Tips For Beauty Wisdom
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This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Mar 03, Sam rated it liked it Shelves: A very good self help style book without all the flowery inner self stuff.
Has some good tips and the treatments you make from ingredients from the kitchen cupboard are handy to have and are much nicer than anything you'd buy in Boots. Aug 29, Amanda rated it liked it Recommends it for: Three stars for self-help.
51 best Beauty Wisdom! images on Pinterest | Thinking about you, Thoughts and Truths
I love this book - it was given to me for Christmas one year and I've referred to it many times. I especially like the 'Kitchen Cupboard Treatments' which are recipes for home spa treatment creams and things.
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I use the 'Healing Mask' on my face alot. Janne rated it really liked it Apr 06, Sahdia Khalid rated it it was amazing Jul 31, Zenimue rated it really liked it Aug 14, Martha added it Oct 13, Sidrah added it Aug 06, OngFamily added it Jan 22, Patricia Benson added it Aug 08, Cerry added it Nov 06, Christine Clark marked it as to-read Feb 14, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Books by Bharti Vyas. To keep your eyes white and bright, apply cold milk to your eyelids with cotton wool each morning like a toner. Never use a toner on the eyes: To boost the circulation and lift dead skin, massage your lips from time to time with a soft toothbrush.
Invigorate your gums with a salt rub, which will leave your mouth feeling thoroughly refreshed. By massaging along your jawline, you can prevent stagnation occurring and release a lot of the tension held in this part of the face, which can otherwise lead to headaches and dental problems. Cleanse your neck night and morning in the same way as your face, starting at the collarbones and working up to the jawline.
Apply a rich moisturising cream to your neck at night, and a moisturiser combined with sunscreen during the day.
Do not forget to include the sides of your neck and the area around your collarbones. Apply handcream whenever your hands have come into contact with water and always last-thing at night — glycerine-based hand creams are non-greasy and help to rehydrate the skin. Moisturise the fine skin on your breasts regularly.
Using the palms of your hands, apply almond oil or body lotion, moving upwards around the breast, lifting each one gently so that you can massage the underside, and sweeping up into your armpits. This helps to clear toxins from the breast tissue while assisting the firming process.
Try to eat your evening meal before 7 pm. If your hair is looking limp and dull, oil the hair with coconut oil — comb a small amount through your hair, from roots to ends, and leave overnight for a glossy head of hair.
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To treat dandruff, mix one egg yolk with a squirt of lime juice and a few drops of camphor and apply to your scalp for ten minutes. This will reintroduce missing protein to your scalp.
Rinse with warm water. To keep the skin around the jawline clear of spots, pinch and draw the jawline in the direction of your earlobe, where there is a lymph gland waiting to filter out toxins — do this exercise two or three times a day until the skin is improved, then once a week to keep skin clear.
Tips for Beauty Wisdom X10 C/Pack
If the skin on your cheeks is prone to dryness, use a gentle, cream-based cleanser and wash it off with a damp natural sponge or cotton wool pad. To avoid rings of lighter skin around the neck, always hold yourself as tall and straight as you can and extend your neck to its maximum length.
Bleach is very strong, especially to the skin. If you still would like to try it out, please use a minimal amount of bleach. Lemon juice is also very acidic; use sparingly. To soothe puffy eyes, soak black tea bags in warm water or, if you prefer, cotton balls dipped in witch hazel and place upon your closed eyes for 15 minutes.
Droopy eyes are caused by a lack of muscle tone in the upper eyelid, combined with the downward force of gravity. If massaged regularly over a period of time, it is possible to regain some degree of tone.
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Cracking of the skin on the lips is caused by dehydration — resist the desire to lick dry lips for temporary relief as this only makes them dryer still. To treat loose skin around the neck, gently stimulate the area using the palms of your hands in a sweeping action, and nourish the skin with almond oil. Repeat night and morning.