Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Take Control of IBS
1. I learned to not worry about what people think
These feelings often become less severe as the person gains control over IBS. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. Symptoms include excessive gas and abdominal pains or cramps.
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Tips for living with IBS are presented. What is irritable bowel syndrome IBS? What are other names for irritable bowel syndrome IBS? What are the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome IBS?
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- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) | NHS inform.
Some people think of IBS as the gut's response to stress in the world. Abdominal pains or cramps, usually in the lower half of the abdomen Excess gas Harder or looser bowel movements than usual Diarrhea , constipation , or an alternating pattern between the two Because these symptoms can happen over and over, a person with IBS can feel stressed or saddened by his or her condition.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
That is NOT the answer. Emerging research has helped identify the underlying causes. Today, I am going to share 5 steps you can follow to cure IBS. But first I want to tell you about a patient of mine …. At age 45, Alexis had suffered from IBS for 33 years — almost all her life!
2. I learned to be open about it
Her major symptom was sudden, painful, cramping diarrhea. She was doing the best she could to prevent it. She would go to the bathroom 4 to 5 times before she even left the house in the morning. She had taken many antibiotics over the years and had many yeast infections. An upper endoscopy or scope into her stomach had shown that she had gastritis, or inflammation of the stomach. She also had severe premenstrual syndrome PMS , with irregular periods, breast tenderness, sugar cravings, headaches, and agitation.
She also had unusual symptoms like rectal itching often a clue to yeast infections or food allergies. And she was tired all the time. Alexis tried to eat healthy, but her diet was less than ideal. She had a bran muffin and coffee in the morning and a salad for lunch. Not surprisingly, she was also about 20 pounds overweight. To understand how I did that, you first have to understand a little bit about how the gut works. These are the two main causes of IBS: Food allergies and overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine. Imagine a tennis court.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) - NHS
That is the surface area of your small intestine, where food is absorbed. Your small intestine is also the site of about 60 percent of your immune system. And this sophisticated gut-immune system is just one-cell layer away from a toxic sewer — all of the bacteria and undigested food particles in your gut. If that lining breaks down — from stress , too many antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin or Advil, steroids, intestinal infections, a low-fiber, high-sugar diet, alcohol, and more — your immune system will be exposed to foreign particles from food and bacteria and other microbes.
This will trigger and activate immune response, allergy, and will irritate your second brain the enteric nervous system creating havoc that leads to an irritable bowel, an irritable brain, and other system wide problems including allergy, arthritis, autoimmunity, mood disorders, and more. The microbial ecosystem in the gut must be healthy for you to be healthy.
When your gut bacteria are out of balance — when you have too many pathogenic bacteria and not enough healthy bacteria — it makes you sick. Among all that gut bacteria, there are good guys, bad guys, and VERY bad guys.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
The major symptom it causes is bloating, or a feeling of fullness after meals. What causes this bloating? The overproduction of gas by the bacteria as they have lunch on your lunch!

Small bowel bacterial overgrowth can be diagnosed by a breath test, which measures gas production by the bacteria, or by a urine test that measures the byproducts of the bacteria after they are absorbed into your system. Bacterial overgrowth is a real syndrome and was recently described in a review paper published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. In fact, a major paper was recently published in the Annals of Internal Medicine that showed using a non-absorbed antibiotic called rifaximin for 10 days resulted in a dramatic improvement in bloating and overall symptoms of IBS by clearing out the overgrowth of bacteria.
But, unfortunately, not all patients with the same diagnosis are created equal. Another major cause of IBS is food sensitivities. Not true allergies, but low-grade reactions to foods that drive so many chronic symptoms including IBS.