Casual Carpool
Across the street from the Pacific Far East shopping mall.
Pickup Locations
Downtown-bound cars pull up to, but not past, the newspaper racks. Details here and here. Civic Center drop-off is usually around 9th and Market, but drivers often volunteer to take riders further north of Market if they're going that way. On Eastshore, just south of Orchard Supply Hardware.
Commuting Solutions - Casual Carpool on US 36 by Commuting Solutions
Do not park in the Orchard parking lot. See the discussion board for more info. Emeryville Marina -- Powell St. See these messages for info on activity. Fairfield -- Fairfield Transportation Center. Corner of Cadenasso Dr.
Hercules -- Transit Center. In the lot on Willow Avenue near the eastbound Interstate 80 off-ramp. Permits have to be bought in advance — in time for you to receive them via U. North of the station, just outside and to the right of the parking lot.
- Celestria (Shadow Lord book one 11).
- How to casual carpool?
- How does it work?.
Moraga -- Moraga Way. North side of Moraga Way, east of School Street, by the bus stop shelter. Under I in parking lot, on the left as you enter. Rider line is in front of dry cleaner's. East of College on the north side of Claremont. Near TransBay bus stop on Park and Hampel.
Just north of Park and Ride lot on Montana by Flagg. Under Hwy 24 on Hudson, just before Claremont.

Today, Casual Carpools have evolved into a mutually beneficial commute option that allows drivers to cruise for free in the Express Lanes while giving riders a quick and easy commute. Casual Carpool on US 36 allows people who would normally drive alone to cruise past traffic in the US 36 Express Lanes for free by helping to connect them with two riders headed in the same direction!
Think of it as digital hitchhiking. Remember what it feels like to keep it fast and loose by getting started with Casual Carpool on US 36 with just five easy steps. Have any questions, comments, concerns or just want someone to talk to about Casual Carpool on US 36? The drop-off point in Denver is at Union Station, so make sure you know how to get to your destination from there.
As the program expands and more people are ready to casually commute, more pick-up spots will be added. Pick-up locations are designated by branded Casual Carpool on US 36 signs. Casual Carpool on US 36 brings together like-minded commuters who are looking for a fast, easy, cost-effective and commitment-free commute.
- Demigod Conception (Demigod Chronicles Book 1).
- Questions.
- Slugging - Wikipedia;
- The Gray Ship: Book One in The Time Magnet Series;
When using Casual Carpool on US 36 , be sure to use your best judgment and listen to your gut. Casual carpoolers are encouraged to understand the legal implications of getting into the car with a stranger. Commuting Solutions is not liable for any damages, losses, injury, etc for the use of the information on the site and any incidental events related to the commute. However, as drivers face the costs of maintaining a vehicle, buying gas and the paying the toll, they are free to ask for a nominal contribution from riders to offset these costs. Once the ride begins it generally discouraged to ask for a contribution.
In the case of a conflict, maintain safe driving habits and respect for others, the highest rule.
Morning commmute (East Bay to SF)
Although this is not legal advice, we encourage drivers to research the legal risk they could assume when accepting payment from a rider. These questions need addressing. SF Casual Carpool does not organize casual carpooling.
We do encourage everyone to practice common sense throughout the entire casual carpool process. From parking your car, to waiting in line, to entering a carpool arrangement, to driving and upon reaching your final destination, act responsibly and obey all laws and regulations.
SF Casual Carpool assumes no liability for any damages, injury or circumstances that might occur with the use of the site and the casual carpool system. Any use of the site or the information it provides is understood to be at the person's own risk. Casual carpool is a great system because people have been good at doing all of these things.
We encourage anyone with more detailed questions to review the California Vehicle Code and talk to a lawyer for specific information about personal liability. Thanks for taking the time to read this and become a better casual carpooler! The short answer is, everyone who participates in it plays a role in running it it's community driven.
Due to this, no specific individual has authority over it and probably shouldn't. This website was made by a passionate casual carpool participant, intended to share the concept of casual carpool with others, but it doesn't represent any central management over the organization. What is casual carpool? Is casual carpool safe? What is the etiquette? What if I'm stuck without a ride? Why would I want to casual carpool?