The Boys Of Widow Lake

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Boys of Widow Lake
And Miss Universe is And Io sucked so hungrily at the spasming rod that Harry couldn't have pulled away if he wanted to. There was a torrential flood being released. Harry was amazed that the boy could swallow it all. But even when he was finished What more could he want? There was no more to be had.
But Io kept going, and Harry remained hard. It was more than Harry could have ever dreamed he was capable of. Breathless with a sexual afterglow, Harry gently pushed the boy off of him. Io smiled warmly for a moment, but just went back to suckling at his shaft again. It felt so good He yanked himself out of the boy's puffy lips and put some distance between them.
Io's silent smile faded. He wiped his mouth and rose back up to his feet. The look he gave Harry Io slowly approached him. His soulless eyes holding him captive. Harry put his back against the shower tile wall, and inhaled deeply as Io stepped up to him and kissed his neck. The boy's slender hips rolled deeply into Harry's groin, and he felt a determined suck on the side of his throat. Harry knew that he'd have a hard time trying to explain a full blown hickey to his wife, so he raised his hands up to pull Io's head back.
However, when Io was back in Harry's view And for a moment Harry could have sworn that his eyes The sight caught Harry off guard, but Io simply giggled wickedly at him, and hid himself by burrowing back into the man's neck again. Harry gasped as the urgency in Io's rotating hips was nearly lifting him up onto his toes. A truly commendable load.
His thoughts began to go in and out of focus. As if drugged somehow by the passion alone. Finding the strength to 'fight', he was able to get Io to stop sucking at his neck, and was glad to see that his eyes were normal again. Perhaps something that Harry had simply imagined.
After all, it had been a lifetime since Harry had an orgasm like the one he just shared with this lovely boy. Io gazed into Harry's eyes again. He had barely spoken a full sentence since Harry came out there. His silence continued to bring Harry discomfort. He started to speak to see if the boy would at least 'respond' to him. I know you said that this would be our little secret and all I mean, my life would ruined if it ever got out that Io raised his hand to cover Harry's lips. His stare deepened, and both of his hands slowly worked their way up to his eyes to blind him.
Then he leaned forward, and he whispered something in Harry's ear. It was unlike any whisper that he had ever heard before. Something about it was so crisp. Harry didn't understand the words. Hardly a language at all. Both on the inhale and the exhale. With hardly any tongue movement at all. And yet the message was understood. Harry felt Io pull his hands away from his face. But when Harry opened his eyes again, Io was gone.
Harry walked to the shower spray to wash Io's ejaculate off of his legs, but was disturbed to see a tiny river of blood rolling down his chest. It baffled him to think where it came from. He followed it all the way up to the side of his neck.. Not even a pinch or patch of broken skin. He remained confused about it, until the sound of that whisper seemed to call to him again. This time with even more of a pull than before. He was mystified for a moment, but didn't hesitate to do what he was told. Harry began walking to the front door of the shower cabin, almost without thinking at all. In fact, he turned his head to see his clothes littering the dressing area floor But Harry never slowed his steps.
His thoughts more of a nuisance than a ally to good sense. Naked, Harry stepped outside into the night air. There was a moment where he wondered if he should at least grab a towel.
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Somebody could walk by. Someone could see him. But these small burst of self reliant will power was only delaying the inevitable. They were but a 'glitch' in his mental programming. He had been told to follow. Harry felt the harsh rocks and sticks of the dirt beneath his feet. A subtle pain than grinded on him with every careful step. Harry gave thought to the idea that the mosquitoes were probably looking at him like a juicy Thanksgiving turkey at this point. They'd devour him alive once they got a hold of him.
He hoped his wife wouldn't notice them later. There are certain parts of the body that only get mosquito bites when you're naked. Harry took a few more steps, and caught sight of Io in the distance. The thin boy was walking towards the lake, nude as the day he was born. There was no shame at all. No paranoia, not even a hint, about getting caught. He smiled at Harry over his shoulder as he reached the lake's edge. As dark as it was that night, Harry could easily pick out the bright, ivory white, cheeks of Io's perfect ass. The round bubbles bounced happily with every step, the expertly faded tan line highlighted what Harry believed to be his best feature.
For an adonis with so many attributes And with no exaggeration. Harry picked up his pace a bit, the soles of his feet simply taking the sting of sharp rocks and twigs beneath them. He made his way through the trees just in time to see Io walking out into the water. Right where the trees ended, the dark, drooping willows that surrounded the lake on both sides, Harry made his way even further. He was starting to believe that he could keep doing this all night if he had to. The ground turned to mud under Harry's feet, and the water, while frigid Io, his smile more menacing than ever, teased Harry from a bit further out.
Giving that delicious ass of his a playful wiggle. Rubbing it with both hands as if to put it on display as an offering. Harry secretly thanked the stars above, and walked out into the dark waters before him. Io taunted Harry from afar. If Harry walked out until the water was knee deep, Io moved back even further out of his reach.
If Harry moved until it was waist deep Io continued to move further back. It wasn't until Harry's feet were barely touching the ground, and the water was up to his chin, that he heard the sweetest little giggle from Io's rose colored lips. Then, suddenly his head went under the water How in the name of God was he able to swim that fast? It was practically instantaneous. He never even saw the surface of the water move. Thinking of the boy's lean muscle and body type, Harry figured he must be a swimmer at his high school or something.
If so, he couldn't imagine his team ever losing a match. The World Olympic judges would be proud. Io swam right into Harry's arms, staring longingly into his eyes. Using his hands to brush through Harry's hair over and over again. Harry put his hands on the boy's ass beneath the waves, and Io wrapped his legs around Harry's waist. The long, sapling, limbs holding on to him as his arms folded around Harry's neck.
Another breathless kiss was exchanged. Harry's whole body began to tingle with excitement. This night would definitely go down as one of the most explosive experiences he had ever had. Io was so affectionate. Harry's heart was set ablaze from the contact. All previous thoughts of this union being a vile and sinful act had melted away. Harry's most primal impulses had completely taken over. Oh how he wanted to take this boy His kiss, the perfect balance of experience and inexperience.
Of craving and bashful beauty. He clung to Harry so tightly. There was a moment where Harry wasn't sure whether or not he'd hurt the boy if it came to actual penetration. The boy's as was small. Two tear drop cheeks, well padded, but possibly too tiny for an adult experience. Io didn't give him much time to focus on the question.
The Boys Of Widow Lake
Still clinging to his neck and waist, Io reached behind him beneath the waves, and angled Harry's stiffness to the warmth of his back door. A few tries at the narrow opening. Both Harry and the boy gasped in ecstasy as the union was made complete. The boy's firm body constricted around Harry's inches, engulfing him little by little. The inner walls chewing at him from all sides. Io's body felt as thought it was actually vibrating with a steady sexual current from within.
Lustfully trembling in his arms, as their tongues intertwined. Unable to control himself, Harry began to thrust up into the boy. It felt so damn good that Harry couldn't hold onto his kiss. Sliding in and out of that extremely snug tunnel was already bringing him over the edge for his second climax of the evening.
Harry was on his tiptoes in the water. It was hard to keep his head afloat. Occasionally he would be submerged in the water for a few moments, taking more pleasure from the suckling insides of his young lover than the need for oxygen. But after a few excited thrusts of his pelvis, he'd come back to the surface again. And Io was right there to cover his mouth with another kiss. The teen's quivering hole swirled up tight around his root, and the pleasure was so overwhelming that he gasped again from being squeezed like a vice.
This time, some of the lake water was taken in to Harry's mouth, and he began to cough from the sudden attack. In fact, Harry felt his tender ass grip him with even more desperation than before. Io's lithe hips were gyrating in such a way that it was impossible for Harry to think about anything other than the sex. His body was losing control. Then it became clear He could feel Io's hardness rubbing up and down on his stomach, the rippling waters turning into lust inspired splashes. Harry was shocked by the sudden aggressive change in the boy, and held on tight to his back to keep him from wiggling right out of his arms.
The look on Io's face was completely different from the innocent beauty he had seen earlier that day. His appetite had overtaken him. Io's lips were clasped together tightly as he derived all the pleasure that he could, impaling himself on Harry's erection over and over again with muffled grunts and high pitched whimpers.
The boy's skin was so smooth, so wet, that Harry could hardly hold on for all his squirming and grinding. The boy's hands held on to Harry's skin Like suction cups to a flat wall. Harry was fighting to keep up, but Io's sex was more than he could handle. As his squeezable globes tightened and released with a maddening rhythm, and his tunnel fluttered expertly around Harry's hardness The youthful body took it all. It sucked the fluids right out of him, his inner walls throbbing with just as much orgasmic passion as Harry's overwhelmed shaft.
Harry clutched the boy close to his chest, shivering all over, his legs weak, his heart beating wildly as a flood of adrenaline tried to calm itself down again. Io slid down a bit further, and with a few motions The pleasure was insane for Harry. His over stimulated nerves began to reject the unneeded dose of extra bliss. His body continued to grind.
And Io silenced Harry's protest with an even more passionate tongue kiss. Even though Harry had climaxed twice already, it felt as though a third orgasm was already well on its way. He was still reeling from the first two. But the sensitivity was turning to pain, and he needed a break. Io quickly slammed his lips back against Harry's, and with a push on his shoulders, he pushed Harry's head down under the lake's dark surface.
Harry felt himself being submerged, but Io's lips were still tightly pressed against his own. And that magic body of his increased its tightness, the warm hole gripping him like a fist as the slender hips continued to pump away Harry's toes were still barely touching the lake's floor. With a bit of a kick, he came up for air. He gulped down a few big swallows of oxygen, and tried to stand up.
But as he tried to get Io to stop sucking him dry with the taut muscles of his ass, he found that it was a lot harder than he expected it would be. Io's magic hole was wrapped around the most intimate part of him His long, slim, legs were wrapped around Harry's waist to the point where it became hard to breathe from the compression of his stomach. Harry fought to pull his arms away, but his palms Almost if they were super glued into place.
Harry struggled with all his might, but soon felt as though, if he did remove Io's hand from his back and shoulders What was happening here??? Harry's feet kicked out, reaching for solid ground, hoping to swim to a shallow spot where he could stand on his own. But when he saw Io's face again His eyes flared, and with a sneer, Harry heard what sounded like a string of vulgarities in that whispered language of his.
Io's breathing was heavier, his grip ever tightening. And with a single thrust of his powerful legs, Io dragged Harry further out into the lake, and away from the shore. It was so fast that the rush of water caused by the movement nearly covered Harry's head completely. Just one kick, and this teenage boy had pulled a full grown man nearly 30 feet away from the lake's edge. Now, Harry had nothing below him at all. Nothing to stand on.
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He was too busy treading water to fight Io's rapidly constricting embrace, nearly crushing him from the outside. Meanwhile, another orgasm was stolen from his loins. The sexual energy was sucked right out of him against his will, making his breath even shorter, his limbs weaker. Muscle spasms caused him to lose his coordination, and Io took the opportunity to push his head back underwater again.
With some struggling, he was able to grab some more air, but it wasn't much. Io's legs were soooo very strong. Harry just wanted it to stop. Why won't he STOP??? In a desperate attempt to get free, Harry had the idea to take as deep a breath as he could, and he pulled Io under the waves with him. He figured that Io was just a boy. There was no way that his lungs would be able to last as long as his could. Beneath the silent water, Harry waited. His cheeks puffed out.
His eyes unable to see much more than Io's light colored hair floating in the murky depths of the lake. More energy was being siphoned from Harry by the second. To the point of panic. And Harry continued to wait. But Io was having no trouble under the water. In fact, Harry caught the glimpse of a smile, as Io let him know that he wasn't going to need another breath of oxygen for quite some time. He seemed almost amused by Harry's plan of action, and his insides trembled frantically around him In desperation, Harry gave up on his original plan and frantically kicked his way back to the surface.
He coughed and gasped, but Io only giggled Io's ass churning and swallowing and pulling at him with every labored breath. But with no effort at all, Io flipped them both over and gave him another sweet, boyish, laugh. One more thrust of his legs Another 50 feet away from salvation. The wake of the water behind them spread out wildly in all directions.
It was obvious that reaching the shore was no longer an option. Harry fought angrily to get free, but the boy was wrapped around him in a way where trying to resist was an exercise in futility. Harry reached up and pulled at the boy's hair, hoping the sting of it would at least give him an opportunity to let him go.
But as the pain hit Io, Harry saw a frightening vision before him. The boy's eyes flared a bright gold, and his angry lips peeled back to show a set of what looked like Harry was too terrified to scream He saw the boy's face turn a sickening shade of dirty green Almost like that of a serpent. A loud hiss escaped his throat, and Harry felt himself being dragged underwater.
This time, Io kicked and quickly took Harry far below the undulating surface. So far down with a single kick that Harry could have sworn that he felt the freefall. He felt closer to the very bottom of the lake than to the surface, which now seemed to shimmer innocently far above his head.
Unaffected by the struggles going on below. Harry didn't know what to do. His only focus was air. He HAD to have air! His stomach heaved, his chest almost forcing him to open up and let the waters rush in. He was being betrayed by his own body. It was commanding him to drown. Harry tried to kick and claw at Io with all of his might, but the boy held on. Small fibers emerged from the boy's flawless skin.
Almost like tiny little tentacles, no thicker than a single strand of spaghetti. Little leeches under his control. Harry felt them crawling over the surface of his skin. Attaching themselves to his arms, legs, chest, neck He wanted to scream for help, but the surface was soooo very far away. Out of his reach. When Nick made the choice to come out of the closet at age 15, he was expecting things to get so much easier from there.
Now surrounded by the few close friends that stuck by him, and separated from those who turned their backs on him, Nick is simply trying to find someone to love. With a father who is more concerned with his writing than his family life, and When Nick made the choice to come out of the closet at age 15, he was expecting things to get so much easier from there. With a father who is more concerned with his writing than his family life, and an older brother currently suffering through chemotherapy, Nick has his friends to keep him distracted from what's bothering him most. However, there is a very real menace lurking in the shadows of Widow Lake.
Boys who may be more beast than beauty. More sinister than their obvious charms would reveal. Anyone who falls for their irresistable good looks and deadly allure Kindle Edition , 59 pages. Published first published December 25th To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book.