The Common Tern
In addition to descriptive studies of behavior, foraging, diet, breeding biology, and molt, it has been used for many detailed studies of behavior, ecology, physiology, growth, energetics, contaminants, and toxicology.
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More than one million Common Terns have been banded in North America, forming the basis for many studies of migration, dispersal, demography, age-related biology, and senescence. Extensive studies in Europe and Asia have been summarized in three major handbook articles Glutz von Blotzheim and Bauer , Cramp , Il'icev and Zubakin ; another handbook article Higgins and Davies summarizes information from the Pacific and Australasian regions.
- Common tern videos, photos and facts - Sterna hirundo | Arkive.
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Two recent books have been devoted exclusively to Common Terns: Burger and Gochfeld on social behavior and Hume on natural history, as well as a special symposium on the species in western Europe Becker and Sudmann Several other books have presented comparative data on other terns or related seabirds Bickerton , Marples and Marples , Burger and Gochfeld , Olsen and Larsson In this account, citations to named individuals refer to unpublished data supplied as personal communications; the author's unpublished data are cited as ICTN.
Help author an account about this species from a Neotropical perspective. There are many ways to contribute—we need species information, photographs, audio, video, translations, maps, distribution data, and bird sightings. There's a role for everyone! We do not have a complete account for this species. View the full account on The Birds of North America Online In-depth, comprehensive species information and multimedia subscription required.
Help complete this species There are many ways to contribute—we need species information, photographs, audio, video, translations, maps, distribution data, and bird sightings. Flight light and buoyant, can hover briefly over the sea before diving in. Very similar to Artic Tern with which it breeds and told apart by plumage and structure. Common Tern has a longer head and bill and slightly broader wings, which look central on the body.
Common tern - Wikipedia
Adults have a orangey red bill, usually with a small dark tip. Underparts are whiter than Artic Tern and there is no contrast with cheek. The wing pattern is useful in separation, Common tern shows a dark wedge in the primaries which develops over the summer and a defuse bar to the trailing edge of the primaries. Common terns have shorter tail steamers, not extending beyond the wing tips.
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Adult winter plumage, like all terns is different from breeding plumage and can develop in the summer months. Has a white forehead, all dark bill and dark carpel bar.
Also has distinctive juvenile plumage with gingery mantle, a dark secondary bar and dark carpel bar. Bill base is orange.
Common tern
Shows a diffuse trailing edge to the primaries. First and second summer plumages are rarely seen in Europe. Arctic and Roseate Terns.