Advanced Quantum Chemistry I
Phse control of photoreactions Show an example of phase control for relaxzation of photo-excited state. Single molecule spectroscopy Show an example of single molecule spectroscopic experiment. Microscopic spectroscopy Show an example of microscopic spectroscopy experiment.
554017 Advanced Quantum Chemistry
Textbook s None required. Reference books, course materials, etc.
- 529-0003-00L Advanced Quantum Chemistry!
- Quantum mechanics.
- Quantum mechanics - Wikipedia!
Assessment criteria and methods 1 Students will be assessed on their understanding of physicochemical properties of atoms, molecules and molecular systems on the basis of advanced theories in physical chemistry, and their ability to apply them to solve problems.
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Office hours contact by email in advance to schedule an appointment. Understand the relation between the chemical reaction and the atomic and molecular collision.
Table of contents for issues of Advances in Quantum Chemistry
Understand the term collision cross section, partial cross section, differential cross section. Collisions of atoms and molecules: Understand the aspects of atomic and molecular collision based on classical mechanics. Understand the quantum view of the collision which is related to the wave functions of the continuum states. Obtain collision cross sections in the method of partial waves. Obtain collision cross sections using Born approximation.
| Advanced Quantum Chemistry - TOKYO TECH OCW
Cross sections in quantum mechanics: Bethe's theory and generalized oscillator strength. Understand the Bethe's theory and generalized oscillation strength. Fundamentals in Photochemistry 1: Fundamentals in Photochemistry 2: Explain experimental methods for time-resolved spectroscopy.
Explain experimental methods for transition state spectroscopy. Show an example of phase control for relaxzation of photo-excited state.
Fridays on 2 pm to 4 pm, first session on March No session on April 6. A on Mondays, A on Wednesdays and Fridays.
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Chemicum building, Kumpula campus. Selected parts of T.
However, the course Quantum Chemistry or equivalent is recommended. The following are suggestions for project works.
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In this project, you will acquaint yourself with the correlation-consistent basis sets, which are the most "physical" Gaussian basis sets in the literature, and present. Discuss the convergence of Roothan-Hall SCF equations and different approaches for accelerating convergence in difficult cases, e.
Present the ideas behind these approaches and discuss their performance in i some simple case small main-group element system in its equilibrium geometry ii some more challenging case a small transition metal cluster or an organometal compound.