Ponder a Paradox III
Dave shares his experience with mission work, both abroad and at home, and points us in the direction of the work of the Holy Spirit, what that work looks like, and how we might submit ourselves to what it's up to in our lives Christ Will Come Again. Christ will come again! What does the "second coming" mean? How will it take place? What if we don't want the earth as we know it to end?

Leanne tackles some of the bizarre realities we face in the midst of our hope in the fullness of the Kingdom come Leanne reflects on what sets the voice of Christ apart from the others we hear every day. Why is Christ a "Shepherd"? What is the good life? Thrift store Jackson Pollock finds? The way of Jesus is rarely easy, and can even seem illogical, but it is the most beautiful of ways Sometimes it is difficult to recognize the power of the resurrection in our lives.
paralanding pondering
From bed bugs and jury duty to long walks and real talks, Leanne gives us some practical tips for learning how to see the work, and BE the work, of the resurrection! Leanne Friesen shares some excellent faith stories she has encountered over her long and steady faith journey. Why is Thomas titled as the "doubter"?
Why aren't our faith experiences as drastic or dramatic as those we see in scriptures, or those we hear from friends or family for that matter? Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet have believed! Steve Edwards digs through the complexity, the simplicity, and the impact of the resurrection on this Easter Sunday, Deliver Us From Evil. Jill walks through the "hinge" of the Lord's Prayer with us, and explains why a slasher film from her teens is a great metaphor for evil.
Martin Luther and Nadia Bolz-Weber join the ride Lead Us Not Into Temptation.
Let's talk about people cheating As we continue in our Lenten sermon series we come across So let's break down this part of Jesus' prayer: Also, this is the third last sermon Kevin will be preaching before his two month sabbatical. For Lent we're going to be walking through the six parts of the Lord's Prayer.
We begin in the beginning: First we hear the story of Karam Kitchen, a catering company made up of Syrian Refugees, who are able to sell their food in Canada because of local churches. Then Jill and Kevin answer a few final questions on prayer. Learn more about Karam Kitchen here: So here's a follow up to last week: How does God heal? Do you need faith? Why doesn't God just heal everyone right away? Jill and Kevin share some reflections from scripture and their own stories. Today's sermon is about the big one: What's the point if children still die, and hurricanes still swallow up cities, genocide ruins worlds, and refugee's have to flee their homes.
Is God good but weak, or all powerful and evil? Because how can he both be good and all powerful? I Kevin haven't wrestled with a sermon like this in But after a five year journey I feel like I have something important to share about prayer and what it means to believe "history belongs to the intercessors. How can we pray when we are grieving or angry? Because there is a lot to be grieved and angry about. Jill and Kevin tag team "bring your anger to church" Sunday. After the sermon we spent time writing out prayers of anger and grief. There were a lot of them and they were very honest.
Kevin and Jill tackle the prayer questions so many of us are thinking, but often don't talk about. This week "what's the point of silence? Sue Hamilton Shares Some Wisdom. This is the last week at Eucharist Church we're going to be interviewing people who inspire us, and who we think are full of wisdom. Hopefully more wisdom to come, but not in interviews!
This week we get to talk to Sue Hamilton, a spiritual director of spiritual directors, and she had so much goodness to share with us! For the next few weeks at Eucharist Church we're going to be interviewing people who inspire us, and who we think are full of wisdom.
Ponder The Palm Sunday Paradox Sermon by Daniel Habben, Luke - www.newyorkethnicfood.com
This week we get to talk to Bob Mather-Dyer, a retired pastor and spiritual director who learned at 65 what he wishes he knew all along. Sue Carr Shares Some Wisdom. Beautiful photo by Henry Liu - https: This week we got to kick off our conversations with a bang! Sue touched on her life story and themes of vocation, family, risk, and following God through all sorts of strange and wild turns. Read more about Eatery and Exchange by clicking here!
December 18, 1 Corinthians 15 Kevin Makins was rough. Where do we put our hope when death seems to be winning? This sermon is mostly honest confession. To download, right click "Download" above and select "save link as Rob explores what it means to be holy, and catholic, in the truest expression of the words. Acts 1 November 13 A sermon about politics, power, and why Jesus didn't stick around.
Chris Schoon, joined us at Eucharist, and shared the hope we have in resurrection! You Are Going to Die Why Did Jesus Have to Die? Luke 23 October 23 Was the cross cosmic child abuse?
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Or appeasing the wrath and violence of a distant God? Could God not forgive sinners without someone dying? Why the need for so much blood? I know from talking with people over the years that the crucifixion is a major stumbling block for some people when it comes to following Jesus. If you are a person who's always found the death of Jesus confusing at best or troubling and disturbing at worst, this sermon is for you.
Because it's actually really beautiful and good news that Jesus was murdered Luke 1 October 16 So let's dive right into the strangeness: And what does Mary teach us about being Jesus-people? The church in our neighbourhood has a parade for Mary and it's pretty intense and awesome and odd. John 1, Philippians 2 October 9 Here's where things start getting really unique: The early Christians made the largest claim possible about Jesus: Also, his name wasn't really Jesus A link to Brad Jersak's incredible children's book "Jesus Showed Us" - buy a million copies for every kid you know: Let's get into it: Well we're going to have to talk about Hebrew Poetry, Chance the Rapper, Yurts, and I can't believe we're going there How can a Creed that is nearly years old still serve and build up the church today?
Let's start by understanding the Creed with four metaphors: What does it look like to live a life of freedom, fully owning your story and your role to play, to become a part of something bigger than ourselves? Plus a point story consisting of 30 lives weaving together. Some Photos from Our Fall Launch: Luke 14 Kevin Makins Because we are in summer, our "Ordinary Time", we have no audio recordings of the Sunday gatherings. However Kevin is very proud of himself for actually writing a whole sermon down on paper!
So you can read the sermon by clicking anywhere in this over-explaining paragraph. To download, right click above and select "save link as Too Busy to Sit Down. Luke 10 Kevin Makins Because we are in summer, our "Ordinary Time", we have no audio recordings of the Sunday gatherings. I appreciate the well wishes and love, but this is the work of God. I am a vessel! Lean on your war lodge for support in your conquests, bow before the Pope to claim your divine throne or establish a legendary bloodline that will echo through the ages.
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