Childrens Book - Rocket Boy Adventure Series Book Set One
Pick a Heinlein juvenile , almost any Heinlein juvenile Rocket Ship Galileo , perhaps? From the Heinlein Society link:. There, they discover a Nazi stronghold this was and thwart an attempt to resurrect the Reich.
The Stones, a family of "Loonies" residents of the Moon, known as "Luna" in the book [from the Roman goddess] , purchase and rebuild a used spaceship and go sightseeing around the Solar System. The twin teenage boys, Castor and Pollux, buy used bicycles on Luna to sell on Mars, their first stop, where they run afoul of local regulations but are freed by their grandmother Hazel Stone. While on Mars, the twins buy their brother Buster a native Martian creature called a flat cat, which produces a soothing vibration, as a pet.
Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. I am looking for title of Book about a kid or kids who build a rocket or space ship [duplicate] Ask Question. This question already has an answer here: And now, for something completely different: The mushrooms are among us 1 answer. It's a very rare book. Every day we receive emails from people searching for childhood books.
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This is the best book search engine on the net, from a huge Canadian company originally started by booksellers. Millions of books of all kinds from dealers all over the world, some not found in libraries. Most of the English language books ever published: You should limit your search at least to Format: You can do this on the advanced search page or once you arrive at the results, using the left hand column, as with abe.
Often you can find more about the content of a title by going to an individual library holding. Because you won't get as many duplicate titles, Worldcat works better for common titles than Abe or Amazon. Once you have narrowed down a possible title, try Amazon.
The colour option on Google is working better and better. It's a real help. I have started using Images on bing. Look in the left hand column to limit your search to these. A few words can help: If all you can remember is a few words, try Google. Put the words in quotes. Use only one or two, essential, easily-spelled, keywords. Try this sample Google search: Selling One or Two Books.
Looking for a Childhood Book? Here's How. | Old Children's Books
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If, and only if, Amazon has listed the book in the past, will you be able to list also. Ebay is also very easy and inexpensive to use for a few books and it allows you more room to describe the books. For pricing your book, it is easier and more accurate to use the Abebooks. Then double check on Amazon because prices there are sometimes higher. Amazon's Search is really not set up for out of print books.
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The more care you put into describing your books, the more likely you are to sell them. We do not purchase books online, sight unseen. Please do not offer them to us. If you have a collection or several rare books you are interested in selling to us, especially if you live in the Northwest, please look on http: Finding and Valuing an Older Book. Our email address is on the Contact Us page. We do not run a formal Book Search and we will not order books for you, but we'll try to point you in the right direction. We never value a book over the net, nor do other reputable booksellers.
If you have an older book which seems to have value, you might want to look at our page Buying and Selling Children's Books. Look through the suggestions below. If the process seems too complicated, we are pleased to recommend an very experienced children's specialist bookseller who does formal book searches and keeps a want list for customers.
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The latest possible year of publication, i. Your estimate as to the range of possible publication dates. An older family book? Separate plates or in text? Other illustrators the pictures call to mind? Choose your search words carefully: Unusual words really help: Names which could be spelled in various ways are hard to search; Peatie Peety Petey Peetie Peaty Words which could be hyphenated or not also take time, especially with older books which may follow different conventions: See also our Links for Collectors in the Collector's Corner.
This forum is monitored by the owner of this site, Old Children's Books. Only a few book sleuths are whitelisted on this forum. All other p ending posts are reviewed individually and approved at least daily. No sales offers, please. Many, many thanks to all the wonderful readers who help to ID these books! We also appreciate those who take the time to thank the contributors for researching their books. I am looking for a book that I think may have been called "Santa Claus is Coming" or something like that and it could have been written in the 's or early 's.
It was about a family and Christmas It was my favorite book between I wish I could remember more details to help in the search. Please let me know if you can identify it. I had a copy of this when I was young, so I'd guess this was published from the mid s to the early 80s. It was hard cover and I remember the book being brown, but this might be because many of the illustrations had a brown or sepia tone. I've looked at Google Images and don't see anything that looks like what I remember. One story was about a bubble gum machine and another story was about a little monster's birthday That is all I can remember I think the book was yellow??
Im looking for a series of illustrated childrens books possibly from the 60's 70's or 80's. They were written by a man and a woman, i think she wrote the books and he illustrated possibly husband and wife and their picture was always on the back of the books, and they looked a little hippy-ish. The books were always about mythical creatures, usually had a story about a mother, father, child, one of the books revolved around pegasus', another was dragons, and perhaps unicorns.
Looking for info on a book by an Austrailian writer maybe , 's or there about. Only have a basic story. Two dogs telling the story, one a poodle the other a boxer, and their humans owners are the pets that the dogs are taking care of. One point in the story one of the dogs saves a boy from a rabid dog and is caged because they think he has rabies to.
A friend of mine remembers it from her childhood in Austrailia, and wished she had brought her copy with her when she moved to Canada. The book was about a boy who was living a normal life until the day he was supposed to be issued his job. I am looking for a book my mother would read nursery stories and rhymes from. It was first published in The second writing was in The Editor in chief was Esther M. Volume one is listed as Childhood Stories. The entire series is called The Child's World. Volume One does seem to be very hard to find.
I would suggest leaving a want on www. Looking for a rainy day activity book that had newspaper scope and milk carton birdhouse equipped with peanut butter and birdseeds.
I read a book a while back about a boy who was obsessed with the idea of going to Georgia to see rockets fly. He had model rockets of all sorts, and always watched rocket tv shows and such. It all took place during the Vietnam War and his father was digging a bomb shelter outside, and his father became obsessed with the project, but something terrible happened. A boy that I think ended up having a mental disability wanted the boy's toy rocket, and he went to get it and the boy fell in the ditch that was going to be used for the shelter and was speared on a cast-iron foundation bar.
The boy's brother was devastated. Editorial Reviews About the Author "As a fulltime mother of two gorgeous pre-schoolers, a career inTelevision and Video Production was no longer an option. Having taughtthe basics of the Moving Image, it was just a matter of transitioningthose same skills over to a static medium that was creative and flexible enough to work from home.
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Kiki 3 and Zoozoo 4 provide theinspiration and direction for most of the children's eBooks createdunder Findlay Books. Their thirst for learning and adventure neverceases to amaze me. So now, I write and illustrate a line ofchildren's eBooks especially for my two squidlettes. In the hopes thatothers actually like them too and would like to let me know, we have set up a website findlaybooks. Product details File Size: December 8, Sold by: Share your thoughts with other customers.
Write a customer review. Showing of 14 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Many of the titles are educational, running the gamut from the alphabet to the Solar System to specific individual planets.
The character, "Rocket Boy" is a photograph of a child wearing a simple uniform or costume of sorts, while his rocket and much of the background imagery is cartoonish. However, on several of the pages the background consists of actual NASA photography, which is always of amazing clarity. Some of the NASA imagery may, in fact, be computerized graphics, but it is not discernible to the human eye which is which.
I haven't read any of the other "Rocket Boy" stories, but they all seem to be educational in nature, and if they emulate this one, the quality will be good. This is a great book for imaginative little kids who want to explore outer space, and pretend they are astronauts. Barbara Mojica Top Contributor: The author targets this book for ages four through eight. Pictures are large and colorful; they will appeal to the younger child.
I do feel that an older child will expect more text even though some of the vocabulary words in the one line sentences are rather difficult. The book makes a delightful, quick bedtime story for children, particularly those interested in space.