The Skeleton in the Closet
It's really about appreciating, then finding or rather seeing what was in front of you all along. The sleuthing was fun as well. Nice ending, if predictable, and nice change of pace. Jan 22, Robyn Porter rated it it was ok. I was hoping this would be a fun new series like the Hamish series, but it was more like the Agatha Raisin series: I much prefer her "Hamish Macbeth" series.
Sep 17, Riana rated it liked it. Fellworth Dolphin has led a tragic, bland life. Although in his late thirties, he has never even taken a girl out for a date.

When his conservative old mother passes away, he finds himself on the brink of a new, free life — and also an unexpected adventure filled with secrets, danger and romance. The Skeleton in the Closet has a nice balance of mystery, romance, irony and humour. The plot was not extremely complex or enthralling, but enjoyable nevertheless and, once again, the characters met along the way were delightful.
Good old drunk Peter and Tommy Whittaker were some of my favourites. I thought the title of this novel was strangely inept. Jan 24, Linda C rated it liked it Shelves: Fellworth Dolphin, 38 year old virgin, under the thumb of his mother, working as a waiter to pay the bills, finds his life suddenly changed when she dies. He finds himself very well off with a lot of questions about where all this money came from.
He then discovers that there are no photos of him as a child and only pictures of unknown people in the one album he finds. When an aunt, whose personality matches his mother's offers to move in to care for him, he pretends an engagement to his one fri Fellworth Dolphin, 38 year old virgin, under the thumb of his mother, working as a waiter to pay the bills, finds his life suddenly changed when she dies. When an aunt, whose personality matches his mother's offers to move in to care for him, he pretends an engagement to his one friend, Maggie, a plain girl he works with.
Maggie also has a lousy home life with a floozy of a mother. They agree to share Fell's house and maintain the pretend engagement until they straighten out their lives.
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The two begin fixing up the house and searching for answers concerning Fell's background and the money. Much of the mystery revolves around whether or not his father may have been involved in a 20 year old train robbery. Things begin to get dangerous. There are side stories involving other love interests and the mysterious photos. All in all a satisfying little mystery.
Aug 19, FebruaryStars rated it liked it Shelves: Having not read any of this kind of "cozy mystery" type books before I wasn't sure what to expect. The result was an easy to read, unchallenging, straightforward mystery story. You won't find anything earth shattering in this book but at the same time it is perfectly readable on a rainy afternoon with a cuppa.
See a Problem?
The story follows Fellworth Dolphin after the death of his mother. He comes into money he never knew his parents had and starts to discover that his family has "skeletons in the closet" and Having not read any of this kind of "cozy mystery" type books before I wasn't sure what to expect. He comes into money he never knew his parents had and starts to discover that his family has "skeletons in the closet" and, along with his "fiance" Maggie tries to unearth the events connected to his inheritance.
The book loses stars because the plot is fairly predictable and is rushed in some places. I also found Fellworth annoying. He came across as a whiny, petulant, ungrateful person and I found it hard to believe Maggie's constant adoration for him. It was an OK book and does the job if you want a quick uncomplicated read but it has not inspired me to read any more books by this author. Sep 29, Evanston Public Library added it Shelves: Beaton answers the question: Beaton is a capable myster As a fan of M.
Beaton is a capable mystery author, and this novel offers the violence, excitement, and plot twists to keep the action moving. For me the real pull of this low-key story is Fell's transformation from a wallflower into a thinking, feeling individual with the help and love of his devoted companion, Maggie. I picked up The Skeleton in the Closet thinking it was one of the Agatha Raisin series of mysteries, but alas, it was not. I continued reading the book because of the unique nature of the story.
There is not one single lovable character in the book.
Skeleton in the closet (idiom)
At first the reader feels sympathetic to the main characters, but as the story moves along and more of their character is revealed, all empathy is lost. Nonetheless, it is to the credit of the author that the story remains interesting enough on its o I picked up The Skeleton in the Closet thinking it was one of the Agatha Raisin series of mysteries, but alas, it was not. Nonetheless, it is to the credit of the author that the story remains interesting enough on its own to hold the reader's attention.
I am still puzzled as to how this is possible. I'm usually rooting for someone, but honestly could not give a rat's patootie what happened to Fell and his girlfriend. I would say give it a try for an unusual reading experience. Beaton author of the most excellent Hamish Macbeth and Agatha Raisin mysteries. I sure didn't expect "it"! I enjoyed the book overall but it ran a little slow due to detailing too many normal daily activities.
I liked Maggie quite a bit and was annoyed at the obnoxious way Fell treated and thought of her much of the time. The author should have worked a little harder to make Fell a more likeable character. Feb 23, Julie Powell rated it it was amazing. One of the best things about this book is the effortless flow of words that grip you from beginning to end. It's a good story with great characters and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I will not give any spoilers. Aug 13, Kim rated it liked it.
The characters were much more pleasant and likeable - though I never did really warm up to the whiny Fell and wished that Maggie, who is a wonderful character, could find someone worthy of her. Nov 27, Evelyn Bryant rated it liked it. Typical light fare, such as what I read M. I liked this book, since the characters were engaging if a little dim at times. Dec 29, Silvana is currently reading it. Up to page 48 and will finish the book because it is a fast read, BUT I think the writer has no vision and speeds through her writing in a way that makes me believe she is tell the story to a child who has a short attention span.
It may make a great play though. Dec 22, Selah Pike rated it liked it. Thoroughly enjoyable stand alone cozy mystery. I got angry at Fell's parents SO many times! Jan 02, Kathy rated it really liked it. If you like the Agatha Raisin books, this is just as fun.
'A skeleton in the closet' - the meaning and origin of this phrase
Mar 10, writer A fun leap year read of this new to me series by Scottish author, MC Beaton. Downloaded from hoopla for easy listening via library card. Feb 12, Liz Fedor rated it liked it. Fast read and enjoyable. Easy to read, though at times I thought our heroine should give Fellworth a kick. Mar 12, Ade Writer rated it really liked it.
Having read almost everything from the creator of Agatha Raisin Detective and Hamish Macbeth Mystery series, I was surprised to find this jewel. In general, Beaton books are interesting, innovative Agatha Raisin is somewhat of a feminist, with princess tendencies and lyrical as with Hamish Macbeth, perhaps something to do with Scottish heritage. And like many of the Cozy Mystery series of books, Beaton books as lessons about diverse culture, travel and history mostly Europe and are so dynamic, I find myself researching history to better understand the context of the story.
Specific to this story, it blends the components of romance, mystery, and real-life history to create a tale about who we are, who we think we are and what we think we want, when a man discovers his heritage the skeleton in closet and what that means to him and about him. A man with no real friends, the life altering information about his heritage the skeleton in the closet is so devastating he eventually finds himself confiding in a former co-worker, a woman who he neither gave any notice to or thought worth y of noticing.
This creates both mystery and romance when the two engage in discovering more about the skeleton in the closet, while in process discovering more about themselves, their loves and lovers. Instead, I want to "invite" the reader to discover the WRITER and the writer's creative genius based on the writer's implicit ability to connect fiction to real life experiences and opportunities for growth through reading their books Wishing you "good reads" and peace.
A very non demanding mystery read, slightly tainted by such an unpleasant male lead - are we really meant to be on his side when he's acted like a five year old throughout and emotionally terrorised poor Maggie, whose main crime is not being attractive at the start of the book? Shades of the somewhat infantile James Lacey, another of Beaton's less pleasant male leads, pervade the pages. Also it's never explained why they keep up the pretence of being engaged after the funeral.
A rather flimsy bo A very non demanding mystery read, slightly tainted by such an unpleasant male lead - are we really meant to be on his side when he's acted like a five year old throughout and emotionally terrorised poor Maggie, whose main crime is not being attractive at the start of the book? A rather flimsy book What a lovely book. Smashing characters, rogues, villains, innocents, this has them all and, although slightly predictable, a book, which when you read the last page, makes you sigh with happiness for the main characters!
Beaton is fast becoming one of my favourite authors. The Skeleton in the Closet - M. Beaton 7 18 Jan 30, Like her on Facebook! Learn more on her website! The 'skeleton' in this case was disease, infectious or hereditary:. Two great sources of distress are the danger of contagion and the apprehension of hereditary diseases. The dread of being the cause of misery to posterity has prevailed over men to conceal the skeleton in the closet The dramatic device of a hidden body was used widely in the Gothic novels of the Victorian period.
The wall fell bodily. The corpse, already greatly decayed, stood erect before the eyes of the spectators. It has been suggested that the phrase derives from the era of the notorious body snatchers; that is, prior to , when the UK's Anatomy Act allowed the more extensive use of corpses for medical research. The theory goes that, in a scenario similar to that of the concealment of Catholic priests in priest holes in domestic houses in Elizabethan England, doctors would conceal in cupboards the illegally held skeletons they used for teaching.
There's no evidence at all to corroborate that theory. Concealed skeletons are occasionally found in walled-up in houses but they are usually those of unwanted infants. The notion of a 'skeleton in the closet' as shorthand for the grim evidence of a murder was widely adopted into the language thanks to the writings of the popular Victorian author William Makepeace Thackeray.
He referred to 'a skeleton in every house' in a piece in and explicitly to 'skeletons in closets' in The Newcomes; memoirs of a most respectable family , — Some particulars regarding the Newcome family, which will show us that they have a skeleton or two in their closets, as well as their neighbours.
- The Skeleton in the Closet by M.C. Beaton!
- The Skeleton in the Closet;
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- Skeleton in the closet (idiom) - Wikipedia;
- skeleton in the closet.
- Skeleton in the closet - Idioms by The Free Dictionary.
Whether Thackeray was alluding to actual skeletons or whether he was responding to the imagination of authors like Poe, we are never likely to know.