Tell Her Tonight
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TELL HER TONIGHT TAB (ver 2) by Franz Ferdinand @
Album Reviews Song Reviews. Listen while you read! Get the embed code Alessi - Miscellaneous Album Lyrics 1.

All For A Reason 2. As Far As I'm Concerned 3.
How Long, How Much 5. I'm Gonna Tell Her Tonight 6. Long Time Friends 8.
Franz Ferdinand
Put Away Your Love 9. Savin' The Day What A Way To Go Preview the embedded widget Alessi - Miscellaneous Album Lyrics 1.
Cheeeek that out dude. Flag sleepinglessons on October 15, General Comment I can't decide if this song is about two people flirting back and forth, or a couple who are cheating on each other.
No Replies Log in to reply. General Comment I like this song despite itself. Those crazy shouted bridges should really be getting my grits, but for some reason, I don't mind them. General Comment i like the intro always gets my fingers snapping yeah i agree with cheap and evil, cant decide though im leaning towards two people cheating on each other anf knowing about it, i dont know i need some answers, cos nows its annoying me.
Tell Her Tonight by Franz Ferdinand
General Comment Does anyone else think that this sounds like a Beatles song? Because I really think it does, lol. I still love it though.
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- Tell Her Tonight?
- Tell Her Tonight - Franz Ferdinand besedilo pesmi, lyrics.
General Comment I think this song is about cheating. The girl is doing somewhat subtle things, but he can't stop watching her and he notices every little thing she does. General Comment I'm thinking along the lines of, when you fancy someone, how you can overanalyse movements into meaning what you want them to mean.
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Girls playing with hair is known as a flirting signal but, then again, girls also just play with their hair. Log in now to add this track to your mixtape! We do not have any tags for Tell Her Tonight lyrics.