Contatto in Morelia (Italian Edition)
Analysis of metals was carried out too, the concentration of gold element is 0. The arsenic element was not detected but the concentration of the boron element is high for irrigation use 2. Chihuahua, Mexico, fueron realizados con el fin de conocer las caracteristicas geoquimicas del acuifero somero y su interaccion con fluidos geotermicos.
Se realizaron 2 muestreos tanto de agua como de gases en y En ambos muestreos se encontro que la composicion quimica del agua de todos los manantiales es del tipo bicarbonatado-clorurado-sodico. De acuerdo con el contenido relativo de Na: Mg el agua de los manantiales mas calientes. Automated vehicle identification tags in San Antonio: This report demonstrates a unique solution to the challenge of providing accurate, timely estimates of arterial travel times to the motoring public.

In particular, it discusses the lessons learned in deploying the Vehicle Tag Project in San Antonio , A nearly threefold increase in demand for water in the square-mile San Antonio Creek valley in California during the period has increased the potential for overdraft on the ground-water basin. The hydrologic budget for this period showed a perennial yield of about 9, acre-feet per year and an annual ground-water discharge of about 11, acre-feet per year, comprising net pumpage of 7, acre-feet, phreatophyte evapotranspiration of 3, acre-feet, and base streamflow of 1 , acre-feet.
The base flow in San Antonio Creek could diminish to zero when net pumpage reaches 13, acre-feet per year. The environmentally sensitive marshland area of Barka Slough may then become stressed as water normally lost through evapotranspiration is captured by pumpage. The aquifer consists of alluvial valley fill that ranges in thickness from 0 to 3, feet. Ground water moves seaward from recharge areas along mountain fronts to a consolidated rock barrier about 5 miles east of the Pacific coast. Upwelling of ground water just east of the barrier has resulted in the acre Barka Slough.
Transmissivity of the aquifer ranges from 2, to 34, feet squared per day, with the lowest values occurring in the central part of the valley where the aquifer is thickest but probably finer grained. The salinity problems are increasing in the agricultural parts of the valley, which is east of the barrier.
West of the barrier, stream and ground-water quality is poor, owing to seepage of saline water from the marine shale that underlies the area at shallow depths. A proposed basinwide monitoring program includes 17 water-level sites, 12 water-quality sampling sites, 3 streamflow measuring sites, and periodic infrared aerial photography of Barka Slough. A computer model of the ground-water flow system could be developed to assess the impact of various water-management alternatives. Local adaptation of the National Physical Activity Plan: Physical inactivity and related health consequences are serious public health threats.
Effective strategies to facilitate and support active-living opportunities must be implemented at national, state, and local levels. ALCSA adopted governance standards, increased knowledge of physical activity and health, and engaged in an month collaborative master plan writing process. ALCSA selected overarching strategies and evidence-based strategies for each societal sector and adapted strategies to the local context, including tactics, measures of success, and timelines. Community and expert engagement led to a localized plan reflecting national recommendations, the Active Living Plan for a Healthier San Antonio.
Multisector collaborations among governmental agencies and community organizations, which were successfully developed in this case to produce the first-ever local adaptation of the NPAP, require clearly defined expectations. Lessons learned in ALCSA's organizational and plan development can serve as a model for future community-driven efforts to increase active living.
Building America Case Study: IBACOS worked with builder Imagine Homes to evaluate the performance of an occupied new construction test house following construction of the house in the hot, humid climate of San Antonio , Texas. The project measures the effectiveness of a space conditioning strategy using a multihead mini-split heat pump MSHP system in a reduced-load home to achieve acceptable comfort levels temperature and humidity and energy performance. IBACOS collected long-term data and analyzed the energy consumption and comfort conditions of the occupied house after one year of operation.
Although measured results indicate that the test system provides comfort both inside and outside the ASHRAE Standard range, the occupants of the house claimed both adequate comfort and appreciation of the ease of use and flexibility of the installed MSHP system. IBACOS also assisted the builder to evaluate design and specification changes necessary to comply with Zero Energy Ready Home, but the builder chose to not move forward with it because of concerns about the 'solar ready' requirements of the program.
Aerial radiometric and magnetic survey: The results of analyses of the airborne gamma radiation and total magnetic field survey flown for the region identified as the San Antonio National Topographic Map NH are presented. The airborne data gathered are reduced by ground computer facilities to yield profile plots of the basic uranium, thorium, and potassium equivalent gamma radiation intensities, ratios of these intensities, aircraft altitude above the earth's surface, total gamma ray and earth's magnetic field intensity, correlated as a function of geologic units.
The distribution of data within each geologic unit, for all surveyed map lines and tie lines, has been calculated and is included. Two sets of profiled data for each line are included, with one set displaying the above-cited data. The second set includes only flight line magnetic field, temperature, pressure, altitude data plus magnetic field data as measured at a base station. A general description of the area, including descriptions of the various geologic units and the corresponding airborne data, is included also. Full Text Available This article deals with the conflicts that involved the San Bernardo and San Antonio schools all along the seventeenth century.
The author proposes a new approach to explain the social history of colonial Cuzco. He mantains that the root of the confrontation has to do with the privileges that enjoy the jesuits in the provision of academical degrees, a basic requirement to obtain appointments in the civil and eclesiastical administration.
To understand this social dinamic, he reconstructs the institutional history of both schools, and reveals the interests that defend the main actors of this secular conflict. El autor propone una nueva lectura a este episodio de la historia social del Cuzco colonial. Attractiveness of botanical infusions to ovipositing Culex quinquefasciatus, Cx. Field experiments were conducted on the Fort Sam Houston Military Reservation, San Antonio , TX, in fall to observe the attractiveness of selected botanical infusions to ovipositing female mosquitoes. The following infusions were tested in Centers for Disease Control and Prevention gravid traps: Bermuda grass Cynodon dactylon , oak leaf Quercus virginiana , acacia leaf Acacia schaffneri , rabbit chow alfalfa pellets , and algae Spirogyra sp.
Four Bermuda, acacia, oak, and algae of the 5 infusions were effective in collecting Culex quinquefasciatus, Cx. Of the 4 infusions, Bermuda collected the greatest number of the mosquitoes sampled. Female Aedes albopictus mosquitoes were collected in moderate numbers during this study. Report on investigations in fiscal on the basic investigation on promotion of joint implementation. Occurrence of the haemocyte parasite Bonamia sp.
The present study describes the haemocytic parasitism that affected O. This parasite should be considered as a different species from Bonamia sp. This work constitutes the first record of this haemocyte parasite in flat oysters from the Argentinean coast. Soil Conservation Service is actively engaged in the installation of flood and soil erosion reducing measures in Texas under the authority of the "Flood Control Act of and " and "Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act" Public Law , as amended.
The Soil Conservation Service has found a total of approximately 3, floodwater-retarding structures to be physically and economically feasible in Texas. As of September 30, , 1, of these structures had been built. This watershed-development program will have varying but important effects on the surface and ground-water resources of river basins, especially where a large number of the floodwater-retarding structures are built.
Basic hydrologic data under natural and developed conditions are needed to appraise the effects of the structures on the yield and mode of occurrence of runoff. Hydrologic investigations of these small watersheds were begun by the Geological Survey in and are now being made in 12 study areas fig. The 12 study areas were chosen to sample watershed having different rainfall, topography, geology, and soils. In five of the study areas, North, Little Elm, Mukewater, little Pond-North Elm, and Pin Oak Creeks , streamflow and rainfall records were collected prior to construction of the floodwater-retarding structures, thus affording the opportunity for analyses of the conditions "before and after" development.
A summary of the development of the floodwater-retarding structures in each study areas of September 30, , is shown in table 1. Objectives of the Texas Small Watersheds ProjectThe purpose of these investigations is to collect sufficient data to meeting the. The San Antonio Creek Groundwater Basin is a rural agricultural area that is heavily dependent on groundwater to meet local water demands. As part of this assessment, an integrated hydrologic model that will help stakeholders to effectively manage the water resources in the basin is being developed. The integrated hydrologic model includes a conceptual model of the subsurface geology consisting of stratigraphy and variations in lithology throughout the basin.
The San Antonio Creek Groundwater Basin is a relatively narrow, east-west oriented valley that is structurally controlled by an eastward-plunging syncline. Basin-fill material beneath the valley floor consists of relatively coarse-grained, permeable, marine and non-marine sedimentary deposits, which are underlain by fine-grained, low-permeability, marine sedimentary rocks. To characterize the system, surficial and subsurface geohydrologic data were compiled from geologic maps, existing regional geologic models, and lithology and geophysical logs from boreholes, including two USGS multiple-well sites drilled as part of this study.
Geohydrologic unit picks and lithologic variations are incorporated into a three-dimensional framework model of the basin. This basin model includes six geohydrologic units that follow the structure and stratigraphy of the area: Hydrologic data show that the upper and lower portions of the Paso Robles Formation are. Simulation of flow in the Edwards Aquifer, San Antonio region, Texas, and refinement of storage and flow concepts. The Edwards aquifer is a complexly faulted, carbonate aquifer lying within the Balcones fault zone of south-central Texas.
The aquifer consists of thin- to massive-bedded limestone and dolomite, most of which is in the form of mudstones and wackestones. The aquifer is recharged mainly by streamflow losses in the outcrop area of the Edwards aquifer and is discharged by major springs located at considerable distances, as much as mi, from the areas of recharge and by wells.
Ground-water flow within the Edwards aquifer of the San Antonio region was simulated to investigate concepts relating to the storage and flow characteristics. The concepts of major interest were the effects of barrier faults on flow direction, water levels, springflow, and storage within the aquifer. A general-purpose, finite-difference model, modified to provide the capability of representing barrier faults, was used to simulate ground-water flow and storage in the aquifer.
The approach in model development was to conduct a series of simulations beginning with a simple representation of the aquifer framework and then proceeding to subsequent representations of increasing complexity. The simulations investigated the effects of complex geologic structures and of significant changes in transmissivity, anisotropy, and storage coefficient. Initial values of transmissivity, anisotropy, and storage coefficient were estimated based on concepts developed in previous studies.
A storage coefficient of 0. Handbook of Qualitative Research. Autenticidad en San Antonio de Areco Argentina. Simulations of groundwater flow and particle-tracking analysis in the zone of contribution to a public-supply well in San Antonio , Texas. In , a public-supply well in San Antonio , Texas, was selected for intensive study to assess the vulnerability of public-supply wells in the Edwards aquifer to contamination by a variety of compounds. A local-scale, steady-state, three-dimensional numerical groundwater-flow model was developed and used in this study to evaluate the movement of water and solutes from recharge areas to the selected public-supply well.
Particle tracking was used to compute flow paths and advective traveltimes throughout the model area and to delineate the areas contributing recharge and zone of contribution for the selected public-supply well. For this, the temporal distribution of fires and burned areas, in the period , through the year, the week and the day was taken into account and also the causes that povoque the fires.
With these elements, the activities to be carr The workshop featured speaker Dr. Assessing the vulnerability of public-supply wells to contamination—Edwards aquifer near San Antonio , Texas. This fact sheet highlights findings from the vulnerability study of a public-supply well field in San Antonio , Texas. The well field consists of six production wells that tap the Edwards aquifer. Typically, one or two wells are pumped at a time, yielding an average total of million gallons per day. Water samples were collected from public-supply wells in the well field and from monitoring wells installed along general directions of flow to the well field.
Samples from the well field contained some constituents of concern for drinking-water quality, including nitrate; the pesticide compounds atrazine, deethylatrazine, and simazine; and the volatile organic compounds tetrachloroethene also called perchloroethene, or PCE , chloroform, bromoform, and dibromochloromethane. These constituents were detected in untreated water at concentrations much less than established drinking-water standards, where such standards exist. Overall, the study findings point to four primary factors that affect the movement and fate of contaminants and the vulnerability of the public-supply well field in San Antonio , Texas: A computer-model simulation of groundwater flow and transport was used to estimate the traveltime or age of water particles entering public-supply well W4 in the well field.
Modeled findings show that almost half of the water reaching the public-supply well is less than 2 years old. Such a large percentage of very young water indicates that 1 contaminants entering the aquifer may be transported rapidly to the well, 2 there is limited time for chemical reactions to occur in the aquifer that may attenuate contaminants, and 3 should recharge water become contaminated with.
Updated numerical model with uncertainty assessment of drought conditions on brackish-water movement within the Edwards aquifer, San Antonio , Texas. In , the U. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the San Antonio Water System, began a study to assess the brackish-water movement within the Edwards aquifer more specifically the potential for brackish-water encroachment into wells near the interface between the freshwater and brackish-water transition zones, referred to in this report as the transition-zone interface and effects on spring discharge at Comal and San Marcos Springs under drought conditions using a numerical model.
The quantitative targets of this study are to predict the effects of higher-than-average groundwater withdrawals from wells and drought-of-record rainfall conditions of —56 on 1 dissolved-solids concentration changes at production wells near the transition-zone interface, 2 total spring discharge at Comal and San Marcos Springs, and 3 the groundwater head head at Bexar County index well J The predictions of interest, and the parameters implemented into the model, were evaluated to quantify their uncertainty so the results of the predictions could be presented in terms of a percent credible interval.
Making lemonade from lemons: The setting for this case study is the Dolph Briscoe, Jr. Library, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio , a health sciences campus with medical, dental, nursing, health professions, and graduate schools. The impetus for changes to the library building was the decreasing need to house collections in an increasingly electronic environment, the need for office space for other departments, and growth of the student body. Campus administration proposed changes to the library building, and librarians worked with administration, architects, and construction managers to seek renovation solutions that meshed with the library's educational mission.
The San Antonio River Basin about square miles, 10, km2 in Central Texas, USA, is the domain of the study because it is a region subject to frequent occurrences of severe flash flooding. A major flood in the summer of is chosen as a case to examine the modeling framework. Watershed parameters are calibrated manually to produce a good simulation of discharge at 12 subbasins. With the calibrated discharge, HEC-RAS is capable of producing floodplain polygons that are comparable to the satellite imagery. The modeling framework presented in this study incorporates a portion of the recently developed GIS tool named Map to Map that has been created on a local scale and extends it to a regional scale.
The results of this research will benefit future modeling efforts by providing a tool for hydrological forecasts of flooding on a regional scale. While designed for the San Antonio River Basin, this regional scale model may be used as a prototype for model applications in other areas of the country.
With these elements, the activities to be carried out to reduce the occurrence and propagation of forest fires were planned. Among the significant results train, the recent years the number of fire events has increased, most of them occur between march and may; usually from 8: The general cause that provoque the greatest number of fires is negligence. Therefore, it is necessary to implement an adequate protection plan against fire making great emphasis on the prevention of fires provoqued by humans and to take measures to modify the structure and composition of the combustible material.
Mecenazgo religioso y estrategias familiares en la Segovia del siglo XV: The foundation was determined on very varied reasons, not only charitative and religious reasons. Among these reasons, the use of the hospital as an instrument of the family strategies.
These family strategies tried to hidden the hebrew origins of the lineage. They also tried to guarantee the perennity of the lineage, and to leave an endurable memory behind. Lasdy, these family strategies tried to consolidate the domination that the lineage had on Segovia. Entre ellas, el uso del hospital como instrumento de las estrategias familiares. Magmatic controls on eruption dynamics of the yr B. Between and yr B. Included in the andesitic blocks of the block-and-ash flow deposit are basaltic andesite enclaves with elongated and ellipsoidal forms and chilled margins.
The enclaves have intersertal textures with brown glass between microphenocrysts of plagioclase, hornblende, pyroxene, and olivine, and minor proportions of phenocrysts of plagioclase, hornblende, and pyroxene. Vestiges of that mixing are preserved as complex compositional zones in plagioclase and clinopyroxene-rich reaction rims in amphibole in the andesite. A complex open-system evolution that involved crustal end-members best explains the generation of effusive dacite from the hybrid andesite. Amphibole in the dacite is rimmed by reaction products of plagioclase, orthopyroxene, and Fe-Ti oxides produced by decompression during ascent.
Amphibole in the andesite.
command san antonio: Topics by
Principles of skill acquisition. Academic Press, , Separate forms of the revised survey for active duty Around this map sit the commanders of. A preliminary review of the authored works approval process at Naval Medical Center San Diego NMCSD disclosed significant inefficiency, variation in process, and a low level of customer satisfaction. Two major outcome metrics were identified: Primary metric baseline data were gathered utilizing a Clinical Investigations database tracking publications and presentations.
Secondary metric baseline data were collected via a customer satisfaction survey to GME faculty and residents. The project team analyzed pre-survey data and utilized LSS tools and methodology including a "gemba" environment walk, cause and effect diagram, critical to quality tree, voice of the customer, "muda" waste chart, and a pre- and post-event value stream map. The team selected an electronic submission system as the intervention most likely to positively impact the RIE project outcome measures. Specialty education in periodontics in Japan and the United States: Japan has institutions that train qualified postdoctoral students in the field of periodontics; however, Japan does not have comprehensive advanced periodontal programs and national standards for these specialty programs.
To help Japanese programs move toward global standards in this area, this study was designed to describe overall differences in periodontics specialty education in Japan and the United States and to compare periodontics faculty members and residents' characteristics and attitudes in two specific programs, one in each country. Demographic data were collected as well as respondents' attitudes toward and assessment of their programs.
The results showed many differences in curriculum structure and clinical performance. To provide high-quality and consistent education for periodontal residents, Japan needs to establish a set of standards that will have positive consequences for those in Japan who need periodontal treatment.
The business and technical case for Continuous Commissioning reg Trade Mark for enhanced building operations. It is also known as 'building retro-commissioning' or 'building tune-up'. It involves a rigorous, whole-building, engineering evaluation of the heating and cooling systems to identify mechanical problems, inadequate or ineffective control strategies. Some of the most common problems are: ACCD has multiple buildings on 4 campuses with total conditioned area of 2. Full Text Available The patterns of current land use in the Rabanal paramo suggest a slow and progressive deterioration of the vegetation of this ecosystem, probably due to the current practice of disturbances imposed apparently largely by human causes, mainly the expansion of the agricultural frontier mechanized potato crops and grazing.
The typical situation of the pattern of occupation and land-holding in these places, as well as the established production system, is the starting point to determine its effect on this sector of the Rabanal paramo ecosystem and define whether or not this fact is crucial to its conservation and management. The study was conducted in three stages that included the characterization of the area done through surveys, a review of primary and secondary education, followed by field work, and final tabulation of information.
Geochemical evolution processes and water-quality observations based on results of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program in the San Antonio segment of the Edwards aquifer, Geological Survey collected and analyzed groundwater samples during from the San Antonio segment of the Edwards aquifer of central Texas, a productive karst aquifer developed in Cretaceous-age carbonate rocks.
This report evaluates these data to assess geochemical evolution processes, including local- and regional-scale processes controlling groundwater geochemistry, and to make water-quality observations pertaining to sources and distribution of natural constituents and anthropogenic contaminants, the relation between geochemistry and hydrologic conditions, and groundwater age tracers and travel time.
Implications for monitoring water-quality trends in karst are also discussed. Geochemical and isotopic data are useful tracers of recharge, groundwater flow, fluid mixing, and water-rock interaction processes that affect water quality. Sources of dissolved constituents to Edwards aquifer groundwater include dissolution of and geochemical interaction with overlying soils and calcite and dolomite minerals that compose the aquifer.
Geochemical tracers such as magnesium to calcium and strontium to calcium ratios and strontium isotope compositions are used to evaluate and constrain progressive fluid-evolution processes. Molar ratios of magnesium to calcium and strontium to calcium in groundwater typically.
San Antonio 's Bus Passenger Survey. Many transit operators routinely collect ridership data in order to provide a: Often a survey is conducted of bus: Water-quality observations of the San Antonio segment of the Edwards aquifer, Texas, with an emphasis on processes influencing nutrient and pesticide geochemistry and factors affecting aquifer vulnerability, — As questions regarding the influence of increasing urbanization on water quality in the Edwards aquifer are raised, a better understanding of the sources, fate, and transport of compounds of concern in the aquifer—in particular, nutrients and pesticides—is needed to improve water management decision-making capabilities.
Geological Survey, in cooperation with the San Antonio Water System, performed a study from to to better understand how water quality changes under a range of hydrologic conditions and in contrasting land-cover settings rural and urban in the Edwards aquifer. The study design included continuous hydrologic monitoring, continuous water-quality monitoring, and discrete sample collection for a detailed characterization of water quality at a network of sites throughout the aquifer system.
Network sites were selected to characterize rainfall, recharging surface water, and groundwater; groundwater sites included wells in the unconfined part of the aquifer unconfined wells and in the confined part of the aquifer confined wells and a major discharging spring. Storm-related samples—including rainfall samples, stormwater-runoff surface-water samples, and groundwater samples—were collected to characterize the aquifer response to recharge. Elevated nitrate concentrations relative to national background values and the widespread detection of pesticides indicate that the Edwards aquifer is vulnerable to contamination and that vulnerability is affected by factors such as land cover, aquifer hydrogeology, and changes in hydrologic conditions.
Entrevista com Antonio Candido. Dalla prima missiva si riescono a stabilire numerosi contatti con Giuseppe Valadier: Tanto da giungere a considerare Mollari come il continuatore del Valadier nei cantieri marchigiani, dove la presenza del Maestro si manifesta come una sovrapposizione di motivi francesizzanti a soluzioni palladiane: A first very important letter, dated May 4th , links him to Antonio Canova whereby, after inviting him, by wish of Phillip Colonna III , he then makes a list of all his works of art; the second is dated February 25th Various contacts with Giuseppe Valadier can be established from the first letter: Moreover the pages of two Valdier Notebooks, which he must have known about, can be considered half way between a typological exercise.
Abetti, Antonio and Abetti, Giorgio Antonio was born in San Pietro di Gorizia, Italy. A civil engineer, he turned to astronomy and became director of the observatory in Arcetri and professor of astronomy at the University of Florence. His main interest was positional astronomy, observation of minor planets, comets and star occultations.
In he observed the transit of Venus across the Sun's disk through a spectroscope. The Command World scenario was expressly designed as a crisis action planning exercise in order to replicate the communications, collaboration, and information requirements inherent in a military The waters of San Antonio The government liability for deferred depreciation from Hurricane Katrina was Both weedy non-native species adapted to frequent disturbance, such as sow thistle Sonchus. Full Text Available Spanish architecture is in mourning. One of its most beloved referents, Antonio Lamela passed away on April 1, He has left us an extensive and polyhedral legacy that continues to live in the urban fabric of our cities, in the pages of his books, and in the model of thought and action, which presided over by the effort and the desire to innovate, led him to reach the highest levels of our profession.
A model with which he founded his office in and which today, directed for many years by his son Carlos Lamela, has a relevant international representation having carried out projects in 32 countries. Changing his perspective, Antonio Lamela has also bequeathed us his pioneering reflections on the proper management of natural resources and the necessary sustainability of the architecture of our planet within the cosmos in which it lives.
He will always be an unavoidable model for future generations. Chi era Mollari e come potrebbe essere adeguatamente presentato in una riunione di persone non addette ai lavori? Era architetto, ingegnere, tecnico? In this report it is narrated that in the figure of Antonio Mollari was reproposed, after the discovery of five watercolor maps at the municipality of Petriolo, by means of a small exhibition to which Prof. Cruciani Fabozzi gave the right approach.
From that date an interest in the idea of a more appropriate and extensive discussion on Antonio Mollari is later gained, reaching the Conference held in the Abbey of Fiastra in The author highlights how the figure of Antonio Mollari has a problem with the communication, beyond the technical opinion, expressed by the speakers that have taken place in the conference. Who was Mollari and how could he be adequately presented at a meeting of persons not qualified in this matter? It was Architect or Engineer? Or, as needed, was the one or the other of these figures? Nora Tyson, left, commander of Philippines oceanographic research and study capabilities.
Nora Tyson part in that relationship," said Vice Adm. Nora Tyson, commander , U. School for Command Preparation Feedback. PCC provides common understanding of current doctrine, and up-to-date information on Army-wide policy, programs and special items of interest La presidencia de Miguel Antonio Caro.
Antonio Ricci en Madrid: Ricci worked in the Palace of Madrid and was involved in the birth of the Academy of Painting. Juan Antonio Rubio Rodriguez — It was with deep sorrow and great sadness that we learnt that Juan Antonio Rubio Rodriguez had passed away on 16th January Juan Antonio was born in Madrid on 4th June , and received his Ph. Engineer of the LHC commissioning Questions asked: What does it take to start up the LHC machine? What's the plan for 1st injection day? How do you feel about this? US command improvements and command vulnerability.
In essence, the United States still relies on the strategic command system erected during the s and s, but as we have seen, this system suffers from a number of serious weaknesses. Among these the authors emphasized the vulnerability of vital communications even before any warheads impact directly on U.
This paper focuses on the committed improvement program, assess its impact on command vulnerability, and offer suggestions for further command improvements designed to enhance crisis stability and to facilitate ware termination should deterrence fail. The reader should note that this chapter is rather more technical than the remainder of this book.
Antonio Canova and the Whatever Body. Full Text Available This article looks at the persistence of classicizing art in postmodern imagery. Specifically, I posit the art of Antonio Canova as a precursor to contemporary fashion advertising, arguing against the notion that his oeuvre is wholly irrelevant to contemporary culture. At first glance, these paintings are little more than odd pastiches of 16th century old master works, only with figures marked by a highly refined and conspicuously modern appropriation of ideal beauty.
Rather than marginal curiosities or footnotes to his figures in marble, these paintings will be discussed for their distinctive treatment of the female form. I frame the artist as a transitional figure, one whose overturning of moralizing deployments of ideal beauty initiated a new corporeal type that endures in the figure of the fashion model. Returning Canova to the central position he once occupied in the nineteenth century, I incorporate the work of Giorgio Agamben, John Berger and Frederic Jameson. Antonio Gramsci on intellectual thought — Challenging nursing.
Antonio Gramsci on intellectual thought — Challenging nursing journaltitle: Nurse Education Today articlelink: In Memoriam Antonio Reales Orozco Nacido, criado y educado en Barranquilla, el Dr. Pietro Antonio Tomasello de Padua: In the Viceroy of Sicily Ettore Pignatelli, Count of Monteleone, started a significant campaign for the strengthening of the outworks of the main cities located along the Sicilian coast: Palermo, Trapani, Milazzo, Siracusa and, after a few years, also Messina. Combatant Command for the 21st Century. European Command , Southern Command , Northern Command , Central Command , and Pacific Command , as the Department of Defense's unified command structure responsible for specific geographical regions of the world San Marino, an independent republic located in north central Italy, in had a population of 22, growing at an annual rate of.
The terrain is mountainous and the climate is moderate. According to local tradition, San Marino was founded by a Christian stonecutter in the 4th century A. Its recorded history began in the 9th century, and it has survived assaults on its independence by the papacy, the Malatesta lords of Rimini, Cesare Borgia, Napoleon, and Mussolini. An treaty with the newly formed Kingdom of Italy has been periodically renewed and amended. The present government is an alliance between the socialists and communists. San Marino has had its own statutes and governmental institutions since the 11th century.
Legislative authority at present is vested in a member unicameral parliament. Executive authority is exercised by the member Congress of State, the members of which head the various administrative departments of the goverment. The posts are divided among the parties which form the coalition government.
Judicial authority is partly exercised by Italian magistrates in civil and criminal cases. San Marino's policies are tied to Italy's and political organizations and labor unions active in Italy are also active in San Marino. The principal economic activities are farming and livestock raising, along with some light manufacturing.
Foreign transactions are dominated by tourism. The government derives most of its revenue from the sale of postage stamps to. Antonio Aliprandi, un estucador lombardo en la Valencia de Around many foreign artists appear in Valencia where they will stand for several years leaving in our town quite a lot of handcrafts. One among them, Antonio Aliprandi, will specialize himself on recovering many buildings with stucco, mainly in churches. This text makes a journey along Aliprandi's art pieces in Valencia after working on files to find the documents refered to them.
In Antonio Machado's poetry, a dissatisfied agnosticism appears; that is, a kind of agnosticism which wants to quit being such, an agnosticism with metaphysical longings. Machado knows that the absence of trascendence does not offer peacefulness, but tediousness and resignation against the changing reality. Being lacks the plenitude it once had and, in this sense, there exists in Machado a double way to understand reality: Marco Antonio Chaer Nascimento a festschrift from theoretical chemistry accounts.
In this Festschrift dedicated to the 65th birthday of Marco Antonio Chaer Nascimento, selected researchers in theoretical chemistry present research highlights on major developments in the field. Originally published in the journal Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, these outstanding contributions are now available in a hardcover print format. This volume will be of benefit in particular to those research groups and libraries that have chosen to have only electronic access to the journal. It also provides valuable content for all researchers in theoretical chemistry.
Command History for Technology Department and provides computational and electronic mail support for research in areas of artificial intelligence, computer-assisted instruction. Continuous monitoring of stream water quality is needed as it has significant impacts on human and ecological health and well-being. In this study, SWAT was used to estimate water quality at a monitoring station near the outlet of These skills and knowledges branch Berkeley does--they recommended actually writing critical incidents on the scales, a minimum of two--like the original work with the National League of A Qualitative Study of Affordability: Virginia and San Antonio Class Programs.
But the bubble burst in In a somewhat politit. Of that, only a use. The second is the range of Native grasses and herbs such as giant wild rye Leymus condensatus , and stinging nettle Urtica dioica dominate this vegetation type Biological hazards such as animals insects , spiders, and snakes , and disease vectors ticks and rodents. This paper describes an environmental education initiative called Starting out Wild SoW designed for toddlers and their caretakers. The program, developed by staff and volunteers of a city parks department, engages children ages and their parents and caretakers through outdoor learning experiences.
We suggest that environmental education…. Attachment 2 Contaminants of Concern 1. Early nuclear weapons used polonium -beryllium Po-Be initiators to generate neutrons during the Figure is a histogram of key isotopic mixtures of uranium by mass. The composition for DU is a moderately depleted No discussion will prevent flow of the coating onto the sensor. Further, the utilization of established residency training program assessment tools Measuring the relative proportion of the existing casemix by age group will allow the GME Operators must respond to a Motivated employees are crucial to organizations, but external interventions such as command systems and financial incentives may decrease motivation.
If these external interventions are perceived to be controlling, they are expected to crowd out intrinsic motivation, and this may also apply The perception of external interventions is thus expected to be vital. This article investigates how the perception of a specific command system obligatory student plans is associated with intrinsic motivation and public service Using a dataset with 3, school teachers in Denmark, a structural equation model shows that the perception of obligatory student plans as controlling is negatively associated with all of the investigated types of employee motivation, supporting that motivation crowding can occur Joint Mission Command Implementation.
The paper finds that trust is strongly influenced by the subconscious brain and treating it like a tool ignores biology and results in Treating trust like it can be taught, or a behavior that. Hispanics of a San Diego Barrio. Parallels might be drawn Research Naval Academy, U. Annapolis, MD -.
Force Protection and Command Relationships: This monograph analyzes the joint force protection program by investigating the terms: Cineclube Antonio das Mortes and its independent film production. Then, this work will try to understand how this production of this Cineclube approaches or moves away from the different conceptions that this term has acquired over the decades.
Dunwoody, GA Kevin G. Naval Academy Jason A. Pensacola, Oct Full Text Available In Antonio Machado's poetry, a dissatisfied agnosticism appears; that is, a kind of agnosticism which wants to quit being such, an agnosticism with metaphysical longings. All this generates a vacuum in the human being, a thirst of trascendence not satisfied and, at the sme time, hope as longing of trascendence which can only be expressed in metaphysics and poetry.
Machado's account on trascendence does not exclude immanence. It is found in and from the self, for itself and in other, and even in the absolutely other. Landscape concept in photography: Full Text Available In the 80s of the last century the Italian photography, like other art forms, reflected the political, economic and cultural changes of the Nation.
It was the time of a new documentary photography that investigated the transformation of the urban areas. Within this process the landscape was the subject of a new interpretation. In this process of documentation was worked out again, but in a modern way, by Antonio Ottomanelli. Distant places and only apparently different from each other. In fact, all of them have been destroyed by war or, in the case of New York, have been target of a terrorist attack.
Since the structuration of space, in particular, urban space, which is the first political space, is a matter of permanent reflection in his work, here I offer a reading of the allegorical "engineering" of the tale, establishing relations with other critical texts by Ponte which defies the metaphysics of Cuban nationalism and the centralizing ideology of the Estate.
Considerazioni su un protagonista della grafica italiana. Indeed he is one of the most important figures of Italian advertising graphics and this not for the works he materially made in this field but for his centrality in the Studio he created: This article does not pretend to explain in a comprehensive manner his importance but it wants to represent a starting point in a research that reconsiders all round Boggeri. Not only, therefore, for his central role in the Studio, but even for his important contribution as a writer and as a photographer, compensating, in part, the lack of works that fully analyze his figure.
An area of Ka2 was explored to define surface mining possibilities within two subareas referred to as Alto San Jorge and San Pedro Ure. Rocks of Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary age crop out in the zone. In the subarea Alto San Jorge the principal structure is a syncline with a south-north direction. The San Pedro Ure subarea is formed by undulations with flanks of low dip, the most important being the San Antonio Syncline because it contains the mining block. The geological study of the surface demonstrated the existence of coal in the Oligocene Cienaga de Oro Formation and the Niocene Cerrito Formation, with potential resources of 6.
The subsequent exploration of the subsoil, with In the sector selected for the mine plan, in the area of San Pedro-Puerto Libertador, 7. The combustible type coal has 5. Complete mining schedules were developed at the prefeasibility level for two surface mines with productions of 1. Command Relationships in Amphibious Warfare. Why did it change Vestlus brasiilia kunstniku Antonio Claudio Carvalhoga Command in a field hospital. This paper examines the challenges involved in commanding a field hospital.
There are frequent, dynamic tensions between the military culture that is based on a task-focussed, hierarchical structure and the clinical culture that is based on flat, process-focussed, multidisciplinary teams. The paper outlines the cultural environment of the field hospital and then examines the deployment sequence whereby a functioning clinical facility may be created from a group of disparate individuals.
There are a number of tools that may assist with this including the personality of the Commanding Officer, individual skills, the creation of an organizational identity and the choice of command structure. Processes, Systems, and Philosophy of. Global Command and Control Management Structure. Mito e le visioni musicali di Antonio Buero Vallejo. This libretto was never set to music, but was published in in Primer Acto, preceded by a brief introduction of the author.
Command in the Objective Force. This paper seeks to answer what type of command will best serve the Army's Objective Force in gaining the initiative, building momentum, and exploiting success to achieve land dominance in the future Combatant Commanders Informational Series: Inbound staff officers, prepared by reviewing this product, arrive on station ready to receive specialized training without needing background indoctrination Strategic Global Climate Command? Researchers have been exploring geoengineering because Anthropogenic GHG emissions could drive the globe towards unihabitability for people, wildlife and vegetation.
Potential global deployment of these technologies is inherently strategic. For example, solar radiation management to reflect more sunlight might be strategically useful during a period of time where the population completes an effort to cease emissions and carbon removal technologies might then be strategically deployed to move the atmospheric concentrations back to a safer level. Consequently, deployment of these global technologies requires the ability to think and act strategically on the part of the planet's governments.
Such capacity most definitely does not exist today but it behooves scientists and engineers to be involved in thinking through how global command might develop because the way they do the research could support the development of a capacity to deploy intervention rationally -- or irrationally.
Internationalizing research would get countries used to working together. Organizing the research in a step-wise manner where at each step scientists become skilled at explaining what they have learned, the quality of the information they have, what they don't know and what more they can do to reduce or handle uncertainty, etc. Such a process can increase societal confidence in being able to make wise decisions about deployment.
Global capacity will also be enhanced if the sceintific establishment reinvents misssion driven research so that the programs will identify the systemic issues invovled in any proposed technology and systematically address them with research while still encouraging individual creativity. Geoengineering will diverge from climate science in that geoengineering research needs to design interventions for some publically desirable goal and investigates whether a proposed intervention will acheive desired outcomes.
The effort must be a systems-engineering design problem. Social media, publicidad y empresa. Entrevista a Antonio Fumero. Recientemente ha creado su propia empresa, Win Win consultores. The dramatic reinvention of Antonio Canova. Full Text Available In the mids, the playwright Lodovico Muratori wrote a play based on the life of the sculptor, Antonio Canova, that focused on a fictional, unconsummated passion between Canova and his housekeeper, Luigia Giuli. Artistic inspiration is disengaged from imitation and the rote act of copying and located instead in the very personal and subjective emotions of the artist.
By the late nineteenth century, in order to maintain the validity of an otherwise outmoded style, neoclassicism and its suffocating image of repetition were necessarily recast to fit the political, sociological and artistic developments of the time. The ergonomics of command and control. Since its inception, just after the Second World War, ergonomics research has paid special attention to the issues surrounding human control of systems. Command and Control environments continue to represent a challenging domain for Ergonomics research.
Enhanced Micromanagement by Risk-Averse Commanders. However, along with its benefits, this command , control and communications C3 network includes the dangerous consequence of eroding the autonomy of tactical command through enhanced micromanagement by risk-averse operational commanders The search for esthetic treatment has persisted in the routine of dental professionals. Following this trend, dental patients have sought treatment with the primary aim of improving smile esthetics. The aim of this article is to present a protocol to assess patient's smile: The 10 Commandments of smile esthetics.
Apollo 11 Command Service Module. A close-up view of the Apollo 11 command service module ready to be mated with the spacecraft LEM adapter of the third stage. The towering foot Saturn V was a multi-stage, multi-engine launch vehicle standing taller than the Statue of Liberty. Altogether, the Saturn V engines produced as much power as 85 Hoover Dams.
Rethinking Training for Squadron Commanders. Air Forces total suicides despite making up only 16 percent of the service. They must address complex issues facing the Air Force, such as troubling suicide rates, manning shortfalls, decreasing resources. Technical proposal on the treatment of the influent of the Jose Antonio Alzate dam using aerobic pond system; Propuesta tecnica sobre el tratamiento del influente de la presa Jose Antonio Alzate a traves un sistema lagunar aerobio. Rosas de Alba, S. In Mexico, discharge of waste water not treated is a common problem; this is the case of the Lerma river, where the original clean water contribution of the Almoloya-Lerma- San Bartolo timber-roof system, located in the valley of Toluca, State of Mexico, was replaced by the wastewater of the valley.
The attempts to clean the water before their spill have been unfruitful and this has caused the present anaerobic conditions of the river in its entire route including the first receiving stage that is the Jose Antonio Alzate Dam PJAA , becoming a potential source of diseases and a useless water body. In this work we evaluate the treatment efficiency of experimental waste water pond system. The treatment system was constructed with 5 screens which formed 6 internal channels and it had an operation in continuous form by 26 weeks, providing it with continuously polluted water of the Lerma river.
With the collected data we calculated, through the application of design equations, the factor of decay of organic matter k and the number of dispersion d, specific for the type of treatment and environmental conditions of the site. Also a duo of tap dancers will perform to the rhythm of Danii Berge and Fredy Corado. Caldo del Jazz is a collaboration between Jazz Artists who live or migrate through Antigua Guatemala and Guatemala City on a regular basis.
All music students from age at the Georgetown International Academy will be performing songs, skits and poems at our first annual program for jazzday! Students will be sharing the lives and music of Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, and many others with our community in our auditorium. Additionally, our high school service group Key Club will be creating a Jazz Day mural inside of the school campus, which will be a permanent part of the music wing! From April 28th to 30th, , Jacmel Jazz Festival will launch its third edition, under the strong collaboration of the Foundation Haiti Jazz.
We will organize free music training, 3 free concerts, 2 painting exhibitions, 2 conferences, a film screening, 2 After-Hours, 3 excursions. On April 30th, the Haiti Jazz Foundation in collaboration with the Jacmel Jazz Festival will organize a concert featuring the Kreol jazz meeting project which is a gathering of the best Kreol jazz players from all over the world. In addition, the Haiti Jazz Foundation will organize a workshop on the main music professions of the industry on April 29th at Ecole Dessaix-Baptiste.
Different ensembles such as the Middle School and High School concert bands, the Honor Jazz Big Band, the Honor Choir, and vocal and instrumental soloists are participating by performing different musical repertoire, including jazz styles. Members of the band: With his band he plays real jazzy Latin vibes.
Kristof Keleti Official Website: For the 4th time we are inviting all musicians from the area to participate in our open jam from 4pm onwards. Happy International Jazz Day! Can we interest you in some of Iceland's finest tinkle keys and velvet-voiced crooners?
Every April, jazz music is recognised for promoting peace, dialogue among cultures, diversity and respect for human rights and human dignity, eradicating discrimination, promoting freedom of expression, fostering gender equality, and reinforcing the role of youth for social change. At blueFROG we celebrate these sentiments as well as the jazz community, be it musicians or lovers of the music!
Catch a multi-talented cast pay tribute to this art form they love and want to preserve and nurture. We are still playing our versions of jazz standards with a lot of swing… something you may hear less and less of. Like every year we are celebrating Jazz day over 3 days! Will feature over 25 Jazz Artistes from India as well as from various parts of the world. TheBombayJazzClub is honoured to curate for its second year running, events for jazzday.
This will be the first of a series of events in the week and will be hosted by Mia Cucina, known for their monthly jazz events. Piano maestro Harmeet Manseta will take centre stage and be accompanied by renowned bassist D Wood on upright bass together with Rajesh Punjabi on drums in a classic trio setting to present jazz standards and to spread the culture of jazz and the message of jazzday. On the event, there will be performance and mini talkshow with the invited guess star.
Irsan Wallad Official Website: Indonesian Jazz musicians and communities celebrate international jazz day by holding an Appreciation Night for senior jazz musicians and promoters for their contribution and supporting for jazz music in Indonesia. Celebrating International Jazz Day After the vacuum in , this will be the fourth Tulungagung IJD.
They will take us to a musical journey from Andalucia to Anatolia. Caeser Alwardii Official Website: From North to South of Italy, a unique program of concerts and events take shape in some UNESCO sites and other places of national heritage of 10 Regions with national and international jazz musicians. Parco Archeologico delle incisioni rupestri di Luine Enrico Intra piano solo Urbino, Marche Monday 30th april Main event: Alghero, Sardegna Monday 30th april Main event: Historic Center Time Piece….
Associazione I-Jazz Official Website: Final concert by the Officina 72 Swing Orchestra, the first Jazz Orchestra of Agropoli, in the splendid setting of the Madonna di Costantinopoli square, in the full historical village of Agropoli. Following the principles of Jazz Day, Milleunanota would like to create a dialogue among two different cultures. The jazz and musical journalist Alceste Ayroldi shows us the history of jazz from the beginning, with a special look over the European scenes.
Seguendo i principi della Jazz Day, Milleunanota vorrebbe creare un dialogo tra le due culture diverse. In the beautiful Church of San Giuseppe, a meeting will take place between the Portuguese jazz scene and some of the most talented Italian musicians.
Following the principles of Jazz Day, Milleunanota would like to create a dialogue between the two different cultures. Sabato 28 aprile ore Monday, April 30th at Ospite della serata Marco Colonna, clarinetti. Guest of the evening Marco Colonna, clarinets. More than 45 musicians from his hometown Asti, led by the Felix Art Director: Che sia un quadro, e un quadro denso di colori. Piccini Conservatory of Bari. In addition, participants not enrolled in the Conservatory who want to, can perform, compare and create new opportunities. This is an independent initiative by the Conservatory, because the Conservatory auditorium is occupied that day.
Piccini Conservatory of Bari , in addition to participants not enrolled in the Conservatory who want to perform, compare and create new opportunities. This initiative is independent of the Conservatory, because the Conservatory auditorium is occupied that day. Also on our YouTube channel you can watch our videos starting from the live performances: Puglia is one of the most representarive region of south Italy. We invited television and journalists. Sulla nostra pagina facebook in diretta streaming https: Bergamo for International Jazz Day The city of jazz: The city of listening: The city of eyes: One of the most important italian jazz guitarist, director of the 4th italian jazz school, is the guest of the Compact Show dedicated to the International Jazz Day: Monday, April 30th — The Larry Bartley Trio captained by the London bass player for an intriguing anthology of original songs and standards, with the extraordinary participation of the saxophonist Tony Kofi.
This is the 7th edition of the IJD in Casalmaggiore. Organized by volunteers and hosted by the local theatre, the CJD became a event where in the last year a fully-booked theatre met more than 30 musicians to celebrate Jazz, with special guests like Emilio Soana and Mauro Negri.
Every year the concert is different, following a specific theme: Andrea Acquaroni Official Website: Free tour of the Villa by Dr. Cristina Gnoni booking tel. Agostinelli curated by A. Storia della prima espressione artistica di jazz: A presentation of the history of the first artistic expression of jazz: From the free song to the voices that inspired the expressiveness of the instrumentalists and at the same time emulated the phrasing and the agility of musical instruments. The voice was the first expression of Jazz: Marconi Jazz Band In collab.
Gandiglio Green Orchestra In collab. Monday, April 30, from The concert will take place in the auditorium of the Conservatory. A sparkling jazz festival, with international star and local musicians. Michale Loesch Official Website: Norfini di Livorno circle. Every year, we promote jazzbook showcases, CD presentations, jazz pictures, photos exhibitions, and concerts of course. Alessandro Agostinelli tells a story about a strange and sad man who followed his hero in an unlucky existence.
La storia del jazz lucchese. Rossano Giusfredi con la partecipazione della cantante Daniela Acquaviva. Monday, April 30th at 9. The history of Lucca jazz. Followed by a concert with the musicians of the Group of Circolo Lucca Jazz. Rossano Giusfredi with the participation of singer Daniela Acquaviva. In the beautiful town of Monteggiori Lucca,Tuscany , a non-stop concert from 4 p. Info e biglietti Roger Rota puts on stage musics for large ensemble: Artists in this work are musicians from the new Italian scene belonging to the area of creative and improvised music, which move well within the compositional language and research of this project.
The result is fresh and vital music. Placed in the exceptional location of Tavolara, the event will focus on promoting jazz as significant music, and an instrument to sensitise people to the preservation of the marine environment. The day will alternate outstanding music performances with complementary activities: The event will take place throughout the day and will include: La trasmissione di qualcosa di autentico che rivela la nostra vera natura.
Fotografia, Riprese, Video, Suoni e Immagini: Alberto Lubrano Video e Luci: Ultrasuoni Service di Gianluca Staropoli Foto: Tiziana Torcoletti Responsabile Artistico: Palmanova-Loggia della Gran Guardia: Cormons-Municipality of Cormons Palmanova-Loggia of the Gran Guardia: The Morlacchi Jazz orchestra will also perform its Highlights to close the Jazz Day Celebration at the very end of this incredible afternoon.
For the 8th edition of International Jazz Day, Pisa Jazz, Exwide and Cinema Arsenale present a special event of music and cinema dedicated to the great saxophone player Ornette Coleman. Francesco Mariotti Official Website: The International Jazz Day will cover a whole day with lots of musicians.
Jazz Music as a promotion of peace and dialogue among people. Luigi Biondi Official Website: Intrattenimento musicale, letterario educativo con la partecipazione di: Una giornata dedicata al suo significato culturale, sociale e educativo con momenti didattici, concerti e incontri con gli autori dei libri presentati C. De Scipio e L. Onori — Organizzazione no-profit.
Music, words and readings in Jazz Musical entertainment and educational literature, with the participation of: A day dedicated to its cultural, social and educational significance with didactic moments, concerts and meetings with the authors of the books presented C. De Scipio and L. Special guest Tony Formichella, a great Italian saxophonist who will offer the public two hours of his original compositions. A show with a great sound impact with the refinement of the swing, great virtuosic moments in poetic pieces, with a lineup of original pieces and great classics of the Italian song re-mixed in an electro-swing key.
Free admission at The Lampus non profit chooses to celebrate Jazz Day in a very emblematic place: Parlami di Jazz 28 April h. Salvatore, with Rosario Giuliani accompanied by the trio Cristian Capasso bass — Domenico De Marco drums — Lello Petrarca piano and with the participation of Cristina Zitiello voice , and internationally known young musicians, arrangers and composers from Campania. The objective is to promote local musical and artistic excellence, with a focus on local and Sicilian traditions. From April 28 to Giuseppe Mandalari Ticketing for jazz day: International jazz day with Bonne Habitude quartet.
Milanese flauto , F. Negro pf , S. Milanese flute , F. Several events are planned during all the day starting from Antonino Scandurra Official Website: De Rosa, Funk Off, Huntertones. Jazz Associations and Territory. All Styles Jazz Live: On the occasion of International Jazz Day, Arena Derthona invites you to concerts, conferences and meetings, to listen to young talents and to discover the most important Divisionism painters, all in the framework offered by the Tortona Civic Theatre and the Fondazione C.
The event will end with the concert of Fabio Concato on April 30th at 9. Full program will be available on the web site and social media page. April 28th and 29th in the historic center of Treviso, two days of free jazz concerts in the streets with several local artists and great finale on April 30th with Dee Dee Bridgewater concert at the Teatro Comunale. Treviso celebrates the international jazz day on April 30 with a live performance by Dee Dee Bridgewater at the Teatro Comunale. This is the 5th edition. International Jazz Day Sabato 28 Aprile , ore Piazza Duca Federico Ore Piazza Duca Federico 6.
Jazz concert with many musicians from the Vigevano and Milan areas, orchestra conducted by Gabriele Comeglio. Leonardo Di Maro Official Website: Monday, April 30th 7: Weston and ensemble conduct a master class in the Vera Moody Recital Hall, for the college community and invited high schools. This event is organized under the banner of the azalea, the city flower of Maizuru.
This year it was the first time to be involved in the International Jazz Day event. Jazz Auditoria offers a place to all music lovers to enjoy live music with family and friends and to experience global cultures through Jazz music — more friendly and casually. It is a jazz festival held every year in Higashi-omi City, Shiga Prefecture. It will be the 10th anniversary of this year. More than bands will appear in 2 days. All stages are free. In support of IJD, both the musicians and the club reduced their fees so that more jazz fans can enjoy the show. We are going to have a jazz concert with our Primary and Middle school students playing piano and our School Band.
We will prepare a presentation about Jazz Day and show it before the concert. As with last year, all the proceeds of the event will go towards the Ghetto Classics community music education programme. An entry free Community based music festival whose main aim is to bring people together for a positive change through music.
A non-stop jazz hiphop street festival presented by the artists in the DHC program. The fun-filled day is to provide perfect platform for local artists, family and friends to mingle and sample some of the products, including artworks, music, fashion, food stuffs among others on display. Part of the proceeds from this will go towards supporting the Jeff Koinange library at the new Mbagathi Girls High School. The play was first performed in Canada.
His personal story of growing up in an abusive, patriarchal, racist home underscores the idea of jazz as deliverance. The Central Asian production will add to this ethno-jazz and transnational elements. This year, for the 5th time already, the organizers of International Jazz Day Latvia — Wise Music Society — will unite the largest Latvian cities for jazz concerts, jam sessions, workshops and educational events dedicated to the genre. A couple of grand events will take place in Riga, resulting in a series of jam sessions and other surprises to be announced on the webpage www.
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We are planning an event to celebrate local jazz artists young and old. This event will be hosted to commemorate the great impact UNESCO has had in the country as well as the local greats in the industry. We have also engaged up and coming artists in the afro jazz and contemporary music industry to showcase their talents. The day will be filled with lots of laughter and educational opportunities for all the patrons.
Craftsmanship meets performance
Embassy together with FM Radio is hosting four hour-long radio programs dedicated to American jazz music and the fundamental concepts of collaboration, innovation, and appreciation that define Jazz music. The programs will air on Sundays during the month of April. ISB celebrated Jazz Day with multiple activities with the students including performances by various student groups, and with the children taking part in painting a big poster for the event.
Christoph Pepe Auer likes diversity. Once a drummer, now a saxophone player. He likes the clarinet and prefers especially the deep sounds ot the bass clarinet. Our cozy little town has its own Jazz Section in Music School and we are proud to invite you to its first grand show! It will include teachers playing with students, students playing with students, teachers playing with teachers, all of them playing with guests and ofcourse — a lot of Jazz!
The Festival team elaborate the traditional projects and supplement them with new forms and additional content. In , on April 30th, the festival will present Laura Mvula, a well known British singer and composer, who will play in Lithuania for the very first time in her career. Kestutis Vaiginis saxophone and Dmitrijus Golovanovas piano will play in the cozy Rudninku knygynas Bar. Polevikov — keyboard, V. Pupsyte — vocal, D. Murashov — contrabass, A. A fundraiser to benefit the St. Hosted at the Luxembourgish restaurant, Conterstuff, we will feature the St.
Before the official program, the event will start with students from the Jazz Academies in Macedonia. Exclusive, in Skopje are the contemporary music artist Don Menza and the exceptional Austrian conductor and saxophonist Sigi Feigel. Top jazz groups from Macedonia and Bulgaria will also perform. Music Students of Music Crossroads Malawi Academy, local and international jazz musicians, and jazz lovers will have a full intimate day of jazz performances and discussions to be held at Music Crossroads Malawi Centre.
Visit website for artist list and details on these FREE events! Celebrate jazz with Tonal Alchemy as they perform a mixed repertoire of traditional to modern jazz. We plan to feature a few jazz bands and it will eventually lead to a jam session. We aim to promote and share the love of jazz music at this corner of this world. We are inviting people in a way that mixes it up. This is a relaxed place where you can get to know people over the course of a few weeks. Conversation installation jam session. The International Jazz Day Celebration, brought to you by the Faculty of Music at UiTM, will bring together a brilliant line-up of musicians—Newsound, Amanina Alwani, The Malaysian Yellowjackets—representing jazz and many other genres of music that span styles, cultures and languages.
Steered by Rizal Ezuan Zulkifly Tony, the International Jazz Day Celebration is intended to raise awareness in the community of the virtues of jazz as an educational tool for societal development in Malaysia. Since , the Nyon Kon Koum Ben association has aimed to promote innovative musical projects in Mali, favoring encounters between musicians from the south and north through the Jazzy Koum Ben Festival. The affair will present jazz standards in an informal setting with a backdrop of the Mediterranean Sea.
They will invite the audience to observe the group develop arrangements prior to playing the songs. An interview with Francisco Tellez, one of the most importants jazz players on Mexico, who educated several generations of mexican jazz players. Yonathan Amador Official Website: El jazz como lugar de encuentro y convivencia.
We will have the performance of excellent local artists who will delight us with the best of contemporary national jazz, jazz fusion and swing. The Convite is undoubtedly a benchmark of Jazz in Mexico with more than 17 years of programming music and creating festivals. Neuma is a 3-day jazz festival meant to bring the Mexican community closer to the Jazz music by offering concerts, talks and master classes.
We invite you to celebrate International Jazz Day together with the Day of the Child in Mexico, through the music of the Pavel Loaria Big Band, an orchestra comprised of children and young people aged 7 to 21, who interpret Mexican swing for the the world. An event with brunch for all ages, because it is best to familiarize young people with jazz using young musicians, as a source of inspiration.
Cynthia Franco 55 40 21 10 27 Official Website: La Covacha Colectivo celebrates, for the 6th consecutive year, International Jazz Day in Ensenada with a series of concerts with local bands: To celebrate the International Jazz Day, April 30 will conclude three days of intense jazz activity in Morelia and the interior of the state of Michoacan, where there will be concerts by local artists and national and international figures.
We will also have our fourth edition of the Student Jazz Ensembles Contest. There will be presentations of records, books, lectures and master classes. At the end of the screening there will be a raffle of discs among the attendees. Both from his compositions and from his particular way of deconstructing the classics, Cecil Taylor developed a singular and even at times enigmatic jazz concept that forged an absolutely revolutionary language in the genre.
Special 2-hour broadcast to illustrate the transcendence of the recently deceased pianist. Alfredo Salas Official Website: It will present artists from different countries such as Sweden, the United States, Cuba, and Mexico. In this cosmopolitan city of more than 40 nationalities, Cultural Heritage of Humanity, one of the most beautiful places in the world, jazz is a constant all year, join us!
Under the auspices of the International Jazz Day celebration, every year we present a festival in our city which involves the local authorities and utilizes public spaces for an expression of art, through jazz concerts, artistic expositions, conferences and workshops. We invite musicians from as many different countries as possible who specialize in this genre that we love so. With this event we will have celebrated International Jazz Day together for 5 consecutive years.
Radio program in the format of a miscellaneous magazine in which we will approach the historical evolution of Mexican jazz with interviews and commentaries by two conductors. Tijuana Music School invites you to celebrate the international Jazz Day with a Pere Soto concert, a reknown composer and guitar player from Barcelona with musicians from Tijuana Music School plus a jam session. Jazz is a genre that breaks down barriers, allows cultural exchange, symbolizes peace and equality of genes.
This will be our second year taking part in International Jazz Day celebration by bringing our community together to celebrate jazz music as a promotion of love, peace and harmony among people. On the event, the Jazz Train band will demonstrate the world jazz standards as well as our arrangements. Our aim is to spread and expand the jazz music scene in Mongolia.
Come and join us! They will be asked to write a reflection about their thinking while listening. Also, students will learn about well known jazz musicians and instruments. Broadcasting jazz all day in our online radio Codafm Jazz Master Class for our students Jazz concert given by the professors. You can listen for 24 hours on www. The event is called Jazz In Franco, first edition. Its a free event. Anyone can join the parade.
Nearly three dozen artists representing Maputo and Pemba. A celebration of Jazz music in Myanmar with local and international artists. Features- Art exhibition, Music workshops and a concert to celebrate!
December 2018
Come and Enjoy the evening with us, the following day May Day Holiday. Many free workshops from international artists and a selection for awarding scholarships for 8 months from the participants. This concert is one of a already critically acclaimed series that will take place in JazzCafe Theater de Vest.
The best dutch jazz performers are invited by players Marc Schenk drs and Kasper Kalf upr. Singer Deborah Carter is our special guest for that day and the trio will be completed with the incredible talent of pianist Sebastiaan van Bavel. Marc Schenk Official Website: Jazz musicians Mike Cortina saxophone and ANS alumni , Edgard Fonseca guitar , Donaldo Sevilla voice , Michael Cortina drums and John Spiro bass, faculty member will perform a few standards for secondary music students and then lead workshops by instrument, giving students the opportunity to experience jazz improvisation.
A themed tribute celebration of six legends: The International Jazz day created by UNESCO in , is a worldwide initiative designated to celebrate jazz music as a symbol of peace and unity among nations. Building Bridges is a Nordic music project with an emphasis on connecting musicians from different musical cultures.
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Come join us in our celebration of jazz music at the Oslo Culture House. The concert will also be streamed live at the Facebook page: Carl Petter Opsahl Official Website: The event will include a series of talks about Jazz Music genre, Significance of International Jazz Day as well as the history of Sachal Studios and its role in introducing Jazz music in Pakistan. As an International institution, our school calendar includes all year round celebrations that are taking place around the world. We have decided that our participation in the International Jazz Day would be of a high importance to our school community.
We considered that this event should take place at a bigger scale and that is the reason of its inclusion in our Annual Concert Students from different classes would be performing a Jazz Song in a choir. On this occasion a special edition celebrating 5 years of the festival, together with outstanding Big Bands from South America as: We will have the participation of local, national and international artists.
Concerts in squares and tourist centers of the city, master classes and jam session. It is an invitation to the student community to get to know new creative trends and the cultural diversity of Jazz. The concert will feature works by jazz female composers from Latin America. In this edition we will be joined by musicians: In commemoration of Jazz day, Tago Jazz will host a wondrous event featuring some of the finest Filipino Jazz musicians, converging in one small venue, but celebrating in a big Jazzy fashion!
The Philippine International Jazz Festival, PIJazzfest will hold its annual celebration to coincide with International Jazzday on April 30, , with three days of non-stop Jazz in various forms featuring Filipino and International artists. Series of events between April, exhibition of jazz posters by Tomasz Kipka, workshop for kids with Xu Fengxia, jam sessions, special jazz bus will be bringing people for concerts.
Przemyslaw Straczek Official Website: The only truly interdisciplinary jazz festival in Poland is celebrating International Jazz Day again. Series of concerts between Since then, the United Europe Jazz Festival, not only commemorates this date, but also for other people. The festival of contemporary accents also fits in with the Jazz tradition in Zakopane, which resounded in the s.
The initiative will bring big names from Northeast England in a partnership between Portugal and England. There will be four concerts and two jam sessions, with tickets at 6 euro per day, now on sale via Ticketline. This year the event will take place over the course of a week with different activities scheduled from 29 April to 5 May: The edition of the festival will take to the streets and be realized in several different spaces.
All events are free admission! Rua Ferreira Borges, This collective began as a way to provide large-ensemble performance experience to students in the jazz instrumentalist course at the Art School of the Music Conservatory of Coimbra. This concert will humbly and unpretentiously transport the performers and audience to a pioneering musical context, honoring the great masters of the Swing era in particular and Jazz in general. A young and very promising Big Band formed in in the city of Fafe, bringing together musicians from the areas of jazz, classical music and other areas, in celebration of the common taste of playing jazz.
A special time to demonstrate what is done behind closed doors, as well as the not-to-be-missed great standards that the history of jazz has given us. This is a show that crosses generations and rhythms in a demonstration that Jazz Day is everywhere and performed through different approaches to different audiences.
A concert made of tributes and celebrations. Street concerts and entrance to homes — come adventure with us as we celebrate Jazz Day. The idea is to bring recognized artists from different music genres in this case Pop-Rock in order to entice audiences to attend. Adelino Mota Official Website: The first IIJD celebration in a city that until recently was a bit away from jazz.
A small event in a small but excellent space in the centre of the town. The O Eixo do Jazz Association was founded in October by a group of people that want to help jazz grow in Portugal and Galicia by supporting jazz musicians in the everyday life tasks and by helping to expand the jazz public. Big Band Monday is a unique event in Puerto Rico where the audience can listen to an acoustic jazz performance in a jazz club setting. Every Monday night is a different show.
The performance of a popular jazz band Funky Monkey will take place in the evening of 30 April at Oryx Rotana Jazz Club, starting at 9 pm. The band Funky Monkey will perform a variety of jazz songs, from old time jazz classics to billboard hits. This multicultural band mirrors the values celebrated on this special day, highlighting jazz and its diplomatic role of uniting people in all corners of the globe. The world is getting ready for the biggest Jazz event of the year, and so are we at Oryx Rotana!
International Jazz Day — what's your favorite jazz tune?
Ancient controversial knowledge
The performer will be Zolbert — Saxophonist, composer, producer. The freedom of creative spirit is now called JAZZ. For many years this orchestra has been performing regularly at the Jazz Philarmonic Hall — the main Jazz venue of St. As a guest soloist, we also welcome Robin Blakeman, a well known British flutist, saxophonist and composer.
In Russia, there are a great number of bands performing jazz from the 40s to the 70s, but almost no one turns to their sources and roots in their work. Easy Winners is an exception to the rules. The concert gathers thousands of people from the Amur region and other regions of the Russian Far East, who are in love with jazz.
Musicians and soloists of the orchestra, guests of the festival will perform jazz music of different eras. An edutainment event for kids of y. A most enjoying event to get acquainted with the world of jazz. Shamil Sherifaliev tar will add an eastern flavor. The musicians prepared a concert program of jazz themes, in processing for guitar duets, trios and quartets. It invites international and Russian jazz artists to perform in the most popular Moscow jazz venues. Singer Tais Urumidis is well known to admirers of jazz music.
She exudes the power: Tais has a strong, deep sensual voice and natural bewitching musicality. Max Timoshin Official Website: The project is targeted at children aged and their parents and includes concerts of traditional jazz. Evgeny Baranov played in all Russia-famous dixie bands. Alina Larina sings trad jazz and more. We start celebrating the International Jazz Day with the legend of soviet jazz, innovator, saxophonist and composer Alexei Kozlov and his legendary band Arsenal.
Arsenal was the first in Soviet Union band who started playing jazz-rock. The band and its leader still perform each Friday at Kozlov Club and each Friday is sold out! Jazz is a symbol of freedom in general, freedom to express oneself through music, freedom to express ones thoughts, to respect human rights, to eliminate discrimination!
Stupino Jazz Idea band continues the established tradition to join musicians around the world and dedicate this concert to the International Jazz Day. Vladislav Radkov Official Website: On April 29, at The artistes lined up include: Kigali Jazz Junction is an exclusive event platform for Top Executives, Corporates and Expatriates in the region to enjoy the ambience of Live Jazz Music in different formats. Being professionally organized and produced to world class Jazz Standards yet features different regional and International jazz artists with a mix of soul musicians from all over the world.
Kitts International Academy will perform a collaborative piece of dance accompanied by Jazz standards. Joel Andrea Official Website: Our jazz loving brothers and sisters in American Samoa have the honour of closing celebrations as the last country to see the sun set on 30 April…. Steven C Percival Official Website: Dinner buffet or just drinks. Awa is a journey herself As if she had to cross all borders to be left with none. French, with a Senegalese background, living in Italy, polyglot Awa has lived several lives, with only one thread: Polyglotte Awa, a eu plusieurs vies, avec un fil conducteur: Matthieu Remond Official Website: For the third time in Belgrade: Unique musical event in Belgrade.
A grand jam session celebrating the International Jazz Day: In every club there will be quintet playing and after the first set, musicians will rotate between clubs. There will be other guest bands invited to perform. This will be our second year taking part in International Jazz Day celebration by bringing our community together to celebrate their love for jazz at Kult Kafe in Singapore. Where we consolidate submissions by jazz musicians and lovers from our community and make them into playlists for the enjoyment of listeners. We also have an open call performance and sharing what they love about jazz.
In the spirit of uniting people from all corners of the globe through the universal language of jazz, join the Jazz Association Singapore Youth Orchestra JassYO! The winners are chosen by public poll and international professional jury. The awards ceremony will be accompanied by an exclusive concert featuring the three finalists and will be broadcast on television and live via radio.
Boris Cellar Official Website: Their music is pushing the envelope by reinterpreting traditional jazz standards and taking both the audience and the musicians on a tour. Few electronics, grooves, bio effects with jazz melody and harmony as the common language at the core. The group also features: New Vintage will be paying homage to the many artists that have influenced and inspired them through the years. He has already become one of the premiere double and electric bass players in South Africa. Benjamin fuses his love for jazz with hip hop, electronic and rock music, reflecting the influence of popular culture on young people in the 21st century.
Castellos invites you to indulge your senses with a combination of amazing food, wine and live Jazz performances! Musicians and students — free entry. Every year we celebrate with the International Jazz Community the beautiful sounds of Jazz. This year is no different. Come celebrate with us on Sunday, 29 April. Various artists will be performing.
Kaleidoscope is known for its plethora of variety of talented artists throughout the year.
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Jephta fuses his love for jazz with hip hop, electronic and rock music, reflecting on the influence of popular culture on young people in the 21st century. The program will include jazz standards, tunes from the American songbook, South African standards, original compositions and student arrangements of South African house music. The program will also feature performances by local school ensembles and prize-giving for competitions run during Jazz Appreciation Month by the Centre for Jazz and Popular Music. EJazz Appreciation Society in association with the Mfana Mlambo Quartet take jazz to the heart of Umlazi township with presentations on the struggle for freedom by South African jazz greats, excellent jazz sets by members, and a live performance by the Mfana Mlambo Quartet from P Zama Ngcobo Road, Umlazi.
Traditional African food will be served. With a concert taking place once or twice a month, the Jazz on the Hill is dedicated to promoting local talents from the South African jazz scene. The Orbit is one of the foremost jazz venues in the country that is recognised for being a venue that has created a platform for creative and improvised music to flourish. As such, we are celebrating this illustrious day with a host of beautiful acts.
Here is what you can expect: Africa Plus 17h30 — 18h Zoe Modiga 19h00 — Nomfundo Xaluva 20h30 — Bantustan Radio 11 piece band featuring a star-studded line-up This occasion will celebrate the sound of the Blue Notes feat: This Jazzathon will entail a 5- hour jam session for up and coming jazz musicians and unsigned artists who have not had gigs or work but enjoy playing. Musicians off all ages will be invited to take part. The Jazzathon will provide an opportunity for participants to perform in the presence of the following members of the audience to get an opportunity to: JazzDay April is going to be busy on the Jazz front.
Sis Gwen Ansell will chair the discussion with panelists Dr. The discussion will be followed by a performance by Mam Dorothy with Bheki and Titi. Ahora Jazz, the jazz radio show from Canal Extremadura Radio southwest of Spain celebrates a new edition of International Jazz Day with special activities and subjects with 2 editions: Tenor sax, double bass and drums contrast with trumpet and two guitars. Annual celebration initiated by Elizabeth Vallet in the city of Alicante Spain and including the participation of the highest-profile jazz musicians from the region, as well as invited guests.
Jam Session especial Jazz Day Jam Session special Jazz Day. For the fifth consecutive year, Sala Babel celebrates with concerts by Zapping 3. More than three intense hours of live music. Special concert with Cameron Graves Trio to launch the 50th edition of the Barcelona Jazz Festival, one of the oldest in Europe from Se podria decir que uno de los mejores pianistas realizando estandars. Show videos of famous performers and how jazz influences movies and cartoons all Primary classes 2. Instruments of a Jazz band.
The best illustrations will be posted on the wall by the Jazz Day poster 3. PowerPoint prepared by the students on: History, types, instruments, performers of Jazz 4. Keynote presentation and Live performance: Alina Pele voice and Alejandro Gimeno drums. Mikel Azpiroz comes from San Sebastian Basque Country , Franck Mantegari from Paris, and Dave Wilkinson from the UK, together they have a unique musical connection that avoids limits creating a fascinating blend of jazz, blues, rock and groove that attracts hip audiences from all over the world, making them boil with their authentic and soulful music.
On the occasion of International Jazz Day, the Sunset Jazz Club of Girona has organized a series of concerts and activities, which will be held at the club itself, the Truffaut Cinema and the Rambla de Girona. Throughout the weekend, Bookstore 22 will offer discounts on jazz books. The Cinema Truffaut will screen the legendary movie Round Midnight, one of best jazz films ever, starring Dexter Gordon. Alix Levy Official Website: This day will represent a new occasion to make jazz a gathering point and celebration in Granada, and to demonstrate the value of diversity.
The main celebration will be on April 29 with an 8-hour day of live Jazz music in front of the best urban beach in the world, La Playa de las Canteras. For the first time, Madrid will be officially celebrating the International Jazz Day. For this, a wide and diverse offer of activities are organized; concerts, dance classes, conferences and expositions, among other activities, will take place in the city during 10 days, starting on April 23rd and finishing the May 2nd.
Marina estrena en Bogui Jazz sus nuevas composiciones con una gran habilidad y sensibilidad, que hablan de nuevos tiempos, cambios fuertes y mareas de sentimientos. Rhythms and melodies that she leads with elegance and maturity, developed with great musicians. Fusions between contemporary and Latin Jazz. Marina opens her new compositions in Bogui Jazz with great skill and sensitivity, which speak of new times, strong changes and tides of feelings.
An unmissable event with one of the most personal and original pianists and keyboardists in the world. Dixieland Jazz, New Orleans Jazz, Traditional Jazz … in the band with more tradition of Spain, which shows enough hook and energy to spread the joy of Jazz in almost all its aspects. Interpretan composiciones propias y standards, baladas, boleros y bossa novas…. Ernesto Aurignac is considered one of the most outstanding saxophonists of European and international jazz.
He possesses a talent and an exquisite and vertiginous mastery of the instrument and moves with skill between the tradition adhered to the Parkerian essence and the avant-garde of jazz. The Aurignac Ensemble will premiere their new project at Bogui Jazz with an ensemble consisting of classical musicians strings and winds and jazz base trio. They play their own compositions and standards, ballads, boleros and bossa novas ….
As each year since , Majorca celebrates with a tribute. For the second time International Jazz Day will take place in Santander. For four days jazz music will be the protagonist of the city cultural life. This collective is the first group from a project that brings European jazz musicians off the beaten path, to countries like Spain and the Canary Islands. The NJP Collective is comprised of: Xavi Plaza Official Website: Enric Peidro Official Website: World class Jazz trombone player Dan Barrett on tour over Spain celebrates the International Jazz Day performing with a extraordinary and swinging quintet, including tenor sax player Enric Peidro, pianist Richard Busiakiewicz.
With the aim of celebrating International Jazz Day, next April 30 the musical collective Big Band Dubadu de Zaragoza will offer a festival featuring more than 22 musicians, with the classic themes of jazz. En esta ocasion y con motivo del Dia Internacional de Jazz , un Quinteto de 5 Musicos Internacional, afincados en el CCAA de Aragon, ofreceran un concierto con los standares del Jazz, como forma de celebrar este dia. For this edition, and with International Jazz Day in mind, a Quintet of 5 International Musicians living in Aragon will offer a concert of jazz standards to celebrate this day.
Concerts will feature the piano, electric guitar, electric bass, saxophone and vocals. On April 29th jazz lovers will enjoy our guests during the Jazz Dinner Show. We will celebrate in style! Nine young musicians will perform with a professional jazz band. The songs range from traditional Swazi songs that have been given jazz arrangements and jazz standards from South Africa and the USA. The last third of the concert will be a tribute to Hugh Masekela. Four of his songs that are best loved in Swaziland will be played.
Eight young musicians will perform music ranging from traditional Swazi to American and South African jazz. They will be backed by a professional jazz band. Celebration of International Jazz Day with an evening concert at the historic Monastery Church built in the s. Award-winning jazz singer Anna Pauline is the founder and leader of this new, exciting Swedish-Danish project.
The jazz quartet plays original music written by Pauline herself as well as repertoire from The American Songbook, such as Ellington, Monk and Gershwin. The Danish and Swedish melodic song treasures are also taken care of by letters written by, for example, Lars Gullin and Karen Joensson. Thomas Lantz Official Website: The concerts in the internationally renowned Jazzcampus Basel will start at 5 p.
Brandy Butler, the great vocalist with a powerful voice, has shown Ella a lot of respect with a very special program of her songs, her story and some anecdotes. We will be celebrating the International Jazz Day in Fribourg, Switzerland with the participation of the Atelier of Latin Jazz from Fribourg with musicians from the region. It will be an event that includes the invitation of cultural authorities and the people who like a lot the jazz in the city. They will be celebrating in the Pension Lido concert hall. This is accompanied by piano guests. This exceptional cast maintains a grooving mix of swing, Blues and boogie-woogie.
Professional jazz that will not leave anyone cold. Certainly a highlight in this live jazz season. Christian Frey Official Website: Simon Wyrsch setzt der Klarinette im modernen Jazz ein Denkmal. Kaum einer hierzulande gibt in vergleichlich spannender, virtuoser und kreativer Manier der Klarinette eine Stimme im Jazz.
Simon Wyrsch commemorates the clarinet in modern jazz. Hardly anyone in this country gives a voice in jazz in a similarly exciting, virtuoso and creative manner to the clarinet. The occasional association with Dixieland disappears in no time, listening to his expressive and eclectic play. Five local jazz bands, German draft beer, special lava rock grills, bands playing jazz funk, Afro funk, fusion funk, standards and divas, amongst a setting of seat outdoor beer garden in celebration of the international jazz day festival The two French artists will come in Dar es Salaam to perform an original jazz duo with trumpet and accordion.
The NIST community represents over 60 nationalities and even more diverse cultures and backgrounds. NISTs mission is to inspire growth, empower individual excellence, enrich lives and create endless opportunities for learners. This year the jazz concert will celebrate this diversity by presenting songs in the English, Thai, French, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, Hindi, etc. Each band will be dedicating one song in their sets to Fats Waller! Doon DJ Main Performances: She and her band will be 1 day artist in residency at The Rangsit University Conservatory of Music to conduct jazz workshop and perform with her quartet to of Thai Music Students in order to inspire them to understand and appreciate more about jazz music.
Ours is a day-long free street festival aimed at promoting jazz in the Southeast Asian region, helping international visitors know Old Town Phuket, extending our record as host since and more than a century of cool in Phuket Town. Celebrate International Jazz Day together this year and, like every year, in a framework of sharing and exchange: Ersin Babaoglu Official Website: Susanna Aleksandra is an Estonian jazz singer, lyricist and composer. Passionate for languages, she effortlessly plays with words and melodies, navigating through traditional, Nordic and Latin Jazz.
Bass player Matthew Hall, an Istanbul resident, has been performing and recording in various situations with artists such as Jimmy Cobb and Alan Parker. American jazz saxophonist Donny Mccaslin will be on stage with his group as part of the Garanti Jazz Green concert series. Performing compositions by Cline and others, the quartet dives into streams of freewheeling modern jazz. Dolunay Obruk is a singer-songwriter from Istanbul, Turkey. Her professional is jazz and world music. She has also a unique theatrical style of singing which brings out a total different musical experience for the audience.
This year she is welcoming Summer with a jazz concert in a very popular Aegean village; Alacati, Cesme. Dolunay Obruk Official Website: All students and faculty attended as well as parents. The concert performers were all students with the last performance from faculty. In between songs, students gave us information about the history of Jazz. Vadim and his band brought up a number of excellent musicians during the last 25 years. Edouard Nesvijski Official Website: Focusing on jazz music for daily routine in IB1 music: Jazz Progressions — Listening Response: Specifics based on need — Performance: Witold Wnuk Official Website: Bob is a music journalist and Jazz broadcaster of some 25 years plus experience and will be joined by Mike Peden who writes for the music blog Orgy in Rhythm and is the compiler of a series of Japanese Jazz albums for BBE Music.
Bob and Mike will be joined by other DJS to play jazz flavoured grooves for the global leftfield. To celebrate International Jazz day the show will will play jazz from all 5 inhabited continents and explore the many sub-genres within the eclectic tapestry that is jazz. Sine FM are producing a special edition of their weekly show, Jazz Central. This will be posted on the website as a podcast at: