Three in a Bed
May have something to do with my crazy busy schedule though May 03, K. I loved this book! If you're a pregnant career woman, I recommend you read it immediately. Three in a Bed is funny and entertaining while being very honest and real.
Three in a Bed
I am now a Carmen Reid fan. Apr 28, Ephie rated it did not like it. I can't think of anyone who would enjoy reading this book. It is so unrealistic and incorrect, it seems it was written to make everyone feel badly about their life and to make them think it is acceptable to behave immorally or against their values. Also, the style of writing is very poor which I found surprising as this is the second book that I have read by this writer and I enjoyed the first. I do not recommend this and would not have finished it myself I stopped about half way through as it I can't think of anyone who would enjoy reading this book.
I do not recommend this and would not have finished it myself I stopped about half way through as it made me angry every time I picked it up if it weren't for my desire to finish it since I had started it: I will think twice before picking up another book by this writer! I started out liking this book then I got pissed off with the author and her lack of knowledge of alcohol and pregnancy. It seemed every time that there was any kind of stress during the character's pregnancy during the first 6 months or so she would down a bunch of wine.
Given the awareness of the detriments of alcohol during pregnancy it really turned me off. I get that this was written in earlier years but really!!??? I persevered and the book ended up being ok with a few ups and downs and the I started out liking this book then I got pissed off with the author and her lack of knowledge of alcohol and pregnancy. I persevered and the book ended up being ok with a few ups and downs and the typical happy ending because it's that type of novel but I couldn't really recover from my initial annoyance. Jan 29, Seda rated it liked it Shelves: I hated main character but it was too realistic.
Jan 26, Gemma rated it liked it. Agree with Foxred5 review!! I actually found out that I am pregnant just after finishing this book and I will not be doing anything like she did I want I will give my unborn child the best possible start in life I can. I used to be Agree with Foxred5 review!! I used to be worried out giving birth but I am really not scared now that I now it is going to happen soon many people have told me that it is a lovely and amazing experience. This book describes it some what different but when I was reading this be I was so glad and thought you get your own back baby.
As much as this book annoyed me it was a good read.
- Three In The Bed.
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This book made me a bit emotional. It made me laugh, cry and very angry. Bella, is the kind of woman you love to hate.
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And sometimes like but mostly dislike. She tricks her husband into getting her pregnant for starters. Then spends most of the book moaning about being pregnant whist getting drunk and smoking, not really giving a shit about her unborn child. Oh and cock-teaseing her boss when the mood takes her. She is forgiven by he husband for lying and almost having sex with boss mentioned a This book made me a bit emotional. She is forgiven by he husband for lying and almost having sex with boss mentioned above.
Despite Bellas many flaws this was an enjoyable book that make me want to keep reading. Maybe this is not a book for mummys to be who have been told giving birth is lovely. Becuase it certainly is not described like that in this book! I recommend this book to all pregnant women cause I think that this is one of the rare books that are actually saying the truth about the negative aspects of being pregnant. I must admit that the character is not one of my favorites but I won't talk about her cause this was not typical romance story for me and I think that that's not the most important element from the book.
Any way, this was my first book from the author and I would like to read something else from her even though I'm not fascin I recommend this book to all pregnant women cause I think that this is one of the rare books that are actually saying the truth about the negative aspects of being pregnant. Any way, this was my first book from the author and I would like to read something else from her even though I'm not fascinated from this one.
Feb 24, Jessome rated it liked it. It's hard to enjoy a book when you don't like the main character I have read a few novels by Carmen Reid and I thought this one was one of the best every pregnant woman should read It combines her usual sense of humour with the hard work and endless tasks a new arrival bring. Brought back many memories and made me smile at the same time. Oct 24, Kittygabe added it Shelves: I was with pregnancy trauma after reading this book.
Jun 19, Katie rated it it was amazing. Hands down one of the funniest books that I have ever read: It really takes on a funny and very brave view on all the struggles of relationships, temptation, married life and babies. I love the character Bella and this contemporary is just so lovely and fun to read. I highly recommend it! Dec 29, Jo Jo rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: This book was fab, it was funny but also really portrayed Bella brilliantly the struggle she had with pregnancy after wee man was born and her relationship, it was well written and a joy to read.
Aug 30, Kati rated it really liked it.

I recommend this book to all pregnant women cause I think that this is one of the rare books that are actually saying the truth about the negative aspects of being pregnant. I must admit that the character is not one of my favorites but I won't talk about her cause this was not typical romance story for me and I think that that's not the most important element from the book.
Any way, this was my first book from the author and I would like to read something else from her even though I'm not fascin I recommend this book to all pregnant women cause I think that this is one of the rare books that are actually saying the truth about the negative aspects of being pregnant. Any way, this was my first book from the author and I would like to read something else from her even though I'm not fascinated from this one. Feb 24, Jessome rated it liked it. It's hard to enjoy a book when you don't like the main character I have read a few novels by Carmen Reid and I thought this one was one of the best every pregnant woman should read It combines her usual sense of humour with the hard work and endless tasks a new arrival bring.
Brought back many memories and made me smile at the same time.
- Three in a Bed and The Runaway | TV review | Television & radio | The Guardian.
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Oct 24, Kittygabe added it Shelves: I was with pregnancy trauma after reading this book. Jun 19, Katie rated it it was amazing.
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Hands down one of the funniest books that I have ever read: It really takes on a funny and very brave view on all the struggles of relationships, temptation, married life and babies. I love the character Bella and this contemporary is just so lovely and fun to read. I highly recommend it!
Dec 29, Jo Jo rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: This book was fab, it was funny but also really portrayed Bella brilliantly the struggle she had with pregnancy after wee man was born and her relationship, it was well written and a joy to read. Although Bella was a hard character to like at first, I really empathised with her, and the book was very well written and realistic, and reached out to me as I have a new baby myself.
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Dec 27, Allitha Juliet rated it liked it Shelves: Mar 20, Angel Bino rated it it was amazing Shelves: One of my favorites, great writing, hilarious and very down to earth, I very much enjoyed it. Jul 25, Stacey rated it really liked it. Maybe not such a good read of you're expecting? Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations.
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Three in a bed in the Med - Ann Rickard
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Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Tout ce qu'il faut savoir". Retrieved 15 February Retrieved from " https: Articles that may contain original research from September All articles that may contain original research Articles lacking reliable references from September All articles lacking reliable references Articles needing additional references from September All articles needing additional references Use dmy dates from December Use British English from December Maisel " star and Emmy winner has played.
Take a look at her early roles. Three in a bed is a romantic coming of age comedy following the life of a struggling musician Nate. Set in Manchester Nate desperately seeks independence but when his 2 sisters come Michael Walker, teamed with DI North and DCI Connor, follow each case from crime committed, through the pursuit of justice, to the law courts where the efforts of the force will be tested - sometimes to breaking point. Much arguing and oneupmanship ensues.