Jazz Maynard - Tome 1 - Home Sweet Home (French Edition)
Fabien rated it really liked it Mar 19, Guillaume rated it really liked it Jan 16, Helena rated it liked it Aug 09, Illuminati8 rated it liked it May 09, Julia Lama rated it really liked it Mar 31, Matthew Anderson rated it it was amazing Aug 19, Julie Ferron rated it really liked it Mar 04, Seb rated it really liked it Jul 14, Tobi rated it liked it Sep 17, Javier rated it really liked it Sep 05, Diego De la cruz rated it really liked it Feb 10, Robert rated it liked it Jan 15, Marina rated it it was amazing Sep 20, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.
Le premier de ces 3 albums sort en juin Other books in the series. Jazz Maynard 1 - 10 of 11 books. Trivia About Jazz Maynard 1. No trivia or quizzes yet. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. The Viking Press], p. Les maitres du jazz, Paris [book], p. A Ducal Calendar , in: Celebrating the Duke…, New York [book], p. San Francisco Chronicle, Jazz, Harmondsworth, Essex [book: Notebook of a Nonconformist, in: Lubbock Texas Evening Journal, Sur quelques disques de Duke Ellington. Jazz Hot, 63 Feb.
Booking Mixup Snafus Ellington dates in Frisco, in: May letter ; reprint, in: May R ; reprint, in: Duke, Singers Cut for Col. The New Duke Ellington. He now has a great jumping band and he also has some new and colourful germs, in: He now has a jumping band and he also has some new and colorful germs, in: The Ellington Effect, in: Duke Ellington, Birdland, in: Music World Salutes The Duke. Ellington on Career Highlights, in: Lists of Favorites, in: Ellington Silver Jubilee, in: The Ellington Gap of , in: Duke Ellinton — Erratum, in: Music Scene In Focus. Ellington Jubilee Tribute, in: Puissances du Jazz, Paris [book], p.
Edward Kennedy Duke Ellington, in: FBI file on Duke Ellington [digi. Two Views of Duke Ellington, in: Chicago Honored Duke Ellington, in: Duke Ellington, Willie Mabon. Bellson Quits Duke Ellinton, in: Duke Ellington Finds Bellson Replacement, in: Duke Switches Record Labels, in: Want To Buy A Band? Duke, Count In Battle Royal, in: Duke Ellington, Count Basie [digi. Duke, Count in Battle Royal, in: Duke, Kenton Mull Tour, in: Withdrawal Baffles Duke, Joe Glaser, in: Artists Society of America [digi. The Wax Works of Duke Ellington.
An up-to-date discography, Stockholm [book: Marvellous Things Happen, in: Neue Langspielplatten bei Brunswick, Philips und Teldec, in: Melody Maker, Duke writing new folk opera, in: Caught in the Act. Great Ellington Soloists, in: Duke Says Swing Is Stagnant! Duke Draws Record 1, to Downbeat, in: Dieses Foto von Duke Ellington…, in: The Encyclopedia of Jazz, New York [book: The Future of Jazz, in: Newport Jazz Festival , Newport [program booklet: Jacques Willaumez Associates], p. Peter Davies]; London [book: Peter Davies]; Harmondsworth [book: Penguin]; New York [book: JAS Publikationen], passim short I.
Auctioneers and Appraisers
An African View of Ellington, in: Mirages de Paris, Paris Reflections on Duke Ellington. Duke Ellington and Mechanical Transport, in: Bizarre Brass and the Occult, in: The Delicate Impressionist, in: Duke Ellington and Orch. Joe Brown [Joachim Ernst Berendt]: But Why Limit Me? Twenty-Three Years at the Top, in: Jazz Magazine, 3 Feb. The Early Ellington Orchestra, in: Leonard Feather berichtet aus USA, in: HMV EP [digi. European tour shifted to fall [digi. Jazz-Echo, May , p. Carnegie Hall concert with Symphony of the Air [digi.
European tour planned [digi. Duke Ellington — Jazz Opera: Man with Four Sides, in: Das Werk Duke Ellingtons auf Schallplatten, in: Jazz Magazine, 11 Nov. Concerto for Cootie, in: Its Evolution and Essence, New York [book: University of Michigan Press], p. Au Portulan, chez Flammarion], p. Ellington at Newport, in: Columbia CL [] ; Reprint, in: Ramstein concert planned [digi. Leonard Feather berichtet aus den USA, in: Boston Daily Record, Music Fraternity Honors Ellington, in: Bethlehem record contract; produces record with Rosemary Clooney [digi.
Le Duke Rides Again! Jazz Hot, May , p. Duke Ellington, Doylestown, Pa. The Duke at Newport, in: Jazzman Duke Ellington, in: Jazz Magazine, 20 Sep. Duke Ellington a Huge Disappointment, in: The Race for Space, in: Duke Ellington rencontre William Shakespeare, in: Sounds of Life, in: Giants of Jazz, New York [book: Jazz Book Club], p. New York [Thomas Y. This is the second of a two-part interview with Duke Ellington, in which he discusses his career, bands, and viewpoints on jazz , in: Sie wollen doch nicht etwa zu Ellington…!?
May ; reprint, in: May short F ; reprint, in: Mineo and Duke, in: Jazz Magazine, 28 Jun. Harold Baker revient chez Duke Ellington, in: Duke Ellington and the Talking Record, in: Epoch Due on Record, in: Ellington und die Angst des Jonas, in: Ellington Blue Note Ace, in: Duke Ellington and his Famous Orchestra, Offenbach [program booklet: The Jazzman as Critic.
The Best of the Blindfold Test, Reactions to Duke Ellington, in: A Critical Guide, Harmondsworth [book: A Journal of Jazz , New York [book: The Knickerbocker News Albany , Jazz Hot, Mar. Poetess and the Duke, in: Fran Kelley, Duke Ellington [digi. Norman Granz plans Ellington tour in the fall [digi. Duke Ellington To Participate as Guest, in: For Ellington-fans Only, in: Frankly — This Is the Greatest! University of Hull Press], p. Shakespeare, Ellington und Jazz. Gedanken zu zwei neuen Werken Duke Ellingtons, in: A Knockout, Of Course, But…, in: This World of Jazz.
The Duke — 25 Years After, in: Germany tour planned by Horst Lippmann [digi. Duke Ellingtons Shakespeare Suite. Diary of Jazz, Limburg s [scrap book, ] ticket stubb: Edward Kennedy Ellington, in: Jazz Magazine, 42 Nov. German tour dates for November [digi. Jazz Hot, Dec. Ellingtons konsert en overveldende opplevelse. Orkesteret bedre enn noensinne, in: Quatre concerts en crescendo, in: Jazz Magazine, 43 Dec. Ellington flies from Hamburg to Berlin [digi.
Three Musicians Look at Ellington, in: Duke Ellington on Records. Duke Ellington in the Nineteen-thirties, in: The Art of Jazz. New York ], p. Everything Has to Prove Something, in: A Royal View of Jazz, in: A Quarterly of American Music, 2 spring , p.
Just Jazz 3, London [book: Duke Ellington as Pianist, in: Its Origins and Early Development, in: New York [book: The Ellington Sidemen, in: A Drum Is a Woman, in: Duke Ellington at Newport , in: The Orchestral Suites, in: Black, Brown and Beige after 16 Years. An Album Review, in: Impressions — Firsthand and Secondhand, in: Analysis of a Genius, in: Such Sweet Thunder, in: Jazz Magazine, 44 Jan. Ella et Duke et Duke et Mahalia, in: Quo Vadis, Duke Ellington?
Interview with Duke Ekllington, in: Interview with Duke Ellington, in: Cotton Club Stomp, in: The Style of Duke Ellington, in: Ellington Stands the Test of Time, in: At the Cotton Club. Le style de Duke Ellington, in: Les Cahiers du Jazz, 9 , p. Diminuendo und Crescendo in Blue, in: Duke Ellington filmt, in: Schlagzeug, 21 May , supplement, p. Duke Set for Jazz Concert, in: Echoes From the Forties. Duke at his Peak, in: At His Very Best. A Medal for Duke, in: Ellington Festival in Taminent-in-the-Poconos [digi. The Score on Ellington, in: Anatomy of a Murder, in: Heinz Lukas geht durch die Lande, in: Die Profile des Jazz.
Jazz Hot, Nov. Meinungen, Urteile, Kritiken, in: Ellington had first been in Germany in , not [digi. The Hot Box, in: Large Ellington Shuffle, in: The Ellington Programme, in: This Is Jazz, London [book: Columbia University Press], p. Geschichte und Rhythmus, Mainz [book: A Critical Guide, London [book: The Encyclopedia of Jazz, in: Early Duke, part 1, in: When Duke Records, in: Just Jazz 4, London [book], p.
Bessie and Duke, in: Treat It Gentle, London [book], p. Duke Presents an Imposing Array of Talent, in: Von Duke zu Quincy, in: Ellington declines Australia tour because of his flight fright [digi. The Duke Ellington Story, as Hollywood might do it, in: Duke Looks Back, in: Historically Speaking — The Duke. Diets of the Stars. Wealthy or poor, famous or unknown, everybody is trying hard to lose weight, in: Ebony, May , p. Jazzer, 3 May , p. Duke Ellington, Detroit Jazz Festival, in: Duke Ellington, Monterey Jazz Festival, in: Ellington Plays Tchaikowsky, in: Trois apotres du discontinu, in: Jazz Magazine, 65 Dec.
Duke Ellington — The Slumbering Giant, in: The Impressionism of Duke Ellington [p. Essays on Jazz, London [book: Jazz Hot, Apr. Jazz Hot, Jun. Interpretations for Piano No. Art Tatum Improvisations, No. Duke — mit kleinen Unterschieden, in: The Duke at Play, in: The Sound of Jazz. Four Ellingtonians Arrested in Vegas, in: Duke — The Greatest Poet in Jazz, in: Ellingtons neueste Ambitionen, in: The Beautiful Americans, in: More Paris Blues, in: Duke Ellington, Indiana Jazz Festival, in: Duke Ellington to the Court of St.
Toward Jazz, New York [book: Grove Press; London The Jazz Book Club], p. Toward Jazz, New York Ellington Sues and Is Sued in Return, in: Dinosaurs in the Morning. Louis Armstrong et Duke Ellington, in: Jazz Magazine, 78 Jan. Jazz Hot, Jan. Where Is Jazz Going? Duke and Basie Combine, in: The Art Is In the Cooking, in: Jazz Festival a triumph only for Duke Ellington, in: On the Road with the Duke Ellington Orchestra, in: Could you tell me the possible value of the following book: Blanche, This book is not something we would handle at auction.
Hello, I have found an old Dickens Oliver Twist that does not have a date but has Lupton Publishing Co New York as the publisher—It has a green hard back cover and has Federal book co on the bottom outside on binding. I cannot find a copy on Abe books or Amazon. Meri, Thanks for the comment. I have 3 books that are dated back mid s mark Twain Christian science it was copyrighted in from Harpers and brothers publishers with a signature from T.
The second book is the pioneers and patriots or America by John S. Abbott it has a signature and date on it from it was published by Dodd and mead in and the sparrowgrass papers by Frederic S. Cozzens dated back to and has signature and date on it all from the old feather and ink on it looking to see what they are worth. David, These books are not of high value. Hello, your dictionary is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction.
I am having trouble with a book that I was hoping you could help with. The book has no date but says it is the complete and unabridged edition and has pages. On the cover Cristo is spelled Christo. It does have a couple of problems, the cloth on the top and bottom of the spine is a little worn and the binding is coming apart to the point that the first few pages are almost falling out.
Any help you can give me is much appreciated, Thanks. Charles — This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction. Adia, To find out what your Zane Grey books may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: I have 3 books handed down from great grandma: Hi Joanne, These old books are not of high value and are not something we would offer at auction. Published by Canton Press in just after the factory was built. It is signed buy the original owner of the book in the first book not on title page.
All tissue paper in front of photos are intact. They are in pretty good shape, with one page folded in half down the center. They there are old fingerprint throughout the books, but all pages seam intact and together. Slight wear on cover. There are obvious ink fades, missing letters and smears as well. What can you tell me about these books and what are they worth? I understand this is his previously unprinted biographical accounts from prison.
Printed in Paris France. Funk and Wagnalls New York and London. I have carefully reviewed the list of books you sent. Thank you for taking the time to compile this information. Many of us select and accumulate books, fewer collect like a bibliomaniac. The best course of action is probably to call in a generalist, who buys houses full of books just like yours. Fenimore Cooper books are not of high value and are not something we would offer at auction. You may be able to find out more about their value on a used book website: I have a 2nd edition of Marlowe. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company.
A All pages are intact, no tears, little wear on cover. Real good condition for age. I have a collection of Shakespeare books 38 of them , copyright date of by the University Society. Am wondering if they are worth anything. I have several books Old Yeller hardback library of congress Robin Hood hardback. Dee, These books are not of high value and are not something we would offer at auction. I have a book called historical register containing An Impartial Relation of all Transactions, Foreing and Domestic with a Chronological Diary and this is the original volume 3 for the year and is printed by H.
M and fold by T. Norris and it is really old book and hard to read. I just wanted to know if it worth anything. Flora, To find out what your antique book may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: I have found a book from my Great grandfathers collection which I find interesting. Each page has a red, thin lined border around it. It also has gold Guilded page edges. It also lists this information: Frederick A Stokes Company… Can you tell me if this book has any value.
Steven, This book of Robert Burns poems is not something we would handle at auction. I have a brown leather book by Irving Knickerbocker. Titled History of New York from the Beginning of the world to the end of the dutch dynasty authors revised edition. It says only copys made. Can you please tell me what its worth? Two series on on, with illustrations in photography from pictures by T. Herrick, and Steel Portrates from I would also like to know what its worth please. Natalie, Thanks for the comment. Blackmore with Illustrations by Frank T.
Merrill written in Both books are in good shape. Thank you for any information you might be able to give me. It says lenox july 15, The book does not have a dust sleeve but is in very good shape. Is it worth anything? Mandy, This is a later edition, circa Published by The Commonwealth Fund, This book is red withgold embossing on the spine and a gold circle with a elephant and swastika on the cover.
Feniomre cooper, NY , no cover Speeking pieces for little scholars and older pupils, Ellin peck, Boston , no cover ford v-8 car and trucks, By victor page NY , no cover where the red fern grows, By willson rawls, NY, , co cover bethlehem structural shapes, a week by themselves, By emilia norris, ny, no date, no cover Maine beautiful, wallace nutting, Massachusetts, , no cover the history of the town of bowdoinham , By silac adams, Maine , no cover dangerous days, by mary rineharnt, ny, , no cover the girlscouts rally, By kathryn gult, , no cover heart of the sunset, by rex beach, ny, , no cover the ramrodders, holman day, ny, , no cover the pride of palomar, by peter kyne, ny, , no cover the valley of the giants, by peter kyne, ny, , no cover the rider of golden bar, by william patterson white, boston, , no cover the thundering herd, zayne grey, ny, 1st adition.
Cammie, These books are not valuable, just the regular old books that people have to read. Please note that books with no covers from the 19th and 20th centuries are of little to no value, even if they may have some value in good condition. For an idea about what kinds of books end up in a rare book auction, check out our most recent catalog , from the June first auction. I have a book that I would like to sell but have no idea of value. Hardcover dark brown with black printing and design on front cover..
I have a couple sets I am wondering about the worth of: Crowell Company, New York, copyright Holly, These books are not of high value and are not something we would offer at auction. I recently picked up a manuscript titled Autobiography of Erastus Johnson later published in Autobiography of Erastus Johnson a chronicle of pioneer life on the east coast and the west coast.
The manuscript is in great condition and has pencil corrections throughout and author notes typed making reference to a second manuscript printed for the authors daughter however after contacting a descendant and learning what she had found in her genealogy research and the interest herself and members of the society bearing the families name had for obtaining the editions I need to seek a professional opinion. The author mentions his last visit to his family in St. Where many of his immediate family are laid to rest.
The University of Berkeley in California has the manuscript from and Edward Copenhagen of Harvard special collections showed some interest in obtaining it. I know that it is probably only valuable to a descendant however there is definitely an interest. Here is a partial list of what we found:. Familiar Quotations, Bartlett, H. Caldwell, Publishers New York and Boston, unknown publishing date. Sumptibus Et Typis B. Bell and Sons, Ltd, Thank you for the comment. These are not books we would offer at auction. The books that are parts of sets volume VIII only, etc.
There are a few others that may be of value but these struck me as the most likely. In most cases, books without imprint dates are later reprints.
Roger Ibáñez Ugena
Rollo on the Rhine is a five volume set, and as a complete set has some value in the first edition Boston: Reynolds, , in good condition. After seeking many avenues, I have only found a few red leather books by the same publisher, however they have different covers in the fact that the gold lettering and design on the binding exterior edge of the book has more design and lettering varies.
All are published by Award Books Inc. I have been unable to find any documentation on the publisher or dates of printing. All pages are present and in great shape, the bindings of both books however have let go for the most part. It was published by Thomas Y. It is leather bound and in very good condition. Please let me know where i can find out the value of these and other books that i have. These books are likely not of high value. Hello, I have come across a book from Lithuania — and in Lithuanian text It is: And on the cover page is an inscription, which either seems to be a love poem or poem with the authors signature- it is handwritten in the Lithuanian language and is very difficult to interpret.
I am Very Curious and intrigued. Thank you in advance for any help Laurie. Laurie, Thanks for the comment. All of the volumes are a burgundy color -and are in very good condition They were my grandparents — can you give me an idea of their value? Kathy, These Harvard Classics are not of high value and are not something we would offer at auction. Your insight would be appreciated. Paula, This copy of Alice in Wonderland is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction.
It has a broken spine single split but all the pages are there. What might this book be worth? Should I get the spine repaired or leave it as is? Thank you very much. This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction. I came across an antique leather bound Jane Eyre C. Bront book but it is in French. I am unable to locate a copyright anywhere on it.
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Kelly, Thanks for the comment. Do you have any comment? Thank you in advance. Please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: Published by Charles L. Just wondering if it is of any value. Lance, This edition of Huckleberry Finn is not something we would handle at auction. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. Saunders, Walnut Street. There are ALSO inside it, two 4-page publications: Edited by John M. Also, can you recommend a good book restorer? The book and journals are not of high value and are not something we would offer at auction.
Date is referenced in Introduction. Kathy, Rob Roy was first published in , so a later edition has value only as a book to read, not collect. Winsome, These books are not of high value. I recently purchased the following: Printed for Robert Campbell, Leather Bound edition.
It contains the Northwest Ordinance, which was the de facto constitution of the Territory and the basis for the free state legal philosophy of Abraham Lincoln and other abolitionists. Original Owner signature dated I bought the book based solely on the rarity. Any thoughts on value? Complete set of Joseph Conrad leather bound book set, special edition, published by Doubleday, Doran and company for P. LeAtherbound set of 3 books: Kelly, Decorative sets in fine leather bindings in very good condition can have value.
Please send some photographs of the sets on the shelf along with an auction evaluation form on our website: Your website is very helpful. Perhaps you could help? This one is Greek: The Stillingfleet title is early, but common on the rare book market, and frankly not the most interesting read out there.

Some Greek Septuagints can be very valuable, but the really collectible ones were published about years earlier. All pages are intact, but the publication date is missing. Generally, books from the late 19th or early 20th century with undated title pages are later reprints, and not first editions. The publisher, issuing a title with proven popularity, has intentionally omitted a date in order to extend the shelf-life of his wares. We just sold one in our June first auction: Books without publication dates are very often reprints not first or early editions.
It might also be useful to take a look at the copyright page to help determine the period of publication. But unfortunately, 19th and 20th century books without publication dates are usually reprints. I have two books that I am having restored in period binding, pages washed etc, by a very well known restoration specialist in Alabama.
Both are by the author Sir William Hope. The second is where I am having trouble finding a value for the book. The actual title is much longer. I can only find some sparse information on this one, but would like to get a rough value as well, one to make sure I am spending money wisely on the restoration and two to possibly sell at auction. Josh, please submit photos of the books using the auction evaluation form on our website: It a compilation of her poems of passion, miscellaneous, pleasure, philosophical, cheer and sentiment.
I believe it is an edition de luxe limited to copies, printed on hand made paper, bound in vellum and its signed by both the author and artist. Any idea on value would be appreciated.
Jazzinstitut Darmstadt
Diane, To find out what your Ella Wheeler Wilcox book of poems may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: It was written by S. It is bound, but the cover is not attached. Otherwise it is in good condition. Do you have any idea if it may be of any value? I can find really no info on it except the S. Patent pending is also printed under the publishing company name. Thanks for you for any assistance you can provide.
Andrea — This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction. I have a book my grandmother gave me. The prince and the pauper. The book does not have a copy right date. It does have on the title page: It also has manufactured in The United States of America. Also has notes at the end of the book. I was curious if this book has any value. Pam, This book is not of high value. It is written by Miriam Blanton Huber. The copyright is Row, Peterson and Company. Do you have any idea if this book is of value. It has a picture of a women on the front and she is sitting at a desk writing a letter.
The hard cover is in yellows and reds. It was my Aunts book and I wonder if it has any value. I have a first edition Grapes of Wrath. Purchased the book from Asprey in Includes dust jacketand plastic cover. Full description describes very good condition of jacket, pages and spine. Stuart, To find out the possible value at auction, please submit photos of the book and an auction evaluation form on our website: I have a book written by Edward Payson Roe.
Published by Dodd, Mead and Company. The binding has become worn but it is still pretty in tact. There is also a signature of an owner from Farmington,Maine on one of the blanks. Do you think this is of value? Candace, This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction. They belonged to Latisha Beauchamp Proctor there is a bookplate , signed Susan, These two old books are not of high value and are not something we would offer at auction. I have a book that I would like to know if it is rare. Thank you for any info you can give me. This Charlotte Bronte book is not something we would handle at auction.
Hello, I purchased a brown leather bound book, cover says Shakespeare Illustrated, when you open the book it says An Art Edition of Shakespeare classified as Comedies, Tragedies, Histories and Sonnets. Each part arranged in chronological order. Arranged and compiled by C. US Publishing House, But the odd thing about the book is the back of the book has an attached blue Shakespeare Illustrated hard cover.
I would give it a fair condition rating because of some spotting, frayed pages, and the spine of the book has some fraying. Can you tell me if this book is worth anything? Heidi, Thanks for the comment. In appreciation of more than twenty years of help, advice, and encouragement. Holly, This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction. Hi I have a Book made in Gold Pages, the cover is something soft and like velvet …. If interested drop a line at info mcaroell.
Roger - Mediatoon Foreign Rights
I have a book called Arrowsmith. Printed in the USA. This book is a red cloth hardback book, with gold lettering. I have no clue of the value. Shaynon, This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction. My Grandmother passed away about 4 years ago retired from Working in the School System for 30 years. When she passed away, upon inheriting her estate-we found many school books dated back to these dates.
Is there any value to them? I feel he might have been holding back… What do you think? Hello, I cleaned out an old bookcase and came across books published prior to The copywrite dates are ,, Miss Keller signed this book for my Grandfather April 23, The only part of the dust jacket remaining is the cover. It is torn at the edges and wrinkled but the cover photos can still be made out. We were always amazed the someone that was blind could write so clearly.
I am wondering if there is any value to these books or what you can tell me about them. Illustrated by Harold Brett. The preface in the book explains that parts are not in this book based on the original 2 volumes because it would be of no interest to young boys and girls. Any value to this book? I have an old book I inherited; it is the direct lineage of Cyrus McCormick. McCormick- Chicago, Leather bound and signed sticker inside front cover To: Mrs Harriet McChesney Dunn handwritten. Leander J McCormick pen signature Any info would be appreciated.
Among a lot of antique books that I bought at auction recently were three written by Lord Alfred Douglas Bosie mainly on the subject of Oscar Wilde. Very good condition repress from There is a signature in pen on the inside cover page by Thomas Hope Floyd and dated June 6 I enjoy reading your replies here. It from McLoughlin Brothers. It is a 16 page illustrated alphabet book , chromolithographs. I have tried for hours to try and find a single one for sale or has been sold. I can only find one — in the museum library of a university in Florida.
I am wondering the value and also wondering how rare the book may be. Also if it would be auction material. Jason, To find out what your alphabet book may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: Hi I have a Holy Bible with wood cover with crosses on front and Jerusulem on the back.
Londow and Glasgow Collins Clear-type press. Licence says the following: It also has colored illustration throughout old and new testaments. Would you be able to provide estimate value? This bible is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction.
You may be able to find out more about your bible here: Book appears to be in German I think. I cannot tell if it is complete or not?
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Please take a photo of the title page, and submit an auction evaluation form on our website: Can you give any kind of info.? Bobbi, These old books are not of high value and are not something we would offer at auction. I found it at an estate sale on Long Island, NY. I did some investigating to find out about it. It was published by Frank Moore Lupton who started his own publishing company, in These books are thread sewn not wired.
Printed from large type on good paper, and bound in very attractive covers. The cover from , matches my book. Mary, To find out what your Charles Dickens book may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: Partial leather covers in good condition. I have 11 Charles Dickens books that has copy write of Are these something I should look further into? There is no publishing date. Printed by Oxford University Press. There is a preface on pages by the author explaining how the book came to be. On the last printed page it shows John Johnson, printer to the University.
It is in good condition. Does this have any value as a single work or must it be part of the twenty volumes.? Hello, I have 2 books William Shakespears complete works volume 1 and 2 and it says chicago W. B Conkey company both volumes are in condition , with an introduction to each play, adapted from the shakespeare primer of professor Dowden. Not sure of the value?
I have a leather bound book called Poetical Works of Robert Burns. It has gilt-edged pages, and although there is no publication date, it was published in Edinburgh W. It is not in perfect condition, but is complete, showing signs of many readings. Any thoughts as to potential value?
Thank you in advance for any assistance you may offer. If you could give me some help with this. I have been unable to find any book that resmbles this one. Kent, This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction. Is this a first American edition printing? It is probably in fair to good condition for a Y. Any thoughts on approximate value? Eric, Thank you for your comment.
I have 3 very old books and wanted to know there value. The first one is Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, copyright date The book is a hardback book in excellent condition with a book jacket that has wear and tear. The third one is The Borrowers by Mary Norton, copyright date This is also a hardback book in excellent condition with a book jacket that has wear and tear. Elisa These old books are not of high value.
I do not know the whereabouts of the 4th volume. These are first editions and I believe is numbered of Is there still value without the fourth volume. Dan, There may still be value to these books. Two others listed below. Original Illustrations by E. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck , great condition with signature of first page, not title page. The Viking Press New York. All pictures included on. Craig, These books are not of high value. I have a first edition book. Published in Berlin, Cant find much info about this book. I would like to find out any info about it and possibly sell it.
Ricky, This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction. It says Publication Date April. Red paper spine, thin paper cover with 2 smaller papers glued on it. One is the Viking Press paper with the information above, the other is what looks like a newsprint paper with information about the book.
The last 3 pages have separated from the binding, but they are present, although those 3 pages have frayed edges. Robert, This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction. Looking through some books which belonged to my Uncle. Would you be able to assess if there is any value in them? Hare Fifteenth Edition published in in good condition. Robert, These books are not of high value. Undated editions are almost always later reprints.