A Counselor’s Introduction to Neuroscience
Brain Activity in Action. References, Index show more. Review quote "A Counselor's Introduction to Neuroscience should be required reading for counseling students and counselor educators. Comprehensive, yet written in language that those of us not trained in neuropsychology can appreciate and access, the authors share with readers information that is both encouraging and reinforcing.
A Counselor's Introduction to Neuroscience : Bill McHenry :
Case examples and insightful metaphors add to this accessibility. Surely the next wave in counselor training. Redmond, PhD, assistant professor of counseling, Mercer University "This is the book the field of clinical counseling has been waiting for! In the typical writing style of both Dr. McHenrys, it offers readers an easy-to-read, intelligent, comprehensive picture of the dynamic evolution of neuroscience and provides readers with accessible explanations of the exciting and pragmatic methods for working effectively with people seeking growth and enhanced well-being.
It is a must-have addition to any mental health practitioner's assortment of tools. Basic concepts are defined and used to propose how the human brain impacts and is impacted by counseling models and techniques. Mental-health professionals will find the material an important expansion to their understanding of the counseling process.
McHenry, Sikorski, and McHenry have added to the counseling literature a phenomenal piece of work that is far-reaching in scope, probing in its discernments, and realistic in the way it informs readers navigating pathways of the brain. The text provides a sound and constructive roadmap to neuroscience from a counselor's perspective. Counseling students and practitioners alike are given a powerful resource that will help them fully understand their cognitively complex and culturally diverse clientele.
Easy to read, the book will prove to be a valuable resource, and I am delighted to endorse it! In the typical writing style of both Dr. McHenrys, it offers readers an easy-to-read, intelligent, comprehensive picture of the dynamic evolution of neuroscience and provides readers with accessible explanations of the exciting and pragmatic methods for working effectively with people seeking growth and enhanced well-being.
It is a must-have addition to any mental health practitioner's assortment of tools.
A Counselor's Introduction to Neuroscience
Basic concepts are defined and used to propose how the human brain impacts and is impacted by counseling models and techniques. Mental-health professionals will find the material an important expansion to their understanding of the counseling process. McHenry, Sikorski, and McHenry have added to the counseling literature a phenomenal piece of work that is far-reaching in scope, probing in its discernments, and realistic in the way it informs readers navigating pathways of the brain.
The text provides a sound and constructive roadmap to neuroscience from a counselor's perspective. Counseling students and practitioners alike are given a powerful resource that will help them fully understand their cognitively complex and culturally diverse clientele. Easy to read, the book will prove to be a valuable resource, and I am delighted to endorse it!
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