HE CROSSED THE LINE (Transvestia Book 6)
Answers given in the free text field of our questionnaire concerning change in self-reported sexual orientation and individual interpretation of this event were analyzed by two independent researchers MKA and JF. Answers were grouped thematically.
Transgender Transitioning and Change of Self-Reported Sexual Orientation
Exemplary statements for each group were chosen to be reported in the discussion section and in the supplementary results Text S1. We investigated changes in self-reported sexual orientation and the relation to important life events in a large cohort of transsexual persons in Germany by means of qualitative and quantitative data. We could show that self-reported changes in sexual orientation are frequent in transsexual persons especially in originally gynephilic MtF as well as androphilic FtM.
It was hypothesized before that change of sexual orientation might be influenced by hormonal therapy or SRS [12]. Here, we could demonstrate that reported changes of sexual orientation are not particularly associated with any transition event. Thus our data challenge the view that either hormonal therapy or SRS or any other event has a direct influence on self-reported sexual orientation. These figures are in accordance with the historical and early reports from Magnus Hirschfeld [16] and recent reports [17]. Most of our participants reported on an early age of onset, regardless of being FtM or MtF.
However, FtM started their transition process, including first psychological counseling, start of "real-life experience" in the new gender role, hormone treatment and sex reassignment surgery at a younger age than MtF. This is in accordance with the literature [18]. Others hypothesized that FtM in contrast to MtF feel lower social pressure in terms of parental disapproval of cross gender expression [19] — [21]. This may also explain for the discrepancy in latency between age of onset and first counseling for initiation of transition in MtF vs.
Hypothesizing that gender dysphoric girls were more likely to be accepted by their family members, threshold for seeking medical advice could be lower.
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In contrast, cross-gender expression in boys is poorly accepted and thus referral to gender specialists happens earlier. We could demonstrate that self-reported change in sexual orientation is quite common in MtF as well as FtM. This is in accordance with earlier reports in MtF [11] and FtM [12].
Interestingly, she found that there is little difference regarding preoperative characteristics between those who reported a change in sexual orientation following SRS and those who did not. Thus both groups could not be distinguished by any variables. This was similar in our study. We could not demonstrate a particular variable concerning transition process which would predict change in sexual orientation. Contrastingly, in the present study sample the degree of FtM who reported a change in sexual orientation after transition was higher in androphilic FtM.

It was hypothesized before that natal women have a more fluid sexual orientation compared to natal men in the general population. However, data on this topic are still sparse [23] — [24]. In natal men sexual orientation seems to be equivalent with sexual arousal that can be measured with penis plethysmography [23]. In line, MtF show specific sexual arousal patterns using vaginal photoplethysmography in surgically constructed neovaginas [25].
In contrast, natal women have genital arousal patterns that are not category specific e. Yet plethysmography studies ignore cognitive components of sexual orientation that have an important role in self-reported sexual orientation especially in women due to the ambiguous arousal patterns. It is also important to stress that in homosexual persons bisexuality seems to be part of their coming out process [26].
We also regarded only those as a subgroup who had undergone the complete physical transition process. Here, most reported a change in sexual orientation following the surgical procedure in line with the study by Lawrence However, a relatively large proportion of participants Many transsexual persons may have suggested that a change in sexual orientation occurred after SRS because it demarcates an important life event and is often the last of many steps toward the development of the desired sex.
We feel that the present existing data are not sufficient to decide whether or not sexual orientation can change in the course of life. Meier and colleagues [12] reported a significant association of testosterone treatment in FtM and change in sexual orientation, however, in logistic regression analysis this was not independent of pre-transition sexual orientation. In our sample, initiation of cross-sex hormone therapy was not a significant predictor for change, but admittedly we had lower statistical power in our study.
In addition it should be kept in mind that the Meier et al. Five MtF and two FtM had not received cross-sex hormone treatment before change in sexual orientation. This highlights that self-reported change in sexual orientation can manifest independently of cross-sex hormone treatment. MtF transsexual persons can be classified by age of onset or sexual orientation [27]. Following Ray Blanchard's sexual orientation typology [27] , [28] two distinctly different types of MtF transsexual persons, namely homosexual referred to as androphilic MtF in the present paper and nonhomosexual MtF gynephilic, bisexual and analloerotic MtF in the present paper can be distinguished.
Both groups differ profoundly: Androphilic MtF usually behave and identify as girls from earliest childhood which is reflected in female-typical toys, activities and playmates and later in female-typical occupations and hobbies [25]. Cross-dressing in this group of MtF is not associated with sexual arousal. They also cross-dress, however, it evokes sexual arousal. Blanchard showed that androphilic MtF transsexual persons present with significantly higher cross-gender wishes and therefore seek treatment at significantly younger age [27].
In line, in the present study androphilic MtF sought psychological counseling earlier than nonandrophilic MtF. Nonandrophilic MtF were also termed autogynephilic transsexual persons by Ray Blanchard [28] , highlighting that an autogynephilic sexual orientation influences their cross-gender wishes for a controversial statements see e. Autogynephilia was thus proposed to represent an erotic target location error [25] , [32]. Autogynephilic MtF transsexual persons often report the fantasy of sexual intercourse as a woman with a man, that was repeatedly described as faceless and abstract [25].
Yet this pseudoandrophilia has to be distinguished from genuine androphilia or homosexuality in MtF, or as Blanchard points it: In this case a reported change in sexual orientation from gynephilic to androphilic can be attributed to autogynephilic fantasies.
- Top 10 transgender books | Books | The Guardian.
- Transgender Transitioning and Change of Self-Reported Sexual Orientation!
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- Deb, a short by Vicki Ride (Urban Heat Book 1).
In some way this narrative resembles that of some adolescent cissexual persons that encounter a similar confusion and uncertainty during puberty [33]. Moreover it is thinkable that some formerly nonandrophilic MtF transsexual persons only formally change their sexual orientation in the course of the transition because androphilia is socially more desirable for MtF transsexual persons. In line, among gynephilic MtF transsexual persons we found the highest rate of reported change in sexual orientation Considering the even unintentional socially desirable responding in terms of sexual orientation and autogynephilic fantasies, we hypothesize that this high figure overestimates the number of participants with a genuine change in sexual orientation.
Participants may have reported on gynephilia at a time when they still had a male appearance and later changed their orientation towards the more accepted androphilia or bisexuality as MtF transsexual persons. Others would argue that the core sexual orientation in these participants was autogynephilia before and after transition [25].
However, it is known that autogynephilia is often not reported or known, therefore in future studies we will explicitly ask for autogynephilic arousal. The importance of individual experiences in the change of sexual orientation was also stressed by some participants. One androphilic MtF changed her sexual orientation towards bisexuality and explained: I had experienced a lot of violence through men, so I was looking for a way out. My attraction may be more a matter of mind than of heart. Another initially gynephilic MtF had a comparable explanation: That I turned away from women as sexual partners has certainly also to do with my biography.
Top 10 transgender books
I had experienced a lot of reactions that hurt me. Individual experiences also explained for the development of analloerotica following transitioning: Libido loss not only in relation to hormonal treatment but the surgical procedure was also reported: A quantitative analysis of sexual orientation is thus flawed by unreported autogynephilia, individual biographical experiences, confusion about simultaneous experiences of andro- and gynephilic attraction and social factors that may prevent participants from reporting homosexuality or autogynephilia.
Reported sexual orientation therefore seems to be influenced by a plethora of factors and may even be affected by personal decision, as one participant said: Gynephilic MtF and androphilic FtM were most likely to report a change in their sexual orientation. We argued before that autogynephilic fantasies may have influenced the high ratio of change in gynephilic MtF. So, what about androphilic FtM transsexual persons? Is correspondingly autoandrophilia a reason for the frequent change in androphilic FtM?
Until now there is limited data on autoandrophilia in FtM. However, autogynephilia was not reported for decades, too, until Ray Blanchard described the phenomenon [28]. We found several autoandrophilic narratives browsing web pages or simply googling the term. A recent qualitative study by Rowniak and Chesla [35] found indications for autoandrophilic erotic fantasies in androphilic FtM. Others described that sex with gay men was the strongest validation of being male [36].
Similarly, Schleifer concluded that sex with man reinforced masculinity of androphilic FtM and thus validates them as man [37]. Since there exists almost no scientific literature concerning autoandrophilic erotic arousal in women or FtM transsexual persons, a systematic evaluation of this phenomenon would be of interest for upcoming studies.
This has to be studied for autoandrophilic FtM transsexual persons as well. Levine and Lothstein [41] further found that in the majority of cases, early onset gender dysphoria was associated with a gynephilic orientation. Thus from the literature there seems a trend that androphilic MtF and gynephilic FtM start transitioning earlier. I would interpret my change in sexual orientation as having been confused before.
Before mastectomy, I envied men and I rejected women, since I was in the wrong body. As soon as the distracting breast had been removed, I realized that I was into women. Another possible mechanism that acts on sexual orientation in FtM is testosterone treatment that stimulates libido in general [42]. In the present study we found no relation between onset of testosterone treatment and reported change of sexual orientation. LGBT portal Transgender portal. Mom, I Need to be a Girl.
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Memoir from the point of view of the mother. Nominated for a Lambda Literary Award. Paisley Currah, Richard M. Juang, and Shannon Minter editors. First book on Hijra by a Hijra [20]. Picture book about a young transgender girl named Bailey whose family does not agree with her desire to wear dresses. Bear Bergman and Suzy Malik. Title character Tulip receives a birthday wish from a child known as David who wishes to live as Daniela, and learns how to help and respect a gender-independent young person.
Story of an adolescent transgender girl named Sage Hendrix who moves to a new high school in Missouri. Beautiful Music for Ugly Children. Despite bullying from his classmates and a lack of acknowledgement from his family, music geek Gabe born Elizabeth is transitioning, and just wants to make it through his nearing graduation. Emily born Christopher begins to come out as transgender during her junior year of high school. Patrick "Pussy" Braden is an Irish trans woman who escapes from the fictional Irish town of Tyreelin and a drunk foster mother, to find herself and the biological mother who gave her away.
The Butterfly and the Flame. Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard. Story of Luna O'Neill born Liam , a young male-to-female transsexual. Cheryl Kilodavis and Suzanne DeSimone. Picture book about the author's son Dyson, whose self-expression does not conform to stereotypical gender role as Dyson prefers clothing meant for girls. Story of an individual named Orlando, born as a biological male in England during the reign of Elizabeth I. Orlando lives for more than years and, at around 30 years of age, mysteriously changes biological sex to female. Coming out story of a transgender teenage boy named Grady; the title refers to the fact that parrotfish can change their gender.
A Safe Girl to Love. Butch Jess Goldberg grows up in the pre- Stonewall era. Black transwoman struggles through her past to become a Daytime soap star. This is the first book in a trilogy. Magazine containing "transgender-related articles, features and stories which will be of interest to transsexuals, crossdressers, drag queens and transvestites and intersexed people" [53].
Amos Mac, Rocco Kayiatos [54]. In the end the girl gets the boy, but as always in Sandy Thomas its pretty vanilla sex. This is the fourth installment in the epic Feminine Proposal series. When a couple is about to lose their house, the owner offers to extend the payment, if the wife spends the night with him. The next day, the owner makes a more generous offer, if the husband will spend a month with him, giving them the house, and a car of their choice.
However, he has to spend the month living and acting like a woman. By the end of the series, the husband, now fully feminized, has moved on, and she and her former wife are now living together, dating men together, and she has learned to love living and acting like a woman. The whole series is truly and outstanding epic. It's a great look into the mind of someone going through that transition, into the nature of gender roles, into First, I love 'Sandy Thomas'. As a 13 year old boy, i enjoyed the usual books about sports, action, adventure, and I especially liked my Sandy Thomas books.
How, at that age, I got so many Sandy Thomas books might be a story in itself. But I fell in love with Sandy then and dreamed about meeting her someday. I have probably read most of her books thats alot. But now, more than a few years later, while I still love Sandy Thomas, i really don't feel the desire to meet her like I used to have. Maybe I am afraid that in real life she has an irritating laugh or something like that. Probably the best thing about Sandy Thomas books is that they are consistently good.
And they are always well written and titillating, PG, PG They are always good.. I love all these Sandy Thomas books, this one was a little different. I kind of read through it quickly, but I'll go back and read it slower the next time, and get the full effect. A newly married couple is looking to move into an apartment close to University the only cheap place is rented exclusively to women.
Landlord falls off balcony to his death.
- Sandy Thomas.
- Trans: A Memoir by Juliet Jacques review – an honest account of gender transition.
- List of transgender publications.
- List of transgender publications - Wikipedia.
Man continues to dress as woman thereby getting paid less than a man dressed as a man. No sex descriptions in here. Typical Sandy Thomas style of writing. A strange story about young man. Who started his way in the fashion industry. He had ideas for woman's fashion. When he got his chance the model he hiring dropped out. So what could he to. To try to look for another model in time. He try to tell them at. But they had another that it was crazy. But if it worked. He could be well-known. But all he had to was fill it the model.
But he's a male and not model. What happen you have find out.