideology born in Germany ruled by democratically elected government.
Most if not all were undernourished and exhausted. There are other references. The two books were heavily contributed to by surviving German , former POWs. In the meantime visit http: It is the only US publisher extant, brave enough to expose Soviet atrocities Americans have never heard of. Reports by people who visted such battlefields and viewed mile upon mile of Soviet skeletons, were later suppressed by the Marxist European Union.
However, they did not stop quikmaneuvers. In the early s the reds began to buildoze those boneyards to literally cover up their crimes against humanity. At the same time they sponsored several diversionary ops including: Do you know the titles? Thank you very much, Ulrike. It is my firm belief that we should have rearmed the German Army at the end of the war and finished what the Germans started in Russia.
The USSR was the biggest joke of the 20th century. And as far as the Japanese go, at the end of the war we should have found out the names of EVERY SINGLE Japanese soldier who had anything to do with guarding our POWS, and they should have been hunted down and shot or thrown into the same environment that they meted out to our helpless, unarmed and wounded soldiers that they had captured.
Like take what they did to the Chinese civilians in Nanking. And as for not taking Emperor Hirihito out into public and shooting him in front of his people was a big mistake. Good Old Dugout Doug. And what about the Italians? That is something that puzzles me quite a bit. I watch the History Channel and I am really into 20th century history and if you ever notice you will NEVER see anything about how the Italians killed alot of our people.
My Grandfather was killed at Anzio by those little Bastards! And I wonder if the German People have ever thanked their lucky stars, The ones who were under our control at the end of the war That the American People are so kind Hearted. They treated me like the Proverbial, Red Headed Stepchild. All in All I am happy that we tried to befriend the German People at the end of the war because I have German ancestry. Dont forget about all the German propaganda that helped the war machine. Even if Hitler never went nuts, there was still other ways to better Germany than attacking the neighboring countries.
My mother was born in Nazi Germany. I had a uncle in the SS and a Uncle in a concentration camps because he was considered a political prisoner. My father was an American solider that served in Germany. He met my mother there. So it makes me upset when I hear so much misinformation. Such as how kind the U. S was to German POWs. Better check historical facts on that one.
And those of you that think dropping the two bombs on Japan was a good thing should also look into history. The bomb, however politically incorrect it may seem to you through eyes, was the best weapon to end the war and prevent more loss of life against a foe controlled by military leaders determined to fight to the death- no matter the military and civilian casualties.
What would you tell the American mother of a son who had landed at normandy, survived through VE day, only to be gunned down on the beaches of Honshu- only to find out later we had a weapon that could have prevented it. The entire thing sickens and angers me. As do the silly masses, still to this day reciting anti-German war time propaganda as fact over 65 years later when so much of the accusations against them have proven entirely baseless and much of it impossible to have even happened.
Nobody learned a damned thing, but everybody sure thinks they have. Also, from the public records it appears Japan had tried to surrender numerous times before hand. I guess they werent good enough tries? So glad I found this site. Since it happened twice in the same century, this was a great loss for Germany.
Thanks for your informative site. The sympathy for Nazi PWs is interesting. My uncle was arrested and sent to Auschwitz as a political prisoner from there he was sent to Buchenwald. After the war in he was arrested again and charged with war crimes because he was a Kapo. Which means he was forced to be a participant in the mistreatment of other prisoners.
There were also Jewish Kapos in the camps. They were not given a option if they refused to be Kapos they were excuted. This man spent a large part of his life in concentration camps his orginal crime was oppossing Hilter. Keep in mind not every german, including soldiers were Nazis, for example: They had no choice, if not they where hung on the next tree as exsample to the others.
They too wre in uniform and ended up as POW. My grandfather was a courier for the German air force who was captured by the Russians and spent 3 years as a prisioner in a Russian coal mine at the town of Makeevka, near Stalino. He wrote a piece for the Georgia Atlanta Journal and Constitution Magazine in about his experiences there. He and his family escaped to the US in My grandfather may have served with the German army though I figure quite reluctantly but his heart was always filled with American values and ideas.
I guess I share this to say that not all German soldiers were fighting for the support of Germany but were forced to serve. Much appreciated that your family made the effort to tell his story, and to have those memories now available to the world…. Seems to me that there are many sides to any story, especially anything concerning European history.
My Father was 16 when he was sent to France as a German soldier in the horse artillery. A year later in he was a POW and sent to Colorado. He said bombers flattened his unit of men until there were only 6 left. After the war, where was he to go? So he stayed in England where he met my Mom and married in The entire faith of German prisoners still covered with great confidentiality from both British, Russian Authority!! It might be 50 years from now where people will find documents that tell the truth about the number of died from German sides in concentration camps of postwar. My mother was a 15 year old girl when the Russians came through in what is now Poland.
She was in a basement with my grandmother and another German woman. The Russians came into the basement and threatened them. Plus, my grandmother could speak Polish. The Russians thought they were Polish and let them leave. Not so for the German woman who could not speak Polish. My mom did not elaborate what happened to her, but I assume from the talk the German woman was raped and killed. I remember as a little boy how the Germans hated the Russians and thought them little better than pigs.
History has shown that there is no love lost between the two nations. Die Suchmeldungen wurden ununterbrochen herunter gelesen, ich glaube sogar 24 Stunden, monatelang. Damals war ich kaum 10 Jahre alt. Approximate translation by Yahoo! Where do I find a reference to it, on these radio or TV-messages?
The search messages were read continuously down, I believed even 24 hours, for months. At that time I was hardly 10 years old. Who knows me closer over it communicating? I do not have information on the radio that your looking for but I am doing research on German POW is there any information that you have on your father? Hi Monicka, I am german now living in the US, both sides of my family have suffered beyond amagination.
My Grandfather on my fathers side never returned from the war in Russia, last comunication was from Jan from east Prussia. No idea what happened to him. I have 2 postcards that he wrote from there home dated June and Dec. I can not find a POW camp by that name just a museum about a military facility that was closed after the war. Do you have any information???? My mother, at the time 7 or 8 years old and the rest of the family endet up, like so many, on a treck in Feb.
I lese gerade ein Buch eines deutschen maedchens,leider auf englisch,aber in dem Buch spricht sie ueber diese Radio-Sendungen.
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