Der Zweite Weltkrieg: Eine kurze Geschichte (Reclam Sachbuch) (German Edition)
Eugenics and American Social History; id.: White Trash; Christine Rosen: Etablierung eines rassenhygienischen Standardwerkes — ; Hans-Walter Schmuhl: Rasse, Blut und Gene. Racisms Made in Germany 25 Already in the Swiss can- ton of Vaud had passed a bill on sterilisation of mentally ill, which would remain valid until Apart from 6 million victims of the systematic destruction of Eu- ropean Jewry many other groups suffered racism-driven persecutions as well: Victims of antislavism included, amongst others, 3 million non- Jewish deaths in Poland, 2 to 3.
Zwangssterilisation im Nationalsozialismus; Robert N. Gunnar Broberg, Nils Roll-Hansen eds. Eugenics and the Welfare State. Eine Art Schadensabwicklung; Dan Diner ed. Das belagerte Leningrad — Nevertheless, it caused victims as well with the German army during the conquest of France killing several thousand African colonial soldiers, who were systematically separated from their European comrades upon their surrender. As Detlev Claussen has argued, it would be erroneous to immediately trace back Auschwitz to 19th century racial bi- ology and eugenics neglecting the fundamental irrationality of the escala- tion processes in the 30s and 40s, which lacked the kind of self-preserving rationality inherent to previous racisms and biologisms.
Sinti und Roma unter dem Nationalsozialismus; Martin Luchterhandt: Der Weg nach Birkenau; Rose, Romani ed. Verfolgt, vertrieben, vernichtet; id.: Rassenutopie und Genozid; Wolfgang Wippermann: Aktion T4 —; Ernst Klee: Nationalsozialistischer Terror gegen Homosexuelle; Burkhard Jellonnek: Racisms Made in Germany 27 political agenda would seize power.
Yet it is ob- vious that the balance of these two elements shifted more and more in favour of physical persecution the longer Nazi rule lasted, resulting in large-scale mass murder during World War II. Such theoretical debates are largely inexistent for the escalation of other racist varieties under the Nazis. This synthesis was indeed a German speciality. Whilst racism undoubtedly played an important role in this process, it was how- ever by no means the only decisive factor. A decision of the Federal Court of Justice stated that Nazis had not per- 75 For a concise review of these and related interpretations cf.
Das Dritte Reich, pp. Reflections on Total War and Genocide. Das Personenlexikon zum Dritten Reich, pp. The 70s witnessed the emergence of far-right subcultures in the FRG as in many other European countries, consisting no longer prima- rily of old fascists, but of so-called Neo-Nazis. The skinhead movement, departing from the UK, would play a crucial role in this process. Since the 50s authorities noticed Neo- Nazi and antisemitic activities such as swastika graffiti and desecration of Jewish cemeteries.
Since the mids also attacks on migrant work- ers from other communist countries, who were accommodated separately from the German population, became quite regular events. The annual figure of criminal offences with far-right background increased from to 2. Anderssein gab es nicht; Harry Waibel: Rechtsextremis- mus in der DDR bis Links between culturalist and biolo- gist varieties of racism, however, were strong. For all of these three aspects, large parts of the history of racism do not display a German special path.
Accordingly, the social and political impact of German racism until and post, in a transnational perspective, was not extraordinarily great. Deutschland schafft sich ab cf. The Abolition of Britain. Like basically all crucial phenomena, events and pro- cesses of world history, National Socialism and its crimes were caused by a complex combination of structural factors and accidental acts and events and the existence of a whole range of racisms undoubtedly played an important role. Zigeuner in Altbayern, — Eine sozial-, wirtschafts- und verwaltungsgeschichtliche Untersuchung der bayerischen Zigeunerpoli- tik.
A History of French Overseas Expansion. Eugenics and American Social History, — Osiris , 2, pp. Aryanism in the British Empire. Sinti und Roma im Dritten Reich. When the Sonderweg Debate Left Us. Le massacre des tsiganes. Father of Racist Ideology. Aesthetics and the Idea of Race in the Eigh- teenth Century. Studien zur Rassen- politik und Frauenpolitik. Der Balkan im Blickfeld der westlichen Welt. Historische Anthropologie, , 16, pp. Political Radicalism in Late Imperial Vienna. Origins of the Christian Social Movement, — University of Chicago Press Broberg, Gunnar, Nils Roll-Hansen eds.
Michigan State University Press Luthers Stellung zu den Juden im Spiegel seiner Interpreten. Interpretation und Rezeption von Luthers Schriften zum Judentum im Jahrhundert vor allem im deutschsprachigen Raum. Zweihundert Jahre deutsche Polenpolitik. A Study of Ostforschung in the Third Reich. Cambridge University Press Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft , pp.
Die ersten antisemitischen Parteien in Deutschland — Der Bu- renkrieg — Thoralf Klein, Frank Schumacher. Ham- burger Edition , pp. Studien und Quellen , 8, pp. Institut Kirche und Judentum Le Cherche midi Etablierung eines rassenhygienischen Standardwerkes — Columbia University Press Theorizing Authority Through Myths of Identity. State University of New York Press A World at Total War: Global Conflict and the Politics of Destruction —, ed.
Cambridge University Press , pp. Die Stadt in den Strate- gien von Angreifern und Verteidigern. Reiseberichte, Studien und biographische Skizzen vom The Myth of Jewish Communism. Gerwarth, Robert, Stephan Malinowski: Geschichte und Gesellschaft, , 33, pp. Cesare Lombroso and the Origins of Biological Criminology. Die Ungleichheit der Menschenrassen, translated by R. Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust. Little, Brown and Company The Ariosophists of Austria and Germany, — Mediziner — Anthropologe — Politiker. Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes.
Heil, Johannes, Rainer Erb eds. Der Streit um Daniel J. Politische, wissenschaftliche, biographische Aspekte. Grosse Kontroversen nach , ed. Der Alldeutsche Verband bis Herrnstein, Richard, Charles Murray: Intelligence and Class Structure in America. Die Dokumentation der Kontroverse um die Einzigartigkeit der nationalsozialistischen Judenvernichtung. Die Geschichte eines grossen, fast vergessenen Menschheitsverbrechens. Ge- schichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht , 46, pp.
Diskursanalyti- sche Studien zur christlich-sozialen Agitation im deutschen Kaiserreich. Homosexuelle unter dem Hakenkreuz. Die Verfolgung von Homosexuellen im Dritten Reich. Nationalsozialistischer Terror gegen Homosex- uelle. Stoecker als nationalkonservativer Politiker und antisemi- tischer Agitator. Werk und Wirkung Adolf Stoeckers, ed. Adolf Stoecker und die Berliner Bewegung. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Antisemitismus. Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unter- richt , 13, pp. Von den verschiedenen Rassen der Menschen [].
Wis- senschaftliche Buchgesellschaft , pp. Reflections on the Nature of the Hitler Dictatorship. The Third Reich, ed. Black- well , pp. Das Personenlexikon zum Dritten Reich. Wer war was vor und nach Euthanasie im Dritten Reich. German History before Hitler. Journal of Contemporary History, , 1, 23, pp.
Sinti und Roma unter dem Nationalsozialismus. Ein politischer Kampfbegriff im Zeitalter des Nationalismus. Koloniale Gewaltexzesse — Kolonialkriege um Alain Chatriot, Dieter Gosewinkel. Franz Steiner Verlag , pp. Anderssein gab es nicht. Einige Bemerkungen zur ak- tuellen Debatte.
Mittelweg , 14, 36, pp. Die Rassenlehre von Hous- ton Stewart Chamberlain. Richard Wagner und die Juden, ed. Categorization in Concentration Camps as a Collective Fate. Journal of Homosexuality, , 1, 19, pp. Die Geschichte eines polizeilichen Ordnungsbegriffes in Deutschland — Der Weg nach Birkenau. Maderthaner, Wolfgang, Lutz Musner: Die Anarchie der Vorstadt. Das andere Wien um From Africa to Auschwitz. European History Quarterly, , 35, pp. Vom nicht confessionallen Standpunkt aus betrachtet. Die vergessenen Kolonialverbrechen des faschistischen Italien in Libyen — Irmtrud Wojak, Susanne Meinl.
Verlag der Meyerschen Buchhandlung Great Debate on Antisemitism. Year Book of the Leo Baeck Institute , 11, pp. Panslavism and national identity in Russia and in the Balkans, — Images of the self and others. East European Monographs Bibliographisches Institut , pp. Die Geschichte des Rassismus in Europa. Verlag Rosa Winkel Ohio University Center for International Studies Der Deutsche Ostmarkenverein — Olusoga, David, Casper W.
Race, Queer Anatomy, and the Science of Nationalism. University of Minnesota Press Zum deutschen Polendiskurs der Neuzeit. The Eyes of Another Race. University College Dublin Press Zu den Quellen von Rassismus und Natio- nalismus. Medicine Under the Nazis. Harvard University Press The Eugenic Family Studies, — Northeastern University Press Der Genozid in der Cyrenaika und die Kolonialgeschichts- schreibung. Hauptlinien der nationalsozialistischen Planungs- und Vernichtungspolitik. Dokumentations- und Kulturzentrum Deutscher Sinti und Roma Das Programm der Ver- nichtung durch Arbeit.
Religious Leaders and the American Eu- genics Movement. Oxford University Press Entwicklungslinien des Antisemitismus, ed. Wolfgang Benz, Werner Bergmann. Deutschland schafft sich ab. Wie wir unser Land aufs Spiel set- zen. Begegnun- gen des Festschrift Germania Judaica —, ed. Bachem Verlag , pp. Hofmann und Campe Nationalsozialismus und Erster Weltkrieg, ed.
Klar- text , pp. The Story of Eugenics and Racism in America. Teachers College Press German Studies Review , 2, 31, pp. Radikalisierung — Entgrenzung — Genozid? War and Genocide in Cuba, — Uni- versity of North Carolina Press Der Berliner Antisemi- tismusstreit, ed. Sammlung Insel , pp. Rechtsextremismus in der DDR bis Die Entstehung der deutschen Antisemitenparteien — Geschichte der Eugenik und Rassenhygiene in Deutschland.
The King, the Cardinal and the Pope. Journal of Genocide Research , 5, pp. In Search of the True Gypsy. From Enlightenment to Final Solu- tion. Antisemitism in France at the Time of the Dreyfus-Affair. Associated University Presses Shoah und Porrajmos im Ver- gleich. Antisemitismus und Antiziganismus im Vergleich.
Gobineau und der Rassismus.
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The Idea of English Ethnicity. Das Deutsche Kaiserreich in der Kon- troverse, ed. Der Kolonialkrieg — in Namibia und seine Folgen, ed. Links Verlag , pp. Central European History , 32, pp. Die nationalsozialistische Vernichtungspoli- tik gegen Sinti und Roma. Zigeunerpolitik und Zigeuner- forschung im Europa des The Patriarch of Antisemitism.
Das deutsche Polenbild in der Geschichte. The introduction of the concept of antisemitism into the debate about the so-called Jewish question intended to substitute the religious discourse for a racial one. Yet the racialization of Jew-hatred since the end of the 19th cen- tury created many paradoxes: With hindsight old Jew-hatred looks racist whereas modern antisemitism does not exclude religious beliefs and traditions. Arabs, in their turn developed their own brand of antisemitism. Surprisingly enough antisemitism and racism became integrated into the attitudes and self-perception of Jews, before and after the Holocaust.
Of all sorts of racism antisemitism seems to be singular and of all ob- jects of racism Jews seem to be indeed a very special case. It is the dynamics of cumulative radicalization us- ing modern methods and modern tools on the way to the most extreme consequences, supposedly rooted in an unparalleled long and continuous historical tradition of anti-Jewish attitudes, which makes this singularity.
A reference to this quotation does not necessarily mean that antisemitism as racism must inevitably lead to such extreme results or that it has to be analyzed within the con- text of National Socialism, World War II or even the history of the 20th century only. As racism in its broader, culturalistic sense, — Fanon distinguished between cultures with or without racism, racism being any attempt at the inferiorization of a group of human beings2 — is not confined to Europe, to the 20th century alone or considered a mere mental disposition, anti- semitism too must be contextualized as broadly as possible.
Die elende Praxis der Untersteller all quotations from other than English sources have been translated.

Racism, as opposed to race, and not only according to Snyder, became a meaningful concept, and not only in the realm of politics, but also in research: The Idea of Racialism, p. Race and Race Theory, pp. Rassismus; David Theo Goldberg: That the whole problem of racism is essentially a product of so-called western civilization or the confrontation with that civilization is illus- trated by the historiography of racism in East Asia.
The import of antisemitism from Europe to Japan, just to mention one exam- ple of modern racism, originated an approach uncommon to European antisemites: If indeed the Jews are able to rule the world — so the reaction in Japan12 — this talented people must be appreciated, not criticized for it. Societies differing in mentality and socialization thus address racism differently.
Be it as it may — antisemitism should be understood as one multi- faceted pattern of racism focusing on the alleged contrast between Jews and non-Jews or on the idea of a Jewish danger to non-Jews. Conceptually the analysis of both racism and antisemitism confront us with the same problem — on the one hand we do not accept the notion of race as neutral and matter-of-fact while on the other hand we do not accept the validity and existence of a group called Semites. In spite of the use of the word antisemitism we still deal with Jews and non-Jews, not with Semites and non-Semites.
Race in China, p. The Jews and the Japanese. Between Jew-Hatred and Racism 45 non-Jews does not automatically imply that antisemitism is the only racist way to relate to Jews. George Mosse, a historian so sensitive to myth building, allowed him- self the following remark: Philosemitism may be in principle no less racist than antisemitism. On the other hand, many agree with Han- nah Arendt that antisemitism was the main pillar of fascist propaganda and remains one of the most important principles of fascist political or- ganization.
It is a creation of the late 19th century and its use for describing Jew-hatred or the discriminatory approach to Jews before — the year it was politically used for the first time — is, or may become an anachronism. In the context of this chapter the common inflationary use of the word antisemitism to describe Jew-hatred before may blur the difference between two complexes.
It is one thing to talk about racism and antisemitism and another to do so about racism and traditional Jew-hatred. Only by separating these two complexes from the start we may reach conclusions about the amount of overlap between racism and antisemitism in general, even before , or about the mod- 14 George L. Im Anfang war Auschwitz. The Seeds of Fascist International.
Anti-Semitism and Fascist Propaganda, p. At the end, but not a priori, we may arrive at the conclusion that traditional Jew-hatred was, or could have been, also racist in nature, sometimes even in its argumentation or overt verbal expression. We may also reach the conclusion arrived at al- ready in by Fritz Bernstein in his book about antisemitism as a so- cial phenomenon that the word should be used only because all synonyms are confusing or misleading, while what we have in mind is the negative attitude towards Jews, not Semites, without a reference to the question of racial inferiority.
His personal experience in Central America in the 50s of the 19th century and his interest in the history of the US provided him with ample relevant information. Der Antisemitismus als Gruppenerscheinung. Between Jew-Hatred and Racism 47 The intention behind introducing the new concept was, in fact, polit- ical. Wilhelm Marr was the founder of a new political party and wanted to make a clear-cut distinction between his new party, based on race the- ory, and the anti-Jewish Christian-Social Party of court chaplain Adolf Stoecker with its religious orientation. Jacob Katz, the most prominent Israeli historian of the 20th century accordingly called his book: Theodor Fritsch, a chief propagator of anti- semitism between and provides us with the following striking example: Anti-Semitism; Karsten Krieger ed.
Was ist Antisemitismus, p. Here you have my entire confession of faith: It is the mission of the Jew to torment humanity and it is the mission of humanity to trample on the Jews [. Vermin disguised as human beings! It is not surprising that the same mixture dominated by racist vocab- ulary remained typical for turn-of-the-century antisemitism in general. Muslim — religious Jew-hatred. But, since it is a two-way prob- lem, we should also ask: Is this anti-Jewish tradition not providing us with an explanation for this inconsequent turn to secular, scientific racism?
Even if one clings to the notion of racism by standards set since the end of the 19th century one might find expressions of racism and especially of racist antisemitism long before Accusing the Jews of blood libel or ritual 26 Letter to Wilhelm Marr 8. Two generations of German Antisemitism, p.
Between Jew-Hatred and Racism 49 murder as of the 12th century is typical of this kind of racist Jew-hatred. And there were even more extreme examples. The historian who described this phenomenon did not hesitate to call it medieval antisemitism. Or, to use an elegant statement addressing the American scene: Der vormoderne Antisemitismus, p. The Destruction of the European Jews, introduction.
Anti-Semitism in America, p. This is why relating to social discrimination against Jews before the 19th century as racism is, after all, questionable. By the same token we should not reject the notion of the Enlight- enment as a milestone on the way to racist antisemitism, since it was a milestone on the way to modern racism in general.
This was not only the case with Immanuel Kant, but with many key figures of the Enlighten- ment: By introducing a secular set of values into the social and political debate the representatives of the Enlightenment helped introduce not only modern, scientific and racist ideas into the debate concerning human na- ture in general but also into the discussion about the Jews.
Voltaire on the one hand, Fichte38 on the other served as milestones on this road. Antisemitism and National Socialist Racism For an article on antisemitism and racism National Socialism seems to be a clear-cut case of the absolute compatibility of both concepts. Geschichte des Rassismus, p. For a different view see inter alia Wulf D. Negative Societalisation; see also his essay in this volume. Race and Enlightenment; Klaus L. Between Jew-Hatred and Racism 51 the Jews, leaves antisemitism in both cases as the key word.
Moreover, it rediscovered a conceptual difficulty — the al- leged contradiction between the use of the word antisemitism and Nazi underlying racist system. The door to this debate was opened already during the infancy of modern antisemitism. The Jews are a certain small tribe of the Semitic race, not the whole race [. What is even more paradoxical — this rejection of the word antisemitism by racist Jew-baiters reached its heydays sur- prisingly enough in the Third Reich. Nazi Germany and the Jews, ch. Judas Kampf und Niederlage, p. Handbuch der Judenfrage , p. Therefore the word antisemitism was discredited.
Only the word, not the contents: Neither the hatred of the Jew nor the racist approaches were, of course, given up. Moreover, the assumed will of Zionism to exterminate! Goebbels, Rosenberg, Himmler, all in their turn, discovered the im- passes created by the word antisemitism when confronted with alleged Semites, not only in the Middle East, but in the Soviet Union or in Ger- many.
Of course, it was not racism in general or racism directed against Jews that called for reassessment, but only the term antisemitism. Der Staatsfeindliche Zionismus, p. Mohammed als Vorbote der NS Judenpolitik? Handbuch der Judenfrage , pp. Between Jew-Hatred and Racism 53 rejected. Persecution of Jews by Arab Muslims since the Middle Ages was usually less extreme and less frequent compared to Christian Europe since the 11th century. Only with the emergence of the Jewish state and its wars against the Arab-Muslim world a strong anti-Jewish feeling began to characterize Arab public opinion and politics.
At first the idea of call- ing this attitude antisemitism seemed a contradictio in adjecto, as Semites cannot, by definition, be antisemites unless we may call this attitude self- hatred. Therefore the word Judeophobia was often used instead. Since both Zionism and imperialism are challenges of European ori- gin to the Arabs in the Middle East the use of yet another import from Europe — antisemitism — as an instrument for fighting Zionism or impe- rialism is less paradox.
No less an expert than Bernard Lewis referred to European antisemitism as a weapon taken up by Arab governments in the wake of the lost war against Israel. Judeophobic racism really exists. Semites and Anti-Semites, p. Yet he was aware of the fact that in the early phase of Jewish coloniza- tion of Palestine there was hardly any sign of warning in this direction.
Der alte Antisemitismus im neuen Gewand, pp.
Between Jew-Hatred and Racism 55 Antisemitism and Everyday Life For historians and social scientists searching for expressions of racism, the focus on the contents and the language of law or on the intervention of politics traditionally seemed to provide the most useful sources of infor- mation. Indeed, the introduction of Jewish emancipation by law during the French revolution on the one hand and the exclusion of Jews as defined by the Nuremberg Laws of the Third Reich , including the relevant political debates, address the question of race and ethnicity expressis verbis.
But historians who write the history of mentality, ev- eryday life and popular attitudes, look for additional and very different sources. What about popular authors of the 19th century like Fe- lix Dahn or Gustav Freytag? The importance of these el- 58 Cf. The image of the Jew in German popular Literature. The sport arena provides us with a special source of information in this context, as the times of excluding sports from the cultural history are gone by.
In the European scene sports, Gymnastics Turnen and the body played no less a decisive role in expressing racial attitudes or, on the other hand, trying to refute racial prejudices. The attention paid by histori- ans of antisemitism to sports as a factor of cultural history and especially concerning the social and cultural status of Jews in Europe is essentially a phenomenon of the last decades. The history of Jewish gymnastics in Germany is a good illustration to the history of German everyday racism and antisemitism between the Second and the Third Reich and of the way historians nowadays approach antisemitism.
As racism became the credo of the Third Reich the Jews opted for an intensified activity in sports within the only framework that was left open — i. Michael Brenner, Gideon Reuveni eds. Between Jew-Hatred and Racism 57 mention only a few — is a sardonic confirmation of the singular nature of antisemitic racism. Inverted Antisemitism Not only in the field of sports and the appreciation of the human body had antisemitism seemed to lead its objects, Jews, to accept the basic beliefs of anti-Jewish racism and react accordingly. The attempt to explain Jewish identity or behaviour while using the terminology suggested by racists and antisemites unwill- ingly or unconsciously drove Jewish persons to the shores of racism.
Especially Zionism fell victim to this kind of imagery. Jewish Self-Hatred; Veronika Lipphardt: Racism — The Tool of Politics, pp. An article by Theodor Herzl il- lustrates well how far this influence could go: In hard times he becomes all the more crooked. In better times [. Here too the victim of racism used the racist and antisemitic tool directed against him and turned it around. Such an extreme case occurred under Nazi rule: Immediately after the proclamation of the Nuremberg Laws a Jewish orthodox physician, an expert on eugenics, told his read- ers that Judaism, especially when orthodox, takes a special care of racial purity and racial quality of the Jews.
As if he said: They handle us like scum, but we are really as good a race as they are. But not Zionist or orthodox Jews alone sometimes accepted the ba- sic racist premises of antisemitism and turned them upside down. An Amer- ican Jew, Theodore N. There, among other things, he proposed the ster- ilization of the whole German population which would eventually cause Germany to disappear within two generations.
The point is, that the book shows how even the most radical antisemitic racism may trigger a compa- rable racist reflex among the potential victims. Presenting the Germans as victims of Jew- ish racism, forced to act in self-defence and retaliate. Only that the relation between perpetrator and victim was turned in this case upside down by the master of telling lies. In April , i.
Why are we antisemites? We may be inhuman, unjust and immoral, but we have the right to be such since this way we save our people from the tyranny of 73 Henry Picker: From their perspective the Jew i. Zionist leader Weiz- mann declared war on Germany, not the other way round. Antisemitism and Racism in the Jewish State A special aspect of the interrelation between racism and antisemitism concerns the attitude of Jewish citizens of the state of Israel towards racism, as Israeli society is by no means immune against it, neither the Jewish majority nor the Arab minority. Jewish racism in Israel is mainly directed against non-Jews, like asylum seekers from Sudan or workers from China, Rumania etc.
There is yet another sort of Jewish racism, one directed at Jews who are black Ethiopian Jews or at oriental Jews from Morocco or Iraq, a racism that could be defined, because of its objects and narrative, even as an- tisemitism. From the point of view of ultra-orthodox society in Israel the attitude of the non-orthodox majority may be considered also racist, even antisemitic. The images used and the historical associations that come to mind when clashes between the two groups occur seem to support this point of view. In the 80s some extreme, if isolated, examples of such Jewish racism made their way to the fore, i.
Adolf Hitlers Reden, pp. Illuminating from a different angle of the relationship between racism and antisemitism is the frame of mind of Israeli Jews when relating com- paratively to antisemitic as against non-antisemitic racism. It is hardly surprising that among Israeli Jews racism directed at Jews is perceived as racism to a greater extent than racism directed by Jews against non- Jews, and especially against Arabs. For once the Center for the Study of Antisemitism of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem conducted in a research that did not aim only at proving that antisemitism is on the rise, but tried to look also into the nature of Israeli racism.
Among others they were asked to evaluate the amount of racism in six cases presented to them. In general the students considered the incidents in Europe to be much more of a racist nature than the parallel incidents in Israel. And no less surprising: In the eyes of young Israelis thus an attack against Jews by definition has a more racist character than an outrage against non-Jews, especially when it comes to Arabs.
This is, among others, the explanation of a paradox which research dis- covered in this case: A high degree of correlation between racism and antisemitism still characterize European societies,83 but antisemitism is overshadowed by other expressions of racism. Outside Europe, where in the past racism had little to do with Jews as an object, antisemitism is spreading. And in the land of the Jews, the history of antisemitism serves as a pretext for racism practiced by the heirs of its historical victims. References Adorno, Theodor W.: Anti-Semitism and Fascist Propaganda.
Anti- Semitism — a Social Disease, ed. International University Press Jewish Frontier, June Racism — The Tool of Politics. Magnes Press [Hebrew]. Biography of a World Problem. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Die Legenden um Theodore N. Begriffe, Theo- rien, Ideologien. Bergmann, Werner, Rainer Erb: Antisemitismus in der Bundesrepublik Deutsch- land. Versuch einer Soziologie des Judenhasses Berlin: Antisemitismus in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, pp.
Brenner, Michael, Gideon Reuveni eds. Jews and Sports in Europe. University of Nebraska Press Ruetten und Loening Wissenschaftliche Buchge- sellschaft A Companion to Racial and Ethnic Studies, ed. Oxford Univer- sity Press Die Judenfrage als Racen-, Sitten- und Culturfrage. Eze, Emmanual Chukwudi ed.
Projekt Gutenberg-DE
Nazi Germany and the Jews. The Years of Persecution. Anti-Semitism and the Hidden Language of the Jews. Johns Hopkins University Press Anti-Semitism in an Apocalyptic Age — The Destruction of the European Jews. Holmes and Meier Racism and the Constitution of Race. Die elende Praxis der Untersteller. Studies in Society and the Inquisition. Keren, Nili et al.: Eine Aufgabe der deutschen Juden.
Weidenfeld and Nicol- son Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht Aus einem nicht confessionellen Standpunct betrachtet. The image of the Jew in German popular Literature: Felix Dahn and Gustav Freytag. Der Hass gegen die Juden, ed. Zionism as a Mirror of Anti-Semitism. Am Oved [Hebrew]. Judas Kampf und Niederlage in Deutschland. Zeit- geschichte Verlag Shapira, Isaac, Joseph Elizur: Shenhav, Yehouda, Yossi Yonah: Racism in Israel, ed. The Idea of Racialism.
Its Meaning and History. Results of an Inquiry. Antisemitismus und Philosemitismus im deutschen Nachkrieg. Historische Zeitschrift, , , pp. Race and Race Theory. Annual Review of Sociology, 26, , pp. Anti-Semitism — The Longest Hatred. Der alte Antisemitismus im neuen Gewand. Eine globale Debatte, ed. Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad.
Tel Aviver Jahrbuch, 33, , pp. Two generations of German Antisemitism. Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook, 13, , pp. Oxford Uni- versity Press The question of racism in Kant is predominantly discussed using the example of the Kantian race theory. This is a far too narrow perspective which neither gives consideration to the complexity and scope of racist arguments nor to their use by Kant.
In order to grasp his contribution to modern racism, his race- related, antisemitic, antiziganist and orientalist thoughts and types of discrimi- nation must be examined. The overall view shows that Kant advances a broadly based cultural racism. This racism also shapes his contribution on race theory and results in white supremacy. Racism has drawn upon various cultural patterns of exclusion. It should rather be researched as a conglomerate of racial, antisemitic, antiziganist and orientalist arguments and stereotypes.
To start with, I investigate the racist context, point to traditional pat- terns of racist discrimination in the eighteenth century and make the case 1 Cf. Hund for a complex and theoretically broad concept of racism. The category of race is only one reference point of racism, which has appeared in different historical shapes and has drawn upon several dichotomies, constructing monsters, barbarians, inferiors, the impure, the cursed, savages and even- tually coloureds.
Ini- tially, I consider the relation between race theory and the philosophy of history in the concept of progress. Kant uses a dual idea of the nature of human beings, allowing him to take a monogenetic position one hu- mankind with regard to the past and a supremacist position whites only with regard to the future. In the latter view, whites will perfect human self-evolvement, while all the other races are expected to vanish. Notions of monstrous otherness are con- verted into aesthetic denigration, and the suspicion of impurity is trans- ferred to olfactory idiosyncracy. The antagonism of the chosen and the cursed survives in the hierarchy of races.
My further deliberations enhance the discussion with an analysis of the dimensions antisemitism and antiziganism. I first examine the im- age of the Gypsies, which includes biological, socio-cultural and class- specific dimensions. Afterwards, I then address the slur against the Jews.
He thus adds a culturalist racism to the latently racial arguments in connection with oriental people and the ethno-political arguments in relation with the Jewish nation. Culturalist arguments were central to its development. Kant left it to the Jews to prove their potential racial membership by ei- ther assimilation or dissimilation.
Although skin colour was supposed to be hereditary, it constituted the outward projection of both inward deficiencies and the lack of ability for the perfection of humanity. In a comment on the consequences of this image of humanity, I fi- nally turn to the nemesis of Otaheite. Kant considers alienation to be a necessary stage on the way to becoming human and supposes that only whites will be able to surmount it successfully. The Racist Context Historically and systematically, racism has oriented the construction of its categories to different opposites.
People were thus either human or monstrous, cultivated or barbaric, valuable or worthless, pure or impure, chosen or cursed, civilised or savage, white or coloured. The invention of races which could supposedly be distinguished by skin colours and which finally gave racism its name is but one pattern of racist discrimi- nation. These patterns only exist in parallel in ideal-typical descriptions. Historically, they often mix and overlap and exchange or modify their arguments. Aristotle and the American Indians; David J. America de Bry, pp. Images of Savages; Kay Anderson: Race and the Crisis of Humanism.
Hund Europeans with Americans and Africans. For a while, it is assumed that the New World is full of devils. There are already a number of creatures of other systems of classi- fication in race nomenclature in the early stage of the construction of races. The ancient monsters, for example, are revealed to be mythical creatures. However, their shadows become embedded in the development of epigenetic thinking. Puritan Conquista- dors; Fernando Cervantes: The Devil and the Jews. Race and the Enlightenment; Gudrun Hentges: Racism in the Eight- eenth Century; Pierre Pluchon: The Problem of Humanity.
Immanuel Kants physische Geographie, p. I wish to thank Nadine Anumba for the translation of my essay and Silvana Jenkins for her precise reading of the text. It also reflects the implicit hierarchical rating scale of the new race nomenclature. In combination with the tradition of racist purity thinking, it leads to the rejection of so-called race mixture. With the 11 Immanuel Kant: Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht, p. Reflexionen zur Anthro- pologie, p. The Formation of a Persecuting Society, p. Der vormoderne Antisemitismus, pp. Moreover, the suspicion of impurity involved is charged religiously: Underneath lies the indelible stain of sin which the myth of Ham recounts.
It has served as the foundation for the legitimisation of transatlantic slavery and it is still used for this pur- pose after the construction of human races. Africans are declared to be the descendents of Ham, whom God is said to have condemned to eternal servitude and coloured black as a sign of this. Antisemitism is in the same ambiance, when it constructs Jews as a people cast away by God. The Curse of Ham; Stephen R. In actual fact, however, it has migrated to anthropology.
In all the progress of humankind is staged according to a script of social discrimination. The supporting roles are reserved for the weaker sex, the lower classes and the inferior races. The yellow Indians already have George M. Immanuel Kants physische Geographie, pp. Reflexionen zur Anthropologie, p. The Anthropology of the Enlightenment.
Hund a lesser talent. Furthermore, humans have to surmount the huge obstacle of their supposedly innate laziness. And laziness not only refers to bodily but also mental indolence. This conception of progress has class-specific undertones. This bio-bibliographical dictionary of approximately German-language authors of crime novels and stories and similar works for radio, television, and film has its basis in an Internet lexicon on about authors compiled by Reinhard Jahn of the Bochum Crime Fiction Archive at http: It gives brief biographical information from the authors themselves, entered under the names they use in publications sometimes pseudonyms with cross references from real names , and short titles of their works.
Honors and memberships particularly in the most important relevant organizations, Das Syndikat and Sisters in Crime are also included. Internet and e-mail addresses of the authors or their publishers allow contact. This is a useful addition to the general dictionaries of authors. The introduction clearly explains the contents and purpose: It consists mainly of English-language authors, so prolific in the genre, with German-language authors being the smaller part.
It is arranged alphabetically by author, then by original title and by translated title, with information about the detective, the translator, and the title of the anthology full and acronym, if relevant. There are indexes of anthologies, detectives, and titles. Two earlier bibliographies from Ross were Sherlockiana, — Titles deemed excellent by literary critics are specially marked as the basis for any crime fiction library.
The arrangement is alphabetical by author, then chronological by the first paperback edition in German. The bibliographical details are extremely limited: If a neophyte looking for a crime novel wishes to use this guide, he will still have to determine whether the desired title is in print and possibly also from which publisher.
Hans Sarkowicz and Alf Mentzer. This expanded edition of the biographical dictionary, with 19 new entries, now covers over authors who published in Germany between and Deutschsprachige Schriftsteller im Schweizer Exil — The main section of this work discusses 22 German-speaking authors who fled to Switzerland during the National Socialist period; the appendix lists ca. Switzerland was thus a significant exile country, although due to limited publishing opportunities not a particularly fruitful location for German exile literature. The exhibition reflects this in that it devotes itself more to the personal destinies of the exiles than to their literary works.
Happily, the exhibition does not limit itself to profiling only well-known authors such as Thomas Mann or Bertolt Brecht, but in a few cases additional information on the works of some lesser-known writers would have been desirable. A skillful combination of letters, photographs, and other documents and commentary provides informative and moving portraits of the writers and serves as a stimulus to further research.
One can scarcely expect more from a project of this kind. From the Beginnings up to the Present]. The second edition of this bibliography of Austrian writers contains nearly four times as many entries as the first edition. It covers German speaking authors from all epochs who have lived within the current Austrian borders, and it includes bibliographies of all sizes, from book-length to one page. It would be a stretch to call this a bio-bibliography, since biographical data are restricted to career designation and dates of birth and death. The fourth volume consists entirely of indexes generated with the assistance of the aforementioned database.
Unfortunately, the indexes tend to be hard to use and sometimes display inconsistencies. Verzeichnis der gedruckten Briefe deutscher Autoren des Drucke zwischen und [Letters Printed Between and ]. This extensive bibliography covers the published letters both of literary writers and of German scholars from various fields. Authors included were born between and Part 1 of this set, edited by Monika Estermann and published in , lists letters published between and Part 2, under review here, lists letters published between and The arrangement of entries in Part 2 is the same as in Part 1.
First, the names of letter writers and receivers appear in alphabetical sequence along with rudimentary biographical information and sources in reference works. This initial section is followed by a more detailed one in which the names of the writers are arranged alphabetically; within each name their letters are listed chronologically, with reference to date, place, language most are written in either Latin or German , and source document.
Part 2 draws on a total of almost 1, sources in comparison to for Part 1. The letters in this set are listed under both the name of the writer and the receiver, creating more volume than perhaps necessary. An electronic version of this set would have been more useful, because it would have afforded better and easier searching capability. Die deutsche Kurzgeschichte der Gegenwart: Author Portraits, Studio Talks, Interpretations]. The first edition of this basic work was published by Reclam in and reprinted in in a second, unrevised edition.
This third edition has been updated with a new chapter providing coverage to the s. The structure of the work in three sections remains the same. The second section contains 18 chapters on a variety of authors ranging from Wolfgang Borchert to Alexander Kluge. The extensive bibliographies cover mostly general and overarching works, not specialized ones.
The latter are listed as footnotes in the relevant chapters. In spite of this inconvenience and the small print size, this remains the most fundamental work covering the German short story after Das Zeitgedicht der Weimarer Republik: Jahrhunderts — [Topical Verse in the Weimar Republic: Germanistische Texte und Studien, It is strange, by the way, that the author did not include a single woman among the poets she studied. The work is reviewed here solely because of its extensive second section p. This bibliography, compiled from a number of other reference works, lists authors from the time period in question.
Each entry begins with biographical data name, birth and death dates, title, profession , followed by a bibliographical section listing 1 poems written between and ; 2 works in chronological order; 3 letters; 4 biographies; 5 bibliographies of works by and about the person; and 6 archives and personal papers. Sections 1—4 list only separately published items; sections 5 and 6 also list works that appeared within some larger publication. The appearance of a poem in a journal, in other words, did not qualify an author for inclusion.
Section 1 tends to be quite brief, in consequence, and is overshadowed by the list of works given in section 2. Besides the forgotten authors, many important ones met the criterion for inclusion, and so we find here Bertolt Brecht items and Hermann Hesse items.
Who would think to look for bibliographies of these two authors in a dissertation such as this? Much of her information is derived from familiar sources such as the Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon Kosch. In the case of the latter work, it is disappointing to find that the present author consulted only those volumes published through More could surely have been expected in a dissertation published in A recent retrospective index covers all volumes to date see RREA 8: The two volumes considered here include works of prose, of which most were published in Germany between and There are odd omissions, including some in the sensitive area of writers close to the regime.
Worse yet are some unfortunate summaries and the carryover of outdated and Nazi jargon, which diverges from the general neutrality of the series. Given the value of an inventory of novels produced in the Third Reich, a new and thoroughly revised edition should be undertaken. Science-Fiction in der DDR: Verlag 28 Eichen, Books on Demand, Gutenbergring 53, D Norderstedt, e-mail: The first two works above, bibliography and supplement, form an impressive niche-filling set. Above all, the fact that the demise of the East German state established a closed historical era for the GDR made it possible for the editor to strive for comprehensiveness.
While a similar bibliography of science fiction in West Germany covering the same time period, as well as for the Federal Republic now, would list English-language authors far and away in first place by sheer volume—ahead of German and all other crafters of science fiction combined—the GDR proportion of Russian SF writers was huge. Analysis of the indexes shows that the Russian contributions outnumber both British and American ones by more than double. The value of the supplemental volume listing independent publications is questionable; it represents only an extract from the main volume.
Minor additions and corrections, still ongoing, can be found at http: This title is unnecessary. Verzeichnis seiner Schriften [Rudolf Borchardt: Catalog of his Writings]. Edition Tenschert bei Hanser, The works of the German poet and historian Rudolf Borchardt — are listed in informatively annotated entries organized into 12 sections, including complete editions, selections, series, individual works, contributions to anthologies, and journals.
There are four indexes: The typography is wonderfully user-friendly, and the varied illustrations are an invitation to browse. ISBN set []. The volumes under review are the first three of a planned five-volume, fully reworked edition of an earlier two-volume edition by the same publisher. The volumes are arranged by genre, as is the Berlin and Frankfurt edition, a laudable decision despite the few problems that arise from it.
One of the strongest justifications for this arrangement is that Brecht himself agreed to this arrangement for an early edition of his works. The first volume treats—after several essays that discuss the subgenres of his dramatic works—his individual works in chronological order. In addition to relying on the new work edition as a basis, the essays rely on other textual sources, so that the Handbuch makes contributions to textual criticism.
Not only this circumstance, but also the superbly prepared and arranged information, will make this work a basis for all future research. The fourth volume will address his theoretical works; the fifth will contain a chronology, select bibliography, and an index to the entire work. The work also provides a biographical sketch, selected bibliography, and illustrations of scenes. The Times, the Person, the Work, Posterity].
Since its first edition in , this handbook has become a standard work for Shakespearean studies. As was the case for the first edition, the majority of the contributors are from the University of Munich; unfortunately, essays from other prominent scholars, such Dieter Mehl from Bonn and Ulrich Suerbaum from Bochum, were not included.
Contributions from various scholars comprise each of the four main sections: The appendix contains a comprehensive list of the main tools for Shakespeare scholarship, as well as lexica, bibliographies and reference works, a list of authors, a short names index, and an index of works. Some of the contributions have not been updated to reflect current scholarship. For example, new aspects in gender studies and New Historicism are not referenced in some entries. On the other hand, most of the entries have been updated to reflect the current state of knowledge in Shakespearean studies.
The handbook is useful mainly for scholars with considerable background knowledge. It provides a reliable overview of many areas of Shakespearean scholarship; however, it is not easy to use. This affordable work should be acquired by academic libraries with holdings in Shakespeare studies; it is less appropriate for more general academic libraries and public libraries.
This monograph is intended as a study guide for serious students and scholars of Shakespeare. Following a first chapter that offers an introduction to various facets of Shakespeare scholarship, the main body of the work presents each of the 38 dramas according to a similar outline: In general, Suerbaum succeeds in accurately and succinctly summarizing the current state of scholarship regarding each work, as well as the facts and assumptions on which the scholarship is based. It would have been especially useful to offer critical annotations of the most important modern editions.
The comprehensive bibliography gives a good selection of primary and secondary literature in both English and German, although it fails to include some noteworthy works of Shakespeare scholarship. A reliable English-language guide to the huge body of Shakespeare literature is Shakespeare: A Bibliographical Guide Oxford, Published under the direction of Cardinal Georges Grente. The original edition consisted of five volumes published between and , covering the Middle Ages through the 19th century, and was published under the direction of Cardinal Georges Grente, whose name still appears on the title page, long after his death.
The current dictionary has been published in two editions, bound volumes offered at the regular price of EUR The revisions in the new edition are far-reaching, though not in all volumes to the same extent as in that for the Middle Ages. Often there are two sets of initials, from which one may conclude that an original article was revised.
A majority of the articles are devoted to authors, as opposed to individual works. Articles about works are limited to anonymous works. The articles range in length from a few lines to 40 columns. Corporate bodies such as academies and colleges are considered, and there are several long comparative articles about topics such as Boccaccio in 16th-century France or Italy and French Renaissance literature.
These comparative articles include copious literary details. Lacking are a name index and references within the articles to other articles, a regrettable shortcoming shared by all the volumes. Despite its faults, this dictionary is without competition and belongs in every library that supports French studies. The difficulty of establishing an exact literary beginning point for the 20th century is emphasized.
The signed articles are, unfortunately, unevenly structured to a maddening degree. Only the longer articles provide organized bibliographic references. Beyond authors, coverage extends to literary periodicals, movements, genres, critics, and theories. Articles for francophone countries name the most important literary figures. This dictionary is suitable for a first orientation into the named aspects of 20th century French literature, but other lexica on the topic take precedence. It has now been revised and updated to create this two-volume abridged edition. The aptly renamed set retains the extensive coverage of authors of the previous edition, while at the same time decreasing the numbers of entries and amount of scholarly apparatus, and reducing or eliminating articles devoted to themes or genres.
The winners of six important French prizes, and the French winners of the Nobel Prize in literature are also given. The title index found at the end of the second volume, which indexes 14, titles a third fewer than earlier editions 21, , provides an easy method of locating articles covering a particular work. Authors are selected from the francophone world, which allows the encyclopedic dictionary to cover broad geographical, national, and stylistic ground. In part because of this choice, the DELF is able to include a large number of modern and contemporary authors—even more than in previous editions.
The three editors and over authors, drawn from French and francophone universities, are considered experts in their fields. Alain Rey, a lexicographer, has served as head of the Robert dictionaries. For this new edition, Pierre Lepape, of the Monde des livres , assisted them. With such editors, it is not surprising that the entries all signed are academic and scholarly.
Each genre is given a separate section and explanation of how Hugo was influenced by the politics, society, and artistic milieus in which he moved. Summaries of important works created during this time are followed by a timeline that places vie and oeuvre in separate columns. The timeline includes events and facts excluded from the grand exposition of the critical essay. Works better known for themselves such as much medieval literature than for their authors continue to be included in this edition. The DELF does retain a small fraction of the valuable essays found in the original that cover currents and movements in literary history.
In fact, some authors whose entries have been removed now have cross-references to thematic articles e. Sorely missed are the bibliographies that accompanied each entry in the previous editions the Hugo bibliography extended for over three pages. These often contained not only pointers to important secondary literature often difficult to locate easily, even using databases , but also to editions of the work and critical studies of a text. Also lacking is the index of literary terms, which referred researchers to entries where they were discussed.
The illustrations which were in color have also been removed; however, these were never the focus of the volumes and the loss is not significant. The DELF continues to be an excellent source of basic information on French authors, if not the entire French literary corpus.
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However, the abridged and revised dictionary is no longer a starting place for more serious research. While worth acquiring for the revisions and inclusion of additional contemporary authors, libraries owning a previous edition should retain those volumes on the reference shelf. This dictionary is a detailed repertory of information on selected 17th-century French plays. The works chosen for analysis here, from among over 1, plays published in France during that century, are those for which a modern critical edition was available in Marc Vuillermoz states in his introduction that he aspires to provide, with this dictionary and successive supplements, a concrete application of J.
The rigid rules to which French theater was subjected in the 17th century allow for a systematic quantitative analysis, which is what this reference work, with its many schematic diagrams and charts, provides. Plays tended to be comedies, tragedies, or tragicomedies, to have a certain number of acts, and at least ideally to have all the action taking place in a single location and during a hour or shorter period. The entry for each play gives basic data title, author, date of first publication or performance followed by edition information. The section on characters includes detailed schematic diagrams showing, by means of a complex system of lines and arrows, the relationships among them who loves whom, who pretends to love whom, who is whose father, mother, adoptive brother, confidant, and so on.
Next there is a table showing the appearances and roles of each character in each scene. Next the locations and time are analyzed, including a count of the number of lines per scene. The entries are all signed; but there is no list of contributors, nor are their affiliations indicated. In general, entries are long enough to give a basic idea of plot structure. There are six indexes: Since entries are in alphabetical order by title, the lack of page numbers in the title index does not present a problem for the user.
The author list, however, also omits references to titles or page numbers, a feature that would have been useful to anyone trying to find all the plays by a particular author. The greatest barrier to usability in this dictionary is probably the complicated nature of the diagrams; one often needs to refer to the Guide de Lecture to figure out all the schematics. Once one gets past the structuralist look of the entries, however, the dictionary does prove to be a handy reference work, its concise format lending itself to the quick looking up of facts.
It would probably be of the greatest value to students, but other researchers, particularly those needing a source of quantitative data on these plays, would find it useful as well. Marcel Proust und Deutschland: George Pistorius and Marie Pistorius. For a reference work, this one has an unusually captivating narrative style. It is almost more of a reception history than a traditional bibliography. In five main chapters— on German editions, German literature about Proust, Proust in Germany, textual problems in Proust, and miscellany—and a number of supplements, Proust research to date is bibliographically described, with thorough commentaries about some works.
There are some excesses in the topical arrangement and the typographical distinctions, leading to problems when the book is consulted as a reference work. The number of indexes 14 for the main section and 11 more for the supplements! The citations are also inconsistent and diverge from standard bibliographic practices. Nonetheless, this completely revised work, appearing 20 years after its first edition, remains an immense accomplishment that belongs in every library.
Catalog of Works —]. Ollero y Ramos, Despite the historically religious character of printing in Spain, a rich and extensive body of printed erotica has been produced there since the 16th century. Only a handful of catalogs, bibliographies or studies of Spanish erotica exist, however. A poor tradition of bibliographic control there compounded the problem, and has made research extremely difficult.
Cerezo, who has published several bibliographical studies of European and Spanish erotica, gives a thorough overview of the history of Spanish erotica and the problems surrounding its study. He begins this catalog in , when Cancionero de obras de burlas provocantes a risa was published, asserting that it was the first book to list only erotica in Spain.
A secondary bibliography about Spanish erotica, it covered titles published throughout Europe and the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries—but contained only entries. It was unwieldy, unfocused and lacked a clear methodology. Rather than a division by sections, it relied on indexes by material type bibliographies, bibliographies of bibliographies, anthologies, monographs, etc.
He has wisely chosen to limit his primary bibliography to erotica printed in Spain. The scope of his study is clearly defined and based on well-documented historical intervals. In total, titles are listed, most enriched by notes and lengthy commentaries. In his section on methodology, he precisely describes the fields of information he collected for each entry. This is a well-organized and more focused work: Appendices of works on sexology and erotic short novels are included, as well as lists of bibliographies and other sources.
There are indexes by author, pseudonym, title, first line, royal publishers and printers, and false or imaginary printers. However, the author has included too much information in his desire to be thorough. The works in a number of entries have apparently not been examined or even seen, and are listed as NL no location. The inclusion of Spanish translations of French and German titles is arguably superfluous to this work.
This volume is useful for the historical analysis and context it provides about Spanish erotica. The author clearly knows his subject well, and is familiar with other work in the field, both in Spain and elsewhere. But his use of unconfirmed information undermines the reliability of this work as a reference tool for the serious researcher or bibliophile.
In spite of this, it will be of interest to rare book libraries and collectors, because so little else exists in the field. As the editors state in their preface, this book had a long gestation period. The project was first conceived in , but it took eight years to bring it to publication.
In this case, however, the time and planning have not been wasted. This is obviously a reference work where as much real thought has gone into its organization as has gone into the quality of the articles themselves. Not only is a there a complete list of all contributors at the beginning of the volume, but each article is then signed, and the academic affiliation of the author is given.
This allows users of the dictionary to see very quickly what might be most helpful to their particular research topic without having to bother with the alphabetical organization of the dictionary as a whole. The articles include a few references, which are coded by author and date. These then correspond to the complete bibliography following the dictionary proper. At 34 pages in length, the bibliography is in itself a useful introduction to the subject. It is followed by an even more extensive analytic index which includes not only plays, people, and concepts, but where applicable breaks these down even further for greater clarity and ease of use.
A Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook Westport, As its title suggests, Ms. Casa, one of the editors of the new dictionary, contributed an article to Ms. This title is recommended for collections supporting the study of Spanish literature. La Novela semanal [The Weekly Novel]. System requirements for accompanying computer disc: Other series included short stories and theatrical works.
A few of the series survived the Spanish Civil War and continued to be published until the s and s. The works themselves ranged from popular editions of serious fiction to melodrama, intrigue, and even those classified as erotica. He argues that such attempts, as well as the history of these series, suffer from a serious lack of critical attention. This series of indexes is intended to facilitate the analysis of these books, and La Novela semanal includes a short selected bibliography of existing studies.
The print edition of La Novela semanal consists of a record for each of the novels published in the series. The records are listed in chronological order, or rather, in order of their numbered location in the series. Each record begins with an author, title, date, and series number; for example, from the first record: The rest of the record consists of named fields: While La Novela semanal itself includes a few reproductions of advertisements included in the books in the series, no information about the ads appears in the records.
There is also no index to the records in the book, and thus the only means of access to the entry for a specific book in the series is in fact knowing its series number. The Buscalibros search engine serves as an index to the entries in the book. These are each available as drop-down menus that appear in the first window.
There is no way for the user to type in a name or title. At the same time, considerable information in the printed record does not appear in the CD-ROM version: Since it does provide the number of this particular title in the series, the reader must then return to the book—to entry number in this case—to discover that this is a psychological novel about the search for peace and happiness. There is no discussion anywhere in the prologue to the book about the decision not to include indexes of author names or book titles in the print version, or the decision to provide only partial records in the CD-ROM version, or why the name of the illustrator appears only in the CD-ROM version.
It is also annoying that the CD-ROM, once open on the computer screen, does not get its own tab at the bottom of the Windows screen. Unfortunately odd decisions were made about format. A book with author and titles indexes, or a CD-ROM with complete records about each novel, would in fact have been more usable. It appears the CD-ROM is intended to provide a mechanism for searching across the proposed 19 volumes in the series, but at the cost of easy use of any one volume. This concise text outlines, as its title implies, the role of women playwrights in the history of 20th-century Portuguese theater.
Vasques writes clearly and has an in-depth knowledge of the field. With her narrative flowing easily from one period to another, Vasques devotes the first four chapters of the work to a history of the Portuguese theater with emphasis on the role of feminism. She makes great efforts to highlight the important terms, movements, or personages necessary to assist the reader in comprehending the theatrical history and its social setting, and in understanding her central theme.
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In some instances, these highlights are presented as if this work were a dictionary, while other terms are meant to stand out for quick reference when the text is quickly scanned. This inconsistency hardly detracts from the historical commentary as a whole. Her first cycle, covering —, for example, starts with the beginning of the century and gives the historical setting of the earliest appearance in the theater of what she calls feminism.
Chapter five is a short bibliography, which serves as an excellent starting point for further research on the topic and lists many of the standard and specialized texts within the field. The comprehensive tabular chronology is divided first by year then alphabetically by author within the year.