The End of Ethics and A Way Back: How To Fix A Fundamentally Broken Global Financial System
Davos, Aspen, and Yale: Principles for Profitable Leadership. The Plot to Destroy Trump: What other items do customers buy after viewing this item? Principles for Profitable Leadership Hardcover. They propound well-reasoned solutions to problems deeply embedded in global markets and corporate cultures, including: Wiley; 1 edition April 29, Language: Don't have a Kindle?
Now Playing The End of Ethics. Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review.
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Read reviews that mention end of ethics wall street way back financial system ethics and a way global financial financial crisis fundamentally broken corporate world theodore roosevelt bear sterns broken global lehman brothers corporate governance fix a fundamentally bernie ebbers well researched adam smith corporate culture economic crisis. Showing of 24 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews.
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There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. The book does a great job laying out and explaining the causes of the economic crisis of the past few years. It does so not only on a macro level, but also on a human level. The authors rightfully point out that the root causes of the crisis are human-created, and come to down to what the book describes as "the end of ethics.
In fact, in can be said that this had been a long time coming, due to the changing ethics of corporations and individuals on Wall St and beyond. Any focus on ethical business slowly dwindled away in the face of increased profits. The book delves deep into this topic, while offering practical insight on the best ways to go about fixing our problems, as well as those for future generations.
I would highly recommend this book. It is thought-provoking, and offers an alternative look at the causes and potential fixes to our global financial crisis.
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It looks at the problem from all angles, rather than just through a financial lens. In the end of ethics, the authors try to support the thesis that the recent economic problems were caused by people and organizations driven by the seven sins, and claims to be the first comprehensive study in this area. However if falls shorts on both fronts, and turns out a not so engaging read.

The book starts with describing the Christian ethics based upon the seven sins, and then the major part of the text tries to associate the economic vices with them. While some are obvious - like greed, and lying, the rest seem to be not so natural, but forced. And even assuming this might be acceptable to a level, the focus on individuals is - for lack of a better word - IS childish.
I'm no expert, but this act itself seemed to be non ethical. Our economic problems are systemic, and focusing on individuals who are already in jail lowers the quality of the book. And being the first comprehensive study is a bold claim. I found this book neither the first, not comprehensive.
A much needed book. The reasons we got into this mess included rules which encouraged morally corrupt and often illegal behavior. Unfortunately the corruption reached deep into Congress where ranking members, awash in funds from the interested parties, blocked investigations which would have revealed the depths of the problem.
In addition to needing many new laws and perhaps elimination of some which facilitated the issue, we have to address the fundamental issue of decriminalization of criminal acts by corporate officers. Timothy Geitner who had converted federal funds to personal use made it clear that his priority was to protect his friend from criminal prosecution, a huge change from the prior crisis.
Not only were pre meltdown acts ignored , but lenders and wall street were almost encouraged to commit even more criminal acts. There's ample evidence in the form of sworn depositions, obviously forged documents and emails discussing the abuse of various programs to relocate a sizeable number of wall streeters, bank execs and attorneys to prison. However, there no urge on the part of regulators, law enforcement or the President to bit the hand that feeds them. This is a radical departure from the last downturn where dozens of Wall Street execs were frog marched from their offices out to waiting photographers and driven downtown for booking.
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The End of Ethics and A Way Back: How To Fix A Fundamentally Broken Global Financial System [Book]
Can I view this online? Taft Ying xiang li tou zi: Working ethically in finance: Members of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Maori communities are advised that this catalogue contains names and images of deceased people. Book , Online , Online - Google Books. Financial services industry -- Moral and ethical aspects. Financial services industry -- Management.
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The New Financial Capitalists. For Crying Out Loud.
The End of Ethics and A Way Back: How To Fix A Fundamentally Broken Global Financial System
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