Wilderness Cries
If the people do not change, John says that they will be overcome by a catastrophe that will destroy Israel. In a week of turmoil and confusion in Jerusalem, the voice of the prophet becomes one that we are all seeking to hear. But what are we hoping might be said? Soft words of calm in a time of calamity?
Words of wisdom that will show us a new path? Or is it signs of how we are to respond amid the chaos? We know that many are now suffering, and are deeply anxious as to what the future of this Holy City and this land, that we love so much, will now be.
Archbishop Suheil Dawani
It calls us into ways of justice and peace. These are its hallmarks.
It might at times be difficult to hear, or difficult for us to digest — its message may require us to sacrifice some of the things we hold dear. We know that the prophets throughout the ages asked difficult questions — Isaiah, Elijah, Amos, Micah. They had messages that were delivered to people who did not like the message.
And where do we find these prophets? The most famous of them, who we remember this week and next week, is John the Baptist. He was not found in a grand place, surrounded by the trappings of power, he was humbling, living a pure and Godly life in the desert. The prophet is among us, but he, or she, is not grand; the prophet is humble, meek, holy, prayerful.
This is the person whom we should be listening too. Maybe we are quick to dismiss them, as our television screens point us to someone more powerful. But as a Church we are taught to listen for the voice of Christ in our midst, to recognise Christ in the other, even if that person is radically different to us and they may appear ignored by society.
We do not know what the future of this land is. For many centuries people have suffered here under different regimes; and they are suffering again today.
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- Soul Cries in the Wilderness!
- A voice in the wilderness cries elderly get too much.?
The young and the old are fearful of the future. We can do much — we can keep heart, we can be strong, we can keep our faith alive, knowing that come-what-may, God is with us and he is the Prince of Peace revealed in the manger as a humble and beautiful child.
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We can, as we heard in the 2nd letter of Peter, prepare ourselves this advent for this Prince of Peace, by ensuring we live in peace. We can remedy the disputes we have with our neighbours; we can ensure we care for the poor in our communities. We can, through our actions day-by-day, work for a better place. We are steadfast in his love and his faithfulness, confident that through the very love of Christ, righteousness and peace will indeed kiss each other. Does not mean you ought to voice it.
If that does not satisfy you? Start your own pagan version of Christianity. Remember you will stand before Lord of Heaven one day. Lastly - many say. Lets Get rid of Christianity at Christmas. Eventually some of the greatest works of Mozart, Bach and Handel Any symbol of or mention of Christ must be bleached from sight and sound. They feel they must protect the masses from this dangerous thing where the Birth of the Christ Child is celebrated. The Son of God , takes on flesh, Immanuel, is born as a helpless babe, lives a perfect life in order to die a sacrificial death to redeem all of mankind from the condemnation of their sins.

Protect the masses from themselves and such a terrible horrid dangerous thought, right? Try as these crusaders might? They cannot vanquish Christmas let alone Christ! So let your light so shine. Proclaim the coming of Christ and His death, burial and resurrection.
Why Did John the Baptist Say He Was a Voice Crying in the Wilderness?
What struck me most was the look of pure wonder in the eyes of children. As if a prophet matters to a six year old. But the view to their souls was breathtaking. The Word of God spoken into the life of a child Sections of this page.
Lyrics for Hymn #, 'There's a voice in the wilderness crying'
Email or Phone Password Forgotten account? See more of Wilderness Cries on Facebook. Pages Other Community Wilderness Cries. Wilderness Cries shared Skip Wilson 's post. Skip Wilson 15 December at Here comes the sermon Nun Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path And this is just the beginning.